Jacob Woolley, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1763 October 21

Author Woolley, Jacob[pers0040.ocp]

21 October 1763[1763-10-21]

ms number763571.2

[note (type: abstract): Woolley writes that he is going away from School not for good, but to pay a debt he owes for liquor.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is formal and clear.][note (type: paper): Long thin piece of paper folded in half is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear. There is a cluster of pin-type holes on the central crease.]
Persistent Identifier
Honoured [Sr. | Sir]Sr.Sir
These are to inform you that I leave not ^[above] your^your House in any [Paſsion | passion]Paſsionpassion or Influence of Drinkbut I go away in cool Spirit; neither intending wholly toforsake your House only for a time, how long I cannot tell, but I [beleive | believe]beleivebelieve no longer than two Weeks. The [Reaſon | reason]Reaſonreason of my [Goi==ng | going]Goi==nggoing away is this, I owe [M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. Clark[pers0129.ocp] something for Liquors which I [beleive | believe]beleivebelieve you would not be willing to answer, [& | and]&and I know not how to discharge the Debt any other Ways. I would not have you concerned about my Going off, for I know too well the ^[above] sad^sad Consequences your School[org0098.ocp] [wou'd | would]wou'dwould suffer by it. But as to the other Difficulty attending me, I will [promiſe | promise]promiſepromise (divine Grace [aſsiſting | assisting]aſsiſtingassisting me) that I will keep [my self | myself]my selfmyself clear from Drink, so that you, nor your School[org0098.ocp], shall receive any Hurt from that Quarter. No more at present but I remain
Yours Jacob Woolley[pers0040.ocp]
To The [Rev:d | Rev.]Rev:dRev. [M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp].
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
Jacob Woolley[pers0040.ocp] 1763[1763-10-21]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0129.ocp M: r Mr. Clark mentioned Clark
pers0040.ocp Jacob Woolley writer Woolley, Jacob
pers0036.ocp M: r Mr. Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0098.ocp School Moor’s Indian Charity School

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1763-10-21 Octo:rOctober 21. A.D. 1763
1763-10-21 1763

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Paſsion passion
variation beleive believe
modernization Reaſon reason
modernization Goi==ng going
modernization M:r Mr.
modernization promiſe promise
modernization aſsiſting assisting
variation my self myself
modernization Rev:d Rev.

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Octo:r October
Sr. Sir
& and
wou'd would

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 5)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 7)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 2)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 96)