Robert Clelland, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1762 March 12

Author Clelland, Robert[pers0011.ocp]

12 March 1762[1762-03-12]

ms number762212

[note (type: abstract): Clelland writes that Ben Uncas is given over to drunkeness and wants undesirables to settle on Mohegan land. He suggests that Wheelock should encourage Occom to use his influence with the Sachem.][note (type: handwriting): Formal handwriting is small and stylized, yet mostly clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear that results in a minor loss of text.][note (type: ink): Black-brown.][note (type: noteworthy): There are several underlinings that appear to have been added at a later, likely 19th-century, date; these underlinings have not been included in the transcription. Clelland's intention with regard to the word "Guardines" is uncertain, and so it has been left unmodified in the modernized transcription.]
Persistent Identifier
[Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. Sir
Having [opertunety | opportunity]opertunetyopportunity of my good friendd [Aſpow | Ashpo]AſpowAshpo[pers0002.ocp], I could not be [restrain’d | restrained]restrain’drestrained from troubling you with a few lines, as to our present Circumstances in Mohegan[place0143.ocp], Our truly good and worthy [Gentln | gentlemen]Gentlngentlemen Guardines to this [trible | tribe]tribletribe is about [Leaſing | leasing]Leaſingleasing some of Lands, all of them is determined that none shall be [tennants | tenants]tennantstenants here, but [thoſe | those]thoſethose that are men [freindly | friendly]freindlyfriendly to our ministry [& | and]&and willing to Support the [Gospell | Gospel]GospellGospel amongst us, men that will both by example and [Councill | council]Councillcouncil promote religion, virtue, Sobriety, [& | and]&and industry amongst our natives; — Our [Sechem | sachem]Sechemsachem[pers0549.ocp] and 2 more of his [Councill | council]Councillcouncil are for men that are enemies to our worthy minister and would (in their power) [strarve | starve]strarvestarve all the Godly ministers in the Land, men that Deny our Christian Sabbath; A standing [Gospell | Gospel]GospellGospel ministry and the Christian Sabbath, seems to be the mark [& | and]&and Butt many of our Neighbours shoot at, I trust the Great King of ^[above] his^his Church, will protect [& | and]&and Defend and [Constent=ly | constantly]Constent=lyconstantly provide this Land with a Learned Converted [& | and]&and Converting ministry
I am [Sorrie | sorry]Sorriesorry to Say our [Sechem | sachem]Sechemsachem[pers0549.ocp] grows [worſe | worse]worſeworse [& | and]&and [worſe | worse]worſeworse, [illegible] Drinking very much [increaſes | increases]increaſesincreases upon him, [& | and]&and [therby | thereby]therbythereby has got himself much out of [Creditt | credit]Credittcredit, He is told he is a free people, [& | and]&and none can restrain him from Drink [&c | etc.]&cetc. and indeed he goes on contrary to the repeated reproofs of [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp][& | and]&and others and against warm [& | and]&and affecting Letters from 2 of his [overſeers | overseers]overſeersoverseers, But [Despiſes | despises]Despiſesdespises all admonition [& | and]&and regards neither the Laws of God or man. He is a Dead weight against every thing that is good amongst us
King Ben[pers0549.ocp] is g about Sending over for [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] to [aſsist | assist]aſsistassist in [geting | getting]getinggetting Quakers [&c | etc.]&cetc. on the Land, I [perswade | persuade]perswadepersuade [my Self | myself]my Selfmyself [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] is a man of better [sence | sense]sencesense [then | than]thenthan to join in such an affair, so says [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp], so says our good [overſeers | overseers]overſeersoverseers, if he [interpoſes | interposes]interpoſesinterposes it will be very affecting to many of [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Jewetts[pers0023.ocp] Godly [parishoners | parishioners]parishonersparishioners who has given in a Memorial against such men to our guar=:dines, as to further particulars, the Bearer can fully inform you —
It is the expectation of [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Adam’s[pers0046.ocp] (and [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] who has wrote you) and who both desired me to write [alſo | also]alſoalso, and had not the Bearer been going Directly to you should waited on you [my Self | myself]my Selfmyself, I say it is their expectation that you should write [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] to [uſe | use]uſeuse his [intrest | interest]intrestinterest with Ben[pers0549.ocp] [&c | etc.]&cetc. not to contradict the [overſeers | overseers]overſeersoverseers, for their Heart is [sett | set]settset for the Good of the tribe, [Theſe | these]Theſethese men the [Sechem | sachem]Sechemsachem[pers0549.ocp] is for, has [sett | set]settset him against [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] [& | and]&and I and his [over‐ſeers | over‐seers]over‐ſeersover‐seers [alſo | also]alſoalso, I trust you will see it proper to write a Letter for [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] [& | and]&and the [illegible: [guess (h-dawnd): >[reathar | rather]reatharrather] >[reathar | rather]reatharrather] that [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] will be at Boston[place0013.ocp], when [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] comes to Mohegan[place0143.ocp] — as to our [freind | friend]freindfriend [Aſpow | Ashpo]AſpowAshpo[pers0002.ocp] [tho | though]thothough he [Differd | differed]Differddiffered as ^[above] to^to church Government for==merly, yet I [lov’d | loved]lov’dloved him, as a man of solid [sence | sense]sencesense, and often [converſed | conversed]converſedconversed with him and [uſed | used]uſedused to say he had so much reason [& | and]&and sound Judgement, that he would see his mistake, [& | and]&and I believe he no sooner [seed | saw]seedsaw it but he acknowledged, in [opp[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): oſi] oſi:tion | opposition]opp[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): oſi] oſi:tionopposition to all the clamour [& | and]&and reflections that has been [unjuſtly | unjustly]unjuſtlyunjustly cast on him, He — with the greatest [Sedateneſs | sedateness]Sedateneſssedateness Answered all the calumny [& | and]&and accusations, his — people or [accuſers | accusers]accuſersaccusers laid against him, He with an [undanted | undaunted]undantedundaunted, Christian, meek, spirit, not only bears patiently, But even [liek | like]lieklike a Hero [Despiſed | despised]Despiſeddespised [& | and]&and [Despiſes | despises]Despiſesdespises their bitter and severe [& | and]&and unchristian reflections — turn over
[Aſpow | Ashpo]AſpowAshpo[pers0002.ocp] is a man the most [examplary | exemplary]examplaryexemplary of any in the [feilds | fields]feildsfields [illegible]none in it such a head of a family for reading Gods word before them His Knowledge in Scripture is [Conciderable | considerable]Conciderableconsiderable and I trust he will be of great Service amongst his Brethren Acc==ording to ^[above] the^the flesh, may God be [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased to open a Door for his [uſefullneſs | usefulness]uſefullneſsusefulness, He as well as [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] [& | and]&and I suffers the [displeaſure | displeasure]displeaſuredispleasure of the [Sechem | sachem]Sechemsachem[pers0549.ocp], But he is [impoſed | imposed]impoſedimposed upon
I could be of great Service here if [duely | duly]duelyduly encouraged by the Children’s regular attendance, I am a poor imperfected Creature, But I can [truely | truly]truelytruly say to the utmost of my [abilitys | abilities]abilitysabilities skill and prudence have I exerted [my Self | myself]my Selfmyself amongst them, as doth the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp], they are a people exalted to Heaven in point of [priveledges | privileges]priveledgesprivileges, but most of them [tredd | tread]treddtread them under foot, They many of them [Isay | [guess (): essay]essay]Isay[guess (): essay]essay after the example of their poor [Sechem | sachem]Sechemsachem[pers0549.ocp] think [them=^[above] =selves^=selves | themselves]them=^[above] =selves^=selvesthemselves Free to Serve their [appitite | appetite]appititeappetite [& | and]&and wont be [controll’d | controlled]controll’dcontrolled I have only one word further to trouble you with leaving you to further Particu=lars to the Bearer, and that is that our [Gentlm | Gentlemen]GentlmGentlemen Guardines are determined to [sett | set]settset apart a Small [Lott | lot]Lottlot for the School:master. which Ben[pers0549.ocp] [& | and]&and the forementioned 2 [Counſe=lors | counsellors]Counſe=lorscounsellors [oppoſes | opposes]oppoſesopposes, But I [suppoſe | suppose]suppoſesuppose they will [doe | do]doedo it as they are all [spiritted | spirited]spirittedspirited for the thing [I | If]IIf you think it proper to mention it to [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] (if you write) I shall be [thank==full | thankful]thank==fullthankful. It is melancholy to see the Life King Ben[pers0549.ocp] lives, God Change him
May God be [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased to Lengthen out your valuable [& | and]&and precious Life to see further of the good fruits of your indefatigable [& | and]&and [unweared | unwearied]unwearedunwearied Labours for christianizing the [Saveges | savages]Savegessavages in the Land, I Believe you will have a high Seat in the [Houſe | house]Houſehouse not made with hands, a great Degree of Glory, you are now acting your part so well that at your exit [& | and]&and leaving this Stage of action the Spectator’s will clap their hands, you will have a [generall | general]generallgeneral, [applauſe | applause]applauſeapplause, [amaſsy | a massy]amaſsya massy weight of Glory is reserved for you, I Beg an [intrest | interest]intrestinterest in your prayers that I may be [faithfull | faithful]faithfullfaithful, and my desire is to be [uſefull | useful]uſefulluseful,
I am [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [& | and]&and [Dr | Dear]DrDear Sir [yr | your]yryour most [oblidged | obliged]oblidgedobliged [Humle | humble]Humlehumble [ſervt | servant]ſervtservant Robert Clelland[pers0011.ocp]
PS prudence will say [tho | though]thothough the [Sechem | sachem]Sechemsachem[pers0549.ocp] [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould know nothing as to this Letter
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. S. Clelland’s[pers0011.ocp] [B. | Ben]B.Ben Uncas’[pers0549.ocp] poor drunken Creature, [wod | would]wodwould [hda | have]hdahave me write [m.r | Mr.]m.rMr. [Occim | Occom]OccimOccom[pers0030.ocp] not to Suffer bad folks to [ſettle | settle]ſettlesettle Mohegan[place0143.ocp] March 1762[1762-03-12]
To The [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Eliazar | Eleazar]EliazarEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0002.ocp Aſpow Ashpo mentioned Ashpo, Samuel
pers0549.ocp Our Sechem sachem mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0549.ocp our Sechem sachem mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0023.ocp M r Mr. Jewett mentioned Jewett, David
pers0549.ocp King Ben mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0030.ocp mr Mr. Occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0030.ocp mr Mr. Occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0023.ocp mr Mr. Jewett mentioned Jewett, David
pers0023.ocp mr Mr. Jewetts mentioned Jewett, David
pers0046.ocp Esqr Esq. Adam’s mentioned Adam
pers0549.ocp Ben mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0549.ocp the Sechem sachem mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0549.ocp Sechem sachem mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0549.ocp King Ben mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0011.ocp Robert Clelland writer Clelland, Robert
pers0011.ocp M. r Mr. S. Clelland’s writer Clelland, Robert
pers0549.ocp B. Ben Uncas’ mentioned Uncas, Ben III
pers0030.ocp m. r Mr. Occim Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0036.ocp Eliazar Eleazar Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0164.ocp N New London New London
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan
place0013.ocp Boston Boston
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon

This document does not contain any tagged organizations.

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1762-03-12 March 12th12th 1762
1762-03-12 March 1762

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization 12th 12th
modernization Revd Rev.
variation opertunety opportunity
variation Aſpow Ashpo
modernization Leaſing leasing
variation tennants tenants
modernization thoſe those
variation freindly friendly
variation Gospell Gospel
variation Councill council
variation Sechem sachem
variation Constent=ly constantly
variation Sorrie sorry
modernization worſe worse
modernization increaſes increases
variation therby thereby
variation Creditt credit
modernization &c etc.
modernization Mr Mr.
modernization overſeers overseers
modernization Despiſes despises
variation mr Mr.
variation Occum Occom
modernization aſsist assist
variation geting getting
variation perswade persuade
variation my Self myself
variation sence sense
modernization interpoſes interposes
variation parishoners parishioners
modernization Esqr Esq.
modernization alſo also
modernization uſe use
variation intrest interest
variation sett set
modernization Theſe these
modernization over‐ſeers over‐seers
variation reathar rather
variation freind friend
variation tho though
variation Differd differed
modernization converſed conversed
modernization uſed used
modernization opp[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): oſi] oſi:tion opposition
modernization unjuſtly unjustly
modernization Sedateneſs sedateness
modernization accuſers accusers
variation undanted undaunted
modernization Despiſed despised
variation examplary exemplary
variation feilds fields
variation Conciderable considerable
modernization pleaſed pleased
variation uſefullneſs usefulness
modernization displeaſure displeasure
modernization impoſed imposed
variation duely duly
variation truely truly
variation abilitys abilities
variation priveledges privileges
variation tredd tread
variation Isay [guess (): essay]essay
variation them=^[above] =selves^=selves themselves
variation appitite appetite
variation Lott lot
modernization Counſe=lors counsellors
modernization oppoſes opposes
modernization suppoſe suppose
variation doe do
variation spiritted spirited
variation thank==full thankful
variation unweared unwearied
variation Saveges savages
modernization Houſe house
variation generall general
modernization applauſe applause
modernization amaſsy a massy
variation faithfull faithful
modernization uſefull useful
variation oblidged obliged
modernization ſhould should
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization m.r Mr.
variation Occim Occom
modernization ſettle settle
variation Eliazar Eleazar

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
N New
restrain’d restrained
Gentln gentlemen
& and
lov’d loved
controll’d controlled
Gentlm Gentlemen
Dr Dear
yr your
Humle humble
ſervt servant
B. Ben
wod would
hda have

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 21)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 39)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 4)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 118)