Jacob Johnson and David Avery, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 October 17
17 October 1768[1768-10-17]
Call Number768567.1
[note (type: abstract): Johnson and Avery write from the congress at Fort Stanwix, and enclose a copy of their petition to Sir William Johnson. Jacob Johnson adds a postscript reporting on Avery’s activities, and inquiring about American rebels in Boston.][note (type: handwriting): The document is written in both Johnson's and Avery's hands: the petition is in Avery's hand, and the postscript is in Johnson's. Although informal, both hands are mostly clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown ink varies in tone; it is possible that the document is written in two different inks.][note (type: noteworthy): This document appears to be an addition to manuscript 768567.]
Persistent Identifier
To the Honourable Sir [W.m | William]W.mWilliam Johnson[pers0292.ocp]
[Superintendt | Superintendent]SuperintendtSuperintendent of the Six Nations[org0090.ocp]
[&c | etc.]&cetc.
Your Excellency having received a Letter lately from the [ Rev.d | Rev.] Rev.dRev.
[D.r | Dr.]D.rDr.
[E. | Eleazar]E.Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] — as [alſo | also]alſoalso, seen his [In‐ſtructions | in‐structions]In‐ſtructionsin‐structions for [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among the Indians [&c | etc.]&cetc.— [Purſusant | Pursuant]PurſusantPursuant
[whereunto | whereto]whereuntowhereto — [Theſe | These]TheſeThese are humbly to [deſire | desire]deſiredesire
[& | and]&and importune your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency That, [in as much | inasmuch]in as muchinasmuch as your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency
[hath | has]hathhas been [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased more publicly [& | and]&and private‐ly to [manifeſt | manifest]manifeſtmanifest an approbation [& | and]&and good liking to the [Dr's | Doctor's]Dr'sDoctor's Plan, [& | and]&and laudable [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating the glorious [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among the Indians under your
[Exy.s | Excellency's]Exy.sExcellency's Superintendency: So [y.r | your]y.ryour
[Ex.y | Excellency]Ex.yExcellency would [pleaſe | please]pleaſeplease still to countenance [& | and]&and encourage the tryuly noble
[deſign | design]deſigndesign. And in order to [proſecute | prosecute]proſecuteprosecute
[ye | the]yethe same to Effect That [y.r | your]y.ryour
[Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency (as a Tender Father to [theſe | these]theſethese
[periſhg. | perishing]periſhg.perishing Indians) would be [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased, of [y.r | your]y.ryour
[moſt | most]moſtmost generous [& | and]&and benevolent
[Diſpoſition | disposition]Diſpoſitiondisposition, so to befriend their [Cauſe | cause]Cauſecause, as to prevent [y.r | their]y.rtheir Selling [y.mſelves | themselves]y.mſelvesthemselves off from [y.r | their]y.rtheir Lands, thereby to [fruſ‐‐trate | frus‐trate]fruſ‐‐tratefrus‐trate
[ye | the]yethe
[aforeſd. | aforesaid]aforeſd.aforesaid
[deſign | design]deſigndesign of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating
[ye | the]yethe
[Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among [ym | them]ymthem, [w.h | which]w.hwhich undoubtedly will be [ye | the]yethe sad [Conſequence | consequence]Conſequenceconsequence of [y.r | their]y.rtheir so doing — That this Effect may not happen Your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency is humbly [deſired | desired]deſireddesired to [Reſtrict | restrict]Reſtrictrestrict
[ye | the]yethe Bounds of the [reſpective | respective]reſpectiverespective Provinces, that they may not be extended [ſo | so]ſoso far North [& | and]&and
[Weſt | West]WeſtWest, as to cut off the Lands [& | and]&and Inheritances of [ye | the]yethe Natives: But that [y.a | they]y.athey
[poſseſs | possess]poſseſspossess
[& | and]&and enjoy [y.m | them]y.mthem for [y.r | their]y.rtheir own private Temporal
[uſe | use]uſeuse; [& | and]&and
for [y.r | there]y.rthere
[yt | that]ytthat more sacred benefit of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating
[ye | the]yethe Knowledge of [ye | the]yethe great Saviour of [ye | the]yethe world [amg. | among]amg.among
[y.m | them]y.mthem; [yt | that]ytthat so, by [ye | the]yethe Grace of God, [y.a | they]y.athey may have a fur‐ther opportunity of a more general offer of the
[Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel to [y.m | them]y.mthem. And for this End, that [y.r | your]y.ryour
[Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency
[wo.d | would]wo.dwould be [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased to recommend, out of [y.r | your]y.ryour clemency [& | and]&and
[goodneſs | goodness]goodneſsgoodness, the above [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating the
[Go.s | Gospels]Go.sGospels among [y.m | them]y.mthem, To the Heads [& | and]&and Chiefs of [ye | the]yethe Nations that may be [preſent | present]preſentpresent at theis [Congreſs | Congress]CongreſsCongress — And finally,
[yt | that]ytthat we may have an opportunity, by order of
[y.r | your]y.ryour
[Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency to lay [ye | the]yethe same before [ye | the]yethe heads [& | and]&and chiefs [yt | that]ytthat may be here — and in so [dog. | doing]dog.doing your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency will not [onely | only]onelyonly gain further [juſt | just]juſtjust
[Eſteem | esteem]Eſteemesteem
[& | and]&and
[deſerved | deserved]deſerveddeserved Thanks of all that [wiſh | wish]wiſhwish well to this
[moſt | most]moſtmost
[chriſtian | Christian]chriſtianChristian
[deſign | design]deſigndesign; but the [bleſsing | blessing]bleſsingblessing of many ready to [periſh | perish]periſhperish will come upon your Excellency in this [preſent | present]preſentpresent world — and in [ye | the]yethe world to come, [thro' | through]thro'through
[ye | the]yethe Grace of [G. | God]G.God Life [everlaſting | everlasting]everlaſtingeverlasting — [w.h | which]w.hwhich is [y.e | the]y.ethe unfeign‐‐ed [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire
[& | and]&and
[conſtant | constant]conſtantconstant Prayer of [y.r | your]y.ryour
[Exy.'s | Excellency's]Exy.'sExcellency's
[moſt | most]moſtmost obliged, humble Servants
Jacob ws. Johnson[pers0287.ocp]
David Avery[pers0064.ocp].
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[D. | David]D.David Avery[pers0064.ocp] is gone up to [Kannawarohere | Kanawalohale]KannawarohereKanawalohale[place0114.ocp] in order to [illegible] take his [farewel | farewell]farewelfarewell of the Indians [& | and]&and get [every thing | everything]every thingeverything ready to come off immediately at the [cloſe | close]cloſeclose of the [Congreſs | Congress]CongreſsCongress The [ſabbath | Sabbath]ſabbathSabbath before [laſt | last]laſtlast
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Peters[pers0422.ocp]
[preachd | preached]preachdpreached to the [Ind.ns | Indians]Ind.nsIndians
[& | and]&and others in the forenoon abroad but [twas | it was]twasit was so cold [& | and]&and uncomfortable in the [after noon | afternoon]after noonafternoon that [tho | though]thothough I was [deſird | desired]deſirddesired by [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Peters[pers0422.ocp]
[ſir | Sir]ſirSir
[Wm | William]WmWilliam[pers0292.ocp]
[& | and]&and others I declined but the [Ind.ns | Indians]Ind.nsIndians gathering together at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. B^[above] r^radax[pers0091.ocp] they Sent for me and I went
there the
[Houſe | house]Houſehouse was full and after Some Time Sir [Wm | William]WmWilliam[pers0292.ocp]
[Goven | Governor]GovenGovernor
[Franklind | Franklin]FranklindFranklin[pers0205.ocp]
[& | and]&and the Chief men of the Fort[place0081.ocp] came
But my Interpreter (that did very well
[till | 'til]till'til they came, whether [daſh'd | dashed]daſh'ddashed or what at
[there | their]theretheir
[comeing | coming]comeingcoming was not able by all the
[condecendency | condescension]condecendencycondescension I was [maſter | master]maſtermaster of to [humer | humor]humerhumor the[Indn | Indian]IndnIndian
[Tounge | tongue]Toungetongue) could not go on the which
^[left] [ſr | Sir]ſrSir^[ſr | Sir]ſrSir
[willm | William]willmWilliam
[W.m | William]W.mWilliam
[Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp]
[& | and]&and others Seeing with‐
drew which [occaſiend | occasioned]occaſiendoccasioned me a good deal of [ſorrow | sorrow]ſorrowsorrow
[& | and]&and mortification when they were gone He [recoverd | recovered]recoverdrecovered
[Himſelfe | himself]Himſelfehimself again [& | and]&and did pretty well —
[Yeſterday | yesterday]Yeſterdayyesterday at the [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire of [ſr | Sir]ſrSir
[W.m | William]W.mWilliam[pers0292.ocp]
[& | and]&and others
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Peters[pers0422.ocp]
[& | and]&and I took our Turns He in the
[ch-h | church]ch-hchurch way [& | and]&and I in the [deſcenters | dissenters]deſcentersdissenters to [ye | the]yethe Great
[ſatiſfaction | satisfaction]ſatiſfactionsatisfaction as far as I [coud | could]coudcould learn of all
[preſent | present]preſentpresent— But [ſr | Sir]ſrSir
[wehear | we hear]wehearwe hear
[ſhocking | shocking]ſhockingshocking accounts from [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] which I am not able to contradict [onely | only]onelyonly to [ſay | say]ſaysay I do not
[belive | believe]belivebelieve them — It is [ſd | said]ſdsaid
[guess (h-dawnd): [ſome | some]ſomesome
[ſay | say]ſaysay][ſome | some]ſomesome
[ſay | say]ſaysay 6 Re‐giments are Landed — [& | and]&and
^[above] the Town^the Town under G^[above] u^uard. That
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Otis[pers0400.ocp], Roe[pers0451.ocp], [& | and]&and
[Hankock | Hancock]HankockHancock[pers0243.ocp] are [ſent | sent]ſentsent Home as Rebels [& | and]&and that 'tis not doubted but they
[muſt | must]muſtmust
[ſuffer | suffer]ſuffersuffer Death [& | and]&and that the 92 will likely Have the [ſame | same]ſamesame fate —Do let me know as [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon as you can about [theſe | these]theſethese things [& | and]&and How far you have gone [reſpecting | respecting]reſpectingrespecting a place for a College
[&c. | etc.]&c.etc.— Abraham the bearer[pers0487.ocp] has a great mind
^[left] to^to go into your [ſchool | school]ſchoolschool[org0098.ocp] I took this [opportunty | opportunity]opportuntyopportunity to [ſend | send]ſendsend
[theſe | these]theſethese
[& | and]&and
[Recomend | recommend]Recomendrecommend Him to you [ſir | sir]ſirsir if you think proper —
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0292.ocp | Sir W. m William Johnson | recipient | Johnson, William |
pers0036.ocp | E. Eleazar Wheelock | recipient | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0287.ocp | Jacob ws. Johnson | writer | Johnson, Jacob W. |
pers0064.ocp | David Avery | writer | Avery, David |
pers0064.ocp | M r Mr. D. David Avery | writer | Avery, David |
pers0422.ocp | Mr Mr. Peters | mentioned | Peters |
pers0292.ocp | ſir Sir W m William | recipient | Johnson, William |
pers0091.ocp | Mr Mr. B r adax | mentioned | Bradax |
pers0292.ocp | Sir W m William | recipient | Johnson, William |
pers0205.ocp | Goven Governor Franklind Franklin | mentioned | Franklin, William |
pers0292.ocp | W. m William Johnſon Johnson | recipient | Johnson, William |
pers0292.ocp | ſr Sir W. m William | recipient | Johnson, William |
pers0400.ocp | Mr Mr. Otis | mentioned | Otis |
pers0451.ocp | Roe | mentioned | Roe |
pers0243.ocp | Hankock Hancock | mentioned | Hancock, John |
pers0487.ocp | Abraham the bearer | mentioned | Simon, Abraham |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0114.ocp | Kanna warohere Kana walohale | Kanawalohale |
place0081.ocp | the Fort | Fort Stanwix |
place0013.ocp | Boſton Boston | Boston |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0090.ocp | Six Nations | Six Nations |
org0098.ocp | your ſchoolschool | Moor’s Indian Charity School |
This document does not contain any tagged dates.
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | &c | etc. |
modernization | Rev.d | Rev. |
modernization | D.r | Dr. |
modernization | alſo | also |
modernization | In‐ſtructions | in‐structions |
variation | propegateing | propagating |
modernization | Goſpel | Gospel |
modernization | Purſusant | Pursuant |
variation | whereunto | whereto |
modernization | Theſe | These |
modernization | deſire | desire |
variation | in as much | inasmuch |
variation | hath | has |
modernization | pleaſed | pleased |
modernization | manifeſt | manifest |
modernization | Deſign | design |
modernization | pleaſe | please |
modernization | deſign | design |
modernization | proſecute | prosecute |
modernization | ye | the |
modernization | theſe | these |
modernization | moſt | most |
modernization | Diſpoſition | disposition |
modernization | Cauſe | cause |
modernization | y.r | their |
modernization | y.mſelves | themselves |
modernization | fruſ‐‐trate | frus‐trate |
modernization | ym | them |
modernization | Conſequence | consequence |
modernization | deſired | desired |
modernization | Reſtrict | restrict |
modernization | reſpective | respective |
modernization | ſo | so |
modernization | Weſt | West |
modernization | y.a | they |
modernization | poſseſs | possess |
modernization | y.m | them |
modernization | uſe | use |
modernization | y.r | there |
modernization | yt | that |
modernization | goodneſs | goodness |
modernization | preſent | present |
modernization | Congreſs | Congress |
variation | onely | only |
modernization | juſt | just |
modernization | Eſteem | esteem |
modernization | deſerved | deserved |
modernization | wiſh | wish |
modernization | chriſtian | Christian |
modernization | bleſsing | blessing |
modernization | periſh | perish |
modernization | everlaſting | everlasting |
modernization | y.e | the |
modernization | Deſire | desire |
modernization | conſtant | constant |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
variation | Kannawarohere | Kanawalohale |
variation | farewel | farewell |
variation | every thing | everything |
modernization | cloſe | close |
modernization | ſabbath | Sabbath |
modernization | laſt | last |
variation | preachd | preached |
variation | after noon | afternoon |
variation | tho | though |
variation | deſird | desired |
modernization | ſir | Sir |
modernization | Houſe | house |
variation | Franklind | Franklin |
variation | till | 'til |
variation | there | their |
variation | comeing | coming |
variation | condecendency | condescension |
modernization | maſter | master |
variation | humer | humor |
variation | Tounge | tongue |
modernization | Johnſon | Johnson |
variation | occaſiend | occasioned |
modernization | ſorrow | sorrow |
variation | recoverd | recovered |
variation | Himſelfe | himself |
modernization | Yeſterday | yesterday |
variation | deſcenters | dissenters |
modernization | ſatiſfaction | satisfaction |
variation | coud | could |
modernization | ſhocking | shocking |
modernization | Boſton | Boston |
modernization | ſay | say |
variation | belive | believe |
modernization | ſome | some |
variation | Hankock | Hancock |
modernization | ſent | sent |
modernization | muſt | must |
modernization | ſuffer | suffer |
modernization | ſame | same |
modernization | ſoon | soon |
modernization | reſpecting | respecting |
modernization | &c. | etc. |
modernization | ſchool | school |
variation | opportunty | opportunity |
modernization | ſend | send |
variation | Recomend | recommend |
modernization | ſir | sir |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
W.m | William |
Superintendt | Superintendent |
E. | Eleazar |
& | and |
Exy. | Excellency |
Dr's | Doctor's |
Exy.s | Excellency's |
y.r | your |
Ex.y | Excellency |
periſhg. | perishing |
aforeſd. | aforesaid |
w.h | which |
amg. | among |
wo.d | would |
Go.s | Gospels |
dog. | doing |
thro' | through |
G. | God |
Exy.'s | Excellency's |
D. | David |
Ind.ns | Indians |
twas | it was |
Wm | William |
Goven | Governor |
daſh'd | dashed |
Indn | Indian |
ſr | Sir |
willm | William |
ch-h | church |
ſd | said |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 65) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 23) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 5) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 126) |