Jacob Johnson and David Avery, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 October 17

Author Johnson, Jacob W.[pers0287.ocp]

AuthorAvery, David[pers0064.ocp]

17 October 1768[1768-10-17]

Call Number768567.1

[note (type: abstract): Johnson and Avery write from the congress at Fort Stanwix, and enclose a copy of their petition to Sir William Johnson. Jacob Johnson adds a postscript reporting on Avery’s activities, and inquiring about American rebels in Boston.][note (type: handwriting): The document is written in both Johnson's and Avery's hands: the petition is in Avery's hand, and the postscript is in Johnson's. Although informal, both hands are mostly clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown ink varies in tone; it is possible that the document is written in two different inks.][note (type: noteworthy): This document appears to be an addition to manuscript 768567.]
Persistent Identifier
To the Honourable Sir [W.m | William]W.mWilliam Johnson[pers0292.ocp] [Superintendt | Superintendent]SuperintendtSuperintendent of the Six Nations[org0090.ocp] [&c | etc.]&cetc.
Your Excellency having received a Letter lately from the [ Rev.d | Rev.] Rev.dRev. [D.r | Dr.]D.rDr. [E. | Eleazar]E.Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] — as [alſo | also]alſoalso, seen his [In‐ſtructions | in‐structions]In‐ſtructionsin‐structions for [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among the Indians [&c | etc.]&cetc.[Purſusant | Pursuant]PurſusantPursuant [whereunto | whereto]whereuntowhereto[Theſe | These]TheſeThese are humbly to [deſire | desire]deſiredesire [& | and]&and importune your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency That, [in as much | inasmuch]in as muchinasmuch as your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency [hath | has]hathhas been [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased more publicly [& | and]&and private‐ly to [manifeſt | manifest]manifeſtmanifest an approbation [& | and]&and good liking to the [Dr's | Doctor's]Dr'sDoctor's Plan, [& | and]&and laudable [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating the glorious [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among the Indians under your [Exy.s | Excellency's]Exy.sExcellency's Superintendency: So [y.r | your]y.ryour [Ex.y | Excellency]Ex.yExcellency would [pleaſe | please]pleaſeplease still to countenance [& | and]&and encourage the tryuly noble [deſign | design]deſigndesign. And in order to [proſecute | prosecute]proſecuteprosecute [ye | the]yethe same to Effect That [y.r | your]y.ryour [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency (as a Tender Father to [theſe | these]theſethese [periſhg. | perishing]periſhg.perishing Indians) would be [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased, of [y.r | your]y.ryour [moſt | most]moſtmost generous [& | and]&and benevolent [Diſpoſition | disposition]Diſpoſitiondisposition, so to befriend their [Cauſe | cause]Cauſecause, as to prevent [y.r | their]y.rtheir Selling [y.mſelves | themselves]y.mſelvesthemselves off from [y.r | their]y.rtheir Lands, thereby to [fruſ‐‐trate | frus‐trate]fruſ‐‐tratefrus‐trate [ye | the]yethe [aforeſd. | aforesaid]aforeſd.aforesaid [deſign | design]deſigndesign of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating [ye | the]yethe [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among [ym | them]ymthem, [w.h | which]w.hwhich undoubtedly will be [ye | the]yethe sad [Conſequence | consequence]Conſequenceconsequence of [y.r | their]y.rtheir so doing — That this Effect may not happen Your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency is humbly [deſired | desired]deſireddesired to [Reſtrict | restrict]Reſtrictrestrict [ye | the]yethe Bounds of the [reſpective | respective]reſpectiverespective Provinces, that they may not be extended [ſo | so]ſoso far North [& | and]&and [Weſt | West]WeſtWest, as to cut off the Lands [& | and]&and Inheritances of [ye | the]yethe Natives: But that [y.a | they]y.athey
[poſseſs | possess]poſseſspossess [& | and]&and enjoy [y.m | them]y.mthem for [y.r | their]y.rtheir own private Temporal [uſe | use]uſeuse; [& | and]&and for [y.r | there]y.rthere [yt | that]ytthat more sacred benefit of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating [ye | the]yethe Knowledge of [ye | the]yethe great Saviour of [ye | the]yethe world [amg. | among]amg.among [y.m | them]y.mthem; [yt | that]ytthat so, by [ye | the]yethe Grace of God, [y.a | they]y.athey may have a fur‐ther opportunity of a more general offer of the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel to [y.m | them]y.mthem. And for this End, that [y.r | your]y.ryour [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency [wo.d | would]wo.dwould be [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased to recommend, out of [y.r | your]y.ryour clemency [& | and]&and [goodneſs | goodness]goodneſsgoodness, the above [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of [propegateing | propagating]propegateingpropagating the [Go.s | Gospels]Go.sGospels among [y.m | them]y.mthem, To the Heads [& | and]&and Chiefs of [ye | the]yethe Nations that may be [preſent | present]preſentpresent at theis [Congreſs | Congress]CongreſsCongress — And finally, [yt | that]ytthat we may have an opportunity, by order of [y.r | your]y.ryour [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency to lay [ye | the]yethe same before [ye | the]yethe heads [& | and]&and chiefs [yt | that]ytthat may be here — and in so [dog. | doing]dog.doing your [Exy. | Excellency]Exy.Excellency will not [onely | only]onelyonly gain further [juſt | just]juſtjust [Eſteem | esteem]Eſteemesteem [& | and]&and [deſerved | deserved]deſerveddeserved Thanks of all that [wiſh | wish]wiſhwish well to this [moſt | most]moſtmost [chriſtian | Christian]chriſtianChristian [deſign | design]deſigndesign; but the [bleſsing | blessing]bleſsingblessing of many ready to [periſh | perish]periſhperish will come upon your Excellency in this [preſent | present]preſentpresent world — and in [ye | the]yethe world to come, [thro' | through]thro'through [ye | the]yethe Grace of [G. | God]G.God Life [everlaſting | everlasting]everlaſtingeverlasting[w.h | which]w.hwhich is [y.e | the]y.ethe unfeign‐‐ed [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire [& | and]&and [conſtant | constant]conſtantconstant Prayer of [y.r | your]y.ryour [Exy.'s | Excellency's]Exy.'sExcellency's [moſt | most]moſtmost obliged, humble Servants
Jacob ws. Johnson[pers0287.ocp] David Avery[pers0064.ocp].
NB [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [D. | David]D.David Avery[pers0064.ocp] is gone up to [Kannawarohere | Kanawalohale]KannawarohereKanawalohale[place0114.ocp] in order to [illegible] take his [farewel | farewell]farewelfarewell of the Indians [& | and]&and get [every thing | everything]every thingeverything ready to come off immediately at the [cloſe | close]cloſeclose of the [Congreſs | Congress]CongreſsCongress The [ſabbath | Sabbath]ſabbathSabbath before [laſt | last]laſtlast [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Peters[pers0422.ocp] [preachd | preached]preachdpreached to the [Ind.ns | Indians]Ind.nsIndians [& | and]&and others in the forenoon abroad but [twas | it was]twasit was so cold [& | and]&and uncomfortable in the [after noon | afternoon]after noonafternoon that [tho | though]thothough I was [deſird | desired]deſirddesired by [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Peters[pers0422.ocp] [ſir | Sir]ſirSir [Wm | William]WmWilliam[pers0292.ocp] [& | and]&and others I declined but the [Ind.ns | Indians]Ind.nsIndians gathering together at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. B^[above] r^radax[pers0091.ocp] they Sent for me and I went there the [Houſe | house]Houſehouse was full and after Some Time Sir [Wm | William]WmWilliam[pers0292.ocp] [Goven | Governor]GovenGovernor [Franklind | Franklin]FranklindFranklin[pers0205.ocp] [& | and]&and the Chief men of the Fort[place0081.ocp] came But my Interpreter (that did very well [till | 'til]till'til they came, whether [daſh'd | dashed]daſh'ddashed or what at [there | their]theretheir [comeing | coming]comeingcoming was not able by all the [condecendency | condescension]condecendencycondescension I was [maſter | master]maſtermaster of to [humer | humor]humerhumor the[Indn | Indian]IndnIndian [Tounge | tongue]Toungetongue) could not go on the which ^[left] [ſr | Sir]ſrSir^[ſr | Sir]ſrSir [willm | William]willmWilliam [W.m | William]W.mWilliam [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] [& | and]&and others Seeing with‐
drew which [occaſiend | occasioned]occaſiendoccasioned me a good deal of [ſorrow | sorrow]ſorrowsorrow [& | and]&and mortification when they were gone He [recoverd | recovered]recoverdrecovered [Himſelfe | himself]Himſelfehimself again [& | and]&and did pretty well — [Yeſterday | yesterday]Yeſterdayyesterday at the [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire of [ſr | Sir]ſrSir [W.m | William]W.mWilliam[pers0292.ocp] [& | and]&and others [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Peters[pers0422.ocp] [& | and]&and I took our Turns He in the [ch-h | church]ch-hchurch way [& | and]&and I in the [deſcenters | dissenters]deſcentersdissenters to [ye | the]yethe Great [ſatiſfaction | satisfaction]ſatiſfactionsatisfaction as far as I [coud | could]coudcould learn of all [preſent | present]preſentpresent— But [ſr | Sir]ſrSir [wehear | we hear]wehearwe hear [ſhocking | shocking]ſhockingshocking accounts from [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] which I am not able to contradict [onely | only]onelyonly to [ſay | say]ſaysay I do not [belive | believe]belivebelieve them — It is [ſd | said]ſdsaid [illegible] [guess (h-dawnd): [ſome | some]ſomesome [ſay | say]ſaysay][ſome | some]ſomesome [ſay | say]ſaysay 6 Re‐giments are Landed — [& | and]&and ^[above] the Town^the Town under G^[above] u^uard. That [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Otis[pers0400.ocp], Roe[pers0451.ocp], [& | and]&and [Hankock | Hancock]HankockHancock[pers0243.ocp] are [ſent | sent]ſentsent Home as Rebels [& | and]&and that 'tis not doubted but they [muſt | must]muſtmust [ſuffer | suffer]ſuffersuffer Death [& | and]&and that the 92 will likely Have the [ſame | same]ſamesame fate —Do let me know as [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon as you can about [theſe | these]theſethese things [& | and]&and How far you have gone [reſpecting | respecting]reſpectingrespecting a place for a College [&c. | etc.]&c.etc.Abraham the bearer[pers0487.ocp] has a great mind ^[left] to^to go into your [ſchool | school]ſchoolschool[org0098.ocp] I took this [opportunty | opportunity]opportuntyopportunity to [ſend | send]ſendsend [theſe | these]theſethese [& | and]&and [Recomend | recommend]Recomendrecommend Him to you [ſir | sir]ſirsir if you think proper —
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0292.ocp Sir W. m William Johnson recipient Johnson, William
pers0036.ocp E. Eleazar Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0287.ocp Jacob ws. Johnson writer Johnson, Jacob W.
pers0064.ocp David Avery writer Avery, David
pers0064.ocp M r Mr. D. David Avery writer Avery, David
pers0422.ocp Mr Mr. Peters mentioned Peters
pers0292.ocp ſir Sir W m William recipient Johnson, William
pers0091.ocp Mr Mr. B r adax mentioned Bradax
pers0292.ocp Sir W m William recipient Johnson, William
pers0205.ocp Goven Governor Franklind Franklin mentioned Franklin, William
pers0292.ocp W. m William Johnſon Johnson recipient Johnson, William
pers0292.ocp ſr Sir W. m William recipient Johnson, William
pers0400.ocp Mr Mr. Otis mentioned Otis
pers0451.ocp Roe mentioned Roe
pers0243.ocp Hankock Hancock mentioned Hancock, John
pers0487.ocp Abraham the bearer mentioned Simon, Abraham

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0114.ocp Kanna warohere Kana walohale Kanawalohale
place0081.ocp the Fort Fort Stanwix
place0013.ocp Boſton Boston Boston

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0090.ocp Six Nations Six Nations
org0098.ocp your ſchoolschool Moor’s Indian Charity School

This document does not contain any tagged dates.

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization &c etc.
modernization Rev.d Rev.
modernization D.r Dr.
modernization alſo also
modernization In‐ſtructions in‐structions
variation propegateing propagating
modernization Goſpel Gospel
modernization Purſusant Pursuant
variation whereunto whereto
modernization Theſe These
modernization deſire desire
variation in as much inasmuch
variation hath has
modernization pleaſed pleased
modernization manifeſt manifest
modernization Deſign design
modernization pleaſe please
modernization deſign design
modernization proſecute prosecute
modernization ye the
modernization theſe these
modernization moſt most
modernization Diſpoſition disposition
modernization Cauſe cause
modernization y.r their
modernization y.mſelves themselves
modernization fruſ‐‐trate frus‐trate
modernization ym them
modernization Conſequence consequence
modernization deſired desired
modernization Reſtrict restrict
modernization reſpective respective
modernization ſo so
modernization Weſt West
modernization y.a they
modernization poſseſs possess
modernization y.m them
modernization uſe use
modernization y.r there
modernization yt that
modernization goodneſs goodness
modernization preſent present
modernization Congreſs Congress
variation onely only
modernization juſt just
modernization Eſteem esteem
modernization deſerved deserved
modernization wiſh wish
modernization chriſtian Christian
modernization bleſsing blessing
modernization periſh perish
modernization everlaſting everlasting
modernization y.e the
modernization Deſire desire
modernization conſtant constant
modernization Mr Mr.
variation Kannawarohere Kanawalohale
variation farewel farewell
variation every thing everything
modernization cloſe close
modernization ſabbath Sabbath
modernization laſt last
variation preachd preached
variation after noon afternoon
variation tho though
variation deſird desired
modernization ſir Sir
modernization Houſe house
variation Franklind Franklin
variation till 'til
variation there their
variation comeing coming
variation condecendency condescension
modernization maſter master
variation humer humor
variation Tounge tongue
modernization Johnſon Johnson
variation occaſiend occasioned
modernization ſorrow sorrow
variation recoverd recovered
variation Himſelfe himself
modernization Yeſterday yesterday
variation deſcenters dissenters
modernization ſatiſfaction satisfaction
variation coud could
modernization ſhocking shocking
modernization Boſton Boston
modernization ſay say
variation belive believe
modernization ſome some
variation Hankock Hancock
modernization ſent sent
modernization muſt must
modernization ſuffer suffer
modernization ſame same
modernization ſoon soon
modernization reſpecting respecting
modernization &c. etc.
modernization ſchool school
variation opportunty opportunity
modernization ſend send
variation Recomend recommend
modernization ſir sir

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
W.m William
Superintendt Superintendent
E. Eleazar
& and
Exy. Excellency
Dr's Doctor's
Exy.s Excellency's
y.r your
Ex.y Excellency
periſhg. perishing
aforeſd. aforesaid
w.h which
amg. among
wo.d would
Go.s Gospels
dog. doing
thro' through
G. God
Exy.'s Excellency's
D. David
Ind.ns Indians
twas it was
Wm William
Goven Governor
daſh'd dashed
Indn Indian
ſr Sir
willm William
ch-h church
ſd said

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 65)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 23)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 5)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 126)