Nathaniel Shaw, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 January 14
14 January 1768[1768-01-14]
Call Number768114
[note (type: abstract): Shaw writes Wheelock to request payment for what Occom owes him.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is formal and clear.][note (type: paper): Single sheet is in fair condition, with moderate creasing, staining and wear. Some tearing results in minor loss of text.][note (type: ink): Light brown.][note (type: noteworthy): On one verso, the date 1768 is written repeatedly in what appears to be Wheelock's hand. In a different hand, someone has written the name of Yale College in different configurations.][note (type: signature): The signature is abbreviated.]EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain
Persistent Identifier
when [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr.
[Occam | Occom]OccamOccom
[Saild | sailed]Saildsailed for England[place0068.ocp] you wrote me that
you would Engage to see me paid for what he then was Indebted to me and Likewise
for any further Supplies I should let his Family have during his Absence and I
have [Supply'd | supplied]Supply'dsupplied them to a Considerable Amount the [accott | account]accottaccount of which I gave his [Wief | wife]Wiefwife
Six months [agoe | ago]agoeago —and Since that she has had Nothing from me, and I Suppose has
[Apply'd | applied]Apply'dapplied to some other Person, so that I should be Extremely glad if you would pay
me the [Am.o | amount]Am.oamount of my [Accott | account]Accottaccount as I am now much in want of some Cash or a [Sterg | sterling]Stergsterling Bill would Equally [Sute | suit]Sutesuit —should be glad if [you'l | you'll]you'lyou'll
let me know by the Return of the [Poſt | Post]PoſtPost if I shall wait on you with the [ | account]acco.ttaccount
[& | and]&and
[you'l | you'll]you'lyou'll Really much Oblige Sir
Your very [hum | humble]humhumble
[Ser[gap: tear][guess (reneel): v]vt | servant]Ser[gap: tear][guess (reneel): v]vtservant
[Nath.l | Nathaniel]Nath.lNathaniel Shaw [Junr | Jr.]JunrJr.
[Nathl | Nathaniel]NathlNathaniel Shaw [Junrs | ]Junrs
[Jan.y | January]Jan.yJanuary
[ | 14th.]14.th14th. 1768.[1768-01-14]
[illegible]To The [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev.
[Eleazer | Eleazar]EleazerEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
[att | at]attat
Received [Jany. | January]Jany.January 20 1768
^[top] 1768.^1768.
^[top] 1768 1768. D. illegible 1768.^1768 1768. D. illegible 1768.
^[top] 1768. 1768. 1768.^1768. 1768. 1768.
^[top] [illegible] A. B.^[illegible] A. B.
^[top] College Yale.[org0107.ocp] AB. 1768.^College Yale.[org0107.ocp] AB. 1768.
^[top] Collegium [Yalenſis | Yalensis]YalenſisYalensis^Collegium [Yalenſis | Yalensis]YalenſisYalensis
^[top] Yale College.^Yale College.
^[top] AD 1768. 1768—^AD 1768. 1768—
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0030.ocp | M. r Mr. Occam Occom | mentioned | Occom, Samson |
pers0479.ocp | Nath. l Nathaniel Shaw Jun r Jr. | writer | Shaw, Nathaniel Jr. |
pers0479.ocp | Nath l Nathaniel Shaw Jun rs Jr.'s | writer | Shaw, Nathaniel Jr. |
pers0036.ocp | Rev d Rev. Eleazer Eleazar Wheelock | recipient | Wheelock, Eleazar |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0164.ocp | New London | New London |
place0068.ocp | England | England |
place0122.ocp | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0107.ocp | College Yale. | Yale University |
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1768-01-14 | January 14.th14th 1768 |
1768-01-14 | Jan.yJanuary 14.th14th. 1768. |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | | 14th |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
variation | Occam | Occom |
variation | Saild | sailed |
variation | Wief | wife |
variation | agoe | ago |
variation | Sute | suit |
variation | you'l | you'll |
modernization | Poſt | Post |
modernization | Junr | Jr. |
modernization | | 14th. |
modernization | Revd | Rev. |
variation | Eleazer | Eleazar |
variation | att | at |
modernization | Yalenſis | Yalensis |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Supply'd | supplied |
accott | account |
Apply'd | applied |
Am.o | amount |
Accott | account |
Sterg | sterling | | account |
& | and |
hum | humble |
Ser[gap: tear][guess (reneel): v]vt | servant |
Nath.l | Nathaniel |
Nathl | Nathaniel |
Jan.y | January |
Jany. | January |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 19) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 8) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 8) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 102) |