Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Robert Keen, 1767 July 27

Author Wheelock, Eleazar[pers0036.ocp]

27 July 1767[1767-07-27]

ms number767427.2

[note (type: abstract): Wheelock writes of the desperate situation faced by Samuel Kirkland and the Indians at Oneida. He quotes liberally from Kirkland's letters, and mentions that David Fowler has undertaken a 400-mile journey on foot to secure aid.][note (type: handwriting): The body of the letter is in an unknown hand that is clear and formal; this handwriting is not Wheelock's. The trailer, and a postscript added to the center of the paper between one recto and two verso, is in Wheelock's hand, which is small, cramped and difficult to decipher.][note (type: paper): Large single sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): The letter bears two different inks: a brown ink in which the body of the letter is written, and a brown-black ink that Wheelock uses in his postscript.][note (type: noteworthy): The letter references the birth of David Fowler’s son. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a “skipple” as three pecks; it is a Dutch word that appears from 1685 until 1901 in New England. OED: Stroud is a type of cloth, and stroud blankets often appear as items to trade to Native Americans. ]
Persistent Identifier
Dear Sir
When [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] left me [laſt | last]laſtlast Spring, he [ſuppoſed | supposed]ſuppoſedsupposed that I had [ſupplied | supplied]ſuppliedsupplied him [ſufficiently | sufficiently]ſufficientlysufficiently to make him and the [School Maſters | schoolmasters]School Maſtersschoolmasters comfortable [till | 'til]till'til the Fall. A few Weeks after his Arrival [Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0288.ocp] and Jacob Fowler[pers0018.ocp] [ſat | set]ſatset out for New England[place0158.ocp], and arrived as you may [ſee | see]ſeesee by [ſome | some]ſomesome late Letters I wrote you, the Copies of which I have not here with me. They informed me, that [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] was like to be [ſhorter | shorter]ſhortershorter of it for Money than he expected. I was then [ſick | sick]ſicksick— and determined, as [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon as I was able, to take this Tour, to try to [ſupply | supply]ſupplysupply him, without [ſending | sending]ſendingsending home, as I was loth to draw any more Bills [till | 'til]till'til I could have Advice from you. But last Eveneing David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] came to me, fatigued with a Journey of upwards above 400 Miles on foot, which he performed in 10 Days, and brings Let­ ters, containing an affecting Account, from [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp]— (which are too tedious to [tranſcribe | transcribe]tranſcribetranscribe) in­ forming me of his [diſtreſsing | distressing]diſtreſsingdistressing [Circumſtances | circumstances]Circumſtancescircumstances on Account of the great Scarcity of [Proviſions | provisions]Proviſionsprovisions, or Famine, in that Country—
In a Letter of the 5th [inſtant | instant]inſtantinstant[1767-07-05] he writes— —"I want the Bosom of a Father beyond "[Expreſsion | expression]Expreſsionexpression— I am [diſtreſsed | distressed]diſtreſseddistressed to know what I shall "do— The [preſent | present]preſentpresent extreme Poverty of [theſe | these]theſethese poor "People cries aloud for the Charity of God's Children— "Two years ago their Corn was cut off by the [Froſt | frost]Froſtfrost "[Laſt | Last]LaſtLast year [deſtroyed | destroyed]deſtroyeddestroyed by the Vermin— and Worms
"threaten the [Deſtruction | destruction]Deſtructiondestruction of one half of the [preſent | present]preſentpresent "Crop— Many of them for a Month past have "eat but once a Day, and yet continue to work "Corn and Wheat at the German [Flats | Flatts]FlatsFlatts[place0084.ocp] from [ſix | six]ſixsix "Shillings to a Dollar a Skipple, (i.e. 3 Pecks) "and little to be [purchaſed | purchased]purchaſedpurchased for Love or Money. "Eight of the poor [diſtreſsed | distressed]diſtreſseddistressed Creatures [ſat | set]ſatset out this "Morning for the [Tuſcaroraes | Tuscaroras]TuſcaroraesTuscaroras[org0104.ocp] to buy Corn for their "hungry Families. They carry each a new [ſtroud | stroud]ſtroudstroud "Blanket, worth twenty Shillings, and tell me they "expect to get no more than a Skipple of Corn [a piece | apiece]a pieceapiece "What a fine Opportunity is here for the People of "God to [diſtinguish | distinguish]diſtinguishdistinguish [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves from the World by [Expreſ | expres]Expreſexpres­ "sions of their Charity at this Juncture towards [theſe | these]theſethese "[periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing Creatures. A little of it would ring [thro' | through]thro'through "the Nations[org0090.ocp], and [raiſe | raise]raiſeraise their Esteem of [Chriſtianity | Christianity]ChriſtianityChristianity —"From Week to Week I am obliged to go "eeling with the Indians at Oneida Lake[place0181.ocp] for my "[Subſiſtence | subsistence]Subſiſtencesubsistence. I have lain and [ſlept | slept]ſleptslept with them [till | 'til]till'til "I am as [louſy | lousy]louſylousy as a Dog— [feaſted | feasted]feaſtedfeasted and [ſtarved | starved]ſtarvedstarved with "them as their Luck depends upon Wind and Weather.— "If it [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould be asked, why they don't [ſupport | support]ſupportsupport me, the "[Anſwer | answer]Anſweranswer is ready, they can't [ſupport | support]ſupportsupport [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves. "They are now half [ſtarved | starved]ſtarvedstarved. Some of them have no "more than two Quarts of Corn— —"David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] [ſat | set]ſatset out about 12 Days ago for Fort Stanwix[place0081.ocp] by Way of the Lake for the Sake of "eeling. His Wife[pers0742.ocp]'s Hour being [ſomewhat | somewhat]ſomewhatsomewhat [ſooner | sooner]ſoonersooner "than was expected, called for Women's Help— and "is now hearty, with a [ſtately | stately]ſtatelystately young Boy in her "Lap— will probably move from the Lake tomor­
"row to Fort Stanwix[place0081.ocp], where I expect to [ſupport | support]ſupportsupport "her a Month or longer.— — "I fear my appearing in [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch a [ſervile | servile]ſervileservile "beggarly Manner, will very much [diſserve | disserve]diſservedisserve the "[Deſign | design]Deſigndesign in View— But I [muſt | must]muſtmust [deſiſt | desist]deſiſtdesist— must "go down to the Lake for Eels this Day, and return "[to morrow | tomorrow]to morrowtomorrow to hill my Corn and Potatoes. But "one Thing I may not omit. I shall be [diſtreſsed | distressed]diſtreſseddistressed for "£20— the 1st of [Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust[1767-08-01], or [ſell | sell]ſellsell my Cows, and make "over my [Horſe | horse]Horſehorse and Watch— — "The Indians generally abide by the Agree­ "ment they made [laſt | last]laſtlast Winter to leave off their Drun­ "[kenneſs | kenness]kenneſskenness in this Town."—
The 13th [Inſtant | instant]Inſtantinstant[1767-07-13] he writes— —"Through the tender Mercies of God I enjoy "[ſome | some]ſomesome degree of Health [amidſt | amidst]amidſtamidst all my Trou­ "bles and [Diſtreſses | distress]Diſtreſsesdistress, though my Strength begins "to fail— can't [ſubſiſt | subsist]ſubſiſtsubsist long without Relief— "I have eat no [Fleſh | flesh]Fleſhflesh in my own [Houſe | house]Houſehouse for nigh "8 Weeks. Flour and Milk with a few Eels has "been my living— Such Diet with my hard "Labour abroad, don't [ſatisfy | satisfy]ſatisfysatisfy Nature— My poor "People are [almoſt | almost]almoſtalmost [ſtarved | starved]ſtarvedstarved to Death. I am grieved "at the Heart for them. There is one Family [con­ ſiſting | con­sisting]con­ ſiſtingcon­sisting of four I [muſt | must]muſtmust [ſupport | support]ſupportsupport (after my Fashion) "till Squashes come on, or they [muſt | must]muſtmust [periſh | perish]periſhperish. They "have had nothing [theſe | these]theſethese 10 Days but what I have "given them, They have only each an old Blanket "not worth [ſix pence | sixpence]ſix pencesixpence wherewith to buy [any Thing | anything]any Thinganything,
"and begging here at this [Seaſon | season]Seaſonseason would be very poor [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness. I would [myſelf | myself]myſelfmyself be glad of the Opportunity "to fall upon my Knees for [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch a Bone as I have "often [ſeen | seen]ſeenseen [caſt | cast]caſtcast to the Dogs—
—"My leaving the People, and rambling "[ſo | so]ſoso often, very much hurts the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of my [Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission, "and gives me [ſo | so]ſoso much [Diſtreſs | distress]Diſtreſsdistress, that I enjoy very "little Peace— Glad [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould I be, if it were [con­ſiſtent | con­sistent]con­ſiſtentcon­sistent, to [reſign | resign]reſignresign my [Commiſsion | commission]Commiſsioncommission— But I had rather "die than leave [theſe | these]theſethese poor Creatures alone in their "[miſerable | miserable]miſerablemiserable [periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing Condition— I beg for God's "Sake the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel may be [ſupported | supported]ſupportedsupported [amongſt | amongst]amongſtamongst them "as it ought to be, for a Trial, and the Lord [ſend | send]ſendsend "by whom he will— I believe there are two [Chriſ | Chris]ChriſChris­ "tians, ^[above] here^here and hope I have found a third [to day | today]to daytoday. [Bleſsed | Blessed]BleſsedBlessed "be God for this Encouragement. My Heart revives— "I had a Meeting with the Indians [laſt | last]laſtlast Evening— "might tell you [ſome | some]ſomesome Things very agreeable and encou­ "raging, had I Time. But I am quite beat out— "have had little or no Sleep [theſe | these]theſethese 3 Nights for "the Gnats and [Moſchettoes | mosquitos]Moſchettoesmosquitos— I cannot keep my "Eye open to write— "P.S. the 14th[1767-07-14]— I was never more fatigued in my "Life than [laſt | last]laſtlast Evening— David[pers0155.ocp] is going down for "Relief, without which I shall [periſh | perish]periſhperish [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon. My "Nature is [almoſt | almost]almoſtalmost broke— My Spirits low— My "Heart bleeds for [theſe | these]theſethese poor [miſerable | miserable]miſerablemiserable Wretches— David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] informs me, that the [Oneidaes | Oneidas]OneidaesOneidas[org0075.ocp] have laboured more this Year on their Lands than they ever did before— that just before he came away they unanimously agreed to help [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] in [howing | hoeing]howinghoeing his Corn, Potatoes and Beans— and performed it well—
[right] July [29..th | 29th]29..th29th[1767-07-29] this Day Sent David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] away the [Shorteſt | shortest]Shorteſtshortest [courſe | course]courſecourse to [onida | Oneida]onidaOneida[place0179.ocp] with £4[illegible]5.4..8. Sterling,, for [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp]s [preſent | present]preſentpresent [releif | relief]releifrelief. but I apprehend that it is not [beſt | best]beſtbest that ^[above] no^no [School Maſters | schoolmasters]School Maſtersschoolmasters be not Sent ^[above] back^back till their [preſent | present]preſentpresent [preſsing | pressing]preſsingpressing [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities for Support of the Indians be Supplied. Who knows w[illegible]hat Good God ^[above] may^may mercifully [deſign | design]deſigndesign ^[above] for^for them by their [preſent | present]preſentpresent [diſtreſses | distress]diſtreſsesdistress.— } I have Sent duplicates of my [accots | accounts]accotsaccounts with many Letters [& | and]&and copies But [ha' | have]ha'have had nothing [f.r y.o | from you]f.r y.ofrom you Since march 22[1767-03-22]— hope to hear before I leave these parts pray dear [ſir | sir]ſirsir let me hear [f.r | from]f.rfrom [y.o | you]y.oyou as [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon as may be. pray without [ceaſing | ceasing]ceaſingceasing for, dear [ſir | Sir]ſirSir, [yrſ | yours]yrſyours most heartily [illegible][guess (maggiec): [Brth.r | Brother]Brth.rBrother][Brth.r | Brother]Brth.rBrother Salute in my name [moſt | most]moſtmost [reſpectfully | respectfully]reſpectfullyrespectfully [thoſe | those]thoſethose worthy [Gentn | Gentlemen]GentnGentlemen of [y.e | the]y.ethe Trust[org0103.ocp] [wth | with]wthwith [D.r | Dr.]D.rDr. [illegible][guess (maggiec): [Mſsrs | Messrs.]MſsrsMessrs.][Mſsrs | Messrs.]MſsrsMessrs. w[illegible] d. Smith [w.m | William]w.mWilliam I hope to [ſee | see]ſeesee [yſ | this]yſthis fall—
July [29..th | 29th]29..th29th[1767-07-29] this Day Sent David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] away the [Shorteſt | shortest]Shorteſtshortest [courſe | course]courſecourse to [onida | Oneida]onidaOneida[place0179.ocp] with £4[illegible]5.4..8. Sterling,, for [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp]s [preſent | present]preſentpresent [releif | relief]releifrelief. but I apprehend that it is not [beſt | best]beſtbest that ^[above] no^no [School Maſters | schoolmasters]School Maſtersschoolmasters be not Sent ^[above] back^back till their [preſent | present]preſentpresent [preſsing | pressing]preſsingpressing [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities for Support of the Indians be Supplied. Who knows w[illegible]hat Good God ^[above] may^may mercifully [deſign | design]deſigndesign ^[above] for^for them by their [preſent | present]preſentpresent [diſtreſses | distress]diſtreſsesdistress.— } I have Sent duplicates of my [accots | accounts]accotsaccounts with many Letters [& | and]&and copies But [ha' | have]ha'have had nothing [f.r y.o | from you]f.r y.ofrom you Since march 22[1767-03-22]— hope to hear before I leave these parts pray dear [ſir | sir]ſirsir let me hear [f.r | from]f.rfrom [y.o | you]y.oyou as [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon as may be. pray without [ceaſing | ceasing]ceaſingceasing for, dear [ſir | Sir]ſirSir, [yrſ | yours]yrſyours most heartily [illegible][guess (maggiec): [Brth.r | Brother]Brth.rBrother][Brth.r | Brother]Brth.rBrother Salute in my name [moſt | most]moſtmost [reſpectfully | respectfully]reſpectfullyrespectfully [thoſe | those]thoſethose worthy [Gentn | Gentlemen]GentnGentlemen of [y.e | the]y.ethe Trust[org0103.ocp] [wth | with]wthwith [D.r | Dr.]D.rDr. [illegible][guess (maggiec): [Mſsrs | Messrs.]MſsrsMessrs.][Mſsrs | Messrs.]MſsrsMessrs. w[illegible] d. Smith [w.m | William]w.mWilliam I hope to [ſee | see]ſeesee [yſ | this]yſthis fall—
[left] Letter to [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Keen[pers0301.ocp] July. 28. 1767[1767-07-28].
Letter to [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Keen[pers0301.ocp] July. 28. 1767[1767-07-28]. from [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0315.ocp M r Mr. Kirtland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0288.ocp Joſeph Joseph Johnſon Johnson mentioned Johnson, Joseph
pers0018.ocp Jacob Fowler mentioned Fowler, Jacob
pers0155.ocp David Fowler mentioned Fowler, David
pers0742.ocp Wife mentioned Fowler, Hannah (née Garrett)
pers0155.ocp David mentioned Fowler, David
pers0315.ocp M. r Mr. Kirtland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0301.ocp M. r Mr. Keen recipient Keen, Robert

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0013.ocp Boston Boston
place0158.ocp New England New England
place0084.ocp German Flats Flatts German Flatts
place0181.ocp Oneida Lake Oneida Lake
place0081.ocp Fort Stanwix Fort Stanwix
place0179.ocp onida Oneida Oneida
place0013.ocp Boſton Boston Boston

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0104.ocp TuſcaroraesTuscaroras Tuscarora Nation
org0090.ocp the Nations Six Nations
org0075.ocp OneidaesOneidas Oneida Nation
org0103.ocp y.ethe Trust Trust in England

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1767-07-27 July 27th 1767
1767-07-05 5th inſtantinstant
1767-08-01 1st of AuguſtAugust
1767-07-13 13th Inſtantinstant
1767-07-14 the 14th
1767-07-29 July 29..th29th
1767-03-22 march 22
1767-07-28 July. 28. 1767

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Mr Mr.
modernization laſt last
modernization ſuppoſed supposed
modernization ſupplied supplied
modernization ſufficiently sufficiently
variation School Maſters schoolmasters
variation till 'til
modernization Joſeph Joseph
modernization Johnſon Johnson
variation ſat set
modernization ſee see
modernization ſome some
modernization ſhorter shorter
modernization ſick sick
modernization ſoon soon
modernization ſupply supply
modernization ſending sending
modernization tranſcribe transcribe
modernization diſtreſsing distressing
modernization Circumſtances circumstances
modernization Proviſions provisions
modernization inſtant instant
modernization Expreſsion expression
modernization diſtreſsed distressed
modernization preſent present
modernization theſe these
modernization Froſt frost
modernization Laſt Last
modernization deſtroyed destroyed
modernization Deſtruction destruction
variation Flats Flatts
modernization ſix six
modernization purchaſed purchased
variation Tuſcaroraes Tuscaroras
modernization ſtroud stroud
variation a piece apiece
modernization diſtinguish distinguish
modernization themſelves themselves
modernization Expreſ expres
modernization periſhing perishing
modernization raiſe raise
modernization Chriſtianity Christianity
modernization Subſiſtence subsistence
modernization ſlept slept
modernization louſy lousy
modernization feaſted feasted
modernization ſtarved starved
modernization ſhould should
modernization ſupport support
modernization Anſwer answer
modernization ſomewhat somewhat
modernization ſooner sooner
modernization ſtately stately
modernization ſuch such
modernization ſervile servile
modernization diſserve disserve
modernization Deſign design
modernization muſt must
modernization deſiſt desist
variation to morrow tomorrow
modernization Auguſt August
modernization ſell sell
modernization Horſe horse
modernization kenneſs kenness
modernization Inſtant instant
modernization amidſt amidst
variation Diſtreſses distress
modernization ſubſiſt subsist
modernization Fleſh flesh
modernization Houſe house
modernization ſatisfy satisfy
modernization almoſt almost
modernization con­ ſiſting con­sisting
modernization periſh perish
variation ſix pence sixpence
variation any Thing anything
modernization Seaſon season
modernization Buſineſs business
modernization myſelf myself
modernization ſeen seen
modernization caſt cast
modernization ſo so
modernization Miſsion mission
modernization Diſtreſs distress
modernization con­ſiſtent con­sistent
modernization reſign resign
modernization Commiſsion commission
modernization miſerable miserable
modernization Goſpel Gospel
modernization ſupported supported
modernization amongſt amongst
modernization ſend send
modernization Chriſ Chris
variation to day today
modernization Bleſsed Blessed
variation Moſchettoes mosquitos
variation Oneidaes Oneidas
variation howing hoeing
modernization 29..th 29th
modernization Shorteſt shortest
modernization courſe course
variation onida Oneida
modernization M.r Mr.
variation releif relief
modernization beſt best
modernization preſsing pressing
modernization Neceſsities necessities
modernization deſign design
variation diſtreſses distress
modernization ſir sir
modernization ceaſing ceasing
modernization ſir Sir
modernization moſt most
modernization reſpectfully respectfully
modernization thoſe those
modernization y.e the
modernization D.r Dr.
modernization Mſsrs Messrs.
modernization yſ this
modernization Boſton Boston

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
thro' through
accots accounts
& and
ha' have
f.r y.o from you
f.r from
y.o you
yrſ yours
Brth.r Brother
Gentn Gentlemen
wth with
w.m William

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 31)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 26)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 7)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 115)