Eleazar Wheelock to Joseph Bingham, account, 1767 April 30
30 April 1767[1767-04-30]
Call Number767280.1
[note (type: abstract): Settlement of Joseph Bingham's account for labor, board, and lodging.][note (type: handwriting): Unknown hand is clear and legible with some abbreviations. Dashes and dots are occasionally difficult to decipher; the transcriber has used her discretion.][note (type: paper): Oversized sheet is folded in half vertically and is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown.][note (type: noteworthy): In instances where Wheelock's intention regarding a word or abbreviation is uncertain, the word or abbreviation has been left unmodified in the modernized transcription. Due to format of ledger transcription, line breaks may not exactly match those of the document. Please see image for exact layout.]
Persistent Identifier
[right] DrDr
[Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] to Joseph
1766 April.[1766-04] |
To 1 day Work upon Fence — | 0..3— |
To 1 day drawing Logs to Mill ..... | 0..3..6 | |
To 2 days getting Logs to Mill ...... | .0..8— | |
To 1 1/2 day drawing Stones ...... | 0..5..3 | |
To 1 day loading Stones by O[illegible]ias ..— | 0..2..6 | |
To 1 1/2 day Work on Fence ..— | 0..5..3 | |
To 9 days making Wall.. @ 4/ .... | 1..16— | |
To 1 day carting Boards from Mill — | ..3..6 | |
To 1 day getting [poſts | posts]poſtsposts [& | and]&and making fence — | ..3..6 | |
To Carting Lime [& | and]&and Goods from Norwich[place0174.ocp] — | ..6— | |
To paid prince Tracy[pers1485.ocp] for [ſawing | sawing]ſawingsawing Boards — | ..12— | |
To 2 days Work on [above] boardboard Fence — — | ..7— | |
May[1766-05] | To 1 day Work ⅌ [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Woodward[pers1774.ocp] — | ..4— |
To a Calf — — | ..15— | |
To 2 days Work upon Fence — — | ..7— | |
To mending Cart Wheel ... — | ..5— | |
To 1 day Work upon Fence .. — | ..3— | |
June[1766-06] | To paid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Tracy[pers1485.ocp] for [ſawing | sawing]ſawingsawing — — | ..3— |
To Cutting [bruſhes | brushes]bruſhesbrushes 2 days — | ..6— | |
To 8 days Work upon Barn @ 3/6 — | 1..8— | |
To 2 1/2 Days carting Stones — | ..9— | |
August[1766-08] | To a Plough — — | 1..10— |
To 9 1/2 days Work upon Barn @ 3/6 — | 1..13..3 | |
[Septr | September]SeptrSeptember[1766-09] | To 1 do — do — | ..3..3 |
To 5 do — do — @ 3/ — | ..15— | |
[Dec.r | December]Dec.rDecember[1766-12] | To 7 do — do — @ 2/6 — | ..17..6 |
1767 March.[1767-03] |
To 1 days Work clearing — | ..2..6 |
To getting out your Corn — — | ..4..6 | |
To 2 days Work making Wall and} | ||
carting Stones —} — | ..8— | |
To 2 days ditto — @ 2/9 — | ..5..6 | |
To 1 1/2 day clearing — @ 3/ — | ..4..6 | |
April[1767-04] | To 2 days laying Wall — | ..7— |
To 1 day Carting Stones — | ..2..6 | |
To 1 day Carting Clay — | ..2..6 | |
To 1 day laying Wall — | ..3..6 | |
To 1 day Carting Stones — | ..2..6 | |
To 1 day cutting Stones for the Stow — | ..4— | |
To 4 days carting Stones [& | and]&and laying Wall — | ..14— | |
To 1 day laying Wall — | ..4— | |
To 1 day Carting Stones — | ..3..6 | |
To keeping the [Maſons | Masons]MaſonsMasons — | ..3— | |
To [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Allen[pers1488.ocp]'s Board — — | ..1— | |
To attending [Maſons | Masons]MaſonsMasons — | ..11— | |
To making Wall [& | and]&and Bars 1 1/2 day — | ..5..6 | |
To clearing 2 Days — | ..7— | |
To carting Sand for [plaiſtering | plastering]plaiſteringplastering [& | and]&and | ||
making Mortar —} | ..3..6 | |
To 2 1/2 days Work clearing @ 3/6 — | ..8..9 | |
Carried Over | 19..2..9 | |
[right] [Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph Bingham[pers1467.ocp]'s [Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph Bingham[pers1467.ocp]'s [Accot | account]Accotaccount Settled April [30th | 30th]30th30th 1767[1767-04-30] [Accot | account]Accotaccount Settled April [30th | 30th]30th30th 1767[1767-04-30] |
1767 April[1767-04] |
Brought over — | 19..2..9 |
To 1/2 day making Lath — | ..1..9 | |
To 1 day ditto — | ..3..6 | |
To [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Dodge[pers0169.ocp]'s Board — | ..3..— | |
To 2 days getting Timber [& | and]&and making | ||
Lath — — } | ..7..— | |
To 1 1/2 day making [Morter | mortar]Mortermortar [& | and]&and | ||
attending [Maſons | Masons]MaſonsMasons — } | —..6..— | |
To 1 day Work clearing — | —..3..6..— | |
To [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Allen[pers1488.ocp]'s Board — | ..2..— | |
To Cash paid John Allen[pers0764.ocp] — | 1.14.5 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid Simons[pers1482.ocp] [& | and]&and Jennings[pers1475.ocp] — | 10.6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Wheat — | 4— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Waterman[pers1486.ocp] — | 1— 9.5 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid Silas Bingham[pers1468.ocp] — | ..8..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Waterman[pers1486.ocp] — | ..3..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid David Huntington[pers1473.ocp] — | ..2..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Rum — | ..1..1 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [gap: omitted] Caulkins[pers1469.ocp] — | ..2..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Pork — — | ..6..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Waterman[pers1486.ocp] — | ..2..9 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Spafford[pers1484.ocp] — | ..3..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Frink[pers1471.ocp] for underpinn- | ||
ing Barn —} | ..6..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Wheat — | ..4..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid James Flint[pers1470.ocp] — | ..18..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Rum — | ..9..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Waterman[pers1486.ocp] — | 1..6..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Eleazr | Eleazar]EleazrEleazar Bingham[pers1466.ocp] — | ..18..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Rum — | ..3..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Tobacco — | ..6..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Spafford[pers1484.ocp] — | ..7..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Backus[pers0070.ocp] for Rum | 1..15..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Badger[pers1464.ocp] — | 2..5..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Ripley[pers1481.ocp] — | ..6..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid for Wheat — | ..4..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Danl | Daniel]DanlDaniel Hibberd[pers1472.ocp] — | ..17..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Eleazr | Eleazar]EleazrEleazar Bingham[pers1466.ocp] — | ..2..—6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Docr | Dr.]DocrDr. Elderkin[pers0179.ocp] for Rates | 1..5..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Calkins[pers1469.ocp] — | ..3..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Woodward[pers1774.ocp] for Rye — | .. |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Allen[pers1488.ocp] — | 1..4..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Woodward[pers1774.ocp] — | ||
[pd | paid]pdpaid ditto — — | 1..0..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Taylor[pers0703.ocp] — | ..1..10 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid Amos Allen[pers1463.ocp] — | 3..6 | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Flint[pers1470.ocp] for Nails — | ..6..— | |
[pd | paid]pdpaid [Eleazr | Eleazar]EleazrEleazar Bingham[pers1466.ocp] for Hay — | ..18..— | |
— | ||
21..18 |
To weaving 20 yds Diaper — | 10— | |
do. 32 [yds | yards]ydsyards [checkd | checked]checkdchecked [Linnn | linen]Linnnlinen | ..16— | |
do. 40 [yds | yards]ydsyards Tow Cloth — | 1..— | |
do. 7 1/4 [yds | yards]ydsyards white [worſtd | worsted]worſtdworsted — | ..3..— | |
do. 11 [yds | yards]ydsyards Bed [Tick | ticking]Tickticking @ 9d — | ..8.. |
— 2..17..3 | ||
Carried forward | 45..4..9 | |
Brought forward — | 45..4..9 | |
To boarding Molly Mohawk[pers1478.ocp] — | 2..13..— | |
To making 2 Shifts for M[illegible] Eliſh Huntington[pers1474.ocp] — } |
0..6..— | ||
48..3..9 | ||
1767 April 30.[1767-04-30] |
[Ballance | Balance]BallanceBalance due to the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] — } | |
34..12..3 | ||
referred to New [Accot | account]Accotaccount | ||
£82..16— | ||
1767 April 30.[1767-04-30] |
Supra— | Cr |
By Sundries ⅌ your [Acco.t | account]Acco.taccount — | 82..16..— | |
Windham[place0243.ocp] April [30th | 30th]30th30th 1767[1767-04-30]— | ||
Errors Excepted |
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0036.ocp | Rev d Rev. Eleazar Wheelock | mentioned | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers1467.ocp | Joseph Bingham | mentioned | Bingham, Joseph |
pers1485.ocp | prince Tracy | mentioned | Tracy, Prince |
pers1774.ocp | M r Mr. Woodward | mentioned | Woodward |
pers1485.ocp | M r Mr. Tracy | mentioned | Tracy, Prince |
pers1488.ocp | M r Mr. Allen | mentioned | Allen |
pers1467.ocp | Joſeph Joseph Bingham | mentioned | Bingham, Joseph |
pers0169.ocp | M r Mr. Dodge | mentioned | Dodge, Phineas |
pers0764.ocp | John Allen | mentioned | Allen, John |
pers1482.ocp | Simons | mentioned | Simons |
pers1475.ocp | Jennings | mentioned | Jennings |
pers1486.ocp | M r Mr. Waterman | mentioned | Waterman |
pers1468.ocp | Silas Bingham | mentioned | Bingham, Silas |
pers1473.ocp | David Huntington | mentioned | Huntington, David |
pers1469.ocp | Caulkins | mentioned | Caulkins |
pers1484.ocp | M r Mr. Spafford | mentioned | Spafford |
pers1471.ocp | M r Mr. Frink | mentioned | Frink |
pers1470.ocp | James Flint | mentioned | Flint James |
pers1466.ocp | Eleaz r Eleazar Bingham | mentioned | Bingham, Eleazar |
pers0070.ocp | M r Mr. Backus | mentioned | Backus, Nathaniel |
pers1464.ocp | M r Mr. Badger | mentioned | Badger |
pers1481.ocp | M r Mr. Ripley | mentioned | Ripley |
pers1472.ocp | Dan l Daniel Hibberd | mentioned | Hibberd, Daniel |
pers0179.ocp | Doc r Dr. Elderkin | mentioned | Elderkin |
pers1469.ocp | M r Mr. Calkins | mentioned | Caulkins |
pers0703.ocp | M r Mr. Taylor | mentioned | Taylor |
pers1463.ocp | Amos Allen | mentioned | Allen, Amos |
pers1470.ocp | M r Mr. Flint | mentioned | Flint James |
pers1478.ocp | Molly Mohawk | mentioned | Mohawk, Molly |
pers1474.ocp | M Eliſ h Huntington | mentioned | Huntington, Elis.h |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0174.ocp | Norwich | Norwich |
place0243.ocp | Windham | Windham |
This document does not contain any tagged organizations.
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1766-04 | 1766April. |
1766-05 | May |
1766-06 | June |
1766-08 | August |
1766-09 | SeptrSeptember |
1766-12 | Dec.rDecember |
1767-03 | 1767March. |
1767-04 | April |
1767-04-30 | April 30th30th1767 |
1767-04 | 1767April |
1767-04-30 | 1767April 30. |
1767-04-30 | April 30th30th 1767 |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | Revd | Rev. |
modernization | poſts | posts |
modernization | ſawing | sawing |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
modernization | bruſhes | brushes |
modernization | Maſons | Masons |
variation | plaiſtering | plastering |
modernization | Joſeph | Joseph |
modernization | 30th | 30th |
variation | Morter | mortar |
modernization | Docr | Dr. |
variation | Ballance | Balance |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
& | and |
Septr | September |
Dec.r | December |
Accot | account |
pd | paid |
Eleazr | Eleazar |
Danl | Daniel |
yds | yards |
checkd | checked |
Linnn | linen |
worſtd | worsted |
Tick | ticking |
Acco.t | account |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 99) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 43) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 3) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 153) |