Nathaniel Whitaker, narrative, 1766

Author Whitaker, Nathaniel[pers0037.ocp]


Call Number766900.11

[note (type: abstract): Whitaker gives a brief history of Indian conversion in America and why it has thus far been relatively unsuccessful. Occom’s story is used as an argument for promoting Wheelock’s School and its focus on educating Indians, rather than English, as missionaries. A plan for an expanded school is put forth.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting appears to be that of Nathaniel Whitaker. It is informal and small but legible. There are several uncrossed t’s that have been corrected by the transcriber. There are several additions and deletions, indicating that this is likely a draft.][note (type: paper): Small single sheets are in fair-to-poor condition, with significant staining and wear that leads to some loss of text.][note (type: ink): Dark brown ink bleeds through the pages. In spots, the ink, likely iron gall, has burned through the paper.][note (type: noteworthy): This narrative is possibly a speech that was delivered or printed by Nathaniel Whitaker in Great Britain. The manuscript number indicates a date of 1766, though no date is indicated on the document. No author is indicated on the document; authorship has been deduced from the handwriting and contents. In instances when the intention of the writer regarding a certain word cannot be discerned, the word has been left unmodified in the modernized transcription. At the bottom of two verso, there is an addition that begins with the pound sign; this addition continues on the bottom of three recto. On two verso, it is uncertain whether the "Hon: Scotch=Commiſſ.rs" refers to the Connecticut or New York/New Jersey board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, and so it has been left untagged. On eight verso, the identity of the "Candia Indians" is uncertain, and so it has been left untagged.]

EventsOccom’s First Mission to the Oneidas, Occom leaves his studies, Occom’s Mission to the Montauketts, Occom returns to Mohegan, Occom’s Second Mission to the Oneidas, Occom’s Marriage

Persistent Identifier
The [deſign | design]deſigndesign of [Goſpelizing | gospelizing]Goſpelizinggospelizing the Savages of [N. Amer: | North America]N. Amer:North America[place0170.ocp] is [above] hath been [eſteemed | esteemed]eſteemedesteemed ofhath been [eſteemed | esteemed]eſteemedesteemed of So [above] SuchSuch im-
portance [& | and]&and [gap: tear][guess (ivys): of So great]of So great utility as to engage the attention of the [greateſt | greatest]greateſtgreatest
[& | and]&and [beſt | best]beſtbest of men for Ages [paſt | past]paſtpast; [illegible] [above] an[gap: tear][guess (ivys): d]d thereforean[gap: tear][guess (ivys): d]d therefore there have been
Several Societies formed [& | and]&and incorporated by Royal charters in this
Kingdom[above] ##,
[left] # who have made Several [laudeble | laudable]laudeblelaudable
attempts for this end.
# who have made Several [laudeble | laudable]laudeblelaudable
attempts for this end.
(all, or at [leaſt | least]leaſtleast two of [wch | which]wchwhich, have made many attempts to this
[purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose, a particular [hiſtory | history]hiſtoryhistory whereof would be too long to give.
This Society for promoting [Chriſtian | Christian]ChriſtianChristian knowledge[org0096.ocp] in [Edenburgh | Edinburgh]EdenburghEdinburgh[place0066.ocp],
have [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially [Shewn | shown]Shewnshown their Zeal in this work, as hath [alſo | also]alſoalso the Society in
London for propagating the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel in [N.E. | New England]N.E.New England [& | and]&and parts adjacent[org0095.ocp]
But to the grief of both of [illegible] all who are [aquainted | acquainted]aquaintedacquainted with the Sta[gap: stain][guess (ivys): te of the]te of the
Indians there, [& | and]&and pray for their [converſion | conversion]converſionconversion to [X | Christ]XChrist, the [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess of their pious en-
deavours hath been very Small in proportion to what might have been
expected. It is well know to all who are acquainted with the [Hiſtory | history]Hiſtoryhistory of
[N.E. | New England]N.E.New England[place0158.ocp] what was done there among the Indians at [Martins | Martha's]MartinsMartha's [Vinyard | Vineyard]VinyardVineyard[place0132.ocp], [& | and]&and pla-
ces about [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] [& | and]&and along the Sea [Coaſt | Coast]CoaſtCoast, buty the great [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Elliot | Eliot]ElliotEliot[pers1752.ocp] of [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp]
[above] [& | and]&and others[& | and]&and others many years Since, [& | and]&and that the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel was received by many of the Natives
in [thoſe | those]thoſethose parts, which Still continues to [bleſs | bless]bleſsbless [thoſe | those]thoſethose tribes, [& | and]&and is Supported
[gap: tear] by the [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable Society in London[org0095.ocp]. The [moſt | most]moſtmost [alſo | also]alſoalso are acquain-
ted with the [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess the [gap: tear] [gap: tear] of Good [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [D. | David]D.David [Brainard | Brainerd]BrainardBrainerd[pers0003.ocp] ha[gap: tear][guess (ivys): d a‐]d a‐
mong the Indians at [Croſwixſung | [Croswixsung | Crossweeksung]CroswixsungCrossweeksung]Croſwixſung[Croswixsung | Crossweeksung]CroswixsungCrossweeksung[place0399.ocp] in [N. | New]N.New [Jerſey | Jersey]JerſeyJersey[place0163.ocp], [& | and]&and Forks of [Dillawa[gap: tear][guess (ivys): re]re | Delaware]Dillawa[gap: tear][guess (ivys): re]reDelaware[place0059.ocp]
[Penſilvania | Pennsylvania]PenſilvaniaPennsylvania[place0185.ocp], the fruits of [whoſe | whose]whoſewhose Labours remain to this day, [& | and]&and [thoſe | those]thoſethose Indians
are collected, [& | and]&and are under the Care of the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Jn.o | Jonathan]Jn.oJonathan [Brainard | Brainerd]BrainardBrainerd[pers0004.ocp], brother to David[pers0003.ocp]
[above] in New [Jerſey | Jersey]JerſeyJersey[place0163.ocp],in New [Jerſey | Jersey]JerſeyJersey[place0163.ocp], [illegible]. Some good [alſo | also]alſoalso followed
the labours of the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Searge[above] aant[pers0471.ocp], [& | and]&and afterwards of the [Rev d | Rev.]Rev dRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [J. | Jonathan]J.Jonathan Edwards[pers0176.ocp]
at Stockbridge[place0225.ocp] in the Government of [Maſſechuſets | Massachusets]MaſſechuſetsMassachusets Bay[place0134.ocp]; as [alſo | also]alſoalso of the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev.
[mr | Mr.]mrMr. Haley[pers0239.ocp] among the Indians of the Six nations[org0090.ocp] at [Onohoquage | Onaquaga]OnohoquageOnaquaga[place0182.ocp] on
[Suſquehannah | Susquehanna]SuſquehannahSusquehanna river[place0360.ocp], [Theſe | these]Theſethese three [laſt | last]laſtlast were Sent by the [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable Society in
. Yet after all the many attempts which have proved [almoſt | almost]almoſtalmost [fruitleſs | fruitless]fruitleſsfruitless [& | and]&and
the Small [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess of [thoſe | those]thoſethose which have been the [moſt | most]moſtmost [incouraging | encouraging]incouragingencouraging Seemed
to [caſt | cast]caſtcast a cloud over the whole [deſign | design]deſigndesign. Before I proceed it may be [illegible]
natural to inquire, what were the [cauſes | causes]cauſescauses of hindrance in this good work.
And 1. The Indians have imbibed very Strong prejudices [againſt | against]againſtagainst the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish,
from the repeated [impoſitions | impositions]impoſitionsimpositions [& | and]&and frauds [the | they]thethey have Suffered from [thoſe | those]thoſethose who have
traded with them, [& | and]&and [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially [thoſe | those]thoſethose who have [purchaſed | purchased]purchaſedpurchased their Lands. Hence they
[above] are ready toare ready to [Suſpect | suspect]Suſpectsuspect that they are not[illegible] Safe while they have the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish men among
them, [& | and]&and are ever jealous that the [deſign | design]deſigndesign is to lay Some plan to get their
Lands from them, as is [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): evident]evident [above] as is evidentas is evident from many facts [wch | which]wchwhich can be adduced.
This [Jealouſy | jealousy]Jealouſyjealousy Seems to have been the [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason of their critical [obſervance | observance]obſervanceobservance of the
conduct of the [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries, which hath rendered it very difficult to be-
have So as to avoid their [Suſpecion | suspicion]Suſpecionsuspicion of Some fraudulent [deſign | design]deſigndesign; [& | and]&and this is
greatly heightened by the [impoſſibility | impossibility]impoſſibilityimpossibility of [converſing | conversing]converſingconversing with them but
by an Interpreter who generally being an [Engliſhman | Englishman]EngliſhmanEnglishman, as well as
the [Miſſionary | missionary]Miſſionarymissionary, they naturally [Suſpect | suspect]Suſpectsuspect they are, or at [leaſt | least]leaſtleast may be,
laying Schemes unknown to them, [& | and]&and [theſe | these]theſethese [Suſpicions | suspicions]Suſpicionssuspicions have [oppertunity | opportunity]oppertunityopportunity to
Strengthen greatly, before the [Miſſionary | missionary]Miſſionarymissionary may come to know the [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason [any thing | anything]any thinganything
of the matter [thro' | through]thro'through ignorance of their language. Hence it hath been generally
found that, [altho' | although]altho'although the Indians would admit the [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries among them
[& | and]&and tre[gap: tear][guess (ivys): at]at them with [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect, their way, for a while, yet they have [moſt | most]moſtmost commonly
grown Shy [& | and]&and gradually declined in their attendance, by [wch | which]wchwhich the [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries
have been [diſcouraged | discouraged]diſcourageddiscouraged, [& | and]&and after one or two attempts have declined the [Miſſion | mission]Miſſionmission
except in a few [inſtances | instances]inſtancesinstances. To confirm what is [obſerved | observed]obſervedobserved above I Shall give one
[inſtance | instance]inſtanceinstance out of many. It once happened that three [Miſſ.rs | missionaries]Miſſ.rsmissionaries [& | and]&and one Interpreter were
at one place among a party of Indians who had been formerly [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed in Some
[meaſure | measure]meaſuremeasure, [& | and]&and who owned a [conſiderable | considerable]conſiderableconsiderable tract of Land, where they continued about
a [fourt'ni't | fortnight]fourt'ni'tfortnight; Another [Miſſ.ry | missionary]Miſſ.rymissionary was at a place about 100 miles [diſtant | distant]diſtantdistant, at the
[houſe | house]houſehouse of an Indian [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed by [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp], where were a number of In-
dians who were very [buſy | busy]buſybusy in talking [togather | together]togathertogether: the Indian who had been [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed,
being in a room adjoining, [& | and]&and overhearing them, informed the [miſſry | missionary]miſſrymissionary of their
[converſation | conversation]converſationconversation, [wch | which]wchwhich was to this [purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose, One Said "What is the [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason that three
[miniſters | ministers]miniſtersministers are gone to [gap: tear][guess (ivys): O]O? Why does [gap: tear][guess (ivys): not]not one go to that other place? [gap: tear]
[gap: tear] no [miniſter | minister]miniſterminister [& | and]&and [gap: tear][guess (ivys): to]to Such a place. I can't See why they all go to one place.
[gap: tear][guess (ivys): ano]another [anſwered | answered]anſweredanswered, Why, I'll tell you,' The Indians have but little land at
Such [& | and]&and Such places, [& | and]&and that is the [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason [the | they]thethey do not go there; But at O they
have a good deal of land, [& | and]&and that's the [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason So many are gone there; it is
to [git | get]gitget their Land. This gave the [Miſſry | missionary]Miſſrymissionary much trouble to remove their
[Suſpicions | suspicions]Suſpicionssuspicions which [above] [& | and]&and it[& | and]&and it was done with great difficulty, [above] he removed their [jealouſies | jealousies]jealouſiesjealousieshe removed their [jealouſies | jealousies]jealouſiesjealousies [& | and]&and [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially as no good [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason [above] which might be mentioned to them,which might be mentioned to them,
could be given for [thoſe | those]thoſethose three [miſſ.rs | missionaries]miſſ.rsmissionaries being at that place. This account I had
from the [miſſry's | missionary's]miſſry'smissionary's own mouth.
2. Another great [obſticle | obstacle]obſticleobstacle hath been The want of their Language, which
hath made it [impoſſible | impossible]impoſſibleimpossible to communicate [any thing | anything]any thinganything to them but by an [Intrepreter | interpreter]Intrepreterinterpreter.
I need Say nothing to convince the [inteligent | intelligent]inteligentintelligent [& | and]&and thinking part of mankind, that
preaching by an interpreter, when each Sentence [muſt | must]muſtmust be interpreted, before
the next can be delivered, [muſt | must]muſtmust [deſtroy | destroy]deſtroydestroy the whole pathos [& | and]&and energy of delivery
[& | and]&and render even the [moſt | most]moſtmost important Subjects much [leſs | less]leſsless [inlivening | enlivening]inliveningenlivening to the hearers
even where good Interpreters can be had. But there is a great difficulty to
obtain any who can at all [anſwer | answer]anſweranswer this end; [& | and]&and [thoſe | those]thoſethose who can Speak the language
of the Indians are generally Such as have been traders among them, or Some
captive who has been learned their language; [& | and]&and both [theſe | these]theſethese Sorts of people are
well known to be [moſt | most]moſtmost commonly of Such characters as to make it infinitely
unfit to [truſt | trust]truſttrust them with affairs of Such eternal [conſequence | consequence]conſequenceconsequence. The [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
, in a Narrative of his School[org0098.ocp] [publiſh | publish]publiſhpublish in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] in 1763. writes thus on
this head. "There are very few or no interpreters, who are Suitable [& | and]&and
"well-[accompliſhed | accomplished]accompliſhedaccomplished for the [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness, to be had. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] found great
"difficulty [laſt | last]laſtlast year in his [Miſſion | mission]Miſſionmission on this account. And not only the [cauſe | cause]cauſecause,
"but his own reputation Suffered much by the [unfaithfulneſs | unfaithfulness]unfaithfulneſsunfaithfulness of the man
"he [imployed | employed]imployedemployed. I [Suppoſe | suppose]Suppoſesuppose the Interpreters now [imployed | employed]imployedemployed by the [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable [Com-
"miſſ.rs | com-
are the [beſt | best]beſtbest that are to be had at [preſent | present]preſentpresent. But how many Na-
"tions are there for whom there is no interpreter at all, except, it may
"be, Some ignorant [& | and]&and perhaps vicious [perſon | person]perſonperson who has been their cap-
"tive, [& | and]&and whom it is utterly [unſafe | unsafe]unſafeunsafe to [truſt | trust]truſttrust in matters of Such eternal [con‐
"ſequence | con‐
. And how Shall this difficulty be [remidied | remedied]remidiedremedied? It Seems it [muſt | must]muſtmust
"be one of [theſe | these]theſethese two ways, viz. either their Children [muſt | must]muſtmust come to us, or
"ours go to them" To this I add, that the [expence | expense]expenceexpense of Supporting an
Interpreter is much greater than will Support an Indian [Miſſry. | missionary]Miſſry.missionary who
is capable of Speaking their language. The [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable [Commiſſ.rs | Commissioners]Commiſſ.rsCommissioners in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[org0095.ocp] [co'd | could]co'dcould
not obtain [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Gun | Gunn]GunGunn[pers0020.ocp] whom they [imployed | employed]imployedemployed, under £50. [Ster: | Sterling]Ster:Sterling per [an: | annum]an:annum [be‐
ſides | be‐
the Support of the [Miſſry | missionary]Miſſrymissionary; [& | and]&and they allowed [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] but about
£15 [ſ | s]ſs[Ster. | Sterling]Ster.Sterling per [An: | annum]An:annum who taught a School, [& | and]&and preached to them in their own
language. It is true this allowance was far below what was [abſolute‐
ly | absolute‐
[gap: tear][guess (ivys): nece]nece[ſſery | ssary]ſſeryssary, [& | and]&and not more than enough to defray the [above] extraordinaryextraordinary charges of his office
[& | and]&and company, without [any thing | anything]any thinganything for the Support of [himſelf | himself]himſelfhimself [& | and]&and [famely | family]famelyfamily; Yet
had they allowed him £50. or £60 [above] or £70or £70 per. [An: | annum]An:annum it would not have been more
than half as much as another [miſſ.n | mission]miſſ.nmission would [coſt | cost]coſtcost. This difficulty of obtain-
ing Suitable interpreters, [& | and]&and the great [expence | expense]expenceexpense of the [miſſion | mission]miſſionmission when they
could be obtained, hath been a block at the very [threſhold | threshold]threſholdthreshold, [& | and]&and [diſcouraged | discouraged]diſcourageddiscouraged [thoſe | those]thoſethose
who, out of Love to [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist [& | and]&and the Souls of men, would gladly have ventured
out among them to preach the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel.
3. Another difficulty [above] [y.t | that]y.tthat[y.t | that]y.tthat hath been [& | and]&and Still [illegible]remains is, The wandering
[& | and]&and [unſettled | unsettled]unſettledunsettled manner of life [wch | which]wchwhich the Indian lead. For [tho | though]thothough they have little vil-
lages where their [hutts | huts]huttshuts are at no great [diſtance | distance]diſtancedistance from one another, yet they
are frequently obliged to wander to a great [diſtance | distance]diſtancedistance to procure Something,
by hunting, to live on; in [wch | which]wchwhich rambles they generally carry their Wives
[& | and]&and Children with them. This was the [caſe | case]caſecase with the [Onoidas | Oneidas]OnoidasOneidas[org0075.ocp] when [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]
was among them in the year 176[illegible][above] 22 They were obliged to go to [Suſquehan‐
nah river | Susquehan‐
nah river
to hunt for food; in which tour he accompanied [& | and]&and preached
to them. And this often hath been the [caſe | case]caſecase as is evident by the accounts given
by the [moſt | most]moſtmost of the [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries, [& | and]&and in particular in the Continuation of [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]'s Narrative printed in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] in 1765.
This is a difficulty not [eaſily | easily]eaſilyeasily [remidied | remedied]remidiedremedied, [& | and]&and [muſt | must]muſtmust be born with [till | 'til]till'til they can
be [bro't | brought]bro'tbrought to till their lands [& | and]&and not depend So much on the uncertain means of
hunting for their Support. The [moſt | most]moſtmost likely way to affect this will be con-
Sidered hereafter.
4. Difficult as it is for [Miſſionaries | missionaries]Miſſionariesmissionaries to go among the Indians with any
any tolerable hopes of [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess, it is Still more difficult, in Several [reſpects | respects]reſpectsrespects,
to Set up Schools among them to any great advantage. For not only the 'fore-
mentioned [Jealouſies | jealousies]Jealouſiesjealousies, wan't of their Language, [& | and]&and wandering, but [alſo | also]alſoalso the
[afverſion | afversion]afverſionafversion the parents have to Such a [diſcipline | discipline]diſciplinediscipline as is [abſolutely | absolutely]abſolutelyabsolutely [neceſ‐
ſary | neces‐
to keep them in any order and promote their learning [above] is a great [obſtruction | obstruction]obſtructionobstructionis a great [obſtruction | obstruction]obſtructionobstruction The Children
are So [uſed | used]uſedused to an idle life, that they are ever ready to wander [& | and]&and neglect the
School, [& | and]&and when at School to neglect their books; [& | and]&and if any [diſcipline | discipline]diſciplinediscipline is [uſed | used]uſedused,
both they [& | and]&and their parents [reſent | resent]reſentresent it, [& | and]&and hence will not allow, or at [leaſt | least]leaſtleast will
not urge them children to go to School. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] in his narrative printed
in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] 1763. page 219. writes thus, "There is no Such thing as Sending [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish
"[Miſſionaries | missionaries]Miſſionariesmissionaries, or Setting up [& | and]&and maintaining [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish Schools to any good [pur‐
poſe | pur‐
in [moſt | most]moſtmost places among them, as their Temper, State [& | and]&and condition have
"been [& | and]&and Still are. It is [poſſible | possible]poſſiblepossible a School may be maintained to Some
"good [purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose at [Onohoquage | Onaquaga]OnohoquageOnaquaga[place0182.ocp], where there have been heretofore Several
"faithful [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries, by the [bleſſing | blessing]bleſſingblessing of God on [whoſe | whose]whoſewhose labours the In‐
"dians are in Some [meaſure | measure]meaſuremeasure civilized, Some of them baptized, a Number
"of them, in the judgment of Charity, real [Chriſtians | Christians]ChriſtiansChristians — And [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): where]where the
"[Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable Scotch= [Commiſſ.rs | Commissioners]Commiſſ.rsCommissioners, I hear, have Sent two [Miſſionaries | missionaries]Miſſionariesmissionaries, [& | and]&and have made
"Some attempts to Set up a School. But at [Jeningo | Chenango]JeningoChenango[place0110.ocp], a little beyond, they
"will by no means admit an [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish [Miſſionary | missionary]Miſſionarymissionary to [reſide | reside]reſidereside among them.
"And [tho' | though]tho'though there were many of them under great awakenings [& | and]&and concern,
"by the [bleſſing | blessing]bleſſingblessing of God on the labours of a [Chriſtian | Christian]ChriſtianChristian Indian from [theſe | these]theſethese
"parts, yet Such was the violent [oppoſition | opposition]oppoſitionopposition of Numbers of them, that
"it was [tho't | thought]tho'tthought by no means Safe, for an [Engliſhman | Englishman]EngliſhmanEnglishman to go among them,
"with a [deſign | design]deſigndesign to tarry with them #. And like to this is the [caſe | case]caſecase with
"parties of Indians for near an hundred miles [togather | together]togathertogether, on the [weſt | west]weſtwest Side
"of [Suſquehannah | Susquehanna]SuſquehannahSusquehanna River[place0360.ocp]. Another School or two may [poſſibly | possibly]poſſiblypossibly be Set up [below] withwith

# I find at the End of the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Randal[pers0439.ocp]s Sermon preached before the Society
in Scotland[org0096.ocp]
in 1763. a letter from the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Samuel Mather[pers0363.ocp] of [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp], [above] inin which
he gives a very [agreable | agreeable]agreableagreeable [& | and]&and [juſt | just]juſtjust account of the Indians[org0077.ocp] at [Onohoquage | Onaquaga]OnohoquageOnaquaga[place0182.ocp] which he
had from a [perſon | person]perſonperson who had lived among them, [& | and]&and who he Says [alſo | also]alſoalso informed him,
"That about 16 miles [weſt | west]weſtwest of [Onohoquage | Onaquaga]OnohoquageOnaquaga[place0182.ocp], there are 200 Indians[org0075.ocp], who gene-
"rally [illegible] talk [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish, [& | and]&and who have an Indian teacher, who knows but little,
"[tho | though]thothough he Seems well [diſpoſed | disposed]diſpoſeddisposed. [Theſe | These]TheſeThese Indians Seem well prepared for an [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish
"[miſſionary | missionary]miſſionarymissionary" — [Theſe | These]TheſeThese are [above] thethe Indians above mentioned at [Jeningo | Chenango]JeningoChenango[place0110.ocp]: and the [acc.t | account]acc.taccount
which [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] here has [publiſhed | published]publiſhedpublished he had from this Indian preacher, who is
"with [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess among the Mohawks[org0062.ocp], [illegible]
"[& | and]&and where they have got into the way of cultivating their Lands for a living,
"[& | and]&and So have more ability to Support their children, [& | and]&and [leſs | less]leſsless [occaſion | occasion]occaſionoccasion to ram-
"ble abroad with them. But even in [theſe | these]theſethese places we may find it more dif-
"ficult than we may [imagin | imagine]imaginimagine before trial be made ([tho' | though]tho'though I would by no means
"[diſcourage | discourage]diſcouragediscourage the trial of every [feaſible | feasible]feaſiblefeasible method for the [accompliſhing | accomplishing]accompliſhingaccomplishing this
"great [deſign | design]deſigndesign) but by Acquaintance with the Schools which the [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable Lon-
[Commiſſioners | Commissioners]CommiſſionersCommissioners[org0095.ocp]
have, with pious Zeal, Set up [& | and]&and maintained among
"the Several tribes in [theſe | these]theſethese parts, I am much confirmed in [theſe | these]theſethese Sen-
"timents. [Theſe | These]TheſeThese parties live [amongſt | amongst]amongſtamongst, and are [incompaſſed | encompassed]incompaſſedencompassed by the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish, have
"long had good preaching, [& | and]&and numbers of them appear to be truly godly.
"Yet Such is the Savage temper of many, their want of due [eſteem | esteem]eſteemesteem for
"learning, [& | and]&and gratitude to their benefactors, [& | and]&and [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially their want of Govern-
"ment, that their [Schoolmaſters | schoolmasters]Schoolmaſtersschoolmasters, [tho | though]thothough [Skilful | skillful]Skilfulskillful [& | and]&and faithful men, [conſtantly | constantly]conſtantlyconstantly com-
"plain they can't keep their children in any [meaſure | measure]meaſuremeasure [conſtant | constant]conſtantconstant at School.
"[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Clelland[pers0011.ocp] the [School-maſter | schoolmaster]School-maſterschoolmaster at Mohegan[place0143.ocp] has often told me what unwea-
"ried pains he had taken by [viſiting | visiting]viſitingvisiting [& | and]&and [diſcourſing | discoursing]diſcourſingdiscoursing with their parents, [&c. | etc.]&c.etc. to
"[remidy | remedy]remidyremedy this evil, [& | and]&and after all can't [accompliſh | accomplish]accompliſhaccomplish it. The children are Suffered
"to n[gap: tear][guess (ivys): eg]eglect their attendance on [inſtruction | instruction]inſtructioninstruction, [& | and]&and [waſte | waste]waſtewaste much time, by which
"means they don't learn So much in Several years as they might, [& | and]&and others
"do in one, who are taken out of the reach of their parents, [& | and]&and out of the way
"of Indian examples, [& | and]&and are kept to School under good government [& | and]&and con-
"Stant [inſtruction | instruction]inſtructioninstruction. I the [reather | rather]reatherrather mention this [Inſtance | instance]Inſtanceinstance, [becauſe | because]becauſebecause of the well
"known Skill [& | and]&and fidelity of that good Gentleman, [& | and]&and [becauſe | because]becauſebecause that tribe are as
"much civilized, [& | and]&and as many of them [chriſtianized | christianized]chriſtianizedchristianized, as perhaps any party of
"them in this government. And by all I can learn, it is no better in this [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect
"with any other. They are So [diſaffected | disaffected]diſaffecteddisaffected towards a good [& | and]&and [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary government,
"that as gentle an [exerciſe | exercise]exerciſeexercise of it as may be, [& | and]&and [anſwer | answer]anſweranswer the [deſign | design]deſigndesign of keeping up
"order [& | and]&and regularity in any [meaſure | measure]meaſuremeasure among them, will likely So [diſguſt | disgust]diſguſtdisgust them as
"to render the [caſe | case]caſecase [worſe | worse]worſeworse [reather | rather]reatherrather than better. Captain [Martain | Martin]MartainMartin [Kellog | Kellogg]KellogKellogg[pers0302.ocp] com‐
"plained of this as his great [diſcouragement | discouragement]diſcouragementdiscouragement in the School at Stockbridge[place0225.ocp], [not‐
withſtanding | not‐
he [underſtood | understood]underſtoodunderstood, as well as any man, the [diſpoſitions | dispositions]diſpoſitionsdispositions of the Indians,
[below] andand

one of the Mohegan tribe[org0063.ocp] [above] taught [& | and]&and Sent by [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]taught [& | and]&and Sent by [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] [& | and]&and who has been often among them endeavouring to
teach them according to his ability, with whom I am well acquainted, [& | and]&and who told
me that they were greatly prejudiced [againſt | against]againſtagainst the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish as they removed to that
place being turned off their land [elſe where | elsewhere]elſe whereelsewhere; [& | and]&and who went among them in 1763, [& | and]&and could
not preach to them as the man whom he expected to be his interpreter was not there
[& | and]&and none among them could interpret for him. This account he gave me immediately
after his return. So that there [muſt | must]muſtmust be Some [miſtake | mistake]miſtakemistake in [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Mather[pers0363.ocp]s Account
"and had the advantage of knowing their language [& | and]&and [cuſtoms | customs]cuſtomscustoms, having been so
"long a captive among them, [& | and]&and was high in their [affiction | affection]affictionaffection [& | and]&and [eſteem | esteem]eſteemesteem; Yet he was
"obliged to take the Children home to [Weatherſfield | Wethersfield]WeatherſfieldWethersfield[place0240.ocp] with him, quite away from
"their parents, before he could [exerciſe | exercise]exerciſeexercise that government which was [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary
"in order to their [profitting | profiting]profittingprofiting at School — And [beſides | besides]beſidesbesides all this they are so
"[extreemly | extremely]extreemlyextremely poor, [& | and]&and depend so much upon hunting for a livelyihood, that they are
"in no capacity to Support their children at School, if their [diſpoſition | disposition]diſpoſitiondisposition for it
"were ever So good" i.e. in a [conſtant | constant]conſtantconstant [& | and]&and regular way. Some light may be
thrown on this Subject by a letter from David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] an Indian [School‐maſ‐
ter | schoolmas‐
educated by [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp], dated, [Onoida | Oneida]OnoidaOneida[place0179.ocp], June 24. 1765[1765-06-24]. — "My Scholars
"learn very well, I have put eleve[gap: tear][guess (ivys): n]n of them into a, b, ab. (i.e. 19 day after he
begun the School) "I have three m[gap: tear][guess (ivys): or]ore that will advance to that place this week
"[& | and]&and Some have got to the Sixth page. It is a [thouſand | thousand]thouſandthousand pities they cannot keep
"[togather | together]togathertogether: they are often going about to [git | get]gitget their [proviſion | provision]proviſionprovision. One of the chiefs,
"in [whoſe | whose]whoſewhose [houſe | house]houſehouse I live, told me, he believed Some of the Indians would Starve
"to death this Summer. Some of them have [almoſt | almost]almoſtalmost [conſumed | consumed]conſumedconsumed all their corn
"already." From hence it appears, that the [goſpelizing | gospelizing]goſpelizinggospelizing the Indians is attend-
ed with very great difficulties, [& | and]&and were it not [abſolutely | absolutely]abſolutelyabsolutely [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary, [theſe | these]theſethese things
would be Sufficient to [diſcourage | discourage]diſcouragediscourage any attempt; But where [any thing | anything]any thinganything is [ne‐
ceſſary | ne‐
, [& | and]&and of infinite importance (as this certainly is, both with regard to our‐
Selves as God's covenant people, [& | and]&and to them as formed for immortality) the
greater the difficulties are, the more vigourous Should be our efforts, [& | and]&and if
we fail in one attempt we Should try another. This is the way of men as to things
of infinitely [leſs | less]leſsless importance. But [alaſs | alas]alaſsalas! the children of this world are often [wi‐
ſer | wi‐
in their generation than the children of Light.
Let us not then be [diſcou‐
raged | discou‐
, but attend to what follows, which is humbly offered as the [moſt | most]moſtmost likely
[remidy | remedy]remidyremedy for [theſe | these]theſethese evils, [& | and]&and which, by the [bleſſing | blessing]bleſſingblessing of God hath done more already,
than any attempt which was ever before made.
About 27 years ago, the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] an Indian of the Mohegan tribe[org0063.ocp]
near New London[place0164.ocp] in Connecticut[place0048.ocp] in New England[place0158.ocp], was converted from [pagan‐
iſm | pagan‐
(as were a number [beſides | besides]beſidesbesides of that tribe) [till | 'til]till'til which time he had lived to-
tally ignorant of the [chriſtian | christian]chriſtianchristian religion; being then [betwen | between]betwenbetween 16 [& | and]&and 17 years of
age. After this he had a Strong [deſire | desire]deſiredesire to learn to read the Scriptures. He ap-
plied to Some [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish, who lived near his tribe, to [inſtruct | instruct]inſtructinstruct him in his letters, [&c. | etc.]&c.etc.
[& | and]&and by his diligent application, without any School, he was able to read brokenly
in the [above] BibleBible New [Teſtament | Testament]TeſtamentTestament, [& | and]&and Speak a little broken [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish when he was about 19
years old: at which time, hearing that the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp], whom he had heard
preach among the Indians, [& | and]&and for whom he had a high [eſteem | esteem]eſteemesteem, had a number
of [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish youths fitting for college, he had a [deſire | desire]deſiredesire to go to him to be [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed
for a few weeks in reading — Providence opened the way by his Mother[pers0395.ocp] going
to [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp], who cheerfully took him, [& | and]&and taught him 4 years, near one
year of which time he was unable to Study [thro' | through]thro'through [indiſpoſition | indisposition]indiſpoſitionindisposition of body. His
application to Study was So [intence | intense]intenceintense, that at the end of that time he hurt
his eyes so as to be unable to [perſue | pursue]perſuepursue his Studies, and was [adviſed | advised]adviſedadvised to go [above] therefore wenttherefore went
to Montauk[place0144.ocp] on Long [Iſland | Island]IſlandIsland[place0129.ocp], [& | and]&and taught[illegible][guess (ivys): a]a School among the Indians[org0061.ocp]. there, who
where he took the place of the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Horton[pers0262.ocp] who had been [imployed | employed]imployedemployed among
them by the [Hon. | Honourable]Hon.Honourable Scotch [Commiſſioners | Commissioners]CommiſſionersCommissioners in [N. | New]N.New York[org0069.ocp]. At his [firſt | first]firſtfirst going to that
place he taught School about a year [& | and]&and half without Support from any So-
ciety; but marrying, he found it [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary to have Some other help than
he could procure by labour in vacant hours. He kept School both parts of
the day, [& | and]&and in the winter months [above] [Seaſon | season]Seaſonseason[Seaſon | season]Seaſonseason evenings [alſo | also]alſoalso, attended their Sick, [& | and]&and funerals,
and prayed [& | and]&and expounded the [Scriptors | Scriptures]ScriptorsScriptures to them [& | and]&and exhorted them every Sabbath
[& | and]&and did all the other parts of a teacher among them, So that his time being [al‐
moſt | al‐
wholly [ingroſed | engrossed]ingroſedengrossed he could do but little for his own Support. Some
friends knowing his [circumſtances | circumstances]circumſtancescircumstances applied to the [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable London [Commiſſionrs | Commissioners]CommiſſionrsCommissioners
in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[org0095.ocp]
who gave him £15 Ster. per [an: | annum]an:annum which they continued for [moſt | most]moſtmost of
the 1[illegible]6 years he was there. But his family [increaſing | increasing]increaſingincreasing greatly he was
obliged to remove to his own land in Mohegan[place0143.ocp], in order to procure Some
Support for them, [& | and]&and here he had for one year £22:10 [Ster: | Sterling]Ster:Sterling from the [S.d | said]S.dsaid
[Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable London [Commiſſ.rs | Commissioners]Commiſſ.rsCommissioners[org0095.ocp]; [& | and]&and being 100 miles [diſtant | distant]diſtantdistant from them, [& | and]&and Surround-
ed by the [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable Scotch [Commiſſ.rs | Commissioners]Commiſſ.rsCommissioners in Connecticut[org0034.ocp], it was [tho't | thought]tho'tthought [beſt | best]beſtbest he [Sho'd | should]Sho'dshould
be under their care; [& | and]&and accordingly that Board[org0034.ocp] in July 1764[1764-07]. [prefered | profferred]preferedprofferred a
[requeſt | request]requeſtrequest to have him [diſmiſed | dismissed]diſmiſeddismissed from the Board in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[org0095.ocp] to them, with the
continuance of his [Sallery | salary]Sallerysalary; which was readily done, only [above] butbut they continued
the [Sallery | salary]Sallerysalary only for that year: so that being much in debt before, he was
now reduced to Some Straights as the Board in Connecticut[org0034.ocp] had no means of
relief for him, yet it [pleaſed | pleased]pleaſedpleased God to open the hearts of friends So that he did
not Suffer. But to return.
About 8 years after [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] left [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp], i.e. in 1754. The
Sent to the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. John [Branard | Brainerd]BranardBrainerd[pers0004.ocp] in New [Jerſey | Jersey]JerſeyJersey[place0163.ocp] for two boys in order to edu-
cate them. He was encouraged to this by [obſerving | observing]obſervingobserving the [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess which [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
[occum | Occom]occumOccom[pers0030.ocp] had among the Indians on long [Iſland | Island]IſlandIsland[place0129.ocp], who were filled with prejudices
against their [Miniſter | minister]Miniſterminister the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Horton[pers0262.ocp], [& | and]&and all other [miniſters | ministers]miniſtersministers around, by the
intemperate Zeal of Some exhorters from [N. | New]N.New England[place0158.ocp]; [& | and]&and who were happily
cured by his prudent management among them, so as to attend to the Sober dic-
tates of religion, [& | and]&and [Seing | seeing]Seingseeing that, by the divine [bleſſing | blessing]bleſſingblessing, his labours had been
[Succeſful | successful]Succeſfulsuccessful [above] by the divine [bleſſing | blessing]bleſſingblessingby the divine [bleſſing | blessing]bleſſingblessing for the Saving good of Some; [& | and]&and [obſerving | observing]obſervingobserving [alſo | also]alſoalso that his own Na-
tion, as well as [thoſe | those]thoſethose adjacent who knew him, depended on him to con-
duct their civil, as well as religious affairs, he concluded that the teaching
the Indians by their own Sons was the [moſt | most]moſtmost likely way to [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess; [& | and]&and therefore
procured the two boys above mentioned. When he took [theſe | these]theſethese two youths, he had
no fund for their Support, nor Sufficient income for the Support of his own
numerous family; [tho' | though]tho'though he had Some [eſtate | estate]eſtateestate in land [illegible][guess (ivys): or]or [above] AndAnd from that time [till | 'til]till'til
I left America[place0003.ocp], he never had [any thing | anything]any thinganything in hand for the Support of the [cauſe | cause]cauſecause
except twice a Small matter [above] littlelittle more than to [diſcharge | discharge]diſchargedischarge the debts [above] in whichin which he had in-
volved his own [eſtate | estate]eſtateestate by it; And when he [firſt | first]firſtfirst undertook this work, he
says Page [14th | 14th]14th14th of his [firſt | first]firſtfirst Narrative "I did not much think of any
"thing more than only to clear [my Self | myself]my Selfmyself [& | and]&and family of partaking in the
"guilt [publick | public]publickpublic guilt of our land [& | and]&and nation in such a neglect of them."
After he had [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed [theſe | these]theſethese two Youths for near two years, one of them [faling | falling]falingfalling into
a decline, he Sent him home, [& | and]&and two more of the [Delawar | Delaware]DelawarDelaware Tribe[org0038.ocp] came in his place.
And [altho | though]althothough the war Soon commenced, [& | and]&and the face of Indian affairs appeared more
[& | and]&and more gloomy; yet Such was the good behaviour of the Boys, [& | and]&and their proficiency
in learning that he was [incouraged | encouraged]incouragedencouraged to go on, [& | and]&and gradually [increaſe | increase]increaſeincrease the Number, So
that in April 1757[1757-04], he had four; [& | and]&and in April 1759[1759-04], five; [& | and]&and Seven in November, 1760[1760-11];
[& | and]&and eleven in [Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust 1761[1761-08], [& | and]&and in [Novem | November]NovemNovember 1762[1762-11] he had no [leſs | less]leſsless than 25 in his School[org0098.ocp]*
[right] *[& | and]&and [illegible] [illegible] [& | and]&and thus he went on to [increaſe | increase]increaſeincrease the
number [till | 'til]till'til in the whole he hath had
between 40 [& | and]&and 50 [whome | whom]whomewhom he Supports.
*[& | and]&and [illegible] [illegible] [& | and]&and thus he went on to [increaſe | increase]increaſeincrease the
number [till | 'til]till'til in the whole he hath had
between 40 [& | and]&and 50 [whome | whom]whomewhom he Supports.

[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]'s principle view hath been [above] hadhad all along [above] beenbeen, to open a way to the Six na‐
, [& | and]&and [thro' | through]thro'through them, to more remote tribes, if the affair Should Succeed: But this could
not be [accompliſhed | accomplished]accompliſhedaccomplished at [firſt | first]firſtfirst. [Thoſe | those]Thoſethose Nations had always been [averſe | averse]averſeaverse to parting with their
Children to go to the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish. [above] [illegible][guess (ivys): The]The [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable[illegible][guess (ivys): The]The [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable [Cadwalleder | Cadwallader]CadwallederCadwallader Colden[pers0135.ocp] Governor of New York[place0166.ocp] told me, that
he had tryied to obtain Some of their Children to have them educated, [& | and]&and [tho' | though]tho'though [perſonally | personally]perſonallypersonally
acquainted [& | and]&and intimate with many of them, could never prevail. Hence [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Whee-
was under a [neceſſity | necessity]neceſſitynecessity of [begining | beginning]beginingbeginning with [thoſe | those]thoſethose Tribes who had Some acquaintance
with the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish, [& | and]&and [alſo | also]alſoalso with religion. [Beſides | besides]Beſidesbesides, the War commencing, it was quite imprac-
ticable, [& | and]&and would have been [eſteemed | esteemed]eſteemedesteemed wild [& | and]&and extravagant indeed, to have made an attempt
of this nature among Indians who were often in [Suſpence | suspense]Suſpencesuspense what Side to take in the war;
[& | and]&and his [propoſal | proposal]propoſalproposal to obtain them, when the war was ended, "was by many hardly to be account-
ed for but by a [diſtempred | distempered]diſtempreddistempered brain." By the time the War ended, he had taken four of the
[Delawar | Delaware]DelawarDelaware[org0038.ocp] Nation from New [Jerſey | Jersey]JerſeyJersey[place0163.ocp], one of whom was dead; [& | and]&and two from Montauk[place0144.ocp] on Long-
[Iſland | Island]IſlandIsland[place0129.ocp]
in [N. | New]N.New York[place0166.ocp] [governm.t | government]governm.tgovernment [& | and]&and only one from Connecticut[place0048.ocp], viz from Mohegan[place0143.ocp]; [& | and]&and Since
that time hath never taken any from [illegible][thoſe | those]thoſethose Nations, excepting 32 or 3 who were [deſign'd | designed]deſign'ddesigned
for trades after they had learned to read, write, [& | and]&and keep common accounts, [& | and]&and [theſe | these]theſethese were [above] areare
not reckoned in the [above] School[org0098.ocp]School[org0098.ocp][illegible].
The attempt to procure youths from the Six Nations[org0090.ocp] at [firſt | first]firſtfirst was hazardous,
[& | and]&and would require Some [conſiderable | considerable]conſiderableconsiderable [expience | expense]expienceexpense, [& | and]&and had [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] attempted it without
any help from Some Society, [& | and]&and without money to Support the charge of So extraor-
dinary an [enterprize | enterprise]enterprizeenterprise, theyre would have been Still more danger ifthat he would
have been reproached as [raſh | rash]raſhrash [& | and]&and [preſumptious | presumptuous]preſumptiouspresumptuous. Therefore in May 1761, he ap-
plied to the [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable Scotch [Commiſſrs | Commissioners]CommiſſrsCommissioners in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[org0011.ocp], who approving the [deſign | design]deſigndesign of
Sending for children of remote tribes, [paſſed | passed]paſſedpassed a vote on May 7[1761-05-07]. to this [purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose,
That [m.r | Mr.]m.rMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] be [deſired | desired]deſireddesired to fit out David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] an Indian youth to [acom‐
pany | accom‐
the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] on a [Miſſion | mission]Miſſionmission to [Onoida | Oneida]OnoidaOneida[place0179.ocp], [& | and]&and that Said David[pers0155.ocp] be Supported
on [Sd | said]Sdsaid [Miſſion | mission]Miſſionmission a term not not exceeding 4 months, [& | and]&and that he endeavour, to bring
on his return, to bring down three Boys to be put under [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s care
[& | and]&and that £20 be put into [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s hand to carry on the [deſign | design]deſigndesign; [& | and]&and that when

Said Sum Shall be expended, he [adviſe | advise]adviſeadvise the [treaſurer | treasurer]treaſurertreasurer of it [& | and]&and Send his accounts
for allowance.
This was accordingly done [& | and]&and the [thre | three]threthree boys procured [& | and]&and Sent
to [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]. This was the [firſt | first]firſtfirst opening among the back nations, [& | and]&and was
much facilitated by [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] [& | and]&and David Fowler[pers0155.ocp], going up among them (who had
been educated in [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s School[org0098.ocp]) going up among them [& | and]&and giving them
a favourable Idea of the [deſign | design]deſigndesign, [& | and]&and [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially by the [influance | influence]influanceinfluence [& | and]&and [aſſiſtance | assistance]aſſiſtanceassistance of
Sir [W.m | William]W.mWilliam [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp]. [Incouraged | Encouraged]IncouragedEncouraged by this countenance from the Board[org0011.ocp], [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
applied to the General [Aſſembly | Assembly]AſſemblyAssembly of [Maſſechuſets | Massachusetts]MaſſechuſetsMassachusetts Bay[org0046.ocp] the November following,
who granted him £54 [Ster: | Sterling]Ster:Sterling on which [incouragement | encouragement]incouragementencouragement he took Six more
Children of the Six Nations[org0090.ocp], [truſting | trusting]truſtingtrusting providence for the Supply of what that
Sum Should fall Short in their Support. This Sum of £54 [Ster. | Sterling]Ster.Sterling that [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable [Aſſem‐
bly | Assem‐
have granted forto [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] from year to year Since; [& | and]&and by the charities of
the pious in [& | and]&and about [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp], [Portſmouth | Portsmouth]PortſmouthPortsmouth[place0190.ocp], Connecticut[place0048.ocp], New York[place0166.ocp] [& | and]&and Phila-
, [& | and]&and Some kind, unexpected providential Supplies from friends of the
[cauſe | cause]cauſecause in Great Britain[place0090.ocp], the School[org0098.ocp] hath been [hither to | hitherto]hither tohitherto Supported; [tho' | though]tho'though no mo-
ney hath[illegible] ever been in hand more than Sufficient to [diſchare | discharge]diſcharedischarge [preſent | present]preſentpresent debts ([wch | which]wchwhich
[Some times | sometimes]Some timessometimes have been very [conſiderable | considerable]conſiderableconsiderable without any human [proſpiect | prospiect]proſpiectprospiect of relief) [& | and]&and,
to twice only, to keep the School[org0098.ocp] a few weeks.
In this number of youth there was one [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] the Son of a [Miniſter | minister]Miniſterminister[pers0942.ocp]
in Norwich[place0174.ocp] in New England[place0158.ocp], [& | and]&and Since there have been three or four more [En‐
gliſh | En‐
youth taken in to be trained up as [aſſociates | associates]aſſociatesassociates with the Indians in their
[Miſſions | missions]Miſſionsmissions, [& | and]&and Several who have had the [moſt | most]moſtmost of their education at their own
[expence | expense]expenceexpense are now [imployed | employed]imployedemployed as [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries among the Indians, [& | and]&and Sup-
ported by this Charity.
In [Novem.r | November.]Novem.rNovember. 1764, [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] [& | and]&and [Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph [Wolley | Woolley]WolleyWoolley[pers0041.ocp] an Indian youth, Set out
for the Six Nations[org0090.ocp] in order to winter among them. [The | They]TheThey went to [Onohoquage | Onaquaga]OnohoquageOnaquaga[place0182.ocp]
where [Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph[pers0041.ocp] continued with the Indians [till | 'til]till'til the next fall teaching School
[& | and]&and [inſtructing | instructing]inſtructinginstructing them in the things of God [& | and]&and [Jeſus | Jesus]JeſusJesus [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist in which he appeared
to be much [ingaged | engaged]ingagedengaged. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] went from thence to Fort [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[place0079.ocp], [& | and]&and
tarried with Sir [W.m | William]W.mWilliam [Joh[illegible]nſon | Joh[illegible]nson]Joh[illegible]nſonJoh[illegible]nson[pers0292.ocp] learning the Mohawk language, [till | 'til]till'til the [17th | 17th]17th17th of
January following[1765-01-17]
, [& | and]&and then traveled [above] on boaton boat in company with two Seneca Indians,
about 250 miles [thro' | through]thro'through a Snow four feet deep, [& | and]&and[till | 'til]till'til he came to the Seneca Na‐
who are numerous, among whom he continued [till | 'til]till'til the Spring of 1766, [& | and]&and
Suffered many [hardſhips | hardships]hardſhipshardships, [& | and]&and was often in great danger of being murdered by
Some of that Savage Nation — But God [preſirved | preserved]preſirvedpreserved him; [& | and]&and by him hath opened
a hopeful [proſpect | prospect]proſpectprospect of carrying the [bleſſed | blessed]bleſſedblessed [goſpel | gospel]goſpelgospel among that numerous and
Savage tribe.
[Beſides | Besides]BeſidesBesides [theſe | these]theſethese The encouraging accounts which [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] gave of the [d[gap: tear][guess (ivys): iſ]iſ
poſition | di[gap: tear][guess (ivys): is]is
d[gap: tear][guess (ivys): iſ]iſ
di[gap: tear][guess (ivys): is]is

of the Indians [& | and]&and their [earneſst | earnest]earneſstearnest [deſire | desire]deſiredesire to Send their Children to [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [gap: tear][guess (ivys): Whee-]Whee-
[& | and]&and to have teachers come among them, excited him to look out for Som[gap: tear][guess (ivys): e]e [En-
gli[gap: tear][guess (ivys): ſh]ſh | En
gli[gap: tear][guess (ivys): sh]sh]
gli[gap: tear][guess (ivys): ſh]ſh
gli[gap: tear][guess (ivys): sh]sh

[gliſh | glish]gliſhglish [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries to Sentd out with [thoſe | those]thoſethose Indian youth who were [quallified | qualified]quallifiedqualified for
[inſtructing | instructing]inſtructinginstructing the heathen. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] was [incouraged | encouraged]incouragedencouraged to Send [thoſe | those]thoſethose [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish [Miſ‐
ſionaries | mis‐
by the confidence which he knew [theſe | these]theſethese Indians had in him, as Sincerely
Seeking their good, of which they were [perſwaded | persuaded]perſwadedpersuaded by his educating their Children: [& | and]&and
[alſo | also]alſoalso by the [earneſt | earnest]earneſtearnest [deſire | desire]deſiredesire they [expreſſed | expressed]expreſſedexpressed of being [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed having [miniſters | ministers]miniſtersministers Sent
among them, of which they had been [deſtitute | destitute]deſtitutedestitute for Several years. Accordingly he
called the [Hon: | Honourable]Hon:Honourable Board of [Commiſſ.rs | Commissioners]Commiſſ.rsCommissioners in [Connecticty | Connecticut]ConnectictyConnecticut[org0034.ocp] to meet on the [12th | 12th]12th12th of March 1765[1765-03-12]
in order to examine [meſſ .rs | Messrs.]meſſ .rsMessrs. Titus Smith[pers0503.ocp] [& | and]&and [Theo: | Theophilus]Theo:Theophilus Chamberlain[pers0009.ocp] as [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries,
David Fowler[pers0155.ocp], a Montauk Indian[org0061.ocp], Hezekiah Calvin[pers0008.ocp], a Dielaware[org0038.ocp], [Moſes | Moses]MoſesMoses[pers0677.ocp], Johannes[pers0282.ocp],
Abraham primus[pers0043.ocp], Abraham Secundus[pers0044.ocp] [& | and]&and Peter[pers0378.ocp], Mohawks[org0062.ocp] as [Schoolmaſters | schoolmasters]Schoolmaſtersschoolmasters: ac-
cordingly we met; [& | and]&and providence So ordered it, that at the very time we were
gathering, three Indians [arived | arrived]arivedarrived from [Onohoquage | Onaquaga]OnohoquageOnaquaga[place0182.ocp], having [traviled | traveled]traviledtraveled on foot 300
miles [thro' | through]thro'through the Snow; [& | and]&and at the Same [inſtant | instant]inſtantinstant [alſo | also]alſoalso came in [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Gun | Gunn]GunGunn[pers0020.ocp] the Interpre-
ter, who was well acquainted with [thoſe | those]thoſethose indians, by whom we were able to under-
stand them [& | and]&and they us. Thus [theſe | these]theſethese three parties met, in [leſs | less]leſsless than half an hour, from
places 300 miles [diſtant | distant]diſtantdistant, without any previous appointment or the [leaſt | least]leaſtleast know-
ledge of each others [deſign | design]deſigndesign. Their [Arrand | errand]Arranderrand was to [aſk | ask]aſkask for a [miniſter | minister]miniſterminister to go [& | and]&and preach
[Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist to them, [& | and]&and Said they had [above] hadhad no [miniſter | minister]miniſterminister for a great while. The Board[org0034.ocp] examined
and approved the Candidates; [& | and]&and on the [24th | 24th]24th24th of April following[1765-04-24] they two were or-
dained, [& | and]&and [commiſſioned | commissioned]commiſſionedcommissioned by the Board[org0034.ocp] as [Miſſionaries | missionaries]Miſſionariesmissionaries, who went to the Six nations[org0090.ocp]
in company with the [Schoolmaſters | schoolmasters]Schoolmaſtersschoolmasters who were placed in Schools among them
[& | and]&and in the [Autum | autumn]Autumautumn following they had in their Schools about 130 children, who
made good proficiency in reading, [tho | though]thothough they knew not a letter ([moſt | most]moſtmost of them) when
they went among them: And by a letter from [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] [above] SinceSince I am informed that
he had accounts of above 100 children in only four of [thoſe | those]thoſethose [Schooles | schools]Schoolesschools [laſt | last]laſtlast Summer.
Thus I have given as [honeſt | honest]honeſthonest, plain, [tho | though]thothough imperfect, [above] anan [hiſtory | history]hiſtoryhistory of the [riſe | rise]riſerise [& | and]&and pro-
[greſs | gress]greſsgress of this School[org0098.ocp] as I am capable of in So Short a [cumpaſs | compass]cumpaſscompass: and I [perſwad | persuade]perſwadpersuade [my-
ſelf | my-
that it will [eaſily | easily]eaſilyeasily appear, [illegible]that this plan is more likely to obviate the before-
mientioned difficulties, than any other that hath been attempted, [& | and]&and is incomparably
better than to depend wholly on [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish [miſſ:rs: | missionaries]miſſ:rs:missionaries for, let it be [obſerved | observed]obſervedobserved
1. The Indians entertain no [Jealouſies | jealousies]Jealouſiesjealousies of their own Children as having a [deſign | design]deſigndesign of
defrauding them of their Lands, their [intereſt | interest]intereſtinterest being one; So [ye | the]yethe grand objection is removed.
2. An Indian [Miſſionary | missionary]Miſſionarymissionary may be Supported [wth | with]wthwith [leſs | less]leſsless than half the [expence | expense]expenceexpense, that will
be [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary for the Support of an [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish [Miſſionary | missionary]Miſſionarymissionary, who can't conform to their
manner of living, [& | and]&and who can have no dependance on them for any part of it; but on
the contrary, they will be always expecting Some favours from him, which will not
be the [caſe | case]caſecase with an Indian.
3. Hereby the great [expence | expense]expenceexpense of an Interpreter will be Saved, as the Indians will
Speak to them in their own language [& | and]&and So be able to [addreſs | address]addreſsaddress them with more pathos
[gap: tear][guess (ivys): [& | and]&and][& | and]&and energy; [& | and]&and be in a capacity more readily to prevent any [riſing | rising]riſingrising [jealouſies | jealousies]jealouſiesjealousies [& | and]&and difficulties
[gap: tear][guess (ivys): whi]which may be [breading | breeding]breadingbreeding among them, [& | and]&and which could not be [eaſily | easily]eaſilyeasily [diſcovered | discovered]diſcovereddiscovered by one who
[gap: tear][guess (ivys): is ig]is ignorant of their language.
[gap: tear][guess (ivys): 4.]4. Indian [Miſſionaries | missionaries]Miſſionariesmissionaries may be [Suppoſed | supposed]Suppoſedsupposed better to [underſtand | understand]underſtandunderstand the tempers [& | and]&and [Cuſtoms | customs]Cuſtomscustoms
[gap: tear][guess (ivys): of the]of the Indians, [& | and]&and more readily conform to them in a [thouſand | thousand]thouſandthousand things than the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish
can, [& | and]&and in things wherein their nonconformity may [cauſe | cause]cauſecause [diſguſt | disgust]diſguſtdisgust, [& | and]&and by them be
[conſtrued | construed]conſtruedconstrued as the fruit of pride, or it may be, Something [worſe | worse]worſeworse.
5.The Influence of their own Sons among them will likely be much greater
than of any [Engliſhman | Englishman]EngliſhmanEnglishman whatever. They will look upon Such as one of them;
their [Intereſt | interest]Intereſtinterest the Same with theirs: [& | and]&and will naturally [eſteem | esteem]eſteemesteem him as the hon–
of their Nation, [& | and]&and be more ready to be [adviſed | advised]adviſedadvised [& | and]&and Submit to his reproofs, than
to any [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish [miſſionary | missionary]miſſionarymissionary; [& | and]&and [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially will they, more patiently, endure [ye | the]yethe
[diſcipline | discipline]diſciplinediscipline [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary in a School from one of their own nation than from
the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish. This is abundantly evident in the [caſe | case]caſecase of [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp], who taught
School a long time among the Indians[org0061.ocp] at Montauk[place0144.ocp], where, he Says, he could,
without offence, [uſe | use]uſeuse any [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary Sever[above] itity with the Children [& | and]&and reprove the
Parents for any fault: [& | and]&and even among his own tribe[org0063.ocp] his influence is much
greater than any other man's in that whole government, as well as among
all the tribes in that vicinity
6.The great difference between the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish manner of living, [& | and]&and that of the
Indians [cauſes | causes]cauſescauses them to [diſpare | despair]diſparedespair of [immitating | imitating]immitatingimitating them; but when they See their
own Sons capable of [huſbandry | husbandry]huſbandryhusbandry [& | and]&and a decent life, this hath already, [& | and]&and will [pro-
pably | pro-
continue more [& | and]&and more to animate them to [induſtry | industry]induſtryindustry [& | and]&and [huſbandry | husbandry]huſbandryhusbandry, that
they [alſo | also]alſoalso may partake of the Sweets of life, [& | and]&and not be so frequently reduced to a
[Staving | starving]Stavingstarving condition, which a [dependance | dependence]dependancedependence on hunting [diſpoſes | disposes]diſpoſesdisposes them to. And this
is the [moſt | most]moſtmost likely means of preventing their rambling, [& | and]&and collecting them [to‐
gather | to‐
in compact bodies, [& | and]&and fixing them in [Setled | settled]Setledsettled habitations; which will effec-
tually prevent their going to war with us, as then their property will be fixed, [& | and]&and
not [eaſily | easily]eaſilyeasily removed, [& | and]&and [therefor | therefore]therefortherefore [expoſed | exposed]expoſedexposed to be [deſtroyed | destroyed]deſtroyeddestroyed, [& | and]&and they ruined [above] in [caſe | case]caſecase of a warin [caſe | case]caſecase of a war, [& | and]&and will [alſo | also]alſoalso
incline them to [uſe | use]uſeuse their Influence with the more defiant nations to keep them
in peace; [& | and]&and to defend us when theyre Shall be war, as they will be our [fronteer | frontier]fronteerfrontier, [& | and]&and
[moſt | most]moſtmost liable to Suffer. This [alſo | also]alſoalso will bring them under better advantages for
[inſtruction | instruction]inſtructioninstruction, as they will not need to ramble for their foodt. Let me add here
[alſo | also]alſoalso, that this will be of inconceivable advantage to the trade of this Nation,
as every civilized Indian will take a [conſiderable | considerable]conſiderableconsiderable quantity of [Britiſh | British]BritiſhBritish ma-
nufactories yearly. [Beſides | Besides]BeſidesBesides, this will enable them to procure a living [illegible] from
the one [above] fiftiethfiftieth hundreth part of the land which is now [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary for them to hunt
on, [& | and]&and the [reſidue | residue]reſidueresidue may be improved by the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish, without any injury to
the Indians when once they learn [huſbandry | husbandry]huſbandryhusbandry, [& | and]&and hereby the [britiſh | british]britiſhbritish Colonies
can be extended, [& | and]&and the people there be under no [neceſſity | necessity]neceſſitynecessity of going into ma-
nufactories; which they never will, while they have Sufficient land to improve.
7. The [Friendſhip | friendship]Friendſhipfriendship and acquaintance which the Indian boys, from [diſtinct | distinct]diſtinctdistinct
Tribes [& | and]&and places, will contract [& | and]&and cultivate, while [togather | together]togathertogether, [illegible]at School, may be
improved much for the benefit advantage [& | and]&and furtherance of their [Miſſion | mission]Miſſionmission
8. In this School, children of different nations may, [& | and]&and [eaſily | easily]eaſilyeasily will, learn one ano-
thers language, [& | and]&and [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish youth may learn of them; [& | and]&and thereby Save the [vaſt | vast]vaſtvast
[expence | expense]expenceexpense of Interpreters, [& | and]&and their [miniſtry | ministry]miniſtryministry be much more acceptable, [& | and]&and edify‐
ing to the Indians.
9. Indian [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries will readily own [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish ones, who Shall be [aſſociated | associated]aſſociatedassociated
with them (where the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish can be introduced) as elder brethren, [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially
while they are So much dependant on the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish for a Support — [& | and]&and they will
mutually help each other to recommend the [deſign | design]deſigndesign to the favourable reception
of the pagans, remove their prejudices, conciliate their [friendſhip | friendship]friendſhipfriendship, [& | and]&and [indce | induce]indceinduce
them to [repoſe | repose]repoſerepose due confidence in the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish.
10. The Indians being acquainted with the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish language, will thereby
be naturally bound to them, (for all know how Strong the tie of language is) [& | and]&and
will of [courſe | course]courſecourse be naturally [diſpoſed | disposed]diſpoſeddisposed to trade with the people they can under-
Stand; [& | and]&and will [alſo | also]alſoalso have the advantage of knowing what deeds [& | and]&and other writings
they Sign, by which they will be guarded from [thoſe | those]thoſethose [impoſitions | impositions]impoſitionsimpositions, which have
been the ground of their [Jealoſies | jealousies]Jealoſiesjealousies, [& | and]&and [coſt | cost]coſtcost the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish So much blood [& | and]&and [treaſure | treasure]treaſuretreasure
11. Indians [bro't | brought]bro'tbrought up for [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries in this School, [& | and]&and the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish youth [alſo | also]alſoalso
are not likely to [forſake | forsake]forſakeforsake the [buſineſs | business]buſineſsbusiness of their [miſſion | mission]miſſionmission, as they are [above] willwill not likely to [above] probablyprobably
be invited to churches among the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish; and as they will have the induce-
ment to continue among the Indians which no [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish man can have, viz.
that they will [neceſſarily | necessarily]neceſſarilynecessarily be [eſteemed | esteemed]eſteemedesteemed, honoured [& | and]&and advanced among them on
account of their Superior knowledge. This has been the [caſe | case]caſecase [moſt | most]moſtmost evidently
with [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] who hath more influence [& | and]&and honour among his own Nation
[& | and]&and all the Tribes around them, than any [S[above] aachim | sachem]S[above] aachimsachem of the back nations hath among [above] them.them.
[illegible][guess (ivys): [thoſe | those]thoſethose [Miſſionaries | missionaries]Miſſionariesmissionaries][thoſe | those]thoſethose [Miſſionaries | missionaries]Miſſionariesmissionaries 12 [illegible] [where as | whereas]where aswhereas there are very few [inſtances | instances]inſtancesinstances of
[Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish [Miſſ.rs | missionaries]Miſſ.rsmissionaries who have had a delicate education, but have Soon [prefered | preferred]preferedpreferred
the [pleaſures | pleasures]pleaſurespleasures of Society [& | and]&and a field of more [extenſive | extensive]extenſiveextensive [uſefulneſs | usefulness]uſefulneſsusefulness, of which they
have had a fairer [proſpect | prospect]proſpectprospect [illegible][guess (ivys): of]of among the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish, to the regions of Igno-
rance, [& | and]&and [hardſhips | hardships]hardſhipshardships of life in a dreary [Wilderneſs | wilderness]Wilderneſswilderness, where their improvements
in learning [& | and]&and Science are hid, [& | and]&and they Seem [almoſt | almost]almoſtalmost [loſt | lost]loſtlost to [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves [& | and]&and the world.
If the above [obſervations | observations]obſervationsobservations are [juſt | just]juſtjust, it is [eaſy | easy]eaſyeasy for the attentive mind to See that the
School before [deſcribed | described]deſcribeddescribed is exactly calculated to [anſwer | answer]anſweranswer all the difficulties which
have hitherto [obſtructed | obstructed]obſtructedobstructed this glorious work beyond [any thing | anything]any thinganything which hath yet
been attempted. And if the Indians can be [bro't | brought]bro'tbrought to agriculture [& | and]&and live decently,
it will tend to cure them of the vice of drinking to [exceſs | excess]exceſsexcess, which hath ever
been a great [obſtruction | obstruction]obſtructionobstruction to the [progreſs | progress]progreſsprogress of the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among them, [& | and]&and rendered
it dangerous for [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries to be among them. The [inſtance | instance]inſtanceinstance of [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]s
nation[org0063.ocp] is a full proof of this. Formerly they were, like other Indians, addicted
to drinking to [exceſs | excess]exceſsexcess, but now they cultivate their lands [& | and]&and have the comforts
of life they are as free from that vice as perhaps any So large a num-
ber of people [togather | together]togathertogether among the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish.
I do not pretend that this plan is So perfect as to be incapable of improve-
ment; but am [Senſible | sensible]Senſiblesensible it is yet [illegible][guess (ivys): defic]defic[neceſſarily | necessarily]neceſſarilynecessarily deficient in many [reſpects | respects]reſpectsrespects
[& | and]&and time, with experience, may [diſcover | discover]diſcoverdiscover many more defects, than [above] dodo now occur. Give
me leave to hint one or two things which go [illegible] [above] belongbelong to the plan, [& | and]&and which can't at
[preſent | present]preſentpresent be [accompliſhed | accomplished]accompliſhedaccomplished for want of Supplies.
1. It is [propoſed | proposed]propoſedproposed to obtain a large tract of land nearer the back Indians
in order to erect the School, [& | and]&and [imploy | employ]imployemploy a great Number of Indian Youth
of different nations in [huſbandry | husbandry]huſbandryhusbandry as well as So much learning as Shall
be [neceſſary | necessary]neceſſarynecessary for common [buſineſs | business]buſineſsbusiness; [& | and]&and to train up a number of Girls to
all the [buſineſs | business]buſineſsbusiness of [houſ-wif[above] eery | housewifery]houſ-wif[above] eeryhousewifery [& | and]&and Such trades as Shall render them [uſeful | useful]uſefuluseful
in their families; [& | and]&and [alſo | also]alſoalso to teach the Indians lads Such trades as will en-
able them to promote [huſbandry | husbandry]huſbandryhusbandry [&c | etc.]&cetc. among their own Nations. This was
the plan [propoſed | proposed]propoſedproposed by the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Seargent[pers0471.ocp] of Stockbridge[place0225.ocp], [& | and]&and adopted by
the [Hon. | Honourable]Hon.Honourable Society in London[org0095.ocp] [& | and]&and [mr | Mr.]mrMr. David Bainard[pers0003.ocp], [& | and]&and was generally approved.
2. It is [propoſed | proposed]propoſedproposed that the Indian youths, who have been taught to read [& | and]&and write
well, [& | and]&and Some of whom are of other nations [& | and]&and languages, Should go[illegible] accompanied
by Such [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish youth as are [deſigned | designed]deſigneddesigned for a [Miſſion | mission]Miſſionmission, to Some nation where
they are likely to be [imployed | employed]imployedemployed in order to Set up Schools to teach the chil-
dren [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish, while they perfect [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves in their own or a Strange lan-
guage — This indeed is now [perſued | pursued]perſuedpursued with [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect to a number, but need's
larger Supplies to carry it into thoroug[above] hh execution.
This whole [Scheem | scheme]Scheemscheme Seems to bid So [farr | far]farrfar for [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess; [& | and]&and the effects of it have
already been So remarkable, that I freely own, That after my intimate ac-
quaintance with it for Several years I am not able to form any objection
of any weight [againſt | against]againſtagainst it: And yet I have heard of three objections [wch | which]wchwhich have
been improved to its [diſadvantage | disadvantage]diſadvantagedisadvantage, which I beg leave now to obviate.
1. The great [expence | expense]expenceexpense of taking Indian youth from their parents [& | and]&and educat-
ing them among the [engliſh | English]engliſhEnglish is objected to this plan.
What I have Said already [illegible][guess (ivys): is]is [above] would bewould be [illegible][guess (ivys): a]a Sufficient [anſwer | answer]anſweranswer to this objection were it not
for an Extract from Dr [Chancy | Chauncy]ChancyChauncy[pers0118.ocp]'s Sermon preach in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] at the ordination
of [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Bowman[pers0090.ocp] on [Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust 31. 1762[1762-08-31], which I find [publiſhe | published]publiſhepublished here at the end of
the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Randal[pers0439.ocp]s Sermon, preach before the Society in [Edenburgh | Edinburgh]EdenburghEdinburgh, for pro-
moting [chriſtian | christian]chriſtianchristian knowledge[org0096.ocp]
; His words are "We have have not [incouraged | encouraged]incouragedencouraged the
"Sending [theſe | these]theſethese Boys; [& | and]&and, as we imagine, for very good [reaſons | reasons]reaſonsreasons. The charge of bring-
"ing them from their own homes, [& | and]&and educating them among us, would be very
"great. We have felt the truth of this, as we lately found [ourſelves | ourselves]ourſelvesourselves obliged to
"pay nearly £60. Sterling in [leſs | less]leſsless than one year for three Boys only."
[Theſe | These]TheſeThese boys were under [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s care; [& | and]&and I freely own that this [expence | expense]expenceexpense is
very great. As it is natural for [every one | everyone]every oneeveryone to [underſtand | understand]underſtandunderstand by this [above] accountaccount that, three Boys
only would ordinarily [coſt | cost]coſtcost near £60 Sterling in [leſs | less]leſsless than one year, per-
haps in eight or nine months. But the [Dr | Dr.]DrDr.[pers0118.ocp] was unhappily [miſtaken | mistaken]miſtakenmistaken as to the
fact, which was this. David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] was on a [miſſion | mission]miſſionmission near four months in which
he Spent (including the [expence | expense]expenceexpense of fitting him out) near £15. [Ster: | Sterling]Ster:Sterling He procured
[& | and]&and Sent down three Mohawk Lads, they each [brot | brought]brotbrought a [horſe | horse]horſehorse which [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
was obliged to keep in a time of great drought; they all came [illegible]little better than
naked, except one who had Some [cloths | clothes]clothsclothes; He [cloathed | clothed]cloathedclothed them all — In about three
months, one being in a decline when he came was obliged to return, and another
to accompany him, The expence of their Journey back about [illegible] miles [illegible][guess (ivys): [weſt | west]weſtwest][weſt | west]weſtwest
one Soon died, the other married [& | and]&and did not return. The third accompanied [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
about 200 miles to procure two more to Supply their place, which
journey was [expenſive | expensive]expenſiveexpensive; the two they obtained came naked were to be clothed
which added to the [expence | expense]expenceexpense; So that [in Stead | instead]in Steadinstead of "three Boys only" there was the
clothing [& | and]&and [firniſhing | furnishing]firniſhingfurnishing David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] [illegible]with [horſe | horse]horſehorse [& | and]&and money for his long journey
of Several months; the [Expence | expense]Expenceexpense of the Boys journey home above 200 miles;
the [expence | expense]expenceexpense of Kirtland[pers0315.ocp]s Journey (excepting his [horſe | horse]horſehorse) to bring down the
other two; the [paſturing | pasturing]paſturingpasturing their [horſes | horses]horſeshorses in a dry [& | and]&and difficult [Seaſon | season]Seaſonseason; the [cloath-
ing | cloth-
all five [& | and]&and repairing their [cloathing | clothing]cloathingclothing while they tarried; their Boarding
Schooling, [waſhing | washing]waſhingwashing, lodging, firewood, Candles, books, paper, [&c. | etc.]&c.etc. the amount
of all which. for near twelve months was, errors excepted, [juſt | just]juſtjust £58.17.S.7 ¼d
Sterling: Hence it appears that the [Dr | Dr.]DrDr.[pers0118.ocp] was [groſly | grossly]groſlygrossly [miſtaken | mistaken]miſtakenmistaken, when he Says "for
three boys only" It is a [pitty | pity]pittypity he had not examined the [caſe | case]caſecase more [thoro'ly | thoroughly]thoro'lythoroughly
before he [publiſhed | published]publiſhedpublished concerning it, which he had the [faireſt | fairest]faireſtfairest [oppertunity | opportunity]oppertunityopportunity for
as he was Cha[illegible]irman of the Committee[org0011.ocp] when the bill [above] accountaccount was carried in: and it
is a debt he owes to the world [& | and]&and to truth to [illegible]own his [miſtake | mistake]miſtakemistake [& | and]&and Set this
affair in a true light, as it [reſpects | respects]reſpectsrespects a matter of fact.. But this whole
II. affair is Set in a more full light in [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s Narrative printed
in [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] Page. 39-45. which has never be replied to by the [D.r | Dr.]D.rDr.[pers0118.ocp]
II. The Second objection is, That the [moſt | most]moſtmost of the Indian youth which [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] hath had in his School[org0098.ocp] are taken from the civilized [& | and]&and [chriſtianized | christianized]chriſtianizedchristianized
Indians in Connecticut[place0048.ocp].
This is [alſo | also]alſoalso a [groſ | gross]groſgross [miſtake | mistake]miſtakemistake: for So intimately as I am acquainted with
the School[org0098.ocp], I know of but two Indians in it or that ever were in it, which belonged
to connecticut[place0048.ocp], [& | and]&and one of [thoſe | those]thoſethose, as I remember, was [deſigned | designed]deſigneddesigned for a trade and the other
for a farmer. [above] [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] indeed is another exception; but he had left [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] 8 or 9 years before[mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] indeed is another exception; but he had left [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] 8 or 9 years before he had the [tho'ts | thoughts]tho'tsthoughts of a School, [& | and]&and never was [reckond | reckoned]reckondreckoned as one [oft | of it]oftof it.
III. It is [alſo | also]alſoalso objected, that it would be a much better [& | and]&and cheaper way to learn
the Indians to read in their own language than to teach them [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish. In [an‐
ſwer | an‐
to this I would [obſerve | observe]obſerveobserve
1. There are no books in the language of any of the back nations, except the
[Pſalms | Psalms]PſalmsPsalms [& | and]&and a few other [paſſages | passages]paſſagespassages of Scripture in the Mohawk language; [& | and]&and it is
next to [impoſſible | impossible]impoſſibleimpossible to find any man [above] toto whom it would be Safe to [truſt | trust]truſttrust the
work of [tranſlating | translating]tranſlatingtranslating the Scriptures into that or any other [above] backback Indian language.
2. If the Bible [& | and]&and Some other good books were [tranſlated | translated]tranſlatedtranslated into any one
language which is known in America[place0003.ocp], it would be of [uſe | use]uſeuse to but a [compa‐
retively | compa‐
Small number, as the[ſ | s]ſs language differs generally [ever | every]everevery hundred or 2
miles, not only in its Idiom, but in the very words as much as the [Welch | Welsh]WelchWelsh
differs from the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish; So that there would require many [tranſlations | translations]tranſlationstranslations,
which, as they [above] itit would not be exceeding difficult to procure them, if not [impoſſible | impossible]impoſſibleimpossible, So the [impreſ‐
ſions | impres‐
of them [muſt | must]muſtmust be very [expenſive | expensive]expenſiveexpensive.
I have now only to add a few motives which tend to influence the pious [& | and]&and be-
nevolent to exert [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves for the Support of this School [& | and]&and of the [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries
[& | and]&and [Schoolmaſter | schoolmaster]Schoolmaſterschoolmaster who are [& | and]&and may be Sent from it into the [Wilderneſs | wilderness]Wilderneſswilderness to [inſtruct | instruct]inſtructinstruct
the [periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing pagans in reading, writing, religion [& | and]&and the civil arts.
1. The [conſideration | consideration]conſiderationconsideration of the low [& | and]&and wretched condition in which they live, Should ex-
cite us to this. Their habitations are [uſually | usually]uſuallyusually made of the Bark of trees, [& | and]&and are [inſuffi‐
cien't | insuffi‐
to [difend | defend]difenddefend them from the rain [& | and]&and [above] coldcold [illegible]. their lodging the cold earth or [ye | the]yethe bark
of a tree, [& | and]&and at [beſt | best]beſtbest the Skin of a [Bare | bear]Barebear or some other [beaſt | beast]beaſtbeast — their food, the [fleſh | flesh]fleſhflesh of
wild [beaſts | beasts]beaſtsbeasts they take in hunting which they commonly eat without Salt, [& | and]&and frequent-
ly without bread, as they are unacquainted with [huſbandry | husbandry]huſbandryhusbandry, [& | and]&and [raiſe | raise]raiſeraise no bread corn,
except [Maiſe | maize]Maiſemaize or Indian corn, of which [the | they]thethey [Sildom | seldom]Sildomseldom have a Sufficiency. And they,
depending on hunting, are often Starved [thro' | through]thro'through want. Now, if we are required to
deal our bread to the hungry, where can we find more proper objects? [eſſpecially | especially]eſſpeciallyespecially
as there are So many [thouſands | thousands]thouſandsthousands [& | and]&and millions of [theſe | these]theſethese unhappy wretches, [& | and]&and a [Smal | small]Smalsmall
matter comparatively, will be Sufficient to bring them to be able to Support [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves.
2. They have Souls as [will | well]willwell as we, [& | and]&and are capable of the Same [happineſs | happiness]happineſshappiness or mi-
[ſery; | sery]ſery;sery [& | and]&and therefore love to their immortal part Should excite us to endeavour to Spread
the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among them, without which they cannot be Saved in God's ordinary way.
And can we pretend to be the followers of [X | Christ]XChrist [& | and]&and partakers of his Spirit, [& | and]&and yet be in-
different to the [happineſs | happiness]happineſshappiness or [miſery | misery]miſerymisery of their precious Souls!
3. God hath evidently intimated his [diſpleaſure | displeasure]diſpleaſuredispleasure at our neglect, in Suffering
the Indians to be Such a Sore [Scurge | scourge]Scurgescourge to the [Britiſh | British]BritiſhBritish Colonies, in [barbarouſly | barbarously]barbarouſlybarbarously butch-
ering [& | and]&and murdering the inhabitants, captivating their Sons, [daſhing | dashing]daſhingdashing their little
ones [againſt | against]againſtagainst the Stones, [& | and]&and burning [& | and]&and laying [waſt | waste]waſtwaste the c[above] oountry, for near a hundred
miles [togather | together]togathertogether as [the | they]thethey did the [laſt | last]laſtlast war: all which might have been prevented, had
there been Suitable pains taken in time to Send pious, zealous [miſſionaries | missionaries]miſſionariesmissionaries among
them, [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially of their own Sons, who being trained up with the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish would
naturally have an attachment to them, [& | and]&and by various means might have prevented
their engaging in a war. "There is good [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason to think, that if one half which has
been laid out in building forts, [maning | manning]maningmanning [& | and]&and Supporting them, [& | and]&and in [preſents | presents]preſentspresents to buy the
[friendſhip | friendship]friendſhipfriendship of the Indians, had been prudently laid out in Supporting faithful [miſſior.s | missionaries]miſſior.smissionaries
[& | and]&and [School maſters | schoolmasters]School maſtersschoolmasters among them, that the more [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed, [& | and]&and civilized party would have
been a better defence, than all the [expenſive | expensive]expenſiveexpensive [fortreſſes | fortresses]fortreſſesfortresses [& | and]&and prevented the laying [waſte | waste]waſtewaste So
many towns [& | and]&and villages: [Witneſs | witness]Witneſswitness the [conſequence | consequence]conſequenceconsequence of Sending [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Sergeant[pers0471.ocp] to Stock-[place0225.ocp]
bridge[place0225.ocp], which was in the very road by [wch | which]wchwhich they [moſt | most]moſtmost [uſually | usually]uſuallyusually came upon our
people, [& | and]&and by [wch | which]wchwhich there hath never been one [attact | attack]attactattack made upon us, since his going there"
Sir [W.m | William]W.mWilliam [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] in a letter to [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp], Say "Every Indian in the near [Onoida | Oneida]OnoidaOneida [Caſtle | Castle]CaſtleCastle[place0114.ocp],
the [Oghquagoes | Onaquagas]OghquagoesOnaquagas[org0077.ocp], Mohawks[org0062.ocp], [Schoharees | Schoharies]SchohareesSchoharies[org0062.ocp], [& | and]&and Candia Indians[org0017.ocp] are determined to live [& | and]&and
die with the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish; owing in a great [meaſure | measure]meaſuremeasure to the little knowledge they have of
our religion, which I heartily [wiſh | wish]wiſhwish was more known to them [& | and]&and the [reſt | rest]reſtrest."
4. The great obligations which lie on us as God's Covent people, who have all we [injoy | enjoy]injoyenjoy
more than they in a covent way, [& | and]&and So are bound to de[illegible]vote all to the Glory of our liberal
benefactor, Should be a motive to excite us to [liberallity | liberality]liberallityliberality in this work.
5. The [converſion | conversion]converſionconversion of the heathen is that on [wh | which]whwhich the heart of the great Redeemer is greatly
[Sit | set]Sitset — for he shall be [Satiſfied | Satisfied]SatiſfiedSatisfied [whe | when]whewhen he Sees of the travil of his Soul. And can we be in[gap: tear][guess (ivys): dif-]dif-
ferent in that in which he is So [ingaged | engaged]ingagedengaged! did he become poor, that we might be rich; [& | and]&and
Shall we grudge a little of our [Subſtance | Substance]SubſtanceSubstance [& | and]&and pains for to Save [thoſe | those]thoſethose Souls for which
he died! Surely if the love of [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist dwells in us we Shall think nothing too much
or too hard that is in our power in order to Set [X | Christ]XChrist on his throne among the heathien
6. The Spreading knowledge [& | and]&and Civility among the Indians will greatly [increaſe | increase]increaſeincrease the
trade [& | and]&and we[above] aalth of this nation, as they will then wear the [britiſh | british]britiſhbritish manufacturies, which
article alone would every year far more than [compenſate | compensate]compenſatecompensate the annual [expence | expense]expenceexpense
of [inſtructing | instructing]inſtructinginstructing them
7. There are many [promiſſes | promises]promiſſespromises of God that [X's | Christ's]X'sChrist's Kingdom Shall come among the hea‐
then; [& | and]&and therefore we have good [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason to believe our endeavours will not be [fruitleſs | fruitless]fruitleſsfruitless
8 The [deſign | design]deſigndesign is carried far already by that [eminant | eminent]eminanteminent, faithful Servant of God [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
Wheelock[pers0036.ocp], who with infinite pains [& | and]&and labour [above] [& | and]&and to [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): the]the hazard of his own [eſtate | estate]eſtateestate[& | and]&and to [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): the]the hazard of his own [eſtate | estate]eſtateestate, hath trained up a number who are
now [imployed | employed]imployedemployed in teaching the heathen; [& | and]&and if he can't be [incouraged | encouraged]incouragedencouraged to go on, who will
ever attempt the like again
9. Many are willing to go out [& | and]&and Suffer the [hardſhips | hardships]hardſhipshardships of Such a [wilderneſs | wilderness]wilderneſswilderness life,
[& | and]&and [forſake | forsake]forſakeforsake every comfort that [reſults | results]reſultsresults from Society [& | and]&and plenty, [& | and]&and go [thro | through]throthrough dangers [& | and]&and [fateagues | fatigues]fateaguesfatigues.
too many [& | and]&and great to be here [deſcribed | described]deſcribeddescribed; And this they have done hitherto without any other
encouragement but that which hath [aroſe | arose]aroſearose from the hope of Spreading the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel among
their [periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing fellow men, [& | and]&and from the [promiſſes | promises]promiſſespromises of a future reward in Glory; [& | and]&and can any
who [bare | bear]barebear the name of [Chriſtians | Christians]ChriſtiansChristians be backward to give of their [Subſtance | substance]Subſtancesubstance to [fead | feed]feadfeed [& | and]&and
[cloath | clothe]cloathclothe them, while they bear the burden [& | and]&and heat of the day — Surely we Should bear
one anothers burdens [& | and]&and So [fulfil | fulfill]fulfilfulfill the Law of [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist.
10. And not to add. The gracious [incouragement | encouragement]incouragementencouragement given by God [himſelf | himself]himſelfhimself, [& | and]&and his
many [promiſſes | promises]promiſſespromises that he will reward, even in this life, with temporal [bleſſings | blessings]bleſſingsblessings
[& | and]&and in the life to come with eternal advantage, whatever is given for the advance-
ment of his [cauſe | cause]cauſecause here Should awaken us to Such acts of charity [& | and]&and piety. Many
are the [promiſes | promises]promiſespromises to this [purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose[Caſt | Cast]CaſtCast thy bread on the Waters, [& | and]&and thou Shall find it after
many days. The liberal Soul [deviſeth | deviseth]deviſethdeviseth liberal things, [& | and]&and by liberal things Shall he Stand
[Bleſſed | blessed]Bleſſedblessed is the man that [conſidereth | considereth]conſiderethconsidereth the poor, the Lord Shall be with him in time of
trouble, [&c. | etc.]&c.etc. [&c. | etc.]&c.etc. [&c. | etc.]&c.etc. And this is one yea[illegible] the principle thing which [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist will at [laſt | last]laſtlast
acknowledge as the mark of his [diſciples | disciples]diſciplesdisciples, [& | and]&and will reward with eternal Joy: He Shall
then Say to them on his right hand, Come ye [bleſſed | blessed]bleſſedblessed of my father inhierit the Kingdom
— for I was an [hungred | hungered]hungredhungered, [& | and]&and ye gave me [meet | meat]meetmeat, I was [athurſt | athirst]athurſtathirst, [& | and]&and ye gave me drink —
[In as much | Inasmuch]In as muchInasmuch as ye did it to one of the [leaſt | least]leaſtleast of [theſe | these]theſethese my brethren, ye did it to me —
May we be of this happy number, Amen [& | and]&and amen —

Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers1752.ocp m r Mr. Elliot Eliot mentioned Eliot, John
pers0003.ocp D. David Brainard Brainerd mentioned Brainerd, David
pers0004.ocp Jn. o Jonathan Brainard Brainerd mentioned Brainerd, John
pers0003.ocp David mentioned Brainerd, David
pers0471.ocp m r Mr. Se a rge a nt mentioned Sergeant, Sr., John
pers0176.ocp J. Jonathan Edwards mentioned Edwards, Jonathan
pers0239.ocp m r Mr. Haley mentioned Haley
pers0036.ocp m r Mr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0030.ocp M r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0020.ocp m r Mr. Gun Gunn mentioned Gunn, Elisha
pers0030.ocp m r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0030.ocp m r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0036.ocp Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0036.ocp M r Mr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0439.ocp m r Mr. Randal mentioned Randall
pers0363.ocp m r Mr. Samuel Mather mentioned Mather, Samuel
pers0011.ocp M r Mr. Clelland mentioned Clelland, Robert
pers0302.ocp Martain Martin Kellog Kellogg mentioned Kellogg, Martin
pers0363.ocp m r Mr. Mather mentioned Mather, Samuel
pers0155.ocp David Fowler mentioned Fowler, David
pers0395.ocp his Mother mentioned Occom, Sarah
pers0262.ocp m r Mr. Horton mentioned Horton, Azariah
pers0036.ocp m r Mr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0004.ocp John Branard Brainerd mentioned Brainerd, John
pers0030.ocp occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0135.ocp Cadwalleder Cadwallader Colden mentioned Colden, Cadwallader
pers0036.ocp m r Mr. Whee- lock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0036.ocp m. r Mr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0292.ocp Sir W. m William Johnſon Johnson mentioned Johnson, William
pers0315.ocp M r Mr. Kirtland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0942.ocp Miniſter minister mentioned Kirtland, Daniel
pers0041.ocp Joſeph Joseph Wolley Woolley mentioned Woolley, Joseph
pers0041.ocp Joſeph Joseph mentioned Woolley, Joseph
pers0315.ocp m r Mr. Kirtland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0036.ocp m r Mr. Whee- lock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0503.ocp Titus Smith mentioned Smith, Titus
pers0009.ocp Theo: Theophilus Chamberlain mentioned Chamberlain, Theophilus
pers0008.ocp Hezekiah Calvin mentioned Calvin, Hezekiah
pers0677.ocp Moſes Moses mentioned Moses
pers0282.ocp Johannes mentioned Johannes
pers0043.ocp Abraham primus mentioned Abraham
pers0044.ocp Abraham Secundus mentioned Abraham
pers0378.ocp Peter mentioned Peter
pers0471.ocp m r Mr. Seargent mentioned Sergeant, Sr., John
pers0003.ocp m r Mr. David Bainard mentioned Brainerd, David
pers0118.ocp Dr Chancy Chauncy mentioned Chauncy, Charles
pers0090.ocp m r Mr. Bowman mentioned Bowman
pers0118.ocp the D r Dr. mentioned Chauncy, Charles
pers0155.ocp David Fowler mentioned Fowler, David
pers0315.ocp Kirtland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0118.ocp D r Dr. mentioned Chauncy, Charles
pers0118.ocp D. r Dr. mentioned Chauncy, Charles
pers0471.ocp m r Mr. Sergeant mentioned Sergeant, Sr., John

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0170.ocp N. Amer: North America North America
place0066.ocp Edenburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh
place0158.ocp N.E. New England New England
place0132.ocp Martins Martha's Vinyard Vineyard Martin's Vineyard
place0013.ocp Boſton Boston Boston
place0399.ocp Croſwixſung Croswixsung Crossweeksung Crossweeksung
place0163.ocp N. New Jerſey Jersey New Jersey
place0059.ocp Dillawa re Delaware Delaware
place0185.ocp Penſilvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
place0163.ocp New Jerſey Jersey New Jersey
place0225.ocp Stockbridge Stockbridge
place0134.ocp Government of Maſſechuſets Massachusets Bay Massachusetts
place0182.ocp Onohoquage Onaquaga Onaquaga
place0360.ocp Suſquehannah Susquehanna river Susquehanna
place0360.ocp Suſquehan‐ nah river Susquehan‐ na Susquehanna
place0110.ocp Jeningo Chenango Chenango
place0360.ocp Suſquehannah Susquehanna River Susquehanna
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan
place0240.ocp Weatherſfield Wethersfield Wethersfield
place0179.ocp Onoida Oneida Oneida
place0164.ocp New London New London
place0048.ocp Connecticut Connecticut
place0158.ocp New England New England
place0144.ocp Montauk Montauk
place0129.ocp Long Iſland Island Long Island
place0129.ocp long Iſland Island Long Island
place0158.ocp N. New England New England
place0003.ocp America America
place0166.ocp New York New York
place0129.ocp Long- Iſland Island Long Island
place0166.ocp N. New York New York
place0190.ocp Portſmouth Portsmouth Portsmouth
place0186.ocp Phila- delphia Philadelphia
place0090.ocp Great Britain Great Britain
place0174.ocp Norwich Norwich
place0079.ocp Fort Johnſon Johnson Fort Johnson
place0048.ocp connecticut Connecticut
place0225.ocp Stock- Stockbridge
place0225.ocp bridge Stockbridge
place0114.ocp Onoida Oneida Caſtle Castle Kanawalohale

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0096.ocp Society for promoting ChriſtianChristian knowledge Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0095.ocp Society in London for propagating the GoſpelGospel in N.E.New England &and parts adjacent The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0095.ocp Hon.bleHonourable Society in London The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0090.ocp Six nations Six Nations
org0098.ocp his School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0095.ocp Hon:Honourable Com- "miſſ.rscom-missioners The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0095.ocp Hon:Honourable Commiſſ.rsCommissioners in BoſtonBoston The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0075.ocp the OnoidasOneidas Oneida Nation
org0096.ocp the Society in Scotland Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0077.ocp Indians Onaquagas
org0075.ocp 200 Indians Oneida Nation
org0062.ocp Mohawks Mohawk Nation
org0095.ocp Hon:Honourable Lon- "don CommiſſionersCommissioners The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0063.ocp Mohegan tribe Mohegan Tribe
org0063.ocp Mohegan tribe Mohegan Tribe
org0069.ocp Hon.Honourable Scotch CommiſſionersCommissioners in N.New York The New York/New Jersey Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0095.ocp Hon:Honourable London CommiſſionrsCommissioners in BoſtonBoston The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0095.ocp Hon:Honourable London Commiſſ.rsCommissioners The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0034.ocp Hon:Honourable Scotch Commiſſ.rsCommissioners in Connecticut Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0034.ocp that Board Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0095.ocp the Board in BoſtonBoston The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0034.ocp Board in Connecticut Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0038.ocp DelawarDelaware Tribe Delaware Tribe
org0098.ocp his School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0090.ocp Six na‐ tions Six Nations
org0038.ocp DelawarDelaware Delaware Tribe
org0098.ocp School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0090.ocp Six Nations Six Nations
org0011.ocp Hon:Honourable Scotch CommiſſrsCommissioners in BoſtonBoston Boston Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0011.ocp the Board Boston Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0046.ocp General AſſemblyAssembly of MaſſechuſetsMassachusetts Bay General Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay
org0046.ocp Hon:Honourable Aſſem‐ blyAssem‐bly General Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay
org0098.ocp the School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0090.ocp Six Nations Six Nations
org0088.ocp Seneca Na‐ tion Seneca Nation
org0034.ocp Hon:Honourable Board of Commiſſ.rsCommissioners in ConnectictyConnecticut Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0061.ocp Montauk Indian Montaukett Tribe
org0038.ocp Dielaware Delaware Tribe
org0034.ocp The Board Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0090.ocp Six nations Six Nations
org0098.ocp this School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0063.ocp his own tribe Mohegan Tribe
org0063.ocp nation Mohegan Tribe
org0095.ocp Hon.Honourable Society in London The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0096.ocp the Society in EdenburghEdinburgh, for pro- moting chriſtianchristian knowledge Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0011.ocp the Committee Boston Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0077.ocp the OghquagoesOnaquagas Onaquagas
org0062.ocp SchohareesSchoharies Mohawk Nation
org0017.ocp Candia Indians

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1765-06-24 June 24. 1765
1764-07 July 1764
1757-04 April 1757
1759-04 April 1759
1760-11 November, 1760
1761-08 AuguſtAugust 1761
1762-11 NovemNovember 1762
1761-05-07 May 7
1765-01-17 17th17th of January following
1765-03-12 12th12th of March 1765
1765-04-24 24th24th of April following
1762-08-31 AuguſtAugust 31. 1762

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization deſign design
modernization Goſpelizing gospelizing
modernization eſteemed esteemed
modernization greateſt greatest
modernization beſt best
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modernization leaſt least
modernization purpoſe purpose
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modernization Chriſtian Christian
variation Edenburgh Edinburgh
modernization eſpecially especially
variation Shewn shown
modernization alſo also
modernization Goſpel Gospel
variation aquainted acquainted
modernization converſion conversion
modernization Succeſs success
modernization Hiſtory history
variation Martins Martha's
variation Vinyard Vineyard
modernization Boſton Boston
modernization Coaſt Coast
modernization mr Mr.
variation Elliot Eliot
modernization thoſe those
modernization bleſs bless
modernization moſt most
variation Brainard Brainerd
modernization Croſwixſung [Croswixsung | Crossweeksung]CroswixsungCrossweeksung
variation Croswixsung Crossweeksung
modernization Jerſey Jersey
variation Dillawa[gap: tear][guess (ivys): re]re Delaware
variation Penſilvania Pennsylvania
modernization whoſe whose
modernization Revd Rev.
modernization Rev d Rev.
variation Maſſechuſets Massachusets
variation Onohoquage Onaquaga
variation Suſquehannah Susquehanna
modernization Theſe these
modernization laſt last
modernization almoſt almost
modernization fruitleſs fruitless
variation incouraging encouraging
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modernization cauſes causes
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modernization obſervance observance
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modernization theſe these
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modernization diſcouraged discouraged
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modernization inſtance instance
modernization inſtructed instructed
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modernization miniſters ministers
modernization miniſter minister
modernization anſwered answered
variation git get
modernization jealouſies jealousies
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modernization impoſſible impossible
variation Intrepreter interpreter
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modernization deſtroy destroy
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variation inlivening enlivening
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modernization truſt trust
modernization conſequence consequence
modernization publiſh publish
modernization accompliſhed accomplished
modernization Buſineſs business
modernization Mr Mr.
modernization cauſe cause
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variation imployed employed
modernization Suppoſe suppose
modernization preſent present
modernization perſon person
modernization unſafe unsafe
modernization con‐
variation remidied remedied
variation expence expense
variation Gun Gunn
modernization be‐
modernization ſ s
modernization abſolute‐
variation ſſery ssary
modernization himſelf himself
variation famely family
modernization coſt cost
modernization miſſion mission
modernization threſhold threshold
modernization Chriſt Christ
modernization y.t that
modernization unſettled unsettled
variation tho though
variation hutts huts
modernization diſtance distance
modernization caſe case
variation Onoidas Oneidas
variation Suſquehan‐
nah river
modernization eaſily easily
variation till 'til
modernization Miſſionaries missionaries
modernization reſpects respects
modernization Jealouſies jealousies
modernization afverſion afversion
modernization diſcipline discipline
modernization abſolutely absolutely
modernization neceſ‐
modernization obſtruction obstruction
modernization uſed used
modernization reſent resent
modernization pur‐
modernization poſſible possible
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modernization Chriſtians Christians
modernization Jeningo Chenango
modernization reſide reside
modernization oppoſition opposition
modernization weſt west
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modernization conſtantly constantly
modernization conſtant constant
modernization School-maſter schoolmaster
modernization viſiting visiting
modernization diſcourſing discoursing
modernization &c. etc.
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modernization diſaffected disaffected
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modernization exerciſe exercise
modernization diſguſt disgust
modernization worſe worse
variation Martain Martin
variation Kellog Kellogg
modernization diſcouragement discouragement
modernization not‐
modernization underſtood understood
modernization diſpoſitions dispositions
variation elſe where elsewhere
modernization miſtake mistake
modernization cuſtoms customs
variation affiction affection
variation Weatherſfield Wethersfield
variation profitting profiting
modernization beſides besides
variation extreemly extremely
modernization diſpoſition disposition
variation School‐maſ‐
variation Onoida Oneida
modernization thouſand thousand
modernization proviſion provision
modernization conſumed consumed
modernization goſpelizing gospelizing
modernization ne‐
variation alaſs alas
modernization wi‐
modernization diſcou‐
modernization pagan‐
modernization chriſtian christian
variation betwen between
modernization deſire desire
modernization inſtruct instruct
modernization Teſtament Testament
modernization indiſpoſition indisposition
variation intence intense
variation perſue pursue
modernization adviſed advised
modernization Iſland Island
modernization firſt first
modernization Seaſon season
variation Scriptors Scriptures
modernization al‐
variation ingroſed engrossed
modernization circumſtances circumstances
modernization increaſing increasing
variation prefered profferred
modernization requeſt request
variation diſmiſed dismissed
variation Sallery salary
modernization pleaſed pleased
variation Branard Brainerd
modernization obſerving observing
variation occum Occom
modernization Miniſter minister
variation Seing seeing
variation Succeſful successful
modernization eſtate estate
modernization diſcharge discharge
modernization 14th 14th
variation my Self myself
variation publick public
variation faling falling
variation Delawar Delaware
variation altho though
variation incouraged encouraged
modernization increaſe increase
modernization Auguſt August
variation whome whom
modernization Thoſe those
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modernization perſonally personally
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variation begining beginning
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variation enterprize enterprise
modernization raſh rash
variation preſumptious presumptuous
modernization paſſed passed
modernization m.r Mr.
modernization deſired desired
variation acom‐
modernization adviſe advise
modernization treaſurer treasurer
variation thre three
variation influance influence
modernization aſſiſtance assistance
modernization Johnſon Johnson
variation Incouraged Encouraged
modernization Aſſembly Assembly
variation Maſſechuſets Massachusetts
variation incouragement encouragement
modernization truſting trusting
modernization Portſmouth Portsmouth
variation hither to hitherto
variation Some times sometimes
modernization proſpiect prospiect
modernization En‐
modernization aſſociates associates
modernization Miſſions missions
modernization Joſeph Joseph
variation Wolley Woolley
modernization inſtructing instructing
modernization Jeſus Jesus
variation ingaged engaged
modernization 17th 17th
modernization hardſhips hardships
variation preſirved preserved
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modernization goſpel gospel
modernization Beſides Besides
modernization d[gap: tear][guess (ivys): iſ]iſ
di[gap: tear][guess (ivys): is]is
modernization earneſst earnest
modernization En-
gli[gap: tear][guess (ivys): ſh]ſh
gli[gap: tear][guess (ivys): sh]sh
modernization gliſh glish
variation quallified qualified
modernization Miſ‐
variation perſwaded persuaded
modernization earneſt earnest
modernization expreſſed expressed
modernization deſtitute destitute
variation Connecticty Connecticut
modernization 12th 12th
modernization meſſ .rs Messrs.
modernization Moſes Moses
variation arived arrived
variation traviled traveled
modernization inſtant instant
variation Arrand errand
modernization aſk ask
modernization 24th 24th
modernization commiſſioned commissioned
variation Autum autumn
variation Schooles schools
modernization honeſt honest
modernization riſe rise
modernization greſs gress
variation cumpaſs compass
variation perſwad persuade
modernization my-
modernization intereſt interest
modernization ye the
modernization addreſs address
modernization riſing rising
variation breading breeding
modernization diſcovered discovered
modernization Suppoſed supposed
modernization underſtand understand
modernization Cuſtoms customs
modernization conſtrued construed
modernization Intereſt interest
modernization uſe use
variation diſpare despair
variation immitating imitating
modernization huſbandry husbandry
variation pro-
modernization induſtry industry
variation dependance dependence
modernization diſpoſes disposes
variation to‐
variation Setled settled
variation therefor therefore
modernization expoſed exposed
modernization deſtroyed destroyed
variation fronteer frontier
modernization Britiſh British
modernization reſidue residue
modernization britiſh british
modernization Friendſhip friendship
modernization diſtinct distinct
modernization vaſt vast
modernization miniſtry ministry
modernization aſſociated associated
modernization friendſhip friendship
modernization repoſe repose
modernization courſe course
variation Jealoſies jealousies
modernization treaſure treasure
modernization forſake forsake
modernization buſineſs business
modernization neceſſarily necessarily
variation S[above] aachim sachem
variation where as whereas
variation prefered preferred
modernization pleaſures pleasures
modernization extenſive extensive
modernization uſefulneſs usefulness
modernization Wilderneſs wilderness
modernization loſt lost
modernization themſelves themselves
modernization obſervations observations
modernization eaſy easy
modernization deſcribed described
modernization obſtructed obstructed
modernization exceſs excess
modernization progreſs progress
modernization Senſible sensible
modernization diſcover discover
modernization propoſed proposed
variation imploy employ
variation houſ-wif[above] eery housewifery
modernization uſeful useful
modernization &c etc.
modernization deſigned designed
variation perſued pursued
variation Scheem scheme
variation farr far
modernization diſadvantage disadvantage
modernization engliſh English
variation Chancy Chauncy
modernization reaſons reasons
modernization ourſelves ourselves
variation every one everyone
modernization Dr Dr.
modernization miſtaken mistaken
variation brot brought
modernization horſe horse
variation cloths clothes
variation cloathed clothed
modernization expenſive expensive
variation in Stead instead
variation firniſhing furnishing
variation Expence expense
modernization paſturing pasturing
modernization horſes horses
variation cloath-
variation cloathing clothing
modernization waſhing washing
variation groſly grossly
variation pitty pity
modernization faireſt fairest
modernization D.r Dr.
variation groſ gross
variation reckond reckoned
variation oft of it
modernization an‐
modernization obſerve observe
modernization Pſalms Psalms
modernization paſſages passages
modernization tranſlating translating
modernization tranſlated translated
variation compa‐
variation Welch Welsh
modernization tranſlations translations
modernization impreſ‐
modernization Schoolmaſter schoolmaster
modernization periſhing perishing
modernization conſideration consideration
modernization uſually usually
variation inſuffi‐
variation difend defend
variation Bare bear
modernization beaſt beast
modernization fleſh flesh
modernization beaſts beasts
modernization raiſe raise
variation Maiſe maize
variation Sildom seldom
variation eſſpecially especially
modernization thouſands thousands
variation Smal small
variation will well
modernization happineſs happiness
modernization ſery; sery
modernization miſery misery
modernization diſpleaſure displeasure
variation Scurge scourge
modernization barbarouſly barbarously
modernization daſhing dashing
variation waſt waste
variation maning manning
modernization preſents presents
modernization School maſters schoolmasters
modernization fortreſſes fortresses
modernization Witneſs witness
variation attact attack
modernization Caſtle Castle
variation Oghquagoes Onaquagas
variation Schoharees Schoharies
modernization wiſh wish
modernization reſt rest
variation injoy enjoy
variation liberallity liberality
variation Sit set
modernization Satiſfied Satisfied
modernization Subſtance Substance
modernization compenſate compensate
modernization promiſſes promises
variation eminant eminent
modernization wilderneſs wilderness
modernization reſults results
variation thro through
variation fateagues fatigues
modernization aroſe arose
variation bare bear
modernization Subſtance substance
variation fead feed
variation cloath clothe
variation fulfil fulfill
modernization bleſſings blessings
modernization promiſes promises
modernization Caſt Cast
modernization deviſeth deviseth
modernization Bleſſed blessed
modernization conſidereth considereth
modernization diſciples disciples
variation hungred hungered
variation meet meat
variation athurſt athirst
variation In as much Inasmuch

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
N. Amer: North America
& and
wch which
N.E. New England
X Christ
Hon.ble Honourable
D. David
N. New
Jn.o Jonathan
J. Jonathan
thro' through
altho' although
Miſſ.rs missionaries
fourt'ni't fortnight
Miſſ.ry missionary
miſſry missionary
Miſſry missionary
miſſ.rs missionaries
miſſry's missionary's
Hon: Honourable
Miſſry. missionary
Commiſſ.rs Commissioners
co'd could
Ster: Sterling
an: annum
Ster. Sterling
An: annum
miſſ.n mission
bro't brought
tho' though
tho't thought
acc.t account
Hon. Honourable
Commiſſionrs Commissioners
S.d said
Sho'd should
Novem November
governm.t government
deſign'd designed
Commiſſrs Commissioners
Sd said
W.m William
Novem.r November.
Theo: Theophilus
miſſ:rs: missionaries
wth with
thoro'ly thoroughly
tho'ts thoughts
miſſior.s missionaries
wh which
X's Christ's

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 235)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 226)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 63)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 241)