George Whitefield, letter, to Peter Vanbrugh Livingston, 1766 February 27
27 February 1766[1766-02-27]
Call Number766177
[note (type: abstract): Whitefield writes that Lord Dartmouth proves himself to be America’s friend, that Occom preaches to acceptance and is meeting nobles, and that the king has become a benefactor of Wheelock’s plan.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is formal, ornate and clear.][note (type: paper): Large single sheet is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing and wear; page is scattered with seemingly random ink dots. The copy is written on a smaller single sheet in good condition, with minor wear around the edges.][note (type: ink): Black-brown.][note (type: noteworthy): This document comes with a copy, written by Solomon Williams largely in shorthand. The copy has not been transcribed.][note (type: signature): Signature is abbreviated.]EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain
Persistent Identifier
I hope the Packet that brings this will make thousands — of hearts to leap
for Joy — [Bleſsed | Blessed]BleſsedBlessed be God. [Bleſed | Blessed]BleſedBlessed be God. I Joy in your Joy. henceforward I trust nothing will be heard
but the sound of Gratitude to God [& | and]&and Man. Good Lord Dartmouth[pers0153.ocp] the Daniel
of the Age hath approved himself
America[place0003.ocp]s fast Friend indeed. I trust all Gods
People will pray for him [moſt | most]moſtmost fervently [& | and]&and constantly. The Indian[= | ]= Affair bears a very promising aspect. Mr [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp]
[preeches | preaches]preechespreaches with acceptance — he hath been introduced to
[& | and]&and hath Dined with the truly Noble Lord before
mentioned[pers0153.ocp] and is soon to see his
Majesty[pers0305.ocp] who becomes a Benefactor to Mr
Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s Plan [Perticulars | particulars]Perticularsparticulars must be [Differred | deferred]Differreddeferred to further [Oppertunity | opportunity]Oppertunityopportunity: I have now but a few Moments allowed me — but I cannot help
wishing my Dear never to be forgotten New
York[place0166.ocp] Friends much very much Joy.— if it hath been in my Power
in the least to have contributed towards it let our
common Lord have all the Glory [& | and]&and my
[Dr | dear]Drdear
[Dr | dear]Drdear Friends continue to pray for Ever [illegible]
Yours[illegible] in [Jeſus | Jesus]JeſusJesus
[G. | George]G.George Whitefield[pers0038.ocp]—
PS Lord Chesterfield[pers0125.ocp] told me more than once
that if he was not so Deaf that he could not hear what reply was made he would
go to the [Houſe | House]HouſeHouse where he hath not been for many Years on [purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose to plead the American [Cauſe | cause]Cauſecause God [Bleſs | bless]Bleſsbless him and all such Pleaders amen [& | and]&and amen I [beleave | believe]beleavebelieve you need not fear having Ep___[illegible]y
yet a while I hope to write [D.r | Dr.]D.rDr.
[Mr. | Mr.]Mr.Mr. Vanhorn[pers0552.ocp] by other Ships
[Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. George Whitefields[pers0038.ocp] Letter to
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Peter Vanbrugh Livingston[pers0332.ocp]
[Feby | February]FebyFebruary
[ | 27th]27..th27th 1766[1766-02-27]—
[Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. George Whitefield[pers0038.ocp] Letter to Mr. Peter
[Vanburgh | Vanbrugh]VanburghVanbrugh Livingston[pers0332.ocp] merchant [N | New]NNew York[place0166.ocp]
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0153.ocp | Lord Dartmouth | mentioned | Legge, William |
pers0030.ocp | Mr Occum Occom | mentioned | Occom, Samson |
pers0153.ocp | Lord before mentioned | mentioned | Legge, William |
pers0305.ocp | his Majesty | mentioned | Frederick, George William |
pers0036.ocp | Mr Wheelock | mentioned | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0038.ocp | G. George Whitefield | writer | Whitefield, George |
pers0125.ocp | Lord Chesterfield | mentioned | Stanhope, Phillip Dormer |
pers0552.ocp | D. r Dr. M r. Mr. Vanhorn | mentioned | Vanhorn, David |
pers0038.ocp | Rev d Rev. George Whitefields | writer | Whitefield, George |
pers0332.ocp | M r Mr. Peter Vanbrugh Livingston | recipient | Livingstone, Peter Vanbrugh |
pers0038.ocp | Rev d Rev. George Whitefield | writer | Whitefield, George |
pers0332.ocp | Mr. Peter Vanburgh Vanbrugh Livingston | recipient | Livingstone, Peter Vanbrugh |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0128.ocp | London | London |
place0003.ocp | America | America |
place0166.ocp | New York | New York |
place0166.ocp | N New York | New York |
This document does not contain any tagged organizations.
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1766-02-27 | FebryFebruary 27.1766 |
1766-02-27 | FebyFebruary 27..th27th 1766 |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | Bleſsed | Blessed |
modernization | Bleſed | Blessed |
modernization | moſt | most |
modernization | = | |
variation | Occum | Occom |
variation | preeches | preaches |
variation | Perticulars | particulars |
variation | Differred | deferred |
variation | Oppertunity | opportunity |
modernization | Jeſus | Jesus |
modernization | Houſe | House |
modernization | purpoſe | purpose |
modernization | Cauſe | cause |
modernization | Bleſs | bless |
variation | beleave | believe |
modernization | D.r | Dr. |
modernization | Mr. | Mr. |
modernization | Revd | Rev. |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
modernization | | 27th |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Febry | February |
& | and |
Dr | dear |
G. | George |
Feby | February |
N | New |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 11) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 16) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 0) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 108) |