David Jewett, letter, to Andrew Oliver, 1765 June 27

AuthorJewett, David[pers0023.ocp]

27 June 1765[1765-06-27]

Call Number765376.2

[note (type: abstract): Jewett writes that his dispute with Occom has been resolved. He excerpts a letter from Occom.][note (type: handwriting): Informal handwriting is small and occasionally difficult to decipher, yet mostly clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Single sheet is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear that leads to minor dimming of text.][note (type: noteworthy): Given that both the Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge[org0034.ocp] and the Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America (NEC)[org0095.ocp] are involved in the Jewett Controversy, it is uncertain to which organization Jewett refers when he mentions the "Hon.ble Com̅iſs.rs" and "the Commiſsioners" (one recto, lines 23 and 25-26, respectively), and so these references have been left untagged. However, they are likely the NEC. As is marked, this document is a copy.]

EventsJewett Controversy

Persistent Identifier
To the [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable [And.w | Andrew]And.wAndrew Oliver[pers0031.ocp] [Esq.r | Esq.]Esq.rEsq.,
I'm [blam'd | blamed]blam'dblamed, [extreemly | extremely]extreemlyextremely [blam'd | blamed]blam'dblamed, for [Writting | writing]Writtingwriting to you [againſt | against]againſtagainst [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]; And I blame [myſelf | myself]myſelfmyself for Saying any^[above] thing^thing [y.t | that]y.tthat was [needleſs | needless]needleſsneedless for me to say about him. I [tho't | thought]tho'tthought, and do [ſtill | still]ſtillstill think, that it was my proper [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness to inform you what part he Acted in the Differences, [& | and]&and [Dificulties | difficulties]Dificultiesdifficulties which have [ariſen | arisen]ariſenarisen at Mohegan[place0143.ocp], [reſpecting | respecting]reſpectingrespecting both the School; [& | and]&and Lectures; nor am I [conſcious | conscious]conſciousconscious of knowingly [mis‐ repreſenting | mis‐representing]mis‐ repreſentingmis‐representing [any thing | anything]any thinganything to you in his Conduct; [tho' | though]tho'though I've [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason to [ſuſpect | suspect]ſuſpectsuspect [myſelf | myself]myſelfmyself in what is Matter of Judgement upon it; as I cant clear [myſelf | myself]myſelfmyself of having been prejudiced [againſt | against]againſtagainst him: And therefore hope that Nothing will be [layd | laid]laydlaid up [againſt | against]againſtagainst him [meerly | merely]meerlymerely from ^[above] my^my Opinion of him. [Beſides | Besides]BeſidesBesides, Sir, I [muſt | must]muſtmust in [faithfulneſs | faithfulness]faithfulneſsfaithfulness relate what has [occurd | occurred]occurdoccurred [ſince | since]ſincesince I wrote to you. At a meeting of the Correspondents[org0034.ocp], in Lebanon[place0122.ocp] last March[1765-03], many things which had been [publickly | publicly]publicklypublicly reported of [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] were [diſcoursed | discoursed]diſcourseddiscoursed of by the [Gent.n | gentlemen]Gent.ngentlemen of that Board[org0034.ocp]; and [ſome | some]ſomesome things which they apprehended he was to blame in were pointed out to him. He [ſubmitted | submitted]ſubmittedsubmitted to their [Judgm.t | judgement]Judgm.tjudgement, and [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised a [ſtrict | strict]ſtrictstrict regard to their [Counſel | counsel]Counſelcounsel. More particularly, those things which had been grievous to me in his Con‐ duct at Mohegan[place0143.ocp], were debated before them. He Acknowledged his Mis‐ conduct in the Manner of rejecting their [School Master | schoolmaster]School Masterschoolmaster; declared his [In‐ nocency | in‐nocence]In‐ nocencyin‐nocence as to any Intention of promoting the Separation at Mohegan[place0143.ocp]; or [elſwhere | elsewhere]elſwhereelsewhere; That it was his [deſire | desire]deſiredesire, and [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould be his endeavour to pro‐ mote my [Uſefulneſs | usefulness]Uſefulneſsusefulness among the Indians; That he never [underſtood | understood]underſtoodunderstood the [Pleaſure | pleasure]Pleaſurepleasure of the [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable [Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners]Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners to be [otherwiſe | otherwise]otherwiſeotherwise than that he [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould Settle his family upon his own Lands at Mohegan[place0143.ocp]; Nor was it with any [vew | view]vewview of making Overtures [illegible] contrary the appointment of the [Com‐ miſsioners | Com‐missioners]Com‐ miſsionersCom‐missioners, that he came there. And as to his Saying "that he would turn [Church-man | churchman]Church-manchurchman and be above [y.e Miniſters | the ministers]y.e Miniſtersthe ministers around, or the like, as was reported, he [declard | declared]declarddeclared it was [ſpoke | spoke]ſpokespoke only in Jest, [& | and]&and in a way of Banter [ariſing | arising]ariſingarising from the [preſent | present]preſentpresent [Diſensſions | dissensions]Diſensſionsdissensions: had two who were pre‐ sent [w.n | when]w.nwhen he [ſpoke | spoke]ſpokespoke it, [teſtified | testified]teſtifiedtestified that they [underſtood | understood]underſtoodunderstood him in no other Light Upon the whole [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp], [& | and]&and I renewed our [Friendſhip | friendship]Friendſhipfriendship, and in the [Preſence | presence]Preſencepresence of the Board[org0034.ocp], burnt the Papers of Controversy. As I had [layd | laid]laydlaid before you what [dash'd | dashed]dash'ddashed my Hopes concerning him, I [purpoſed | proposed]purpoſedproposed to offer you what had now [revivd | revived]revivdrevived ['em | them]'emthem; and [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised to write you [aſsoon | as soon]aſsoonas soon as I could. I Accordingly wrote the next Week, and went to [illegible]^[above] [illegible]^[illegible] Norwich[place0174.ocp] in hopes of Conveyance, but was disappointed. I had no other Intention but to [imbrace | embrace]imbraceembrace [y.e | the]y.ethe first Opportunity to send it; but before any [preſented | presented]preſentedpresented, (being [loth | loath]lothloath to send by [ye | the]yethe Post) I took notice that [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] [ſtill | still]ſtillstill [forſook | forsook]forſookforsook my Lectures, which I [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised [myſelf | myself]myſelfmyself he would Attend, for as I said, I had his [promiſe | promise]promiſepromise "That to his best [Diſcretion | discretion]Diſcretiondiscretion, he would endeavour to promote my Services [illegible] among the Indians[org0063.ocp]: and I had [inſstanc'd | instanced]inſstanc'dinstanced [illegible] that to him as a Proof I [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould look for; and [w.t | what]w.twhat I was ready to think, would have the happiest In‐ fluence. This [hath | has]hathhas [occaſioned | occasioned]occaſionedoccasioned the long delay; nor has he once attended my Lectures [ſince | since]ſincesince, ['till | 'til]'till'til [To Day | today]To Daytoday, when I [rec.d | received]rec.dreceived the [follg | following]follgfollowing Letter.
Mohegan[place0143.ocp] June 26 1765[1765-06-26]. [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. Sir,
You are very [ſenſable | sensible]ſenſablesensible of the difficult [Cituation | situation]Cituationsituation of our Indians[org0063.ocp] , Old Prejudices are not dead, but rather revive of late, and new bias have [ſprung | sprung]ſprungsprung up, And it is very difficult to deal ^[below] with them.^with them.
with them. There needs a great deal of [Chriſtian | Christian]ChriſtianChristian [Polacy | policy]Polacypolicy (If I may so [expreſs | express]expreſsexpress myself) And this is one [Reaſon | reason]Reaſonreason why I have not as yet attended Your Lecture; And indeed I [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould before now, if you did not delay [Writting | writing]Writtingwriting to the [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable [Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners]Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners of Boston[org0095.ocp]. And it is my [purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose to attend your Lecture, as [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness, [& | and]&and Peregrinations will permit. And will by degrees, endeavour to conciliate the Indians[org0063.ocp]; only let me not be drove, [& | and]&and [Urgd | urged]Urgdurged to it [to | too]totoo hard, And I [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall not be wanting in your Service — only let me be [Aſsured | assured]Aſsuredassured of a Friend, if not, I must defend myself as I can. This is from
[Y.r | Your]Y.rYour [ſincere | sincere]ſinceresincere [& | and]&and very humble [Sert | servant]Sertservant
[Samſon | Samson]SamſonSamson Occom[pers0030.ocp]
To the [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. David Jewett[pers0023.ocp]. PS. You may [Com̅unicate | communicate]Com̅unicatecommunicate [w.t | what]w.twhat you please of this to the [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable [Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners]Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners of Boston[org0095.ocp]
I [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall add but this, That I hope his future Conduct will [Witneſs | witness]Witneſswitness for him to your [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable Board[org0095.ocp], to this [Gov.t | Government]Gov.tGovernment[org0027.ocp], and to the World. Pray forgive my [tediouſneſs | tediousness]tediouſneſstediousness, and [ſtill | still]ſtillstill give me leave as [Occaſion | occasion]Occaſionoccasion [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall call for, to [ſpread | spread]ſpreadspread my Complaints before you. I'm not only heartily wearied, but almost [diſtracted | distracted]diſtracteddistracted, with Con‐ tentions; But when I am myself,
I'm  With [dutifull | dutiful]dutifulldutiful [Reſpect | respect]Reſpectrespect to [ye | the]yethe [Hon.ble | Honourable]Hon.bleHonourable Board[org0095.ocp]  [y.r | Your]y.rYour ready [Serv.t | servant]Serv.tservant David Jewett[pers0023.ocp]
[right] [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Jewet | Jewett]JewetJewett[pers0023.ocp]'s Letter to the [Honble | Honourable]HonbleHonourable Andrew Oliver[pers0031.ocp] [Eſqr | Esq.]EſqrEsq. June [26th | 26th]26th26th 1765[1765-06-26]
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Jewet | Jewett]JewetJewett[pers0023.ocp]'s Letter to the [Honble | Honourable]HonbleHonourable Andrew Oliver[pers0031.ocp] [Eſqr | Esq.]EſqrEsq. June [26th | 26th]26th26th 1765[1765-06-26] about occom[pers0030.ocp] ^[bottom] A Copy.^A Copy.
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0031.ocp And. w Andrew Oliver recipient Oliver, Andrew
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0030.ocp Samſon Samson Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0023.ocp David Jewett writer Jewett, David
pers0023.ocp M r Mr. Jewet Jewett writer Jewett, David
pers0031.ocp Andrew Oliver recipient Oliver, Andrew
pers0030.ocp occom mentioned Occom, Samson

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0164.ocp New London New London
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0174.ocp Norwich Norwich

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0034.ocp the Correspondents Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0034.ocp that Board Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0034.ocp the Board Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0063.ocp the Indians Mohegan Tribe
org0063.ocp our Indians Mohegan Tribe
org0095.ocp Hon.bleHonourable Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners of Boston The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0095.ocp Hon.bleHonourable Board The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0027.ocp this Gov.tGovernment Colony of Connecticut

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1765-06-27 June 27. 1765
1765-03 last March
1765-06-26 June 26 1765
1765-06-26 June 26th26th 1765

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Esq.r Esq.
variation extreemly extremely
variation Writting writing
modernization againſt against
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization myſelf myself
modernization y.t that
modernization needleſs needless
modernization ſtill still
modernization Buſineſs business
variation Dificulties difficulties
modernization ariſen arisen
modernization reſpecting respecting
modernization conſcious conscious
modernization mis‐ repreſenting mis‐representing
variation any thing anything
modernization reaſon reason
modernization ſuſpect suspect
variation layd laid
variation meerly merely
modernization Beſides Besides
modernization muſt must
modernization faithfulneſs faithfulness
variation occurd occurred
modernization ſince since
variation publickly publicly
modernization diſcoursed discoursed
modernization ſome some
modernization ſubmitted submitted
modernization promiſed promised
modernization ſtrict strict
modernization Counſel counsel
variation School Master schoolmaster
variation In‐ nocency in‐nocence
variation elſwhere elsewhere
modernization deſire desire
modernization ſhould should
modernization Uſefulneſs usefulness
modernization underſtood understood
modernization Pleaſure pleasure
modernization otherwiſe otherwise
variation vew view
modernization Com‐ miſsioners Com‐missioners
variation Church-man churchman
modernization y.e Miniſters the ministers
modernization ſpoke spoke
modernization ariſing arising
modernization preſent present
variation Diſensſions dissensions
modernization teſtified testified
modernization Friendſhip friendship
modernization Preſence presence
modernization purpoſed proposed
variation revivd revived
variation aſsoon as soon
variation imbrace embrace
modernization y.e the
modernization preſented presented
variation loth loath
modernization ye the
modernization forſook forsook
modernization promiſe promise
modernization Diſcretion discretion
variation hath has
modernization occaſioned occasioned
variation 'till 'til
variation To Day today
modernization Rev.d Rev.
variation ſenſable sensible
variation Cituation situation
modernization ſprung sprung
modernization Chriſtian Christian
variation Polacy policy
modernization expreſs express
modernization Reaſon reason
modernization purpoſe purpose
variation Urgd urged
variation to too
modernization ſhall shall
modernization Aſsured assured
modernization ſincere sincere
modernization Samſon Samson
modernization Com̅unicate communicate
modernization Witneſs witness
modernization tediouſneſs tediousness
modernization Occaſion occasion
modernization ſpread spread
modernization diſtracted distracted
variation dutifull dutiful
modernization Reſpect respect
modernization Mr Mr.
variation Jewet Jewett
modernization Eſqr Esq.
variation 26th 26th

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Hon.ble Honourable
And.w Andrew
blam'd blamed
tho't thought
& and
tho' though
Gent.n gentlemen
Judgm.t judgement
Com̅iſs.rs Commissioners
declard declared
w.n when
dash'd dashed
'em them
inſstanc'd instanced
w.t what
rec.d received
follg following
Y.r Your
Sert servant
Gov.t Government
y.r Your
Serv.t servant
Honble Honourable

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 47)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 30)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 6)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 110)