Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Samuel Mather, 1761 February 3
3 February 1761[1761-02-03]
Call Number761153
[note (type: abstract): Wheelock writes to clarify that he will be educating Indian youths for the purpose of sending them on missions. He mentions Occom’s plan for a mission to the Oneidas.][note (type: paper): Paper is in good condition, and reinforced along central crease.]EventsOccom’s First Mission to the Oneidas
Persistent Identifier
[Feby | February]FebyFebruary. 1761[1761-02-03]—
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. Sir.
Yours of [Dec.r | December]Dec.rDecember 15[1760-12-15]. in the Name and Behalf of the
[Comiſsrs | Commissioners]ComiſsrsCommissioners from the [Hon.le | Honourable]Hon.leHonourable Society in Scotland[org0096.ocp], has given me much [Satiſfaction | satisfaction]Satiſfactionsatisfaction; and opens the [moſt | most]moſtmost encouraging [Proſpect | prospect]Proſpectprospect, that [ſomething | something]ſomethingsomething will now be done more effectually than ever to carry the Gospel among the [periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing Pagans of our
American [Wilderneſs | wilderness]Wilderneſswilderness[place0239.ocp].
I cant but [rejoyce | rejoice]rejoycerejoice greatly that, that [Honour.le | Honourable]Honour.leHonourable Society[org0096.ocp] Whose pious Zeal to [inlarge | enlarge]inlargeenlarge and Advance the Kingdom of the Redeemer, at Home and Abroad, has been [ſo | so]ſoso remarkably [ownd | owned]owndowned
[& | and]&and
[bleſsed | blessed]bleſsedblessed of God in your [paſt | past]paſtpast do now lay to Heart the piteous State of the [vaſt | vast]vaſtvast swarms in this Land who are [periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing for lack of [viſion | vision]viſionvision, I think that, this, together with many other favourable
[Occurrances | occurences]Occurrancesoccurences of divine Providence of Late give much [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason to hope that the Day of Gods great Mercy towards
those wretched Creatures, is now near at Hand, and Should encourage us to pray [& | and]&and Endeavor more Abundantly for it.
You [ſay | say]ſaysay in Yours ‟The [Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners]Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners[org0096.ocp] approve of the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of [inſtructg | instructing]inſtructginstructing
[y.e | the]y.ethe Youth of the [Weſtern | Western]WeſternWestern Nation of Indians[org0090.ocp].” [&c | etc.]&cetc. from which [Expreſſion | expression]Expreſſionexpression I [ſuſpect | suspect]ſuſpectsuspect the [Hon.le
| Honourable]Hon.le
[Com̅iſs.rs | ]Com̅iſs.rs[org0096.ocp] have [ſomewhat | somewhat]ſomewhatsomewhat
[miſtaken | mistaken]miſtakenmistaken our view, in taking Several of the Near Tribes into this [ſchool | school]ſchoolschool. and therefore would Inform them, that we have taken none into this
School but with a view to a [Diſtant | distant]Diſtant distant
[Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission. excepting Woyboy[pers0613.ocp] (now in
The [Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners]Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners[org0096.ocp] pay in [y.e
| the ]y.e
[ſchool | school]ſchoolschool at [ſtonington | Stonington]ſtoningtonStonington[place0226.ocp], and the Sachems Son[pers0550.ocp]
of whom I wrote to them. and we have that, that, [conſidering | considering]conſideringconsidering the little Difficulty in ^[above] their^their Learning one
anothers Languages — the Opportunity illegible they will have for
that in the School — the great advantage we are under to [choſe | choose]choſechoose those that are [promiſing | promising]promiſingpromising among these beyond what we are or can be at [preſent | present]preſentpresent among those who are remote from us — — the Tendency of it, and
the [ſpecial | special]ſpecialspecial advantages we may have by it, to remove the Prejudices from the minds of
the [ſavages | savages]ſavagessavages which they have imbibed [againſt | against]againſtagainst the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish through [Jeſuitical | Jesuitical]JeſuiticalJesuitical Influence [&c | etc.]&cetc. I may do very well, at [leaſt | least]leaſtleast in the Infancy of the affair, to have [ſome | some]ſomesome from among these Tribes.
I expected that the [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev.
| Messrs.]Meſsrs
[& | and]&and
Brainerd[pers0003.ocp] with the [aſsiſtance | assistance]aſsiſtanceassistance of [ſome | some]ſomesome other Gentlemen, when they were [Chaptains | chaplains]Chaptainschaplains together the year before [laſt | last]laſtlast, would have procured two [Mohawke | Mohawk]MohawkeMohawk[org0062.ocp] Boys for this purpose but by means of several [Diſapointments | disappointments]Diſapointmentsdisappointments, #
[left] Their [miſsing | missing]miſsingmissing an opportunity with [Gen.l | Gen.]Gen.lGen.
[Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] was the Principle.
Their [miſsing | missing]miſsingmissing an opportunity with [Gen.l | Gen.]Gen.lGen.
[Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] was the Principle.
[Sickneſs | sickness]Sickneſssickness, and the Failure of a Letter they [faild | failed]faildfailed of it. The Rev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr.
[Oglevie | Ogelvie]OglevieOgelvie[pers0396.ocp] of Albany[place0001.ocp]
[laſt | last]laſtlast year (at [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Pomeroy[pers0432.ocp]s
[Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire) [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised me his [Aſiſstance | assistance]Aſiſstanceassistance for this Purpose. And he is
[doubtleſs | doubtless]doubtleſsdoubtless under good Advantage to [aſsiſt | assist]aſsiſtassist therein by [Reaſon | reason]Reaſonreason of his [Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission Among them. But he is now at [MontReal | Montreal]MontRealMontreal[place0145.ocp].I have also [diſcourſed | discoursed]diſcourſeddiscoursed
[Cap.t | Capt.]Cap.tCapt.
[Lanſon | Lanson]LanſonLanson[pers0319.ocp] of Albany[place0001.ocp] who is
now in Connecticut[place0048.ocp] and he will [cheirfully | cheerfully]cheirfullycheerfully undertake to [conſult | consult]conſultconsult
Sir [Will.m
| William ]Will.m
[Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] and by his Advice and Help procure two as likely Boys as he
can and Send them to me. But a fairer Door for the Purpose, as I apprehend is,
than either of these is now within a few Days, opened.
[M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] as I am informed by a Letter from him and another from
[M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Buell[pers0006.ocp], is going early next [ſpring | spring]ſpringspring, on a [Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission to the Oneida
Indians[org0075.ocp], in [complyance | compliance]complyancecompliance with the [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire and by Appointment of a Number of [Miniſters | ministers]Miniſtersministers at the westward. (I Suppose the [corriſpondent | correspondent ]corriſpondent correspondent
| Commissioners ]Com̅rs
Commissioners [org0096.ocp]
[becauſe | because]becauſebecause^
[becauſe | because]becauſebecause
[becauſe | because ]becauſe because
| Mr. ]M.r
[Boſtwick | Bostwick]BoſtwickBostwick[pers0089.ocp]'s Name is mentioned as one of the [Miniſters | ministers]Miniſtersministers who write to him. and who is their
[Preſid.t | president]Preſid.tpresident) [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom [pers0030.ocp]
[earneſtly | earnestly ]earneſtly earnestly
[deſires | desires]deſiresdesires that David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] one of my Indian [Schollars | scholars]Schollarsscholars, [& | and]&and who is Brother in Law to him, and a very [promiſing | promising]promiſingpromising youth Indeed, may Accompany him 4. or 5. months in that [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness — but I am not yet determined what will be [beſt | best]beſtbest. he is now 20 years old and I am [loth | loath]lothloath he [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould be [ſolong | so long]ſolongso long diverted from his Studies. And yet there are [conſiderations | considerations]conſiderationsconsiderations on the Other hand, which I don't know but may be
[Eſteemed | esteemed]Eſteemedesteemed more weighty. however by him (or them if
David[pers0155.ocp] goes) we may likely be Served in this
Matter as well as we can expect to be at [preſent | present]preſentpresent. Indeed there Seems now to be scarce anything wanting to the
[greateſt | greatest]greateſtgreatest humane Probability of the Swift [Progreſs | progress]Progreſsprogress of this great [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign, but the money to Support it. I hope the Example of the [Hon.le
| Honourable]Hon.le
[Commiſs.rs | Commissioners]Commiſs.rsCommissioners[org0096.ocp] will have the happy Influence upon Multitudes to move them
to Liberality upon this [moſt | most]moſtmost inviting [occaſion | occasion]occaſionoccasion
I am with Sincere [Reſpect | respect]Reſpectrespect
| Rev.]Rev.d
[ſir | Sir]ſirSir.
Your unworthy Brother
and Humble [Servt | Servant]ServtServant
[Eleazr | Eleazar]EleazrEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
the Rev. [Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Mather[pers0363.ocp]
Letter to The [Revd
| Rev.]Revd
| Mr.]M.r
[Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Mather[pers0363.ocp]
[Feby. | February]Feby.February 3. 1761.[1761-02-03]—
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0613.ocp | Woyboy | mentioned | Woyboy |
pers0550.ocp | Sachems Son | mentioned | Uncas, Isaiah |
pers0432.ocp | Pomeroy | mentioned | Pomeroy, Benjamin |
pers0003.ocp | Brainerd | mentioned | Brainerd, David |
pers0292.ocp | Gen. l Gen. Johnſon Johnson | mentioned | Johnson, William |
pers0396.ocp | Rev. M. r Mr. Oglevie Ogelvie | mentioned | Ogelvie |
pers0432.ocp | M. r Mr. Pomeroy | mentioned | Pomeroy, Benjamin |
pers0319.ocp | Cap. t Capt. Lanſon Lanson | mentioned | Lanson |
pers0292.ocp | Sir Will. m William Johnſon Johnson | mentioned | Johnson, William |
pers0030.ocp | M. r Mr. Occom | mentioned | Occom, Samson |
pers0006.ocp | M. r Mr. Buell | mentioned | Buell, Samuel |
pers0089.ocp | M. r Mr. Boſtwick Bostwick | mentioned | Bostwick, David |
pers0030.ocp | M. r Mr. Occom | mentioned | Occom, Samson |
pers0155.ocp | David Fowler | mentioned | Fowler, David |
pers0155.ocp | David | mentioned | Fowler, David |
pers0036.ocp | Eleaz r Eleazar Wheelock | writer | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0363.ocp | the Rev. Sam. l Samuel Mather | recipient | Mather, Samuel |
pers0363.ocp | M. r Mr. Sam. l Samuel Mather | recipient | Mather, Samuel |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0122.ocp | Lebanon | Lebanon |
place0239.ocp | American Wilderneſs wilderness | Western Wilderness |
place0226.ocp | ſtonington Stonington | Stonington |
place0001.ocp | Albany | Albany |
place0145.ocp | MontReal Montreal | Montreal |
place0048.ocp | Connecticut | Connecticut |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0096.ocp | Hon.leHonourable Society in Scotland | Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge |
org0096.ocp | Honour.leHonourable Society | Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge |
org0096.ocp | The Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners | Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge |
org0090.ocp | WeſternWestern Nation of Indians | Six Nations |
org0096.ocp | Hon.le Honourable Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners | Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge |
org0062.ocp | MohawkeMohawk | Mohawk Nation |
org0075.ocp | Oneida Indians | Oneida Nation |
org0096.ocp | Com̅rs Commissioners | Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge |
org0096.ocp | Hon.le Honourable Commiſs.rsCommissioners | Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge |
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1761-02-03 | 3d FebyFebruary. 1761 |
1760-12-15 | Dec.rDecember 15 |
1761-02-03 | Feby.February 3. 1761. |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | Rev.d | Rev. |
modernization | Satiſfaction | satisfaction |
modernization | moſt | most |
modernization | Proſpect | prospect |
modernization | ſomething | something |
modernization | periſhing | perishing |
modernization | Wilderneſs | wilderness |
variation | rejoyce | rejoice |
variation | inlarge | enlarge |
modernization | ſo | so |
variation | ownd | owned |
modernization | bleſsed | blessed |
modernization | paſt | past |
modernization | vaſt | vast |
modernization | viſion | vision |
variation | Occurrances | occurences |
modernization | reaſon | reason |
modernization | ſay | say |
modernization | Deſign | design |
modernization | y.e | the |
modernization | Weſtern | Western |
modernization | &c | etc. |
modernization | Expreſſion | expression |
modernization | ſuſpect | suspect |
modernization | ſomewhat | somewhat |
modernization | miſtaken | mistaken |
modernization | ſchool | school |
modernization | Diſtant | distant |
modernization | Miſsion | mission |
modernization | y.e | the |
modernization | ſtonington | Stonington |
modernization | conſidering | considering |
variation | choſe | choose |
modernization | promiſing | promising |
modernization | preſent | present |
modernization | ſpecial | special |
modernization | ſavages | savages |
modernization | againſt | against |
modernization | Engliſh | English |
modernization | Jeſuitical | Jesuitical |
modernization | leaſt | least |
modernization | ſome | some |
modernization | Meſsrs | Messrs. |
modernization | aſsiſtance | assistance |
modernization | laſt | last |
variation | Mohawke | Mohawk |
variation | Diſapointments | disappointments |
modernization | miſsing | missing |
modernization | Gen.l | Gen. |
modernization | Johnſon | Johnson |
modernization | Sickneſs | sickness |
variation | faild | failed |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
variation | Oglevie | Ogelvie |
modernization | Deſire | desire |
modernization | promiſed | promised |
modernization | Aſiſstance | assistance |
modernization | doubtleſs | doubtless |
modernization | aſsiſt | assist |
modernization | Reaſon | reason |
variation | MontReal | Montreal |
modernization | diſcourſed | discoursed |
modernization | Cap.t | Capt. |
modernization | Lanſon | Lanson |
variation | cheirfully | cheerfully |
modernization | conſult | consult |
modernization | ſpring | spring |
variation | complyance | compliance |
modernization | Miniſters | ministers |
variation | corriſpondent | correspondent |
modernization | becauſe | because |
modernization | becauſe | because |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
modernization | Boſtwick | Bostwick |
modernization | earneſtly | earnestly |
modernization | deſires | desires |
variation | Schollars | scholars |
modernization | Buſineſs | business |
modernization | beſt | best |
variation | loth | loath |
modernization | ſhould | should |
variation | ſolong | so long |
modernization | conſiderations | considerations |
modernization | Eſteemed | esteemed |
modernization | greateſt | greatest |
modernization | Progreſs | progress |
modernization | occaſion | occasion |
modernization | Reſpect | respect |
modernization | Rev.d | Rev. |
modernization | ſir | Sir |
modernization | Revd | Rev. |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Feby | February |
Dec.r | December |
Comiſsrs | Commissioners |
Hon.le | Honourable |
Honour.le | Honourable |
& | and |
Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners |
inſtructg | instructing |
Hon.le | Honourable |
Will.m | William |
Com̅rs | Commissioners |
Preſid.t | president |
Commiſs.rs | Commissioners |
Servt | Servant |
Eleazr | Eleazar |
Sam.l | Samuel |
Feby. | February |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 45) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 35) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 3) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 140) |