Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Samuel Mather, 1761 February 3

Author Wheelock, Eleazar[pers0036.ocp]

3 February 1761[1761-02-03]

Call Number761153

[note (type: abstract): Wheelock writes to clarify that he will be educating Indian youths for the purpose of sending them on missions. He mentions Occom’s plan for a mission to the Oneidas.][note (type: paper): Paper is in good condition, and reinforced along central crease.]

EventsOccom’s First Mission to the Oneidas

Persistent Identifier
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. Sir.
Yours of [Dec.r | December]Dec.rDecember 15[1760-12-15]. in the Name and Behalf of the [Comiſsrs | Commissioners]ComiſsrsCommissioners from the [Hon.le | Honourable]Hon.leHonourable Society in Scotland[org0096.ocp], has given me much [Satiſfaction | satisfaction]Satiſfactionsatisfaction; and opens the [moſt | most]moſtmost encouraging [Proſ­­pect | prospect]Proſ­­pectprospect, that [ſomething | something]ſomethingsomething will now be done more effectually than ever to carry the Gospel among the [periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing Pagans of our American [Wilderneſs | wilderness]Wilderneſswilderness[place0239.ocp].
I cant but [rejoyce | rejoice]rejoycerejoice greatly that, that [Honour.le | Honourable]Honour.leHonourable Society[org0096.ocp] Whose pious Zeal to [inlarge | enlarge]inlargeenlarge and Advance the Kingdom of the Redeemer, at Home and Abroad, has been [ſo | so]ſoso remarkably [ownd | owned]owndowned [& | and]&and [bleſsed | blessed]bleſsedblessed of God in your [paſt | past]paſtpast do now lay to Heart the piteous State of the [vaſt | vast]vaſtvast swarms in this Land who are [periſhing | perishing]periſhingperishing for lack of [viſion | vision]viſionvision, I think that, this, together with many other favourable [Occurrances | occurences]Occurrancesoccurences of divine Providence of Late give much [reaſon | reason]reaſonreason to hope that the Day of Gods great Mercy towards those wretched Creatures, is now near at Hand, and Should encourage us to pray [& | and]&and Endeavor more Abundantly for it.
You [ſay | say]ſaysay in Yours ‟The [Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners]Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners[org0096.ocp] approve of the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of [inſtructg | instructing]inſtructginstructing [y.e | the]y.ethe Youth of the [Weſtern | Western]WeſternWestern Nation of Indians[org0090.ocp].” [&c | etc.]&cetc. from which [Expreſ­ſion | expression]Expreſ­ſionexpression I [ſuſpect | suspect]ſuſpectsuspect the [Hon.le | Honourable]Hon.le Honourable [Com̅iſs.rs | ]Com̅iſs.rs[org0096.ocp] have [ſomewhat | somewhat]ſomewhatsomewhat [miſtaken | mistaken]miſtakenmistaken our view, in taking Several of the Near Tribes into this [ſchool | school]ſchoolschool. and therefore would Inform them, that we have taken none into this School but with a view to a [Diſtant | distant]Diſtant distant [Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission. excepting Woyboy[pers0613.ocp] (now in The [Com̅iſs.rs | Commissioners]Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners[org0096.ocp] pay in [y.e | the ]y.e the [ſchool | school]ſchoolschool at [ſtonington | Stonington]ſtoningtonStonington[place0226.ocp], and the Sachems Son[pers0550.ocp] of whom I wrote to them. and we have that, that, [conſidering | considering]conſideringconsidering the little Difficulty in ^[above] their^their Learning one anothers Languages — the Opportunity illegible they will have for that in the School — the great advantage we are under to [choſe | choose]choſechoose those that are [promiſing | promising]promiſingpromising among these beyond what we are or can be at [preſent | present]preſentpresent among those who are remote from us — — the Tendency of it, and the [ſpecial | special]ſpecialspecial advantages we may have by it, to remove the Prejudices from the minds of the [ſavages | savages]ſavagessavages which they have imbibed [againſt | against]againſtagainst the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish through [Jeſuitical | Jesuitical]JeſuiticalJesuitical Influence [&c | etc.]&cetc. I may do very well, at [leaſt | least]leaſtleast in the Infancy of the affair, to have [ſome | some]ſomesome from among these Tribes.
I expected that the [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [Meſsrs | Messrs.]Meſsrs Messrs. Pomeroy[pers0432.ocp] [& | and]&and Brainerd[pers0003.ocp] with the [aſ­­siſtance | assistance]aſ­­siſtanceassistance of [ſome | some]ſomesome other Gentlemen, when they were [Chaptains | chaplains]Chaptainschaplains together the year before [laſt | last]laſtlast, would have procured two [Mohawke | Mohawk]MohawkeMohawk[org0062.ocp] Boys for this purpose but by means of several [Diſapointments | disappointments]Diſapointmentsdisappointments, #
[left] Their [miſsing | missing]miſsingmissing an opportunity with [Gen.l | Gen.]Gen.lGen. [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] was the Principle.
Their [miſsing | missing]miſsingmissing an opportunity with [Gen.l | Gen.]Gen.lGen. [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] was the Principle. [Sickneſs | sickness]Sickneſssickness, and the Failure of a Letter they [faild | failed]faildfailed of it. The Rev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. [Oglevie | Ogelvie]OglevieOgelvie[pers0396.ocp] of Albany[place0001.ocp] [laſt | last]laſtlast year (at [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Pomeroy[pers0432.ocp]s [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire) [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised me his [Aſiſstance | assistance]Aſiſstanceassistance for this Purpose. And he is [doubtleſs | doubtless]doubtleſsdoubtless under good Advantage to [aſsiſt | assist]aſsiſtassist therein by [Reaſon | reason]Reaſonreason of his [Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission Among them. But he is now at [Mont­Real | Montreal]Mont­RealMontreal[place0145.ocp].
I have also [diſcourſed | discoursed]diſcourſeddiscoursed [Cap.t | Capt.]Cap.tCapt. [Lanſon | Lanson]LanſonLanson[pers0319.ocp] of Albany[place0001.ocp] who is now in Connecticut[place0048.ocp] and he will [cheirfully | cheerfully]cheirfullycheerfully undertake to [conſult | consult]conſultconsult Sir [Will.m | William ]Will.m William [Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] and by his Advice and Help procure two as likely Boys as he can and Send them to me. But a fairer Door for the Purpose, as I apprehend is, than either of these is now within a few Days, opened. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] as I am informed by a Letter from him and another from [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Buell[pers0006.ocp], is going early next [ſpring | spring]ſpringspring, on a [Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission to the Oneida Indians[org0075.ocp], in [complyance | compliance]complyancecompliance with the [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire and by Appointment of a Number of [Miniſters | ministers]Miniſtersministers at the westward. (I Suppose the [corriſpondent | correspondent ]corriſpondent correspondent [Com̅rs | Commissioners ]Com̅rs Commissioners [org0096.ocp] ^[below] [becauſe | because]becauſebecause^ [becauſe | because]becauſebecause
[becauſe | because ]becauſe because [M.r | Mr. ]M.r Mr. [Boſtwick | Bostwick]BoſtwickBostwick[pers0089.ocp]'s Name is mentioned as one of the [Miniſters | ministers]Miniſtersministers who write to him. and who is their [Preſid.t | president]Preſid.tpresident) [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom [pers0030.ocp] [earneſtly | earnestly ]earneſtly earnestly [deſires | desires]deſiresdesires that David Fowler[pers0155.ocp] one of my Indian [Schollars | scholars]Schollarsscholars, [& | and]&and who is Brother in Law to him, and a very [promiſing | promising]promiſingpromising youth Indeed, may Accompany him 4. or 5. months in that [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness but I am not yet determined what will be [beſt | best]beſtbest. he is now 20 years old and I am [loth | loath]lothloath he [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould be [ſolong | so long]ſolongso long diverted from his Studies. And yet there are [conſidera­tions | considerations]conſidera­tionsconsiderations on the Other hand, which I don't know but may be [Eſteemed | esteemed]Eſteemedesteemed more weighty. however by him (or them if David[pers0155.ocp] goes) we may likely be Served in this Matter as well as we can expect to be at [preſent | present]preſentpresent. Indeed there Seems now to be scarce anything wanting to the [greateſt | greatest]greateſtgreatest humane Probability of the Swift [Progreſs | progress]Progreſsprogress of this great [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign, but the money to Support it. I hope the Example of the [Hon.le | Honourable]Hon.le Honourable [Commiſs.rs | Commissioners]Commiſs.rsCommissioners[org0096.ocp] will have the happy Influence upon Multitudes to move them to Liberality upon this [moſt | most]moſtmost inviting [occaſion | occasion]occaſionoccasion
I am with Sincere [Reſpect | respect]Reſpectrespect [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.d Rev. [ſir | Sir]ſirSir. Your unworthy Brother  and Humble [Servt | Servant]ServtServant  [Eleazr | Eleazar]EleazrEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
the Rev. [Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Mather[pers0363.ocp]
Letter to The [Revd | Rev.]Revd Rev. [M.r | Mr.]M.r Mr. [Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Mather[pers0363.ocp] [Feby. | February]Feby.February 3. 1761.[1761-02-03]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0613.ocp Woyboy mentioned Woyboy
pers0550.ocp Sachems Son mentioned Uncas, Isaiah
pers0432.ocp Pomeroy mentioned Pomeroy, Benjamin
pers0003.ocp Brainerd mentioned Brainerd, David
pers0292.ocp Gen. l Gen. Johnſon Johnson mentioned Johnson, William
pers0396.ocp Rev. M. r Mr. Oglevie Ogelvie mentioned Ogelvie
pers0432.ocp M. r Mr. Pomeroy mentioned Pomeroy, Benjamin
pers0319.ocp Cap. t Capt. Lanſon Lanson mentioned Lanson
pers0292.ocp Sir Will. m William Johnſon Johnson mentioned Johnson, William
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0006.ocp M. r Mr. Buell mentioned Buell, Samuel
pers0089.ocp M. r Mr. Boſtwick Bostwick mentioned Bostwick, David
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0155.ocp David Fowler mentioned Fowler, David
pers0155.ocp David mentioned Fowler, David
pers0036.ocp Eleaz r Eleazar Wheelock writer Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0363.ocp the Rev. Sam. l Samuel Mather recipient Mather, Samuel
pers0363.ocp M. r Mr. Sam. l Samuel Mather recipient Mather, Samuel

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0239.ocp American Wilderneſs wilderness Western Wilderness
place0226.ocp ſtonington Stonington Stonington
place0001.ocp Albany Albany
place0145.ocp Mont­Real Montreal Montreal
place0048.ocp Connecticut Connecticut

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0096.ocp Hon.leHonourable Society in Scotland Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0096.ocp Honour.leHonourable Society Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0096.ocp The Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0090.ocp WeſternWestern Nation of Indians Six Nations
org0096.ocp Hon.le Honourable Com̅iſs.rsCommissioners Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0062.ocp MohawkeMohawk Mohawk Nation
org0075.ocp Oneida Indians Oneida Nation
org0096.ocp Com̅rs Commissioners Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0096.ocp Hon.le Honourable Commiſs.rsCommissioners Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1761-02-03 3d FebyFebruary. 1761
1760-12-15 Dec.rDecember 15
1761-02-03 Feby.February 3. 1761.

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Rev.d Rev.
modernization Satiſfaction satisfaction
modernization moſt most
modernization Proſ­­pect prospect
modernization ſomething something
modernization periſhing perishing
modernization Wilderneſs wilderness
variation rejoyce rejoice
variation inlarge enlarge
modernization ſo so
variation ownd owned
modernization bleſsed blessed
modernization paſt past
modernization vaſt vast
modernization viſion vision
variation Occurrances occurences
modernization reaſon reason
modernization ſay say
modernization Deſign design
modernization y.e the
modernization Weſtern Western
modernization &c etc.
modernization Expreſ­ſion expression
modernization ſuſpect suspect
modernization ſomewhat somewhat
modernization miſtaken mistaken
modernization ſchool school
modernization Diſtant distant
modernization Miſsion mission
modernization y.e the
modernization ſtonington Stonington
modernization conſidering considering
variation choſe choose
modernization promiſing promising
modernization preſent present
modernization ſpecial special
modernization ſavages savages
modernization againſt against
modernization Engliſh English
modernization Jeſuitical Jesuitical
modernization leaſt least
modernization ſome some
modernization Meſsrs Messrs.
modernization aſ­­siſtance assistance
modernization laſt last
variation Mohawke Mohawk
variation Diſapointments disappointments
modernization miſsing missing
modernization Gen.l Gen.
modernization Johnſon Johnson
modernization Sickneſs sickness
variation faild failed
modernization M.r Mr.
variation Oglevie Ogelvie
modernization Deſire desire
modernization promiſed promised
modernization Aſiſstance assistance
modernization doubtleſs doubtless
modernization aſsiſt assist
modernization Reaſon reason
variation Mont­Real Montreal
modernization diſcourſed discoursed
modernization Cap.t Capt.
modernization Lanſon Lanson
variation cheirfully cheerfully
modernization conſult consult
modernization ſpring spring
variation complyance compliance
modernization Miniſters ministers
variation corriſpondent correspondent
modernization becauſe because
modernization becauſe because
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization Boſtwick Bostwick
modernization earneſtly earnestly
modernization deſires desires
variation Schollars scholars
modernization Buſineſs business
modernization beſt best
variation loth loath
modernization ſhould should
variation ſolong so long
modernization conſidera­tions considerations
modernization Eſteemed esteemed
modernization greateſt greatest
modernization Progreſs progress
modernization occaſion occasion
modernization Reſpect respect
modernization Rev.d Rev.
modernization ſir Sir
modernization Revd Rev.
modernization M.r Mr.

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Feby February
Dec.r December
Comiſsrs Commissioners
Hon.le Honourable
Honour.le Honourable
& and
Com̅iſs.rs Commissioners
inſtructg instructing
Hon.le Honourable
Will.m William
Com̅rs Commissioners
Preſid.t president
Commiſs.rs Commissioners
Servt Servant
Eleazr Eleazar
Sam.l Samuel
Feby. February

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 45)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 35)
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Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 140)