Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Andrew Oliver, 1756
Call Number756900.1
[note (type: abstract): Wheelock writes about the new Indian charity school, and relates the progress of his students and his hopes for an incorporation from the Crown.][note (type: handwriting): Informal handwriting is small and occasionally difficult to decipher.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining and wear, and heavy creasing.][note (type: noteworthy): Although the letter is not addressed, the recipient has been judged to be Andrew Oliver from the contents. This document is on the same paper as manuscripts 756190, 756900.2 and 756520. It appears to be a draft.][note (type: layout): One recto and verso of this document is on the second recto and verso of the paper. That is, if the paper containing all four letters were to be read as a book, this letter would be pages three and four.]
Persistent Identifier
[Hon.d | Honoured]Hon.dHonoured Sir.
In [Col | Col.]ColCol. Henchman[pers0254.ocp]'s to me (Dated [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston July 30. 1756[1756-07-30]) is [y.e | the]y.ethe following Paragraph "I was [deſired | desired]deſireddesired Some time since to write to you from The Gentlemen the [Com̅iſsrs | commissioners]Com̅iſsrscommissioners for the Indian Affairs[org0095.ocp], Which I unhappily forgot [& | and]&and Omitted — but now inform you that they [deſire | desire]deſiredesire you would write to them of the [Circumſtan‐ ces | circumstan‐ces]Circumſtan‐ cescircumstan‐ces of The two Children with you and what you apprehend may be the [Beſt | best]Beſtbest way to promote their [Inſtruction | instruction]Inſtructioninstruction — and the Good Ends [propos'd | proposed]propos'dproposed by you [& | and]&and Others in this Important Affair, and the Methods you think to go in, in
order to [ac‐ compliſh | ac‐complish]ac‐ compliſhac‐complish it. And if they Like the Scheme [&c | etc.]&cetc. they will [doubt‐ leſs | doubt‐less]doubt‐ leſsdoubt‐less do what they can out of the Fund in their Hands to Encourage it — If
you will write to the [Hon.le | honourable]Hon.lehonourable Andrew Oliver [Es[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): q.]q.
r | Esq.]Es[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): q.]q.
rEsq.[pers0031.ocp] who is [Treaſurer | treasurer]Treaſurertreasurer to the [Com̅iſsrs | commissioners]Com̅iſsrscommissioners[org0095.ocp] he [wil | will]wilwill
[com̅unicate | communicate]com̅unicatecommunicate it in order to their meeting [& | and]&and doing what they Shall [Eſteem | esteem]Eſteemesteem
[Neceſsary | necessary]Neceſsarynecessary for them in the Affair." —
Sir I look upon the [condeſention | condescension]condeſentioncondescension
[Kindneſs | kindness]Kindneſskindness and care of the
[Hon.le | honourable]Hon.lehonourable
[Com̅iſsrs | commissioners]Com̅iſsrscommissioners[org0095.ocp] herein [expreſsed | expressed]expreſsedexpressed as a Smile of Heaven upon The grand [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign. and now [cheirfully | cheerfully]cheirfullycheerfully
[& | and]&and
gladly take this op‐ portunity to inform your [Hon.r | honour]Hon.rhonour and others [deſiring | desiring]deſiringdesiring it, [illegible] of the [perticulars | particulars]perticularsparticulars
[mention'd | mentioned]mention'dmentioned, So far as [conſiſts | consists]conſiſtsconsists with the limits of a [Litter | letter]Litterletter, and Should be glad I had [y.e | the]y.ethe opportunity to do it [otherwiſe | otherwise]otherwiſeotherwise than by general hints and without
[ſuch | such]ſuchsuch large
[omiſsions | omissions]omiſsionsomissions of many things of importance.
The Two Indian Boys with me are of The Delaware
Tribe[org0038.ocp]. [ſent | Sent]ſentSent to me by the [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. John Brainerd[pers0004.ocp]
[Decem.r | December]Decem.rDecember 1754[1754-12] After much Pains taken by him to procure them and many [Diſopointments | disappointments]Diſopointmentsdisappointments which [delay'd | delayed]delay'ddelayed their Coming, [conſequent | consequent]conſequentconsequent upon my [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire Three years ago [laſt | last]laſtlast May, with a view if God Should mercifully Smile upon the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign, to their being fitted for the Gospel ‐
[miniſtry | ministry]miniſtryministry Among the Indians. and a hope it might be a lead to
[Somthg | something]Somthgsomething further done [inf | in]infin
[favr | favor]favrfavor of their Education of a Number of them.
The [Conſiderations | considerations]Conſiderationsconsiderations Moving Me to ^[above] it^it were — The obligations lying upon
[N– | New]N–New England[place0158.ocp] — [& | and]&and Their [publick | public]publickpublic Guilt for
^[above] on [accot | account]accotaccount of^on [accot | account]accotaccount of
[paſt | past]paſtpast
[Neglect | neglect]Neglectneglect — which, I cant but [underſtand | understand]underſtandunderstand
[y.e | the]y.ethe Judgements of God
^[above] think God has been in a very [Eſpecial | especial]Eſpecialespecial manner pointing at [& | and]&and
[Teſtifying | testifying]Teſtifyingtestifying
[againſt | against]againſtagainst^think God has been in a very [Eſpecial | especial]Eſpecialespecial manner pointing at [& | and]&and
[Teſtifying | testifying]Teſtifyingtestifying
[againſt | against]againſtagainst in permitting the Savages from year to year to make Such Ravages,
and Spoil of us, ^[above] &c^&c
as pointing
at in a very [Eſpecial | especial]Eſpecialespecial manner. — The many and great [Advan‐ tages | advan‐tages]Advan‐ tagesadvan‐tages in [ſending | sending]ſendingsending to them by their own Children — [againſt | against]againſtagainst whom they have No Such Prejudices as are [conſtantly | constantly]conſtantlyconstantly found to be a mighty Impediment in the way ^[above] to the [ſucceſs | success]ſucceſssuccess^to the [ſucceſs | success]ſucceſssuccess of an [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish
[Miſsion | mission]Miſsionmission among them — Their children can talk their Language — know
their [Cuſtoms | customs]Cuſtomscustoms — can live [& | and]&and
[fair | fare]fairfare as they do — no Trouble nor charge to procure [& | and]&and
Support Interpreters — and will give that
^[above] herein we [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall do that^herein we [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall do that which will be to them the moſt convincing Proofs [& | and]&and
[Demonſstrations | demonstrations]Demonſstrationsdemonstrations of the [ſin‐ cerity | sin‐cerity]ſin‐ ceritysin‐cerity of Our Intentions — and
^[above] they^they be under the [beſt | best]beſtbest Advantage to counteract Jesuits — Attack their [Reſpective | respective]Reſpectiverespective Notions in [ye | the]yethe
[Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish
[Intreſt | interest]Intreſtinterest. — [&c | etc.]&cetc.
[&c | etc.]&cetc.
[&c | etc.]&cetc. And I was not a little [Encoura ‐ged | encoura‐ged]Encoura ‐gedencoura‐ged in the Affair by the [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess of Some
^[above] the^the Endeavors I [illegible]'d by the [Aſsiſtance | assistance]Aſsiſtanceassistance of the [Hon le | honorable]Hon lehonorable
[Com̅iſsrs | commissioners]Com̅iſsrscommissioners[org0095.ocp] in [y.e | the]y.ethe Education of
[Samſon | Samson]SamſonSamson Occom[pers0030.ocp] who has been useful to them beyond what could have been [Reaſonably | reasonably]Reaſonablyreasonably expected of an [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish man. [& | and]&and wthout
^[above] [leſs | less]leſsless than half of [y.e | the]y.ethe Expence^[leſs | less]leſsless than half of [y.e | the]y.ethe Expence Soon after I Sent for these Boys I [viſited | visited]viſitedvisited
[M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Joshua More[pers0025.ocp] of
[Manſfield | Mansfield]ManſfieldMansfield[place0131.ocp]
^[above] [& | and]&and invited him^[& | and]&and invited him to I[illegible] devote a part
of his large [Eſtate | estate]Eſtateestate to [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch a
Purpose he was [pleaſd | pleased]pleaſdpleased with the proposal and bought a Small Tenement in the Center of this Place
for which he gave £500
^[left] [O. | Old]O.Old
[Ten.r | Tenor]Ten.rTenor^[O. | Old]O.Old
[Ten.r | Tenor]Ten.rTenor and made a Deed of it to [Coll. | Col.]Coll.Col.
[Eliſha | Elisha]EliſhaElisha Williams [Esq.r | Esq.]Esq.rEsq.[pers0595.ocp] The [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev.
[Meſsrs | Misters]MeſsrsMisters
[Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel
[Moſely | Moseley]MoſelyMoseley[pers0381.ocp]
Benjamin Pomeroy[pers0432.ocp]
[& | and]&and
[Myſelf | myself]Myſelfmyself for the Foundation use [& | and]&and Support of a Charity School[org0098.ocp] for [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch a purpose ^[above] forever^forever — and we [convenanted | covenanted]convenantedcovenanted with him [& | and]&and his Heirs to Improve that and all other Donations ^[above] made
to [ſ.d | said]ſ.dsaid
[ſchool | school]ſchoolschool[org0098.ocp]^made
to [ſ.d | said]ſ.dsaid
[ſchool | school]ſchoolschool[org0098.ocp] for that Purpose — at which School we proposed
they [Shod | should]Shodshould be [inſtructed | instructed]inſtructedinstructed in [Readg | reading]Readgreading Writing [& | and]&and
^[above] [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch
[woſe | whose]woſewhose parts [& | and]&and
[diſpoſns | dispositions]diſpoſnsdispositions as [ſhod | should]ſhodshould invite us to it. in^[ſuch | such]ſuchsuch
[woſe | whose]woſewhose parts [& | and]&and
[diſpoſns | dispositions]diſpoſnsdispositions as [ſhod | should]ſhodshould invite us to it. in all Liberal Arts [& | and]&and Sciences [& | and]&and
[Eſpecially | especially]Eſpeciallyespecially in [ye | the]yethe
[Knowledg | knowledge]Knowledgknowledge and [Practiſe | practice]Practiſepractice of [Chriſtianity | Christianity]ChriſtianityChristianity and be fitted for [y.e | the]y.ethe Gospel [minſtry | ministry]minſtryministry
in Such of them whose parts and
[Diſpoſitions | dispositions]Diſpoſitionsdispositions
[ſhod | should]ſhodshould Invite us to it. under the Conduct of the
[moſt | most]moſtmost Learned [& | and]&and Godly [Maſter | master]Maſtermaster we can obtain — and [yt | that]ytthat in this School they be treated in all [Reſpects | respects]Reſpectsrespects as [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish
[Schollars | scholars]Schollarsscholars excepting ^[above] with [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect to^with [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect to their Lodging [& | and]&and Some things in which Prudence Shall ld dictate, a conformity to
their ow^[above] n^n Nation — to be Expedient — we [ha' | have]ha'have got [ſubſcriptns | subscriptions]ſubſcriptnssubscriptions for about £500 [lawfull | lawful]lawfulllawful money, towards a Fund for the Support of a [maſter | master]maſtermaster — ^[above] [& | and]&and think [yt | that]ytthat^[& | and]&and think [yt | that]ytthat £1000 we sup‐
will be [Sufft | sufficient]Sufftsufficient with the Improvement of [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. More[pers0025.ocp]'s Grant and [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch
^[above] Gifts^Gifts as we may [reaſonably | reasonably]reaſonablyreasonably Expect upon so great a Road as this if the thing ^[above] [deſign | design]deſigndesign^[deſign | design]deſigndesign
[proſper | prosper]proſperprosper. ^[above] will be [ſufficicient | sufficient]ſufficicientsufficient^will be [ſufficicient | sufficient]ſufficicientsufficient but we are Since
[adviſed | advised]adviſedadvised by Gentlemen Learned in the Law [y.t | that]y.tthat Some kind of Incorporation by Civil authority is
[Neceſsary | necessary]Neceſsarynecessary. [& | and]&and by[illegible] Advice of his [Hon.r | honour]Hon.rhonour our Late [Gov.r | Governor]Gov.rGovernor Woolcott[pers0611.ocp], ^[above] [& | and]&and others^[& | and]&and others we have
[conſulted | consulted]conſultedconsulted
[ye | the]yethe
[Honle | honourable]Honlehonourable
[Wm | William]WmWilliam Smith [Esq.r | Esq.]Esq.rEsq.[pers0504.ocp] of [N. | New]N.New York[place0166.ocp] who [Adviſes | advises]Adviſesadvises
[y.t | that]y.tthat an Incorporation [cant | can't]cantcan't be had from a Corporation as our
Government[org0027.ocp] is but proposes two methods ^[above] for the [remidying | remedying]remidyingremedying the Difficulty among [ourſelves | ourselves]ourſelvesourselves^for the [remidying | remedying]remidyingremedying the Difficulty among [ourſelves | ourselves]ourſelvesourselves 1. by a [Delagation | Delegation]DelagationDelegation of [y.e | the]y.ethe
[Exerciſe | exercise]Exerciſeexercise of part of their
[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): Original] Original] Power
^[above] of [illegible]
[Gov.r | governor]Gov.rgovernor
[& | and]&and Company.^of [illegible]
[Gov.r | governor]Gov.rgovernor
[& | and]&and Company. . or 2. by two [ſets | sets]ſetssets of [Truſtees | trustees]Truſteestrustees
[y.e | the]y.ethe one to have
[ye | the]yethe fee of [y.e | the]y.ethe Land by Deed and to Declare their [Truſt | trust]Truſttrust by Deed to another Lot after the manner that Lands are [apropriated | appropriated]apropriatedappropriated to [y.e | the]y.ethe use of [Ch-hs | churches]Ch-hschurches in the Southern Colonies. but [adviſes | advises]adviſesadvises that an Incorporation from [ye | the]yethe Crown ^[above] if it can be had^if it can be had is much more [Eligeble | eligible]Eligebleeligible. and we have [conſidered | considered]conſideredconsidered
[y.e | the]y.ethe
[Diſtemp -er'd | distempered]Diſtemp -er'ddistempered
[& | and]&and Divided Sentiments of the [preſent | present]preſentpresent Day with [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect to Religious matters — [& | and]&and that Either of the two former methods proposed ^[above] if [y.[illegible] | they]y.[illegible]they can be come into^if [y.[illegible] | they]y.[illegible]they can be come into will not be [ſo | so]ſoso likely to Invite charitable Donations as [ſome | some]ſomesome
[foundn | foundation]foundnfoundation that is more known and more Certain ^[above] [& | and]&and
[yt | that]ytthat if this can be [obtaind | obtained]obtaindobtained there is a [proſpect | prospect]proſpectprospect of a [n.o | number]n.onumber of [illegible] Donations [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon^[& | and]&and
[yt | that]ytthat if this can be [obtaind | obtained]obtaindobtained there is a [proſpect | prospect]proſpectprospect of a [n.o | number]n.onumber of [illegible] Donations [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon and that there are [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch political as well as Religious [Reaſons | reasons]Reaſonsreasons as we [perſwade | persuade]perſwadepersuade
[ourſelves | ourselves]ourſelvesourselves will Induce his [Majeſty | Majesty]MajeſtyMajesty[pers0305.ocp] to incorporate us, if his Ear can be had. Accordingly we have
provided [meterials | materials]meterialsmaterials for that Purpose and [ſent | sent]ſentsent them to [ye | the]yethe Care of the [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev.
[Preſid.t | President]Preſid.tPresident Burr[pers0108.ocp], which we suppose are gone [ſome | some]ſomesome weeks ago — The Duplicate to which I have Sent to
[y.e | the]y.ethe Care of [Coll. | Col.]Coll.Col. Henchman[pers0254.ocp]
[Esq.r | Esq.]Esq.rEsq.
of [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston &c
The education of these boys when they came to me was, I think much to [y.e | the]y.ethe
[Honr | honor]Honrhonor of [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Brainerds [Miſsn | mission]Miſsnmission[pers0004.ocp]. they have [ſince | since]ſincesince
[behavd | behaved]behavdbehaved well and make good proficiency in learning Nothing appears but
[y.t | the]y.tthe
[Coſt | cost]Coſtcost
^[above] pains^pains
[& | and]&and
[Expence | expense]Expenceexpense
[bestowd | bestowed]bestowdbestowed upon them will be to good Purpose
[Eſpecialy | especially]Eſpecialyespecially upon [ye | the]yethe Younger of them. I have had Some [Aſsiſtances | assistances]Aſsiſtancesassistances from [ye | the]yethe Charities of [perticular | particular]perticularparticular Gentlemen. towards their [ſupport | support]ſupportsupport.
^[above] [tho' | though]tho'though it has lain mainly upon me^[tho' | though]tho'though it has lain mainly upon me I have Sent for, [& | and]&and daily Expect, another, Whom [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Brainerd[pers0004.ocp] thinks to be full as Likely as Either of these. [& | and]&and thus ^[above] Sir ^Sir I have, [tho' | though]tho'though imperfectly
[ansd | answered]ansdanswered
[ye | the]yethe
[Deſr | desire]Deſrdesire of [ye | the]yethe
[Honle | honourable]Honlehonourable
[Com'iſsrs | commissioners]Com'iſsrscommissioners[org0095.ocp]
[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): and]and if [ye | the]yethe
[acco.t | account]acco.taccount be not [ſo | so]ſoso
[per- ticular | par-ticular]per- ticularpar-ticular in any [illegible][illegible: [guess (h-dawnd): [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect][reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect] as they [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire if they will [pleaſe | please]pleaſeplease to hint it to me I will
^[above] gladly give [illegible] full information^gladly give [illegible] full information
[perticular | particular]perticularparticular in my [Acco.t | account]Acco.taccount
as they Shall [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire
[pleaſe | please]pleaſeplease to give [moſt | most]moſtmost
[reſpect[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): l]l] | respectful]reſpect[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): l]l]respectful Salutations to those Good Gentlemen [ye | the]yethe
[Hon. | honourable]Hon.honourable
[Com̅iſsrs | commissioners]Com̅iſsrscommissioners[org0095.ocp] and accept the same =
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0254.ocp | Col Col. Henchman | mentioned | Henchman |
pers0031.ocp | Hon. le honourable Andrew Oliver Es q. r Esq. | recipient mentioned | Oliver, Andrew |
pers0004.ocp | Rev. d Rev. John Brainerd | mentioned | Brainerd, John |
pers0030.ocp | Samſon Samson Occom | mentioned | Occom, Samson |
pers0025.ocp | M. r Mr. Joshua More | mentioned | More, Joshua |
pers0595.ocp | Coll. Col. Eliſha Elisha Williams Esq. r Esq. | mentioned | Williams, Elisha |
pers0381.ocp | Sam. l Samuel Moſely Moseley | mentioned | Moseley, Samuel |
pers0432.ocp | Benjamin Pomeroy | mentioned | Pomeroy, Benjamin |
pers0025.ocp | M. r Mr. More | mentioned | More, Joshua |
pers0611.ocp | Gov. r Governor Woolcott | mentioned | Woolcott, Roger |
pers0504.ocp | W m William Smith Esq. r Esq. | mentioned | Smith, William Sr. |
pers0305.ocp | his Majeſty Majesty | mentioned | Frederick, George William |
pers0108.ocp | Preſid. t President Burr | mentioned | Burr, Aaron Sr. |
pers0254.ocp | Coll. Col. Henchman | mentioned | Henchman |
pers0004.ocp | M. r Mr. Brainerds Miſs n mission | mentioned | Brainerd, John |
pers0004.ocp | M. r Mr. Brainerd | mentioned | Brainerd, John |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0158.ocp | N– New England | New England |
place0131.ocp | Manſfield Mansfield | Mansfield |
place0166.ocp | N. New York | New York |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0095.ocp | Com̅iſsrscommissioners for the Indian Affairs | The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America |
org0095.ocp | the Com̅iſsrscommissioners | The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America |
org0095.ocp | Hon.lehonourable Com̅iſsrscommissioners | The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America |
org0038.ocp | The Delaware Tribe | Delaware Tribe |
org0095.ocp | Hon lehonorable Com̅iſsrscommissioners | The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America |
org0098.ocp | Charity School | Moor’s Indian Charity School |
org0098.ocp | ſ.dsaid ſchoolschool | Moor’s Indian Charity School |
org0027.ocp | our Government | Colony of Connecticut |
org0095.ocp | yethe Honlehonourable Com'iſsrscommissioners | The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America |
org0095.ocp | yethe Hon.honourable Com̅iſsrscommissioners | The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America |
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1756-07-30 | BoſtonBoston July 30. 1756 |
1754-12 | Decem.rDecember 1754 |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | Col | Col. |
modernization | Boſton | Boston |
modernization | y.e | the |
modernization | deſired | desired |
modernization | Com̅iſsrs | commissioners |
modernization | deſire | desire |
modernization | Circumſtan‐ ces | circumstan‐ces |
modernization | Beſt | best |
modernization | Inſtruction | instruction |
variation | propos'd | proposed |
modernization | ac‐ compliſh | ac‐complish |
modernization | &c | etc. |
modernization | doubt‐ leſs | doubt‐less |
modernization | Es[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): q.]q. r | Esq. |
modernization | Treaſurer | treasurer |
variation | wil | will |
modernization | com̅unicate | communicate |
modernization | Eſteem | esteem |
modernization | Neceſsary | necessary |
modernization | condeſention | condescension |
modernization | Kindneſs | kindness |
modernization | expreſsed | expressed |
modernization | Deſign | design |
variation | cheirfully | cheerfully |
modernization | deſiring | desiring |
variation | perticulars | particulars |
variation | mention'd | mentioned |
modernization | conſiſts | consists |
variation | Litter | letter |
modernization | otherwiſe | otherwise |
modernization | ſuch | such |
modernization | omiſsions | omissions |
modernization | ſent | Sent |
modernization | Rev.d | Rev. |
modernization | Diſopointments | disappointments |
variation | delay'd | delayed |
modernization | conſequent | consequent |
modernization | Deſire | desire |
modernization | laſt | last |
modernization | miniſtry | ministry |
modernization | Somthg | something |
variation | inf | in |
modernization | favr | favor |
modernization | Conſiderations | considerations |
variation | publick | public |
variation | accot | account |
modernization | paſt | past |
variation | Neglect | neglect |
modernization | underſtand | understand |
modernization | Eſpecial | especial |
modernization | Teſtifying | testifying |
modernization | againſt | against |
modernization | Advan‐ tages | advan‐tages |
modernization | ſending | sending |
modernization | conſtantly | constantly |
modernization | ſucceſs | success |
modernization | Engliſh | English |
modernization | Miſsion | mission |
modernization | Cuſtoms | customs |
variation | fair | fare |
modernization | ſhall | shall |
modernization | Demonſstrations | demonstrations |
modernization | ſin‐ cerity | sin‐cerity |
modernization | beſt | best |
modernization | Reſpective | respective |
modernization | ye | the |
modernization | Intreſt | interest |
modernization | Encoura ‐ged | encoura‐ged |
modernization | Succeſs | success |
modernization | Aſsiſtance | assistance |
modernization | Samſon | Samson |
modernization | Reaſonably | reasonably |
modernization | leſs | less |
modernization | viſited | visited |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
modernization | Manſfield | Mansfield |
modernization | Eſtate | estate |
modernization | pleaſd | pleased |
modernization | Coll. | Col. |
modernization | Eliſha | Elisha |
modernization | Esq.r | Esq. |
modernization | Meſsrs | Misters |
modernization | Sam.l | Samuel |
modernization | Moſely | Moseley |
modernization | Myſelf | myself |
variation | convenanted | covenanted |
modernization | ſ.d | said |
modernization | ſchool | school |
modernization | Shod | should |
modernization | inſtructed | instructed |
modernization | Readg | reading |
variation | woſe | whose |
modernization | diſpoſns | dispositions |
modernization | ſhod | should |
modernization | Eſpecially | especially |
variation | Knowledg | knowledge |
modernization | Practiſe | practice |
modernization | Chriſtianity | Christianity |
modernization | minſtry | ministry |
modernization | Diſpoſitions | dispositions |
modernization | moſt | most |
modernization | Maſter | master |
modernization | yt | that |
modernization | Reſpects | respects |
variation | Schollars | scholars |
modernization | reſpect | respect |
variation | ha' | have |
modernization | ſubſcriptns | subscriptions |
variation | lawfull | lawful |
modernization | maſter | master |
modernization | Sufft | sufficient |
modernization | reaſonably | reasonably |
modernization | deſign | design |
modernization | proſper | prosper |
modernization | ſufficicient | sufficient |
modernization | adviſed | advised |
modernization | y.t | that |
modernization | conſulted | consulted |
modernization | Wm | William |
modernization | N. | New |
modernization | Adviſes | advises |
variation | cant | can't |
variation | remidying | remedying |
modernization | ourſelves | ourselves |
variation | Delagation | Delegation |
modernization | Exerciſe | exercise |
modernization | ſets | sets |
modernization | Truſtees | trustees |
modernization | Truſt | trust |
variation | apropriated | appropriated |
modernization | adviſes | advises |
variation | Eligeble | eligible |
modernization | conſidered | considered |
modernization | Diſtemp -er'd | distempered |
modernization | preſent | present |
modernization | y.[illegible] | they |
modernization | ſo | so |
modernization | ſome | some |
modernization | foundn | foundation |
variation | obtaind | obtained |
modernization | proſpect | prospect |
modernization | n.o | number |
modernization | ſoon | soon |
modernization | Reaſons | reasons |
modernization | perſwade | persuade |
modernization | Majeſty | Majesty |
variation | meterials | materials |
modernization | ſent | sent |
modernization | Miſsn | mission |
modernization | ſince | since |
variation | behavd | behaved |
modernization | y.t | the |
modernization | Coſt | cost |
variation | Expence | expense |
modernization | Eſpecialy | especially |
modernization | Aſsiſtances | assistances |
variation | perticular | particular |
modernization | ſupport | support |
modernization | tho' | though |
modernization | ansd | answered |
modernization | Deſr | desire |
modernization | Com'iſsrs | commissioners |
modernization | acco.t | account |
variation | per- ticular | par-ticular |
modernization | pleaſe | please |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Hon.d | Honoured |
& | and |
Hon.le | honourable |
Hon.r | honour |
Decem.r | December |
N– | New |
Hon le | honorable |
O. | Old |
Ten.r | Tenor |
Gov.r | Governor |
Honle | honourable |
Gov.r | governor |
Ch-hs | churches |
Preſid.t | President |
Honr | honor |
bestowd | bestowed |
Acco.t | account |
reſpect[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): l]l] | respectful |
Hon. | honourable |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 91) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 29) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 30) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 141) |