Samson Occom, Journal Fragment
Unknown[](Error: 'when' attribute not in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format)
Call Number003217
[note (type: abstract): Fragment of a journal describes Occom's travels along the Connecticut coast and Long Island.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Single small sheet folded into four pages is in fair-to-poor condition, with heavy creasing, staining and wear. Wear in the upper outside corners results in some loss of text.][note (type: ink): Brown ink is faded in spots.][note (type: noteworthy): There are red pencil marks on two verso. An editor, likely 19th-century, has underlined portions of the text in black ink and, on two verso, added the note: / If common year, 1 day of [Jan. | January]Jan.January
Then 1747, 1761.. 1778, 1758
If leap year[above] was Sunday.. was Sunday.. Then 1749, 1769, [& | and]&and 1775
If leap year, then Saturday [1st | 1st]1st1st [Jan | January]JanJanuary:
and year was 1780.. ([illegible] likely)
the reverend from [mauntauk | Montauk]mauntaukMontauk[place0144.ocp] to
[mohegan | Mohegan]moheganMohegan[place0143.ocp] in 1764 - 1765.
]If leap year, then Saturday [1st | 1st]1st1st [Jan | January]JanJanuary:
and year was 1780.. ([illegible] likely)
the reverend from [mauntauk | Montauk]mauntaukMontauk[place0144.ocp] to
[mohegan | Mohegan]moheganMohegan[place0143.ocp] in 1764 - 1765.
Persistent Identifier
Montauk[place0144.ocp] May [ye | the]yethe [4th | 4th]4th4th [gap: worn_edge]
a few of us [Sot | set]Sotset out from
Montauk[place0144.ocp] to [viſit | visit]viſitvisit our Brethre[above] nn
at [Maſtick | Mystic]MaſtickMystic[place0473.ocp], and got So far
Hay ground[place0474.ocp] at Night,
[illegible][guess (lrb): [Fry | Fri]FryFri][Fry | Fri]FryFriday Morning[illegible][Sot | set]Sotset out
from hayground[place0474.ocp], and got So
far to [illegible][guess (lrb): one]one Homan[pers1143.ocp]s, Saturda[above] yy
from Thence and got to [maſ‐
tick | Mys‐
tic[place0473.ocp] about[illegible]Noon [& | and]&and found
our Brethren [generaly | generally]generalygenerally well
[&c | etc.]&cetc. — and had a Meetitng
with them at Night — But
nothing Special [Appeard | appeared]Appeardappeared — at
that — [Sabath | Sabbath]SabathSabbath May [illegible][guess (lrb): [ye | the]yethe][ye | the]yethe 7
held a meeting with them
again all[illegible] Day But
nothing[illegible] very remarka‐
[gap: tear][guess (lrb): yet]yet they were very at
[illegible][guess (lrb): t]tentive to hear the very
word — Mon[illegible]day May [ye | the]yethe
8 we Came [a way | away]a wayaway, and
had a Short Meeting at
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Henry Haven'[above] ss[pers1144.ocp], and
the People [Seem'd | seemed]Seem'dseemed to attend
with good attention, — and
from thence we went to
Moriches[place0475.ocp],[above] ^^ and had [above] [meetg | meeting]meetgmeeting[meetg | meeting]meetgmeeting at Ben‐
[Caſtle | Castle]CaſtleCastle[pers1145.ocp]s Wigwam, and in
the morning May [ye | the]yethe 9
we [Sot | set]Sotset out from thence to‐
wards home and to So far
as [Shenegecock | Shinnecock]ShenegecockShinnecock[place0423.ocp], and had
a meeting there with [ye | the]yethe
Indians[org0157.ocp], but nothing re‐
markable [appeard | appeared]appeardappeared [a‐
mongſt | a‐
mongst them — [Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday
may the 10 we [Sot | set]Sotset out
from there and gothome
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.][note (type: editorial): Non-contemporary text not transcribed.]Montauk[place0144.ocp] to [viſit | visit]viſitvisit our Brethre[above] nn
at [Maſtick | Mystic]MaſtickMystic[place0473.ocp], and got So far
[illegible][guess (lrb): [Fry | Fri]FryFri][Fry | Fri]FryFriday Morning
from hayground[place0474.ocp], and got So
far to [illegible][guess (lrb): one]one Homan[pers1143.ocp]s, Saturda[above] yy
from Thence and got to [maſ‐
tick | Mys‐
tic[place0473.ocp] about
our Brethren [generaly | generally]generalygenerally well
[&c | etc.]&cetc. — and had a Meeti
with them at Night — But
nothing Special [Appeard | appeared]Appeardappeared — at
that — [Sabath | Sabbath]SabathSabbath May [illegible][guess (lrb): [ye | the]yethe][ye | the]yethe 7
held a meeting with them
again all
[gap: tear][guess (lrb): yet]yet they were very at
[illegible][guess (lrb): t]tentive to hear the very
word — Mon
8 we Came [a way | away]a wayaway, and
had a Short Meeting at
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Henry Haven'[above] ss[pers1144.ocp], and
the People [Seem'd | seemed]Seem'dseemed to attend
with good attention, — and
from thence we went to
Moriches[place0475.ocp],[above] ^^ and had [above] [meetg | meeting]meetgmeeting[meetg | meeting]meetgmeeting at Ben‐
[Caſtle | Castle]CaſtleCastle[pers1145.ocp]s Wigwam, and in
the morning May [ye | the]yethe 9
we [Sot | set]Sotset out from thence to‐
wards home and to So far
as [Shene
a meeting there with [ye | the]yethe
Indians[org0157.ocp], but nothing re‐
markable [appeard | appeared]appeardappeared [a‐
mongſt | a‐
mongst them — [Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday
may the 10 we [Sot | set]Sotset out
from there and got
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers1143.ocp | Homan | mentioned | Homan |
pers1144.ocp | M r Mr. Henry Haven' s | mentioned | Haven, Henry |
pers1145.ocp | Ben‐ Caſtle Castle | mentioned | Castle, Ben |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0144.ocp | Montauk | Montauk |
place0473.ocp | Maſtick Mystic | Mystic |
place0474.ocp | Hay ground | Hayground |
place0474.ocp | hayground | Hayground |
place0473.ocp | maſ‐ tick Mys‐ tic | Mystic |
place0475.ocp | Moriches | Moriches |
place0423.ocp | Shene g ecock Shinnecock | Shinnecock |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0157.ocp | yethe Indians | Shinnecock Tribe |
This document does not contain any tagged dates.
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | 1st | 1st |
variation | mauntauk | Montauk |
variation | mohegan | Mohegan |
modernization | ye | the |
modernization | 4th | 4th |
variation | Sot | set |
modernization | viſit | visit |
variation | Maſtick | Mystic |
variation | Fry | Fri |
variation | maſ‐ tick |
Mys‐ tic |
variation | generaly | generally |
modernization | &c | etc. |
variation | Appeard | appeared |
variation | Sabath | Sabbath |
variation | a way | away |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
modernization | Caſtle | Castle |
variation | Shene |
Shinnecock |
variation | appeard | appeared |
modernization | a‐ mongſt |
a‐ mongst |
modernization | Wedneſday | Wednesday |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Jan. | January |
& | and |
Jan | January |
Seem'd | seemed |
meetg | meeting |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 8) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 12) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 5) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 112) |