Samson Occom, journal, 1787 September 20 to December 5

Author Occom, Samson

DateSeptember 20 to December 5, 1787

Call Number787520.1

abstractOccom describes his activities as an intinerant preacher and community leader in the fall and early winter of 1787.

handwritingHandwriting is largely clear and legible. There are uncrossed t's and crossed l's that have been corrected by the transcriber.

paperSmall sheets folded together into a booklet and bound with thread or twine are in fair-to-poor condition, with moderate-to-heavy yellowing and wear. The outer pages are especially worn, resulting in some loss of text. Repair work has been done on these outer pages.

inkBrown ink varies in intensity throughout.

noteworthyAn editor, likely 19th-century, has overwritten Occom's hand in spots, and added the note “ Sep. 20, 1787 Thursday to Dec. 5, 1787 Weday” to one recto. These edits have not been transcribed.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
Kings XVII. 33
Isaiah 43: 21
Matthew VIII: 36. 37
John Conell New Town
James Tuck of
Blank page

Thursday September 20. 1787

Just at Night had a meeting
at widow Fowlers, and there
was not many People, and
I gave them a few words of
of Exhortation, from Luke
VI. 8 and the People attended
with great Solemnity, and
Some affection — after meeting
I went to Brother Davids and
Lodged there — —

Friday September 21

Some Time
in the morning, went to
Stockbridge, David
Fowler Jr.
went with me,
we got there about 2, Call
on Mr. Sargeant, and he ap
peared good conditioned, and
So to Sir Peters, and direct[gap: tear]
from there, we went to m[gap: tear][guess: eet]
ing and there was conside
rable number of People,
and I Spoke from Mark V. 9
and there was very good at
tention, This meeting was
designed, Chiefly for the young
People,— Soon after meeting
went back to Sir Peter's, and
took Some refreshment, and
Soon after sunset, went
to meeting again, and there
was great Number of People
and there was Several, that
related their exercises of
mind; three men, three wo
men, relate their exercises, a
Young man, and a married
woman, manifested their de‐
sire of being baptized, and
Some Children, were to be Bap
tized all also,— Mr. Sargeant
[gap: tear][guess: m]ade Some objection, against
two Being baptized, but
the Professors, gave their fel
lowship, to their desire, — and
So we broke up our meeting
Some late in the Evening, I
to Peter's and there I lodged,
and had good rest — —

Saturday September 22

was all
Day at the Place, — —

Sabbath September 23:

about 10 we
went to meeting, and there was
a large number of People,
many of our People from
Brothertown Came also, and
Some White were there, and
Mr. Sargeant, read a discourse
to the Indians, in their Tongu[gap: worn_edge][guess: e]
and read it also in English,
he read his Prayer also in
Indian, and he prayed part
ly in English — — — —
In the afternoon I tried
to Preach, I Spoke from
Acts X. 34. 35 and there was
very great Solemnity, Some
were much affected,— and
I Baptized, at this Time
Eight persons two adults and
the rest Children; The Name
of the Young is Solomon
and the woman [gap: omitted]
Soon after meeting I went
to Sir Peters. — In the evening
we had another meeting, one
of the men rehearsed, what
had delivered in the Day,
after meeting went back
with Sir Peter and Lodged
there again — —

Monday September 24,

I took
breakfast with Mr. Sargeant
and Soon after breakfast
I returned to Brothertown, Betsey
ride behind me and
got to the Place near Noon
stopped but few minutes at
Brother Davids, and passed
on to my Daughters — —

Tuesday September 25:

Stockbridgers Came to
our Place to help and
Some of our men Came
also. — —


I had help a
gain 'til after Noon —

Thursday September 27

the Evening, had meeting
at Widow Fowler's, there
was but few People, and I
Spoke from [gap: omitted] and
there was a Solemn attention
after I had done Speaking
two of our People Spoke a
words one after another. and
when they had done a white
man got up and Spoke, and
he Spoke with a feeling sense
of Divine Concerns, he gave
an account of a remarka
ble Remarkable reforma
tion in Vergena — He
Came from Stockbridge
after meeting, I went up
to Brother David Fowler's and
Lodged there. — — —

Saturday September 29

1 in the afternoon, my
Son in Law; Anthony Paul
and Daughter Christiana
and Betsey Fowler; set off
for Whites Bourrow, but
we were overtaken with
Night at one Mr. Blanchets
and there we Lodged, and
were exceedingly well en‐
tertained, and we had a
a little exercise with a Chris
tian Card, — we went to Bed
in good Season, and I had
a Comfortable rest — —

Sabbath September 30

got up very
Early and Prayed together
and then we set off. we had
near four Miles to go and
it was extremely Bad riding
Dreadful miry,— we got
to the Place just as Esq.
was about taking
breakfast, and we sat
down with them — and Soon
after breakfast, we went
to meeting to another house
and there was a large number
of People, and I Spoke from
Isaiah 43: 21: and there was
great attention in the As
sembly I believe they felt
the weight of the word,—
after meeting, I went home
with Mr. Weatmore, and
took Dinner with them,
in the afternoon meeting
was removed to this house
on account of a funeral
that is to be attended in
this house, for an Infant
just Born died in this
house last Monday, it
lived about two Hours after
it was Born, and they
have kept the corpse to
this Day, for they expected
me here this Day, this
is the first Death that
happened in this Place.
Since it has been Settled
it has been Settling three
years, and it is now a
large settlement. this
afternoon I Spoke from
Isaiah 38: 1 and it was
a Solemn Time indeed
many were deeply affect
ted there was a Shower
of Tears, Soon after meet
ing we Carried the little
corpse to the grave it was
but a few Rods from
the house, after Burying
returned to the house,—
in the Evening went to Mr.
L[illegible][guess: e]vingworth
's and Spent the
evening there,— about 10 went
back to Mr. Weatmores and
Lodged there —

Monday October 1

got up
early took breakfast
with Family, after break
fast went to Esq. Whites, and
got ready, and about 9
we set off for Home, Lt.
and Mr. Leavett went
to our Place,— as we passed
along, took Notice of the
Settlement, and it is a
fine Spot of Land, and
a very large Spot too,
and the People has made
a rapid progress in Cul
tivating the Land, if the
People were as engaged
in Religion as they are. in
their Temporal Concerns.
this Settlement would be
very much like the garden of
Eden, which was the gar
den of god. the Lord be
with them and bless them
that they may indeed be
a Peculiar People unto
god, that they may be
Lights in this Wilderness —
We stopped a While at
Clinton,— and we got
Home just as the Sun
was Setting. — —

Thursday October 4:

in the
Evening had a meeting in
Widow Fowlers, and there
was but few People, and
I Spoke from [gap: omitted]
and we had a Comforta
ble season —–

Sabbath October 7:

had a mee
ting in Brother Davids
and there was not many
People, and I Spoke from
[gap: omitted] and we had a
Solemn meeting; lodged
at Brother Davids — —

Tuesday October 9:

1 in the afternoon, I set
off for Clinton, got there
Some Time before Night
stopped a little while at Mr.
s to See his wife
had been Sick Some Time
and She was very poorly,
and went from there to
Capt. Foot's and in the
Evening the People Collec
ted together and I Spoke
to them from John XXI: 22
and there was great So
lemnity amongst the People
I believe Some felt the weight
of the word,— the beginning
of last March there was
no house in this Place, a
perfect wild Wilderness,
Now there are 20 Families
and there were Seventy odd
persons in the meeting this
evening. and have made
great apperance in their
improvements. there are
Chiefly from New England
and youngerly People — —

Wednesday October 10

here 'til after Dinner, and
then went to a Certain house
between this Place, and
Whitesbourough about half
way, the mans Name is Blan
, I got there Some Time
before Night, and had
a meeting, and there was
a Considerable Number
of People, and I Spoke
from Psalm CVII. 31: and
the People attended exceed
ing well, this was all a
wild Wilderness in the
beginning of last Spring and
now the People are Settling
all along from Whitesbourgh
to Clinton — in few Years
this will be Settled thick
as any part of the globe
the Land is so good, it draws
all Sorts of People and
Nations are flocking
here Continually — —

Thursday October 11

Time breakfast I set off
for home,-– stopped a while
at Capt. Foots in Clinton
and took Dinner there.
and Soon after Dinner
went on again, got to
my Daughters — and in
the evening we had a meet
ing Sister Esther, and
was not many People,
and I Spoke from Psalms
CVII. 31 and there was an
uncommon attention, many
were deeply affected. —

Friday October 12

Time in the morning I
set off for Stockbridge
and had a meeting there
in the Evening, and I Spoke
from [gap: omitted] and there was
good attention, lodged at
Sir Peters — — —

Saturday October 13:

2 in the afternoon I went
to Deanville, got to the Place
about sunset Peter went with me found Mrs.
exceedingly distressed
with uncommon Difficulties
in her Pregnancy, and
Peter and I went to Mr. Jonathan
s and Lodged there,
and 2. o'clock in the Night
I was called up, to the other
house, and Bleed Mrs. Dean
and I went directly, and
found her much distressed
and took Blood from her
foot, and Bled exceeding
well,— and her distresses
begun to mitigate direct
ly, and I stayed the rest
of the Night and She was
Some what Comfortable —
I was called up again be‐
fore Day to write to doctor for
them, for they were Sending
to Albany for one, and were
Sending for Mr. Dean too
for he had been gone Some
Time to Spencertown — —

Sabbath October 14:

about 10
the People got together, and
there was a large number
of People, many white
People from other Places
and many Indians from
Both our Towns, I Spoke
from Matthew V. 20: and 5 and
there was a Solemn attention
all Day. Soon after meet
ing Peter and I went to Clinton
got there a little after sun
set, we put up at Capt. Foots
and the People Collected
directly and there was quite
a large number, and I Spoke
from [gap: omitted] we lodged
at the Same, house and
had Comfortable rest —

Monday October 15:

after breakfast went
to mill, and was there
Some Time, before we
we could get grinding —
we got to our Place about
1: and Sir Peter passed on
to his Place —

Thursday October 18:

Went to Stockbridge to a
wedding just before sun
set, attended upon Marriage
the young man was, one
the Sachem's Son and the
young woman was of noted
Family, and there was
a vast concourse of People
of many Nations, it was
Said, there were ten different
Languages among the people
and the People behaved de
cently, but the Oneidas be
gan to behave unseemly,
and in the Night the had
a terrible frolic even all
Night — — —


was all Day
at the Place,— in the e
vening we Collected together
at Capt. Hendricks I Spoke
from Matthew 6: 22:23 and there
was a Solemn attention, after
I had done Capt. Hendrick
rehearsed the Same, lodged
at the Same house — —

Saturday October 20:

Time in the afternoon I returned
to Brothertown, Mr. Warmsly
went with me, we stopped at
Roger Waubys and there
took Dinner, Soon after dinner
I went on and Mr. Warmsly
went back, I got to Brother
s before Night and
I lodged at David's — —

Sabbath. October 21:

about 10
the People got together and
was a large Number of
People Some white People
and I Spoke from John XIII 17
[gap: omitted] and the People were
very Solemn and many
were affected, Lodged at
the Same house — —

Monday October 22,

in the
evening had a meeting in
Sister Fowlers, and there
was not many People and
I Spoke from [gap: omitted]
and the People attended well
lodged at the Same house

Tuesday October 23.

from Stockbridge Came to
help me. they were 5 of them
and they worked two Days

Thursday October 24:

were called suddenly to
appear before the Chiefs
of the Oneida, that had just
Come to our Place, — and
we eat our breakfast in
haste, and went directly to
widow Fowlers, and there
the chiefs meet with us,
and it was about our Lands
But there was Such Confu
sion, I would not Say a
word about it, it was a
party scheme, contrived by
a few of our People, they
been agreeing with the
the Oneidas for a Piece
of Land; without the know
ledge of the Headmen
of the Place, Some of the
Contrivers of this mischief
were much intoxicated
and they drove on the
business with all fury in
no order, it was like
Whirlwind, Sometime
towards Night we broke
up and every one went his
way: in great confusion
of mind,— I went to Brother
s and there lodged
with a Sorrowful mind. — —

Friday October 25

at our Places all Day

Saturday October 26

Towards Night just as
I was going away to Clinton,
Brother Crippen and Brother
Came to my Son
in Law
s and we had a
little conversation, these
Brethren are from a Place
called Springfield, Going
to Cherry valley; So I left
them and went on to Clinton
got there about sunset,
put up at Capt. Foots,
found them all well. —

Sabbath October 27

half after 10 we began
the exercise, and there was
a large Number of People
Some from other Places, and
Several Stockbridgers were
with us, and there was very
great attention, both be‐
fore noon and after noon
I Spoke from John, I know
you that the Love of god is
not in you, in the after
noon from Mark VIII. 36.37
as Soon as the meeting was
done, I went off to Brother
, the Stockbridgers went
with me, we got there a
bout sunset, we eat a
few mouthfuls and went
to meeting. at Sister Esthers
and there was not much
moving there Seemed to
be Some party Spirit in
the meeting.—

Sabbath November 4

at Stockbridge and
Spoke from [gap: omitted]
and there was very Se
rious attention all Day

Monday November 5:

back to Brothertown

Sabbath November 11:

at Brothertown once more
and Baptized Brother
David Fowler
's Children
Six of them, and we had
a Solemn Day of it, in
the evening we had a
nother meeting, and it
was a Comfortable meet
ing — —

Monday November 12

Day intended to Set out
for home but it began
in the morning, and So
stopped for the Day —

Tuesday November 13:

up very early and got
ready, and we set out
Sun about an Hour and
half high, Betsey
Jerusha Wympe
and Henry Stansel a young
Dutch man went with me
we had exceeding fine
warm Day, got through the
woods before sunset I
put up at Conrad Folts
Jerusha and Betsey went
to Mr. Smiths about 2 miles
further. — —

Wednesday November 14

got up
very early and went on
stopped a little while at
Esq. Franks, and So passed
on, and stopped at Andrews
and there we took
Dinner, and passed on, and
we got to Mr. Thomas Chreppens
just before sunset and we
Lodged there, and we had
a meeting this evening, and
there was a consideralble number
of People,— and it was a
refreshing Time I Spoke
from these words, Love is
the fulfilling of the Law,—

Thursday November 15:

were at the Place all
Day we went to See Some
friends — Lodged at Mr.
— —

Friday November 16:

Time in the afternoon
had a meeting in Mr. Pickards
and there was a large number
of People, and I Spoke from
Matthew, [gap: omitted] he doeth the will
of my Father the Same is
my Brother etc.: and the
People attended well. — —

Saturday November 17:

at the Place, Towards night
went to Brother Nicholas
s, and in the even
ing a few People Came to
gether to sing, and we
Lodged there. — —

Sabbath. November 18

had a
meeting at Mr. Dyks and
there were So many People
we were obliged to meet out
in the Field, and it very
warm, I Spoke from Psalm
cxix. o how Love I thy Law etc.
and it was a Solemn meet
ing, — towards Night I marri
ed a couple, and it was a
Solemn wedding, conducted
very agreeable, Supped
with them — and Soon after
Supper, we went to old
Mr. Stansels, and there we
had a meeting, and there
was a large Collection of
People, and I Spoke from
[gap: omitted] and they attended
well we lodged at the Same
house — — —

Monday November 19:

leave of Some of my Friends
and So went out of the
Place, the girls rode along
with me a little ways and
took leave of them, They
went on with Tears, and
I went on my way stopped
at Brother Swans and
took breakfast with
them, and Soon after
eating I went on. and
was going on, but was obliged
to wait Some Time for a girl
that was going with me, but
they could not find the horse
that She was to ride, and so
I took her behind me, and
went a Little way, and a
young man overtook us
and I desired him to take
her behind him, and he
readily took her and we
went on, and Soon got to
Bowmans Creek, where I
was to preach, and the People
had been waiting Some Time
and So I began the worship
of god directly, and there
was but few People, I Spoke
from [gap: omitted] I Lodged
at Mr. Whites, — —

Tuesday November 20:

got me
up early, and went to Esq.
s and there took
breakfast,— Towards Night
I went to Esq. Younglove's
and just in the evening
People began to Come in
and there was a large number
Collected, and I Spoke to
them from, Matthew 6: 33:
and there was a Solemn at
tention. I lodged at the Same
house but lay uncomforta
ble all Night. — —

Wednesday November 21:

got up
very early, and had my
horse brought, and I went
to Cherry Valley, and it was
rainy, and I on fast
and Soon got to the Place
called on Col. Camble, and
there took breakfast, and
about 10 went to meeting
at [illegible]one Mr. Rechee's and
there was a considerable
of People, and I Spoke
from Psalm CVII and the
People attended well, and
Soon after meeting went
to Col. Cambles again
and there Dined; and was
detained by a blacksmith
he was shoeing my horse,
and I could not get away
'til the Sun was going down
and then I went to Bowmans
got there Some Time
in the evening, it was very
bad riding, and Some few
People got together, at Mr.
s. and I Baptized a
Child for one Mr. Griswool
by the Name of Joenna,
and Lodge at the Same
house and rest well.—

Thursday November 22

got up
early, and went over to
to Esq. Kimball, and took
breakfast, and Soon after
eating, went off and, got
to Mr. Romines Some Time
in the afternoon, and stopped
there awhile and took Some
Victuals, and Soon after went
on again, got to one Mr.
[gap: omitted] and Lodged there
here I met with a woman
that was much in exercise
of mind and had Some Con
versation with her, and
found under great Concern
of Soul, and I gave her
advice and counsel — —

Friday November 23:

got up early
in the morning, and went
on, got to Capt. Greggs
about breakfast Time
and took breakfast with
him, and Soon after went
on again, and got to Mr.
s before 10: and went
over the River, and stopped
at Mr. Bartlet's and there took
Dinner and Soon after got
up my horse. and went to
Yankee Hill, and Lodged
at Mr. Mudges the People
got together directly, and
I obliged to preach to them
before I went to Bed, and it
was a Solemn Time, the
Christians got quite warm
Some Spoke. — —

Saturday November 24:

Rose very
early, and I went to Esq.
's Mr. Mudge went
with me, Soon got there and
found them all well, there
took Breakfast, and stayed
'til after Dinner, and then
went back to Mr. Mudges and
was there but few minutes and
I passed by and went to Mr. [gap: omitted]
and just in the evening
People began to come in and
the house Soon filled, and
I was obliged to preach to
them, I spoke from the
words Set thy house etc.
and there was great Solemni
ty, and affection amongst
the People, I lodged at the
Same house, and rested
Comfortably. — —

Sabbath November 25

about 9
to the Place of meeting and
there was a prodigious number
of People and I Spoke from
Job: XXIII. 8: 1 John 1: 6: and there
was great Solemnity amongst
Soon after meeting I took dinner
with Mr. Frank, and then went
to Mr. Bartlet's by the River, and
had another meeting there. and
there was a large Number of
People. and attend well, but
just as the last Singing was
began, Mr. Bartlets Daughter
fainted, and we desisted singing
and I Lodged not at the Same
house, but I went over to
Mr. Vedder's east Side of the
River, and rested well.— —

Monday November 26:

got up
early, and after Break
fast, went over the other Side
of the River, and just called
at Mr. Bartlets and got my
up and took leave of them
called on Mr. Keenys a few
Minutes, and passed on, — in
the evening had a meeting
at Mr. Andrew Eliots and
was great many People.
and I Spoke from [gap: omitted]
visited a Young woman
that was very Sick, pray
with her,. — — —

Tuesday November 27:

got up
early and to visit the young
woman again, and She was
somewhat better, and then
took leave of them and o
ther Families, and to one
Mr. [gap: omitted] and there was
many People, and Lodged
there — —

wednesday November 28:

Night went over the River
to one Mr. Groot and Preached
there in the Evening, and
there was great many people
and Lodged there, —

Thursday November 29:

went back
to west Side of the River, and
got up my horse at Mr.
Mertin Vanolenda
s; and
took leave of them, and just
as I got on my horse, I heard Some
one halloo and I looked to
the River, and behold I Saw
my Saw my Son Anthony
and his Family, and they
went Down the River they
a canoe. and I went on
to Schenectady, I got there
Some Time in the afternoon
and put up at Mr. John Posts
just before night Anthony
got there also: I visited Some
few Friends, Lodged at
old Mr. Post's my good old
Friend. — — —

Friday November 30

got up
early and Mr. John Posts
and got up my horse and
went down the river a little
and went over. and so on
Downwards, to a Place called
put at Mr. [gap: omitted]
here Lives Mr. Jonathan Mudge
a Baptist Preacher, in the
afternoon Preached, and
there was great many people
Spoke from what is thy Name
in the evening had another
meeting there was a large number
again. Lodge at the house where
the meeting was, — — —

Saturday December 1:

after Break
fast, went on towards Niskayuna
, got to Mr. Fishers early
in the Day. and took Dinner
there, after Dinner went to See
Mr. Peters in the evening went
back to Mr. Fishers and Lodged
there and went to bed Soon — —

Sabbath: December 2:

after break
fast, went with the Family
in a large canoe to Church
over to Niskayuna. and there
was large gathering of people
and I Spoke to them from
[gap: omitted]
and as Soon as the meeting
was over, I went back to Mr.
s and took Dinner with
them, and Soon after, went to
back in the woods, and preached
Twice, and lodged at the last
house I Preached in — —

Monday December 3

went to new
and preached at Mr.
[gap: omitted] spoke from [gap: omitted]
and Soon after meeting went
to the Southward, and stopped
at Mr. Conell, and took Dinner
there, and then went to
another house and Preached
there, and Soon after meeting
went back to Mr. Conells and
Lodged there — — —

Tuesday December 4:

got up
early and went to one old
schoolmasters and there took
breakfast, and Soon aft[gap: tear][guess: er]
went to half Moon Church,[gap: tear]
stopped at one Mr. Clutes a[gap: tear][guess: nd]
from thence to Colo [gap: omitted]
and to Capt. Compstocks[gap: tear]
[gap: tear][guess: w]as there a while, and
[gap: tear][guess: J]ust as I was going away
Brother Peter Pauquunnuppeet
Came to me, and was glad
to See him, and then Came
also Mr. John Venderwarker
and we went with him to
his house, and Lodged there

Wednesday, December 5

in the afternoon
went to the Church and preached
there, but there was not man[gap: tear][guess: y]
People, I Spoke from [gap: omitted]
Soon after meeting went ba[gap: tear][guess: ck]
with Mr. Venderwarker a[gap: tear][guess: nd]
Lodged there —
Blank page.