Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to John Thornton, 1772 September 23
Date23 September, 1772
Call Number772523
abstractWheelock writes to Thornton about his failures with the Six Nations. Six days later, he writes again about improving prospects, as several boys are coming to the School, and Occom’s former haughtiness is softening. He also writes that the charges against his son Ralph are false.
handwritingHandwriting is very formal and neat; it is not Wheelock’s hand.
paperExact condition of the large, separate sheets is difficult to determine due to heavy preservation work; however, the paper appears to sustain light-to-moderate staining and wear.
signatureThe signature is not in Wheelock's hand.
noteworthyThis document is likely a personal copy for Wheelock's records. A non-contemporary editor had made notes on two verso. The contents regarding Ralph are similar to those in 772323.
EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain
Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.
I have opportunity) some view of the progress of my affairs here.
Mr. Avery returned from his eleven Months mission at
Oneida last month, and gives but a melancholy account of the
state of Indian Affairs there and among the six Nations — he says
the aspect has been growing more and more gloomy for eighteen
Months past, and is wholly disinclined to return to them again,
and thinks there is some probability that Mr. Kirtland will be
drove away from among them. on the whole it appears
to me not improbable that the Indians in that Quarter
are nigh unto cursing. They have of late openly in a large
meeting of several Tribes manifested their entire disincli
=nation to encourage or receive another missionary or Schoo[gap: tear][guess: l]
=master among them.
Two days ago Mr. Ripley returned from his Missio[gap: tear][guess: n]
to Canada with Lt. Taylor his Companion and Interpret[gap: tear][guess: er]
and brought with him ten Indian Boys from those Tribes
to receive an Education in this School — the hand of
God appears conspicuous in the Affair — There was the
greatest opposition made by their Priest to their coming
— the most of them are Children of their Chief Men, and
two of them Children of English Captives each about
8 year old — a Council of their head men (to which the
Father of one and grandfather of the other of these two
Boys belong) were called together upon this occasion, and
were to a Man fixed in their purpose to send them, and
so continued finally against the remonstrances of their
Priest who denied their Right to do it; and claimed a
right to dispose of them himself upon this Ground that
he baptized them. but I have yet by me a short narra
=tive of my Affairs I have just prepared for the press, to
which I shall add some short account of this mission, which
you and the Honourable Trust may expect as soon as it gets through
the press — Mr. Ripley found occasion to make use
of a bill of exchange which I gave him to be improved
in case any emergency should make it necessary [gap: worn_edge]
in favor of Mr. Mier which was endorsed by Capt. Depeyster
which I pray you to honor.
Please Sir in my name to make such expressions of Chri=
=stian Affection, Duty and Respect to my honoured Patrons as shall be
acceptable to them. and accept the same Yourself, from
changed its Aspect. I bless God that I am fairly broke off
from my Connections with the six Nations — they were
at war with these a few Years ago, and the break I find is
not yet wholly healed, and would have likely been an ob=
=jection against their coming hither if any of the six
Nations had been here — but you will hear more of this
as soon as I can.
Much honoured Sir.
=nity of Conveyance of the foregoing, I have opportunity
on the same paper thankfully to acknowledge the receipt
of the favour of the Honourable Trust of May 1st 1772 and of yours
of May 15th etc. June 10th and with the enclosed.
I am much refreshed that my honoured Patrons are satisfied
with my doings
Mr. Occom since his recovery from his last Fall appears with
a much better Temper than he has ever done since he came
from London — the agreeable Letters you transmit for
my perusal speak the same
I am glad you have dealt so plainly with him, and wish
you had done it earlier — He has appeared exceeding proud
and haughty — his Sail was too high for him in London. I feared
he would be wholly useless, and nothing better than a Thorn to me
and this School — he has appeared rather as a Dictator and
Supervisor to me and my Affairs than a Brother, Companion,
and Helper in them — And I have thought him cruel, uncharitable
and something bitter in his Surmises, Censures and Threats in
Cases and about that which he knew nothing of, nor used any
proper means to be informed in. And has said (I have been
told) that he was desired to inspect my conduct before he
came from England — and this kind of treatment I have had
from him without the least expression of Brotherly
Sympathy Care pity and compassion towards me or my
Family, while I was struggling under Floods of Sorrow
and an insupportable weight of Labour Care and Fatigue
and all with a single view to save his poor perishing
Brethren — How wounding such things have been to me
you cant conceive unless you had experience of the like.
But I have lately had a Letter from him of another savor,
and accounts which have much refreshed me. I hope he will
that I should have nothing below himself to lean at all upon
blessed be his holy name. I shall rejoice to encourage Mr. Occom.
I perceive you have given Ear to Representations which
appear to me to be groundless cruel and vile Slanders, respect=
=ing my Government of my Son, and my having been in
fluenced by him and his false Friends etc. — By the grace of
God I think I have known neither wife, nor Son, nor
Nephew in these Affairs for many Years, nor may I know them.
I never was quite blind to my Sons Imperfections, but on
the contrary my Government of him has been much too
severe, and I continued it 'til too late his Physicians advised
me that if I did not alter my hand it would kill him.
and yet he neither has, nor ever had that I knew or
heard of, any blot of moral Scandal upon him. He has
long been sorely broken under Gods holy hand. and his case is now
looked upon as incurable — he lives in Connecticut and I am
credibly told is exemplary for patience and a humble
submission to God under Trials — If he were as much
concerned to vindicate his Character (whatever may be
the slander you have received of him) as his Slanderer
has been to blacken it, I make no doubt it would stand in
another Light whatever the consequences would be to
others; but he seems fully content to refer these matters
to the decision of the great day. on the whole it gives
me much uneasiness that I know not what you mean,
nor what I have to amend or mourn for, more than I have done.
You are also my honoured Sir much mistaken as to my
being influenced by Dr. Whitaker. I have no connection with
him. it is above two years since I saw him, but I must
in Justice say that I suppose his Characters moral and
ministerial are good among good people in New England—
and what his offence in England was I never knew — Mr.
Occom would have told me I suppose, but I perceived that his
mind was prejudiced and soured against him, and therefore dis=
=qualified to give the Relation.
By accounts and hints from Mr. Avery of plotting and Machi=
=nations in the Country where he has been against me
and this Cause, you may possibly (when all matters
are ripened) hear something as shocking as anything
you have yet heard — in which it is said there is a Combination.
but God is my Refuge — I ask your pardon for this
unprofitable Scrawl —
I take this opportunity to renew my thanks to you for the
I hope you have received my letter and the Bill which you was
so kind as to invite me to draw upon you —
I am with great duty affection and esteem
Eleazar Wheelock