Nathaniel Wheatley, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1770 January 2

Author Nathaniel Wheatley

Date2 January, 1770

Call Number770102

abstractWheatley writes that he has drawn 40 pounds on John Thornton for Occom.

handwritingHandwriting is formal and clear. It is difficult, however, to differentiate between commas and periods.

paperLarge single sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.

inkBrown ink is somewhat faded.

signatureThe signature is abbreviated.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier

Mr. Eleazar Wheelock
I received your favor per Mr. Brimmer by which observe. In Thornton
Esq. of London has given you orders to draw on him for Forty or fifty
Pounds Sterling for the assistance of Mr. Occom. if you thought it
necessary. and that you had inquired into Mr. Occom's Circum
Stances. and had found he Stood in need of that Gentleman's Charity
I have therefore this day paid Mr. John Brimmer. Forty
Pounds Sterling on your account, which you will please to reimburse
in a Bill of Exchange on that Gentleman for that sum. This I have
done out of pure regard for Mr. Occom for I think him a very
Just man. you will please to acquaint Mr. Occom, that
Bills of Exchange are from 5 to 7 1/2 percent under par, which
will make a loss on this Bill of yours 40 or 50 /Sterling but
this loss I do not value, as it is to serve Mr. Occom,
I am, with due respects to you and Mr. Occom
 Your most humble Servant
 Nathaniel Wheatley
From Mr. Nathaniel Wheatley
 January 2nd 1770.