Charles Jeffrey Smith, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1766 June 2
Date2 June, 1766
Call Number766352
abstractSmith writes that he has received Wheelock’s letters, and though he cannot become a missionary to the Indians, he hopes to sponser one.
handwritingHandwriting is loose, informal and occasionally difficult to decipher.
paperModerate-to-heavy creasing, staining and wear.
Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.
Persistent Identifier
While I was here attending the Synod,
I had the pleasure of receiving your agreeable
Letter, with the Copy of Mr. Whitefield s, both
of which were very refreshing not only to me,
but to the Ministers who read them.
I had the pleasure of receiving your agreeable
Letter, with the Copy of Mr. Whitefield s, both
of which were very refreshing not only to me,
but to the Ministers who read them.
I consulted my Father and Brethren about
your proposal of my going among the Indi
ans, but they unanimously charged me by no
means to hearken to it, and I am constrained by
a Variety of Reasons to concur therewith: but
though I am unable to go in person, yet hope
soon to be enabled to go by Proxy, and support
a missionary there upon my own expense —
your proposal of my going among the Indi
ans, but they unanimously charged me by no
means to hearken to it, and I am constrained by
a Variety of Reasons to concur therewith: but
though I am unable to go in person, yet hope
soon to be enabled to go by Proxy, and support
a missionary there upon my own expense —
I gratefully acknowledge the Receipt
of the commission, and hope I may never discredit
[illegible: [guess: tht]] [illegible][guess: respect]able Board with which I am thereby
connected — I long to see you — but when
I shall have the pleasure I know — but at
longest its but a little before we shall meet in
our Father House never more to part — and
though I should rejoice if it was the divine pleasure
to be called home soon, yet I hope you will
long be kept out of Heaven.
of the commission, and hope I may never discredit
[illegible: [guess: tht]] [illegible][guess: respect]able Board with which I am thereby
connected — I long to see you — but when
I shall have the pleasure I know — but at
longest its but a little before we shall meet in
our Father House never more to part — and
though I should rejoice if it was the divine pleasure
to be called home soon, yet I hope you will
long be kept out of Heaven.
Best Regards to dear Mrs.
and all
friends and and more than Words can testify my
Rev. Father
friends and and more than Words can testify my
Rev. Father