Nathaniel Whitaker, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1766 March 7

Author Whitaker, Nathaniel

Date7 March, 1766

Call Number766207.1

abstractWhitaker, in London, writes that he has received letters from Wheelock, and that Wheelock should take care with regard to where he sends letters and what he writes, so that the Society in Scotland does not appropriate the money Whitaker, along with Occom, hopes to raise. Occom is shortly to be inoculated for small pox.

handwritingHandwriting is clear and neat; there are some uncrossed t’s that have been corrected by the transcriber.

paperPaper is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear; small tear around remnants of seal results in minor loss of text.

inkDark brown.


noteworthyThe woman referred to in the first paragraph is likely Elizabeth James Whitefield, wife of George Whitefield. On two recto, the "Act" to which Whitaker refers is the Stamp Act of 1765. The letters “DV” (two verso, fourth paragraph, second line) are an abbreviation of deo volente, or God willing.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain, Occom’s inoculation, Mason Land Case

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
Rev. and Dear Brother.
Being at Mr. Whitefields last evening a packet came to her (he being gone to Bris‐tol for [illegible][guess: -4] weeks) which cost her [illegible][guess: 1s6] Sterling. She laid it by; but taking it up, and reading, By Capt. Hunter, I perceived it came from Boston: on which I looked on the superscription and Saw it was Gray's hand, and guessed there were letters in it for me, and begged it might be opened to which She consented; and blessed be God that you Sent the letters to us before you Sent them to Scotland. You would have disconcerted our plan if they had not come here first — pray let none Go to Scotland till you know I am there and then direct them to me — and till then di‐rect to Mr. Whitefield and leave them open; for you will See by a letter I Sent the other day, that the plan we proceed on is different from what was laid by the board
How glad I am Mr. Tiffany is to be with you, give my kind love to him and his family; he is a dear man.
O how my heart is affected for you under the devilish conduct of your Good people — Are they bewitched? — But cheer up, my Brother, I think God is making way for your removal to a new Settlement — Send over to me a memorial Signed by the best of your People, and mine Si placet for Some good tract of Land, in York, Hamp‐shire, JerseyPennsylvania Maryland, or Virginia, which will Suit your School best, and Say how much for the School, and how much for the Settlers — Is not Lord
Dartmouth raised up on purpose. If he keeps his place, I Shall carry my point. He honoured us with Mr. Smith by inviting us to his table Some time ago. He can procure you any land you please. If it is within charter limits you can be more certain of it; for in this case the Board of Trade (at the head of which he is) will write to the Governor of that province, and he dare not deny to make a grant: and if out of charter limits it may be obtained, but it is not equally certain. However you Should pi[illegible][guess: tch] on 2 or 3 well chosen places, and show the advantages and disadvan‐tages of each etc. and Send over as Soon as possible, let Some be within, and Some without charter limits. It must be granted to you and your heirs and assigns in trust. i.e. what is for the School — I Saw General Lyman a few days ago: He Says he has great encouragement that he Shall succeed when the present ferment is over — But — I fear for him (inter nos) He is well, and behaves well,
Mr. Whitefield and Smith have been labouring for you and have made my work much easier, I now live within 10 rods of Mr. Whitefield — He has his health much better than when in America — I am discouraged attempting to get a charter because it is thought it would cramp you (inter nos). The enclosed you will read, Seal and forward— The Letters Sent, which are for Scotland, and they will not do to Send, as you will easily See by the plan we pursue, an account of which I Sent you in my last, and is this, To turn all into your hands — for none here will give the Scots Board; and Mr. Whitefield and Smith think that it will be So in Scotland too among all the religious; and besides Should I make a large collection, that the Society in Scotland would demand it. You must therefore write all your letters without mentioning my being sent by the board — I will write a letter tomorrow to Mr. Whitefield and ask him if it is not best to transcribe your letters and leave out
those part which will clash with our general plan and Send them forward: but they will not do to go as they are.
I hope you will receive the letter I Sent a few days ago which will inform you of I know not what jumble that hath been among us, and how I got here etc. etc. etc. etc. Perhaps this moment the house of Lords are tugging, Some to Save and Some to destroy America — I told you in my last that the Act was repealed, but it was not true, it yet labours, though it hath passed the lower house, and it is beyond doubt it will pass; but as Mr. Lane told me to day, It is of two evils choose the least. Your firmness only hath Saved you — O take care to rejoice So as to cast no contempt on the Parliament or show any triumph over it — for this will lose all your friends here. —
We had a pleasant passage of 6 week and landed 200 miles from London which we rode in 3 days. Lord Dartmouth hath opened a subscription and put down 50 guineas etc.
O my brother God is good to us — Mr. Occom takes th[gap: tear][guess: e] Small pox Deo volente. next monday — he behaves well, is no[gap: tear][guess: t] disposed to help mason — O pray for me and him — O for a humble empty heart — you may be Sure of my steady friendship — Give love to dear Madam, Children School and friends — pray Send the Belt and other Indian rarities, What if Dolphus Should bring them. I Shall not Leave London Some months — Give love to my family I hope you will try — May God be with your Spirit —
From Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker March 7. 1766.
To the Rev. Mr. Eleazer Wheelock in Lebanon Connecticut