I hope this will find you (after a pleasant
voyage) safe arrived at your desired Haven — You have
my most ardent wishes that almighty
God will prosper and bless all
your undertakings, and lift up the light of his countenance upon you;
that you may have constant
communion with him; that he may
guide and direct your every
[gap: hole][guess: a]ction, and make you instruments in his
hands of advancing his kingd
[gap: hole][guess: o]m and Glory in the world, and that you
may hereafter
have entrance ministered abundantly into his Everlasting King
dom —
Mr. Wheatley joins me in requesting an Interest
in your prayers,
and my dear Sister and Children begs you will not
be unmindful of them also when at the throne of Grace — I hope
that God will open the
hearts of his people in
England that they
liberally bestow of their abundance upon you — I am much
concerned for your families in your absence, and shall endeavour to raise
up friends to assist them, and I hope God in his good Providence will
not be unmindful of them, but will
inspire the affluent with
generosity towards them. — Please to give my love to
Mr. Whitefield
and beg his Prayers for myself and family.
I am rejoiced at
Mr. Hancocks generosity towards you, and hope
you will find the other Owners of the Ship in the same disposition
I hope you will improve the first Opportunity of
informing of
your passage
and reception in
England —
I conclud
[gap: hole][guess: e] with
wishing you a safe return in Gods due time and am
P.S. you'd be kind enough to excuse my,
not writing a
separate Letter to each of you,
as time will not at present permit of it
the vessel being just ready to sail, but I
hope each of you will write me — first opportunity
I hope Almighty God will see
fit in his divine Providence, to carry
through that afflictive Distemper which he
purposes to receive, in safety
[gap: tear]