Theophilus Chamberlain, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 July 29

Author Chamberlain, Theophilus

Date29 July, 1765

Call Number765429.1

abstractChamberlain writes from his mission with an account of work among the Indians, occurrences of problem drinking, a funeral, and weddings.

handwritingHandwriting is formal and clear, yet letter case is often difficult to discern. There is some variation in size and uniformity as the letter progresses. The trailers are in an unknown hand.

paperThree large, separate sheets are in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-heavy staining, creasing and wear. There is some reinforcement along particularly heavy creases. The pages may have been, at one time, larger sheets folded into pages that were later separated.

inkBlack-brown ink varies in intensity.

noteworthyThe letter appears to be written over the course of more than one day. In spots, it is written almost entirely in the present tense.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
Rev. Sir
I wrote my last from Capt. Butlers being then down to Speak with Sir William Johnson about Setting up A School at the Lower Mohawk Castle. In the afternoon of the day I wrote you, with mr Kirtland, I waited on his honour; but had no opportunity so much as to propose my businesses to him; and hav‐ing promised the Indians of Canajoharie to be there on Sunday, I returned the next day without ever visiting the lower Castle. the next Tuesday, I returned went to Sir Williams again for his Advice. found him Sick. could not speak with him. The next day Mr. Kirt‐land and I set out for fort hunter. (the Castle) met Mr. Occom, he went over with us. a few Indians came together. it was pro‐posed to them leaving Calvin who was with us a school‐master amongst them if they would maintain him, and, Send their Children to School. they answer they cant determine 'til they have a meeting. at length they conclude to keep Calvin 'til they meet; so I must go down again to hear their result and intend to carry Paper for the School Mr. Kirtland says the Indians think it very hard that they must maintain their schoolmasters; but the Indians here say not a word against it; which (I think) is a sufficient Motive to us, not to comply with the unreasonable Ingratitude of the other.— The same Day I rode up the River about a Dozen Miles. Mr. Occom comes up. Great Abraham comes crying to me, says, "Peter says, I get drunk. I too "much mad. I must go home. I persuade him to stay. he appears averse to it. I tell Mr. Occom what ails Abraham Mr. Occom Joins me. at length in some measure over‐come he concludes to stay for the present.
I go to Peter. talk with him on the affair. he says, People tell him so. "what he schoolmaster, he get drunk too. I ask Peter when he got drunk. he says he went to Mowing today and came out of the field drunk. Mr. Occom and I both saw him coming out of the field, we neither of us perceived it. I am much perplexed about the affair. fear what the Event will be; but Abraham behaves him so well in other respects, I hope it is all a flam. we ride to the German Flatts to visit the Oneidas there, intending if possible to set up a School at their hunting houses. find them so scattered we think it imprac‐ticable. Saturday I return home, Mr. Occom stays to preach, if he can get the Indians together. Lords Day we have a Funeral this morning. Three men wading the River the Night before last, one of them is taken with the Cramp, and drowns. I attend the funeral. his Wife, Children and friends howl like — — — — — I dont know what. I make a Prayer at the house. go to the grave intending there to make an address to the Indians on the occasion. An old man makes a short speech in Indian. throws a handful of dirt into the Coffin; the young men fill up the grave.
Before this is half done the People scatter, everyone his  way, home as I thought. I stay with an old man 'til the grave is finished, then return. ask the old man, why the People go off so soon. he tells me they are gone to the house of mourning. It is I conclude to drink away their Sorrow, for they they come back merry, and some of them come to meeting half drunk. In speaking to them from these Words except you repent you Shall all likewise perish, I endeavoured to show them, that all of them who had not repented of their Sins were in great danger of being taken out of the world. by some sudden judgement of God and sent to hell. And if God lets them live and they dont repent, they grow worse and worse and will be more miserable at last, because God has waited on them so long. But what signifies preaching to People drunk. I would have entirely omitted it today, except to a few were it not for giving offence.
This Practice of Drinking away Sorrow, as far as I can learn, is very frequent amongst the Indians this way; and I don't know but everywhere; and it being one of those heathenish Practices, which Christianity alone can put an End to, it is so far from being a discouragement to those who would spread the gospel amongst them; that I hope it will make me more earnest and industrious in spreading it.— Monday, a great wedding here today; Joseph Brant, marries Neggen Aoghyatonghsera,— Pegge daughter of Isaac, from Onaquaga. She is handsome, Sober, discreet and a religious young woman. Kyaka, Brother [illegible][guess: / per] Patrem/ to your William major, marries a handsome English girl.
said to be daughter to a Gentleman in Virginia. she was taken some years ago by the back Nations, and brought in, to Sir William last fall. She Speaks a Number of Indian languages and the English very well. a third couple I have this day to marry are common Indians. a great feast is now making. an Ox is killed, all to be dressed. seven or eight kegs holding two or three gallons each of Rum and Wine brought in; Corn boiling Pies making. Indian flocking together.— but Mr. Occom is come I relieve your Patience
The marriage was attended without a great deal of Indecency / I mean amongst the Indians/ of any Kind. how i conducted, upon this unusual occasion you guess guess. the first of my marrying. Mr Occom and I saw the new‐ married pairs at the Table with their Parents, asked a bless‐ing for them, and having ourselves before dined, we set off for Cherry Valley hoping to find Mr. Smith and Mr Gunn there. Tuesday we arrived at Cherry Valley. Mr. Smith and Mr. Gun left this last friday for the Lake. Wednesday: we return to Canajoharie without seeing them. we find there was a great drunken frolic after we left this. two Indians were stabbed, one of them very dangerously, in his Back and breast if he dies a Relation kills his murder, it is said. Another accident which happened I leave Mr. Occom to tell you. Thursday Mr. Occom stayed with me expecting Mr. Kirtland. He dont come. Today we examine a certain affair, find it not so bad as we feared. Friday Mr Occom leaves me for Sir William's and fort Hunter. — — I visit the Schools; find neither Master nor Scholars at little Abrahams, at Night call the Boys together, find that the Neglect of little Abrahams School was through a mistake between him and . John. examine the Boys about family worship find they hear nothing of it in the Place. I pray with them, order them to come together every Night for Prayers. which they have since done and I intend they shall constantly. they read a Chapter in the Bible and sing a Psalm. Joseph Brant joins with us. — — — Sunday I preach to the Indians; but most of them pay but little regard to Preaching. Monday I must set off today for fort Hunter where I left Calvin the Week before last, to see him and to receive the answer of the Indians about a School there; though I hope there has been one ever Since I was there. In the meantime: I shall Starve for Money in about a Month. Six or eight Pound I shally really want, and dont see how I can do without it. — — — — Rev. Sir, if I write too much, tell me so, and I will curtail my Accounts. — — I have had no opportu‐nity to mention Capt. Ledle's Affair, or even our own to Sir William, my duty to Madame, love to the family, Mr. Lathrop and School I remain in due respect to you and yours
your servant Theophilus Chamberlain
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