John McCluer, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1764 May 28

Author McCluer, John

Date28 May, 1764

Call Number764328

abstractJohn McLuer writes to say that he has sent his son David to attend the school.

paperLarge sheet is folded in half to make four pages. Paper is in fair-to-good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear. The bottom of the paper is torn all the way across with no apparent loss of text. There is a prominent watermark.

inkBrown-black ink has faded to light brown.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
Reverend Sir
I received yours bearing Date march 15, which gave Account of your family's being very Poorly, in health, I was heartily Sorry for it, but having Seen your Son Since, which gave Account of their getting Better, which I was glad to hear, and prays they may Continue So, Dear Sir I have Sent my Son to you, hoping in God and Praying, he may answer the End for which he is Sent, which nothing but time Can prove, after you have proved him Sir, I should be glad you would let me know, how you like him, I have shared Deep in God's Mercy, who has brought a eleven of my family, Safe through the Small Pox, O that a sense of God's goodness may always affect my heart, and theirs, So Recommending David to your care, under God, Dear Sir
I Remain your Loving, dutiful, and obligant servant John McCluer
PS My family are all in health, and Sends their kind Compliments to you and your family —
John McCluer May 28th 1764
To The Rev. Eleazar Wheelock Minister at Lebanon in Connecticut
Blank page.