Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Dr. Andrew Gifford, 1763 October 31
Date31 October, 1763
Call Number763581
abstractWheelock writes to Dr. Gifford thanking him for his support at a time when hostilities with the Indians have stopped donations and interfered with missionary work. Wheelock asks Gifford to befriend General Lyman in England to advance the interests of the School.
handwritingHandwriting is small and informal, with several additions and deletions.
paperSingle large sheet is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear.
noteworthyThe additions and deletions, along with the lack of a seal, indicate that this is likely a draft. On one verso, in the left margin, a note reading "Ind. Mis." has been added in a different, likely 19th-century, hand. This note has not been transcribed.
EventsOccom’s Third Mission to the Oneidas
Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.
receipt of Yours of July 6th which came at a Time when I needed
Such a refreshing cordial, having received repeated and Shocking
accounts of the Rage and hostilities of the Savages against our Southern
Governments, and that our people were put into Such a Flame thereby,
that instead of Charity and Christian compassion to their perishing Souls,
but little, besides Threatenings of Slaughter and destruction seemed to be breathed
forth from every Quarter, and as an Evidence that this was the common
Temper of this Government at present I was told that a Contribution
was moved for in consequence of a brief granted by the governor
and Company in favour of this School, in a Large assembly in the
Town of Windsor on Connecticut River, and that nothing was
obtained by it but a Bullet and flint, and that some other congrega
tions where the Contribution had been asked for, had done but
little better, and that consequently I might expect but little assistance
from that Quarter, at present. at this very Juncture even while my
Informers were present, came yours filled with the Spirit of Love and
containing Such account of Liberality already shown and a disposi
tion to further expressions of it, as there Shall be occasion, as that
it seemed as though omniscient goodness had directed your pen in writing and
ordered the very minute of your of your Letter’s arrival^ to forbid an unquiet or Anxious
thought for the Support of this design.
had a Hand with you in procuring the Donation to this School,
which you give me Leave to Expect by the next Ship. It will be very
acceptable indeed, as was the Box of Books Sent by Mr. Forfitt from
the Society for Propagating Religious Knowledge among the poor.
I read your Letter in the hearing of My Indian Boys, and Joseph
Woolley a Delaware, one of the Number, whom I hope were conver
ted last Winter, replied, full of Affection. “O I Wish I knew how
to express my Gratitude to those Good Gentlemen, for Such expressi
ons of their kindness.” And I trust the blessing of many who have
never yet known the Plague of their own Hearts, yea of many Yet un
born will come upon You. You may depend upon my best Endeavours
to improve these and any Favours which you or others Shall See fit
to confer upon this School, in the best manner I am able for the
Furtherance of the Great design in view.
ted into Such measures as will fully disclose the true Source and Origin
of the present Rupture. And when that Shall be done I am persuaded, the
heaviest Share in the Guilt will be found with Such unrighteous [illegible][guess: Deal]
ers with the Indians, as have no Regard, but to secure to themselves
large estates, and that by any fraudulent, and oppressive measures which
appear likely the soonest to accomplish that End, though it bear the Expense
of the public Peace and the Ruin of the poor Creatures.
out, it will not appear that the Savages have acted So very wide from
Such Principles, nor so much beyond the natural Influence of Such motives, as
Letter to Dr. A. Gifford
October 31. 1763. —
They may be reasonably Supposed to be governed by under their
gross Ignorance, and the Influence of Jesuitical insinuations, as
they are now supposed to do. and then I trust the resentments
of many which are now so keen against them, will at
least have a Mixture of compassion towards them as con
sidering them to have given this desperate Struggle only to
deliver themselves from that Ruin and Slavery which they
imagine is designed against them.
Such floods of Evil from that Quarter in Time to come.
likely heard) was gladly received by 5 of the 6.
Nations (the other being confederate with the Enemy) but they
thought his Life So exposed by reason of straggling Fellows
among them from distant Tribes, that they could not desire him
to continue with them at present. he left them soon, after preach
ing a few Sermons, as did also Messrs. Occom and Ashpo, but
design if it Shall be judged Safe to return to them in the Spring.
this Fall as I hoped for, by the assistances of those missionaries
I hope the Lord will open the Door for it in the Spring.
well, excepting Jacob. the young man who has been at New-
Jersey College (and would doubtless have had his Degree
there last month if my Letters had not been delayed)
He has of late appeared to be under Such Temptations, as arises,
or have their principal Strength from discouragements.
he Shall never be fit for public usefulness. And as to Such a
Change he Says, “There is no hope” and Seems Sometimes
to be open to all manner of Temptations, always uneasy,
and Sometimes appears to be just upon the point to give him
self over to sensual Gratifications. I haven't time fully to
describe his case. this Hint is Sufficient to give you an
understanding of it.
to have a very Tender conscience, and seemed for Some Time
to be in the exercise of truly gracious Affections. He is a
good Scholar, and likely to be an instrument of great Good
if God Should please mercifully to deliver him from these
of this Government who is now in England, a Sharer in Your
friendship and respect. I wish his merit may meet a
proper Reward. And I trust You will not be wanting in
your Endeavours, as you have opportunity to forward
his interest, and also the interests of this School, which
he is concerned for. Rev. Honoured and Dear. sir I am with Much Affection and
and Fellow Servant in the Lords House
Eleazar Wheelock