Samson Occom, Journal, 1761 May 30 to July 7

Author Occom, Samson

Date30 May to 7 August 1761

ms number761330.1

abstractOccom records events on his journey to Oneida country.

handwritingHandwriting is clear and legible.

paperSmall sheets folded into a booklet and bound with thread or twine are in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear. Pages 13 verso through 16 recto, 18 verso through 19 recto, and 21 verso through 22 recto are uncut at the top and thus have not been scanned.

inkBrown ink is faded in spots.

noteworthyThere are red pencil marks throughtout. On one recto, an editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note “Journey to oneida.” This note has not been included in the transcription. People and places whose names are illegible have been left untagged.

EventsOccom’s First Mission to the Oneidas

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier

A Journal 1761

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Montauk May the 30: 1761

After repeated Invitations from the Rev. David Bostwick of New-York, to go and make a visit to the Oneida Indians
This Day took leave of my Poor Family, and Friends with tender Affection, about 12, set out for East Hampton Got there after sunset, lodged at the Rev. Samuel Buell's —

Sabbath May the 31

Spent the Day at East Hampton, Mr. Buell preached in the forepart of the Day, In the afternoon I preached, from Ephesians 5:20

Monday June the 1

tarried at Mr. Buell's on account of his
his only Son's Dangerous sickness

Tuesday June the 2

As the Day appeared, the Child died, and was Buried Wed‐nesday just before sunset,

Thursday Morning June 4

took leave of my Good Friends at East Hampton, and went Down to northwest, and about 12 went aboard of Mr. Dayton at Cedar Point, we had Favourable wind, we sailed straight to Saybrook Landed a Capt Harris's about 9 at night and lodged there,

Friday June the 5

Set out Early in the Morning for Mohegan, stopped at N[illegible][guess: a]h[illegible][guess: an] about two Hours, then set off again,
got to Mothers about 9 at Night found My Relations and Friends well in general here I tarried the Sabbath over

Monday June 8

took leave of my Relations and Friends at Mohegan, set out for Lebanon, about 9 in Morning, got there before sunset, found them all well as usual at Mr. Wheelock[illegible] But it was very Sickly and Dying Times in the parish

Wednesday June the 10

about 3 PM, Brother David and I took Leave of Mr. Wheelock and his Family and set out on our Journey for Oneida by way of New York — reached Hartford about 9 at Night, Lodged
Capt. Daniel Bulls, and were very Kindly Treated — the Man and Seem to be truly Religious keep very good orders in his house —

Thursday June the 11

about 9 in the Morning we set out on our Journey, and got about 6 Miles westward of New Haven and lodged at one Woodroffs —

Friday June the 12:

Set Early in the morning, got to Stanford at Night lodged at a Certain Tavern — —

Saturday June the 13

Went on our way, got within 5 Miles of the City of New York, and turned to in one Mr. Goldsmith's —

Sabbath June the 14

at Goldsmiths, we did not go to the City to public worship for fear of the smallpox, being Informed, very Brief there —
But I never Saw a Sabbath Spent So by any Christian People in my Life as some Spent it here, Some were Riding in Chairs Some uponhorseback others traveling foot, passing and repassing all Day long, and all Sorts of Evil noises carried on by them Drunkards were reeling and staggering in the Streets, others tumbling off their Horses, there were others at work in their farms, and ever any People, under the Heavens Spoke Hells Language, these People did, for their Mouths were full of curs‐ings, profaning gods Holy
Holy Name — I greatly mistake if these are not the Sons and Daughters of Belial,
O thou God of Heaven, thou that Hast all the Hearts of the Children of men in thine Hands, Leave me not to practice the works of these People, but help me, o Lord, to take warning, and to take heed to myself according to thy Holy word, and have mercy upon the Wicked Convince and Convert them to thyself, for thine own glory
I have thought there was no Heathen but the wild Indians, but I think now there is Some English Heathen, where they Enjoy the Gospel of Jesus Christ too, Yea I be‐lieve they are worse than the Savage Heathens of the wilder
wilderness, — I have thought that I had rather Go with the meanest and most despised Creature on Earth to Heaven, than to Go with the greatest Monarch Down to Hell, after a Short Enjoyment of Sinful pleasures with them in this World — I am Glad there is one defect in the Indian Language and I believe in all their Languages, i:e they Can't curse or swear or take god's Name in vain in their own Toungue —

Monday June the 15

to the City, and were Conducted to Mr. Well's at fresh waters and were Very Kindly received by him and by all his Family, I believe the Fear of god in their house and this was our Home as long as we stayed in the pl[illegible][guess: a][illegible]
The People of the City were extremely Kind to us, there was not a Day scarcely, but that I was Invited to Dine with one Gentleman or other, The ministers of all Sects and Denominations were un‐commonly Kind to me — my Friends increased Daily while I stayed at New York

Thursday June the 25

we left New York and went on our Journey, Reached Peekskill at Night —

Friday June 26

Set out very Early in the Morning and we made it Night, at Rhinebeck

Saturday June the 27

Set out very Early, and made it Night between Claverack and Kinderhook, —

Sabbath June the 28

went to Kinderhook about five Miles, and there stopped all Day, — but did not go to pub‐lic worship, because the People were Barbarians to us and we to them, in our tongue, they were Dutch

Monday June the 29

left the Place very Early, and got to Albany about 12 o'clock and were Conducted to one Mr. Staats Van Santvoord and tarried there, and the People in Albany were very kind to us, I went to wait upon his Excellency Gen. Amherst
the afternoon after we got to Albany, but he was busy and I could not See him one of his waiters Came out to me, and told me I should have the Generals assistance and I should make my Appearance about 10 in the Morning, Tuesday June the the 30 I made my appearance before his Excellency at the Time Apointed ac‐cording to orders, his Excellence Met me at the Door and told me he had wrote a pass for me, and he unfolded it and Read it to me, and when he had Read it, he delivered it to me, and gave me good Advice and counsel and wished me success in my undertaking and I returned
unfeigned Thanks to him and then took my leave of him etc. — The pass which he gave me was very good one indeed, which I will copy Down here —
By his Excellency Jeffery Amherst and Esq. Major General, and Com‐mander in Chief of all His Majesty's Forces in North America etc. &c etc. —
To All Whom it may Concern Whereas the Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for for Propagating Christian Knowledge, have Acquainted me that the Bearer hereof, the Rev. Mr. Occom, is Sent by
by them, as a missionary to Reside amongst the Indians about the Oneida Lake, These are to order and direct the officers Commanding at the Several posts, to give him any Aid or assistance he may Stand in need of to forward him on his Journey And on his arrival at the Oneida Lake, the officer Commanding there will Grant him all the Protection and Countenance he may want, in the Execution of his Duty etc.
given under my Hand and Seal at headquarters in Albany, this 29th Day of June 1761 Jeffery Amherst by his Excellencys Command} Arthur Mair

Wednesday July the 1.

left Albany about 10 in the Morning; Got to Schenectady about 3 in the afternoon Stayed there one Night, —

Thursday July 2

went from Schenectady, In Company with Col. Whiting and Dr. Rod‐man, they Seemed to be Quite Friendly Gentlemen to us, we got about Seven miles westward of Sir William Johnson's —

Friday July the 3

went to See Sir William at his Farm Seven Miles out off the Road, in the wilderness, Got there about 9 in the Morning, and were very Kindly entertained by his
his Honor, I Showed him my Recommendatory Letters, and a pass from Gen. Amherst, he promised me his assistance as Need should Require, he was ex‐ceeding free with me in conversation — But we stayed there but about two Hours, for he was getting in readiness to go on our way on the Next Day towards Detroit with five bateaux laden with presents for the Indians he Said he would overtake us on the Morrow before Night — we took Leave of his Honor and went our way, after we had got to the Main Road, we called in at Certain house — and there we were detained one Night, by a Storm —

Saturday July the 4

went on our Journey and reached the German Flatts at Night, and we turned in at one Mr. Frank's a Tavern Keeper —

Sabbath July the 5

we stayed at Mr. Franks, but did not go to public worship with the People, because they Spoke unknown tongue to us, But it did Seem like Sabbath by the Ap‐pearance of the People —

July the 6

Sir William Came to us at Mr. Frank's —

Tuesday July the 7

Sir William and the Chiefs of the Oneida Indians Met at this Place, to make up a Breach, which [illegible][guess: ,] one of the Indians made lately, by Killing a Dutch man they talked about an Hour at this Time, and then broke up
Towards Night they Met together again, and talked together about 3 quarters of an Hour. Then finally broke up, without be‐ing fully satisfied on both Sides for the Indians insisted upon an old agreement that was Settled between them and the English formerly, that if any Such accident should ever happen between them in Peacea‐ble Times, they should make it up in an Amicable man‐ner without shedding of Blood But Sir William told them it was the command of general Amherst, that the murderer should be delivered up to justice — but the Indians Said that murderer was gone off nobody Knows where etc.
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