The New York/New Jersey Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, report on proposed ordination of Occom, 1758 October 4

Author The New York/New Jersey Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge

Date4 October, 1758

Call Number758554

abstractA report from The New York/New Jersey Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge notes that the Board voted on September 27, 1758, not to ordain Occom. It defers to the Long Island Presbytery, and suggests that Occom should remain in Montauk or take up the role of schoolmaster at the mission in New Jersey formerly served by John Brainerd.

handwritingHandwriting is formal and clear.

paperLong sheet folded in half is in good condition, with minimal creasing, staining and wear.

inkDark brown.

noteworthyThis document is on the same paper as manuscript 758614. As noted next to the signature, this document is a (contemporary) copy. The meaning of the abbreviation "C." after the signature is unclear.

EventsOccom’s Ordination

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
At a Meeting of the Correspondent Commissioners of the Society etc. at Nassau-Hall (New Jersey) 27 September 1758. "The Correspondents taking into consideration "the Vote of the Commissioners at Boston respecting "Samson Occom, Conclude, That it would be act­­ing precipitantly for any of their Members to proceed to invest the said Samson Occom with the Ministerial Character, upon the little Acquain­tance they have with him; but think that a matter more properly belonging to the Presbytery of Long Island who must have a better knowledge of his Qualifi­­cations for the sacred Office; than they can be sup­posed to have; And as to taking him into their Service; they cannot think it advisable, if the commissioners mean; that he should be employed at Montauk, where he has spent several Years past, as the Correspondents sometime ago, disconti­nued the mission on Long Island, and wrote to the Society in Scotland, that they conceived it would not answer a sufficient purpose any  Longer
Longer to support a missionary there; especially as the Indians understood the English Tongue, and might have frequent Opportunities; within a few miles of their places of Abode, of attending upon the Stated Ministers among the English, But if the commissioners would Consent to Samson Occom's removal to those Indians in this Province, whom Mr. Brainerd formerly served; The Correspondents would be glad to employ him for a time as a Schoolmaster; and it is highly probable might, 'ere long, introduce him into the Ministry,— and procure an Establishment for him suitable for an Ordained Pastor and Indian missionary.
Ordered, That the Secretary transmit a Copy of this Minute to Andrew Oliver Esq Treasu­rer to the Commissioners of the Society for pro­pagating the Gospel in New England; to be commu­nicated.
Examined Copy William P Smith SecretaryC. Elizabeth Town October 4. 1758