Samson Occom, Journal, 1785 December 5 to 14
Date5-14 December 1785
Call Number785655
abstractOccom details his travels as an itinerant preacher.
handwritingHandwriting is clear and legible. There are several uncrossed t's and crossed l's, which the transcriber has corrected.
paperSeveral small sheets folded into a booklet are in good condition, with light-to-moderate staining and wear. There is some repair work on the heavy central crease of the outer pages.
inkBrown ink varies in intensity.
noteworthyThe booklet is bound with a small pin, which is visible on the images of three verso and four recto. There is a red wax-pencil mark on one recto. An editor, likely 19th-century, has added notes and overwrites in black ink; these edits have not been included in the transcription.
MondDay Decr 5: 1785
very early, and Prayd together &
Soon after Prayer I went to Mr
Clarks. and from there to Mr
Holmss, I [illegible]rid Mr Clarks mare
and Came directly back, for
Mr Dake was waiting for me
to Carry me in his Slay to Balls
Town; about 9: we Sot off, &
to Balls about 12: and I put
up in Mr Weeds Houſe, and
he receivd me kindly;
[gap: tear]2 went to meeting and there was
a little Number of People
and I preachd to them from
Acts, XIII. 30: and there was
great Seriouſneſs in the aſem‐
bly. after meeting went to Mr
Weeds and took Some Victuals
and al)
in the evening, a man Came
to the Houſe and deſired me
to go to See a man that was
very Sick, and I went directy
and Soon got there, a bout
eight O: C, and found the man
very Sick his Name is Mr
Theophilus Hide, and was
greatly Deſirous to be Baptiſd
and I
him much Diſtreſt about his
Soul, and I endeavourd to
Explaind to him the Nature
of Baptiſm, and finding him
to underſtand Some thing of
the Nature of Baptiſm &
he earneſtly Deſirin
at laſt I Concented
Baptiſed him — and his
wife was alſo greatly Exer
ciſed a bout her Soul, and
they wanted to have their
Child Baptiſed alſo, but I
declined — and I lodgd there
and Docr Jerviſs was there
all Night. —
Tueſday Decemr 6:
faſt went to Mr Weeds in a Slay
Mr Hide Carried me, got to Mr
Weed Some Time before noon
about 1 went into the meeting
Houſe, and there but few People
the Smalleſt Congregation I have
had in theſe parts, and I Spoke
from Acts VIII: 30: the People attend
ed well, — went with one Mr Hollister
and in the evening, there a Num
ber of Neighbours Came in and
my good old Friends Mr Larkins
and his wife Came in alſo, I was
well acquainted with them on
Long Island, and we were very
glad to See one another, and 2
of their Children Came in alſo
a Son and Daughter, a likely
young Folks, — and we had very
agreable Exerciſe with my Cards
and we Sung and Prayd together
and then I went home with Mr
Larkins and Lodged there and
was extreamly well receivd &
Treated, went to bed late and
Slept Comfortablely —
Wedneſday Decr 7:
faſt Mr Holliſter Came to Mr Larkins
with a Slay to Carry to meeting
Mrs Larkins and her Daughter
Bettſey went with us in the
Slay,; we got the meeting a bout
10: and the people had not got
together but few, and we Stayd
till a bout 12
a School, Houſe and there was
prety good number of People &
I Spoke from 1 Peter 1:24 —
and there was great Solemnity in
the Asembly, Soon after I went
to one Mr Jeremiah Bettys Houſe
and a number of People went
alſo, and the man deſired me to
Baptiſe his Child, the woman
was of Baptiſt Perſwaſion, Yet
She gave her ful Concent, and
after Examination, I got up to
Show the Nature of offering a
Child unto god in Baptiſm &
the woman was much afected
and I Proceeded to Baptiſe the
Child, — after that, I Sot down to
eat with them, Soon after, I went
to Mr Palmmers, and in the
Evening, w
erciſe with my Cards there
was a Number of Young People
and they behaved well, — late in
the evening I went to Bed quietly
once more, the Lord
Thirdsday Decr 8:
early, and Mrs Palmmer got Break
faſt early and Soon after eating
I went of to a meeting North
part of Ball's Town, to Preach
got to
in the morning, and Stayd Some
Time, and one Mr Sprague Come
with a Slay for me, and we went
off Directly, and got to Mr
Spragues a bout 12: and took
Dinner with them, and then
directly went to meeting, and
there was a great number
of People, and I Spoke from
John XVII. 3: and there was a
great and moſt Solemn attenti
on there were many Tears —
Soon after meeting I went di
rectly back with Mr Spragues
Folks; and went directly to
Mr Turners, and had a meet
ing there in the Evening, and
there was a Number of People
again they Crouded the Houſe
and I preachd. from Hebre –
2: 3: and I belive the Lord
was preſent, I had Some Senſe
of Divine things, and the People
were greatly affected, there
was a flood of Tears, — I Lodgd
at the Same Houſe —
Fryday, Decr 9:
after Breakfaſt, I went of a
young man went with me I
Call on Colol Gordon, and
he Treated me very kindly
woud had me Stay to Dine with
him, but I Coud not Stay, and
So went on Soon, Calld on [gap: omitted]
but Stay but few mi
So went on, got to Mr weeds be
fore Noon, and was there till
a bout Sun Sit; and then Mr
Holleſter Came with his Slay
for me, and we
directly, and got to his
and got there Some Time in
the Evining. and when, we got
there found a number of Friends
together waiting for us; and
I Sot a litle while, and I began
with them with my Cards and
we had Very agreable Exer
ciſe, and we Sot up late and
finally we brok up, and I
went to be
more; Bleſsed be the name
of the Lord for his goodneſs to
Saturday Decr 10,
after Breakfaſt went to Mr
Larkins and took Dinner with
them, and Soon after Dinner
I went back to Mr Ho
Call, an Mr Bettys, and Sot
only few minutes, and went
on, — and Some Time in the afr
noon, Mr Holleſter got his Slay
ready and we went on, Mr
Amos Larkin, Mr Ely and a
woman went with us, and
we got to Mr Rogerss juſt
before Sun Sit, and we Stopt
there a while, took Tea with
them, — and Soon after Tea we
went on, and Calld on Mr
Clarke, a few minutes and then
we went on to good old Mr Northrop
and there I Lodgd, we had Some
agreable Exerciſe with my Cards
only with the old People and
one young man, I read
a great Number of the Cards
after they had Choſen each of
them a Text —
Sabb: Decr 11
went to Mr Clarkes and about
11 the People began to Collect
faſt, and a Prodigious number
of People Gathered, — and
I began the Exerciſe about
1 and I Spoke from, Cant, 2 16
and I think the Lord was pre‐
ſent, the People attended with
all attention, and there was
great Solemnity and many
Tears were Shed, and I belive
the People will not forget this
Sabbath Soon, eſpecially Some
after meeting took Dinner
with Mr Clark — and in the
evening, I went to one Mr
Brown, to attend upon the Young
with my Cards and there was
a Prodigious Number of People
old and Young, and we had
had very agreable Exerciſe
it was a Solemn Night, and [illegible]
the People, old an
I believe will not forget it
all their Days, and I hope &
pray, that it may be a Night
to be rememberd to the Glory
of God — Choice Portions of
Scriptures were Sown
Night among the People
as they never had; — we broke
up near midnight, and I
went to Mr Benjamins, and
it was Rainy, — and went
to bed late
Monday Decr 12:
in the morning, I went to Mr
Clarkes, and from thence to
Mr Holms's, and was there till
about 2 in the after noon
and there was a Young man
Came to fetch me from Galla
way, and I went off with him
directly, and we got to Mr
I am to marry a Cupple of Scotch
Folks and they receivd me
with all kindneſs and Friend
ſihp, Lodged there and had
a Comfortable reſt, —
Tueſday Decr 13:
up very early, and they got
Breakfaſt Soon, — and we wait
‐ed for weddeners, and about
1 o.c they Came, and a young
man went out with a bottle
to meet them and treated them
round before they Came into
the Houſe, and Soon after they
got into the Houſe, we proceeded
in Celebrati
of Marriage, — and as Soon as
it was over we Sat down to
Dinner, and when that was
over, the weddeners Sot of
to the North end of galla
way, — and I returned to 5000
juſt before Sun Sit, and in
the evening a number of People
came in and we had exerciſe
with my notes, and it was
quite agreable, and went
bed late, —
Wedneſday, Decr 14:
ing Converſation, with Mr
Coffin, the Univerſaliſt Preach
er, the Same I had Conver‐
ſation with the other Day,
he is a very bold Creature
about 10: I went of to go to
one Mr Wakemans and
had a meeting there, and
there was [illegible] a goodly num
ber of People,