Samson Occom, journal, 1785 October 4 to 1786 December 4

Author Occom, Samson

Date4 October 1785 to 4 December 1786

ms number785554

abstractOccom describes the events of the period between October 4, 1785, and December 4, 1786; they include an Indian wedding, the naming of Brothertown and other Brothertown business.

handwritingHandwriting is mostly clear and legible. There are several uncrossed t’s and crossed l’s, which the transcriber has corrected.

paperSeveral small sheets folded into a booklet and bound with thread or twine are in good condition, with light staining and wear. There is some fading, and the opening and closing pages are more worn than those inside them.

inkBrown ink varies in intensity.

noteworthyOn 18 recto, the identity of David Fowler's daughter is uncertain, and so she has been left untagged. On 19 recto, the identity of Elijah Wympy's son is uncertain, and so he has been left untagged; however, he may possibly be Elijah Wympy, Jr. On 23 recto, the identity of John Post's son is uncertain and so he has been left untagged. An editor, likely 19th-century, has written notes in black ink on one recto; these notes have not been included in the transcription. The date for “Sabbath Oct 30” should be 31. The date “Nov 2” should be Nov 20. Names and place names that are illegible have not been tagged. It is likely that the two Mr. John Smiths mentioned in this document are two different people.

Persistent Identifier
[illegible][guess: Oct. 4,] [illegible][guess: to Dec. 4.]
Blank page.

1785 N: III Tueſday Octr 4

After Brea faſt, took leave of the Famy and went on towards Ablbany got there about 11: I turnd to Mr John McKinnys a Tervern keeper, and it Raind extream hard. the Rain Catcht us juſt as we got over t[illegible]he Ferry, — when the Rain abated I went to See Some Friends, but moſt of my particular Friends were gone out of the City, went to our good friend Hollenbacks Inqured of him of my Daugh Christiana but he Coud not tell anything about them, he deſird me to Baptiſe his Child, that was born the Sabath Day Day before which was the Second Day of the Month, and I Examend them Concerning their knowledg of the Nature of Baptiſm.
and their Duty to bring up their Children in the Fear of god and non to do it only out of Cus tum and Faſhon, and they promiſe to do their Duty, — and in deed it was a great Trial to me, and finally I Conſented — and Some Time in the evening I Baptiſed the Child by the Name of J[illegible]enney, with the great Name of the ever Bleſsed Trinity — Lodgd at the Same Houſe, and was kindly intertaind, —

Wedneſday Octr 5

was in the City till after noon, Dined at mr Hollenbecks, and Soon after D– Sot of from Albany, and got to Loudensd Ferry and we coud not get over, and Lodgd at Mr F[illegible][guess: u]ndys. and they were very agreable Folks —

Thirdsday Octor 6:

went of very early in morning and went up to the Northward becausſe we coud not get
at this Place and we wen^[illegible][guess: t]^ So far as to Mr Whitney's in Neſ[illegible]ia, and we wan der about backwards and forwards all Day, — got over the River lower part of Nes [illegible]ia, and Lodgd at poor Tervern one Mr John Smiths, —

Fryday octr 17:

got up very early in the morning and Sot of for Saratoga and we S^t^opt at Sev^el^y prlaces by the way, and we found no frinds in ^the^ Road, — got to Still Waters about 12 Stopt Mr [gap: omitted] a Tervern and Several knew me, and they offer^d^ us [illegible]Dinner and we acepted of it kindly,— and here found out the People had Concluded to have ^me^ keep Sabbath with them, good old Mr Campell is a Miniſter of this Place, and he was Sent
for he Came Direc^t^ly to See me and Concluded further to be with them on the Sabbath, and two went on but the Bridges were So gone and Shatterd by the Flood, that we Coud not go a long by the River, and turnd right off from the River, and inquried after Mr Kalley, and found him in the Duſk of the evening, and was kindly recevd his wife was not well; and I went to another Family to Lodge one old Mr Concling Lodged with me, — — —

Saturday Octr 9:

Soon after Breakfaſt Sot of and went to the River, got to the River ab 12: Call in at Mr McCartys and the offer us Dinner and we Sot down to eat, — and here we underſtood my Daughter was eaſt Side of the River Cloſe by the River, Soon after Dinr
We Sot of again I went a foot and left my Horſe with Mr Mccarty, got over the River about 2: in ther after noon and went to the place where I hear^d^ my Daughter was, ^got^ to where Siſter Dina lives, and there was no body at home bout old mother Margery after a while Isaac Tattleton Came hom, and I got his mare to go to where my Daughter lives, a bout 7 miles further, and we got to the Place Some Time in the evening, and not well but better than She had been for She has been very Sick the reſt were well, Thanks be to the great god for his mercy to me in the preſervation of me and my Daughter and her Family Lodged here —

Sabbath Octr 9

got up very early and Sot of to go Still waters to preach in Mr Campels m– got to the River a bout 9, and Sent the mare back by James waucus for he Came down with
with me; got over Soon and I on a foot and tryed to get a Horſe at the firſt Houſe, but I Coud not and went on foot, and two or three Places. and all in Vain, a wagon Came by me goining to meeting [illegible][guess: and] I deſired him to help me a long, but he woud not, at laſt I gave up, and Sendt word forward to have Horſe Sent me and I went into a Houſe, told the man of the Houſe of my difficul ties, and he aſked me whether I was going to hear the Strange miſter, I told I Suppoſe I Should hear him, and then told him, the People Could not See that Strange Creature till I got there, and then he aſked me whether it was I that they expe^cted^ —I told him Yes,—and he was Surpriſed, and there were then Several People going by, he Called to them and told them I was in the Houſe and wanted help, and one of the men got
down and offerd me his Horſe to ride to meeting, and I took it, and went on, got there at half after 11, and there was a prodigious large Congre gathon the bigeſt that ever was Seen in the Place, and I went in, gave them a Short diſcourſe, from Jona [gap: omitted] 5 verſe in the after noon from another the g People attended with grea^t^ and Solemn attention and with many Tears, — as Soon as the meeting was done, a gentleman took me in his wagon, and Cari ed me to Mr Powerss, the good man recevd me with tender neſs and Friendſhip, at Candle lighting we went to meeting in a Small Log meeting Houſe and it was Crouded like a Bee Hive, and the attended like Criminals at the Bar, I beliv they felt the power of the word tho I was much Spent —Lodgd at Elder Powerss —

Monday Octr 10

was at Mr Powers till near meeting Time, Elder Powers let me have his Horſe
to ride to Mr Kalleys meeting got there near 12 Stopt a while at a Houſe near the meeting H– and Mr Kalley Came to me, & we went to another Houſe, and there we took Dinner — and Soon after eating we went to meetg and there was a Multitude of People, and I preachd to them from [gap: omitted] and there was an affectionate attention the Chriſtians were Some what Elivated, and the Sinners were alarmed, and I belive the Hypo crites were Surpriſed and we had a little intermiſtion, and went to meeting again at Can dle Lighting, and there was a great number of People again and they attended Solmnly,— after meeting I went home with with one Mr John Smith ^Carperter^ about one Hundred Rods from the meeting Houſe, and was extrea well entertaind, we had very agreable Converſation with the
man and Woman after Conver ſation, I went to bed quietly,—

Tueſday Octr 11:

about 9: in the morning Mr Kalley and I went towards the North River, Call'd on Mr Powers, and he was geting ready to go with us, and So we went on; got to mr Bacon's about 11: and the People began to Collectogerther, and about half after one we began the meeting, and the People Seemed to be tied to the word, and I believe they felft the Power of the word, Soon after meeting we went to Mr McCartys where I had left my mare and the man C[illegible]harged me nothing for keeping my mare, and went on preſently and Calld on Mr John Smith and took DTea with them, and directly went on to the Ferry — got over about Sun Sit, and went to Mr Matt Vanburans and the People Collected toge ther, and we had a meeting and there was Conſiderable Nr
number of People, and they behaved well, Stayd at the Same Houſe, —

Wedneſday Octr 12:

I saw Tattle^ton^ and I went to my Daughters, & we got there about 12: and I reſted a little at my Daughters and then we went to meeting to Mr [gap: omitted] and the People behaved well generally but not So Solemn as at other P[illegible: [guess: s]] after meeting, went back to my Daughters, and reſted a little, and in the evening, the People Collected, at Mr Begle's and we had a little meeting after meeting went to my D's again, and went to bed very Soon

Thirdsday Octr 13:

after Bre left my folks and went on to Mr Jonathan Thomſons, got there before noon, and took Dinner with them, — at 2 we went to, Mr Tomſons Son's
a few Rods, and there we had meeting, and there was Conſiderable number of Peop^le^ and they attended well, — as Soon as the meeting was done, they deſired me to preach to them again in the evening, and I Complied, and I begun a gain in about ha[illegible]lf an H and there was greater at tention Still, the People were much affected, Lodged at Mr Tomſon's,

Fryday Octr 14:

Some Time after Breakfaſt, Mr Tomſon and I took our Horſes and we went to Still waters, — got there Some Time before meeting, a bout 1 we went to meeting, and there was a great number of People, and they attended with great affection, after meeting went to mr Campell's and, near Sun Sit we[illegible] went
to Mr Bakers and had an evening there, and there was a great Number of People a gain, and they attended with all gravity, and after the People were diſmiſt, a num ber Stay'd, and I gave out out my Cards to the People and we had agreeable Exer ciſe, and Some Time in the evening the People diſperſt and I went to bed Quietly once more. Thanks be to god The People in this Place are exceeding Friendly and kind to me, Mr Campel is as a Father to me.

Saturday Octr 15

Some Time after Breakfaſt went on my way; Stopt at Mr Campels a few minutes, and then took leave of them, and went on my way towards Ball Town
got to Capt Dunnings about 12: Dined with them, in the evening we had a meeting in Mr Gregorys Houſe, and there was a goodly number of People — and it was a So lemn meeting — after meetg went home with Capt Dunning again. and Lodged there, the Capt and his whole Family are exceeding agreable Folks —

Sabbath Octr 16:

went to meeting with the People and it was as a bad way as ever I was out in all my Travils Mirey the bigeſt of the way went we got to the Place the People had got together a great Number, — they have a new meeting Ho^u^ſe very large for a new Settlement I preach to them from Danile  mene &c
in the after noon from John ye are my Friends &c — Soon after meeting, went to the old meeting Houſe weſt Side of the Lake— and preatchd in the evening, and there was a Conſiderable number of People, here I [illegible]Met my old aquaintaince Mr Dake, I lodgd at one Mr weeds, and his Son in Law—Mr Cable with his wife Deſird me to Baptiſe their Chile, and ^when^ I had Examined them abou^t^ the Nature of Baptiſm — and finding them well ground in the goſpel Faith I Baptiſed their Child, and after I had performd my ofice, one Mr Bright made an objection, and we ta^l^ke upon the matter a while, and I Coud not be Convincd that I was wrong, and we
diſſiſted, and they went a way, and I went to begd quietly once more —

Monday Octr 17:

after Break faſt I went to 5000. Aires; before I had got to the Place, I met Mr Dake, and he went back, with me, and I went with him to his Houſe, about from the meeting Houſe, and took Dinner with him, and Soon after Dinner Mr Dake and I went to meeting & there was a Conſiderable number of people their meeting Houſe is made of Logs, and I preachd to them from Matt [gap: omitted] thou Shalt worſhip the Lord &c: and there was an Awful Solemnity in the Aſembly,— after meeting I went home with one Mr Holms, and I was very kindly entertain'd. The old People apper'd very Religi ous, Some Time in the evening I had Some Exerciſe with the Children of the Houſe. They were all grown up but one, and they
appear'd very Solemn in the exerciſe, and then we prayd together, and after that I went to Bed Quietly once more —

Tueſday Octr 18:

Soon after Breakfaſt took good and Friend ly leave of the Family, and I went on to Galaway, and I miſ^t^ my way, loſt about 3 qrs of a miles and it was very diſagre able, to my mind, I was obligd to go right back, and it put me in mind of miſsing a way to heaven it muſt be dreadful beyound all Expreſsion to miſs Heaven finaly at laſt: I got to Galaway, before 12: and Calld in at Good Mr Otis's one that went from New London North [illegible][guess: P] near by where I live, and he & his wife receiv'd me with all kind neſs, — about 2 o: c we went to meeting a few Rods from Mr Otiss Houſe — and there was a good
Number of People, I preach'd to them from the words— we will go three Days Journey &c ^gen 8.27^, in the evening I preachd again in the Same Houſe and there was a good number People of again I Spoke from Ruth — what is thy Petition &c — Sot Some Time after meeting had Some Converſation with Some Friends and it was agreable, and then went home with Mr Otis, and I went to bed Peacabl[illegible]y once more thanks be to Heaven —

Wedneſday Octr 19:

after Breakft about 9: I took Friendly leave of Mr otis and his Family, and one mr Dean went with me 6 or 7 miles, to direct me in the way — got to Mohauk River near 12: and So I went on got to Caukunnawaka in the evening and I put at one Vuders a Dutch Tavern

Thirdsday Oct.r 20,

Sot of very early in the Morning, and went over to Southſide of the River a little above the Noſe and kep on till I got to one Mr Mabee's and I took Breakfaſt, and Soon after Breakfaſt went on, and about 11 it began to Rain hard, and I Stopt at one Esqr Henry Wa[illegible][guess: u] rath, agreable gentleman; Stayd here all Night, —

Fryday Octr 21:

got up very early even before break of Day a great while, and the Esqr got up too Soon after — at broad Day light, I got up on my Horſe and puſhd on my way, reach'd at Widow Tygers about 9: and took breakfaſt there, and after eating went on again, here I heard Tour Anthony and Jame^s^ Waucus Slept, and one Mr Prince with them, and I never over
took them, till I got to the turn of the New Road to our Peoples Settlements, Juſt as I was going to one of the Houſes Antony Calld me, and I look ed back and there was Antony Smiling, and we went into Houſe together, and Concluded to Stop here,— and he Calld Mr Prince and Jamy, and they Came back,— and to one Mr Folts and Lodged there, —

Saturday octr 22,

we got up quite Early and got ready to go on our way, juſt as we were going off, Elijah Wymp^i^ Came to our Lodgings, and he told us David and Jacob Fowler and moſt all our men were in another Houſe juſt by, and I sent James, and they Soon Come to me, and it was a Joy ful meeting,— and then I wen^t^ to where the reſt of them were
and they all rejoice to See me and was with them a little while and then went back to Mr Folts and Concluded not to go thro the woods this Day, becauſe it was a miſty kind of weather,— Some went thro, but I Stayd and Some others, I taried at Mr Fols,—

Sabbath Octr 23:

This morning was a Snowy Morning, and it Raind all laſt Night,— and I taried at Mr Conora[illegible]d Fols, all Day, they were quite agreable Family, Stayd here again this Night —

Monday Octr 24:

Some Time after Breakfaſt Brother David Fowler and I Sot of to go thro' the Woods to our Indians new Settlements, and preſently after we Sot out it began to Rain and it Rain'd all the way not very hard, — and it was extream ly bad muddy riding, and the Creeks were very high, and Some Places very Mirely, and we were over taken with Night before we got in, and Some places were very Dark where Hamlock Trees were our Eyes did us [illegible]but ^little^ good, we travild
about a mile in the Dark, and then we arrivd at Davids Houſe as we approach'd the Houſe I hear^d^ a Melodious Sining, a number were together Sining Pſalms hymns and Spiritual Songs, we went in amon^gts^ them, and they all took hold of my Hand ^one by one^ with Joy and Gladneſs from the Greateſt to the leaſt, and we Sot down a while, and then they began to Sing again, and Some Time after, I gave them a few words of [illegible]Exhortation, and then Conclude^d^ with Prayer,— and then went to Sleep Quietly, the [illegible]Lord be praiſed for his great goodneſs to us —

Tueſday Octr 25

Was a Snowy Day was very uncomfortable weather I kep still all Day at Davids Houſe and it was Crouded all Day. Some of onoydas Came in — In the evening Singers Came in again, and they Sang till near ten o: c: and then I gave them a word of Exhortation and Conclude with prayer, So we ended another Day —

Wedneſday Octr 26:

Snow is about
is about ancle Deed this Morng and all Poſh under the Snow and the Land is foul of water every where, and the Brooks are very high— it is not Clear wheather yet — in the evening we had a litte Singing again — This morning I rench'd my Back, only puting on my Stockings, and ^was^ put ^to^ Some difficulty to go out all Day —

Thirdsday Octor 27:

Cloudy but moderate, my back Continues as it was yeſterday,—

Fryday Octor 28:

it was warm and pleaſent Day but Coloudy the begeſt part of the Day — in the evening they Sung in Abra^m^ Simons Houſe, a mile from David Fowler's

Fryday Octr 29

David intended to gather his Corn but it lookd very much like for Rain, and So difer it to anſother Day, — the Young Folks went in the evening to Abraham: Simons a mile of from David Fowlers to Sing, but I did not
go my back Continued out of order, —

Saturday Octr [illegible]29:

David gather^d^ his Corn he had a number of Hands tho' it was Cloudy in the morning, and little Rain, and in the after noon he huſked his Corn, and the Huſkers Sung Hym^ns^ Psalms and Spiritual Songs the bigeſt part of the Time, finiſhd in the evening,— and after Supper the Singers Sung a while, and then diſpa^r^ſed —

Sabbath Octr 30:

Had a meeting in Davids Houſe, and a Number of Stockbridgers Came to meeting to the diſtance of Six miles, they had eleven Horſes and there was a number of foot People, and there was a Solemn Aſembly, the People attended the word with affection many of them— I Spoke from Mathew IV. 10: in the after Noon from XXXII: 1: in the even ing we had Singing a long
while and then gave them a word of Exhortation and Conclu ded with Prayer — Monday Tueſday and wedneſday nothing hadpen'd remarkable only Rainy and Snowy weather and I was mu^c^h Confind with my wren^t^ch Back —

Thirdsday Novr 3: 1785

Towards Night we attended upon the antient ordernace of marrage the firſt that ever was Selebra ted by our People in their New Settlement in that wildirneſs, The Cupple to be married and the Young People, formed in a Neighbouring ^Houſe^ and Came to the Houſe of Weding in a Regu lar Proceſsion according to their age and were Seated according ly — and the old People alſo Seat ed themſelves Regularly, and A great Number of Stocbrid gers Came from their Town to attend the Weding, but many of them were too late —
When I got up, I Spoke to them Some Time upon the nature of Marrage, the Honourableneſ and Lawfulneſs of it whereby we are diſtinguyſhd from the Brutal Crea tion: Said Some of the firſt marrage in Eden ^&^ of the Marrage where Chriſt [illegible]and his Diſciples were invited and the Honour he did to it by working ^the^ firſt mericle. he wroght in the World in turning water into Wine and then we prayed, after Prayer I orderd them to take each other by the Right Hand alternately and then I declared them in the Face of the Aſembly to be a Law ful Huſband and wife, according to the Law of god — and then pray^d^ again, ^& prayer being ended Mariage Salutations^ ^[below]went round Regularly —^ and Concluded with by Singing a Marriage Hymn, — and then the People Sat down,— and Jacob Fowler who was ap pointed Maſter of the Sereimonies at this Marriage, gave out Some
Drink a Round; the Company and then Supper was brought Sot in order on a long Board, and we Sot down to eat, and had Totty well Sweeten'd with wild Sugar made of Sugar Trees in the Wilderneſs; and after Sup per, we Spent the Evening in Singing Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs, — and after that every went home Peaceably with andy Carouſing or Frollicin^g^

Fryday Novr 4.

The young Peopl put on their beſt Cloaths and went to a Neighbours Houſe, all on Horſe back, and they appear^d^ agreeable and Decent, and they had no Carouſing, they had Some Pleaſent Chat and agreable Con duct, Some Singing ^of^ Psalms Hymn^s^ and Spiritual Songs, Some Time in the after Noon they dined toge ther, and after Dinner every one went Home Quietly,— So the wed ing ended, and it was Conduct ed, Caried on, and finiſh'd with Honour and great Decency —
and the Lord help this People to go on Regularly in all their Concerns —

Sab: Novr[illegible]6:

Brother Jacob Fowler and I went of early in the Morg for Stockbridge Indians that lately Settled at old onoyda, got there Some Time before meeting went to Sir Peter Pauquunnup^peets^ Houſe, he is a Collegian brought up and Educated at Dartmuth DCollege, and he receivd with all kindneſs Friendſhip,— about 11 went to meeting, and many of our People from our new Settle ments Came to meeting, to the diſ tance of Six miles, — I Spoke to them from Joſhua 24: 22: and Esther 7: 2: in the Evening we had another meeting, and we had Solemn Day and evening the People attended with great attention and Solemnity, after I had done Speaking; we Sot dow^n^ and the Singer roſe up and they Sung Some Time, and then diſperſed, every one to his quarter,
and Siſter Hannah and Siſter Esther and I Lodgd at Widow Quinny's where the meeting was —

Monday Novr 67:

Some Time after Breakfaſt ^Sun Riſe —^ I Sot of with Brother Roger and his wife to our Place; and Sotpt at Roger's and I took Breakfaſt with them, they live [illegible][illegible][guess: near] twothre^e^ miles from the reſt of the People and after eating I went on to the Town, got there about 12 and found them all well,— in the Evening we met on our Temporal and Religious Concerns, — we met once before but we did not Come to proceed any Buſineſs — But ^now^ we pro ceeded to form in ^to^ a Body Poli tick,— We Named our Town by the Name of Brotherton, in Indian Eeyawquittoowaucon nuck^J: Fowler was choſen Clarke for this^ ^[below]Town^ Roger waupieh, David Fowler, Elijah Wympy, John Tuhy, and Abraham Simon
were Choſen a Committee or Truſtees for the Town, for a Year and for the future, the Committee is to be Choſen Annually, — and Andrew Acorrocomb, and Thoma^s^ Putchauker were Choſen to be Fence Vewers to Continue a Year. Concluded to have a Centre near David Fowlers Houſe. the main Street is to run North and South ^& No[illegible][guess: th]&^ Eaſt and weſt, to Croſs at the Centre Concluded to live in Peace, and in Friendſhip and to go on in all their ^Public^ Concerns in Harmony both in their Religious and Tem poral Concerns, and every one to bear his Public part of Pub lic Charges in the Town, — They deſird me to be a Teacher amongſt them, I Conſented to Spend Some of my remaining with them, and make this Town my Home and Center —

Tueſday — Novr 8:

got up early and Sot of for Stockbridge Indians got there Some Time before meet ing, this is a Day of faſting and Prayer, with the People here
and they deſired me to aſsiſt them the Deſign of this faſt is to Confeſs their Sins before god, and to repent and beg the Pardon of all their Sins and deſire the Bleſsing of god up on them, and to Proſper them in their New Settlemet, and alſo bleſs them in their Religious Life — and I preach to them, in the fore Noon from Jonah 3: 8: in the after noon from Prover 23: 26 and it was a Solemn Faſt Day many were deeply afected, all attended like Criminals before the Barr; in the Evening they met again, and they adviſd and gave Councel to one another to Conduct well and be Careful in all their Conduct the enſusing winter as they were about to diſperſe, for the winter, that they may get together in the Spring in Love and Peace, — and after advice, they Spent Some Time in Singing of Spiritual Songs, and when
they had done, I gave them a word of Exhortation, ad^v^iſing them to uſe their Natural Powers and Conduct as becomes Rational Creatures, and break off from all out breakings of Sin, and Especially to break off from that abominable Sin of Drunkeneſs and give themſelves to watching and Prayer, and So Conclude with Prayer, — and the People diſperſd in Peace — I Lodged at Sir Peter Pauqunnuppeets

Wedneſday Novr 9:

[illegible]Break‐ faſted with Capt Hindreck & Soon after Eating, I Sot off for Home, got to our Place about 12 and found our Folks well— Thirdsday Fryday and Saturd lookd a bout a little to See the land and it is the beſt land I ever did See in all my Travils. John Tuhy Planted Juſt about one acre of ground, which he Cleared laſt may, and this
Fall he took of 20 Buſhels of good Corn 56 Buſhels of Potatoe^s^ about 200 Heads of Cabage, and about 3 Buſhels of Beans, and about 2 Buſhels of Paſnips & Beats together. beſides Cu cumbers and Watermelons; of the Same ground, and it was ^not^ Plowd nor dug up with a Hoe, only leaves and Small Buſhels were burnt on it and great many Lodgs ly on it now — and I was told laſt week among the Stockbridge Indians, that in their Clearing Some Spots of land, where it has been improved, in Years paſt, they Plowd up, and dug up good many Potatoes; where they had been Plan ted pa^r^haps 10 or 12 Years ago. one man got 3 Skipples, and he p[illegible]lanted them, and he has raiſed a fine paſsel of them. and Brother David Fowler told me and his wife and others Con firmed it that he ^had^ one Cabage Stomp Stood three Summers and
it headed every Year, the laſt it Stood, it three Heads —

Sab, Nov.r 13:

Preachd at David Fowlers and many of the Stock bridgers Came to meeting, and there was good attention, and [illegible]I believe Some felt the Power of the word, in the Evening we had Some Singing, —

Monday Novr 14

was geting ready to return homward, —

Tueſday Novr 15:

got up very early in the morning, and we were fitting to go off, and little after Sun riſe we Sat off, DBrother David and his wife Daughter and James Waucus went together Elijah Wym[illegible]py, two Daughters and others Some Stockbridgers there were Eight Horſes of [illegible]a mongſt us, and many foot men and we got thro the woods Juſt as the Sun was going down I put up at Mr Fols's —

Wedneſday Novr 16:

we Sot of very early in the morning
and I got to Esqur Wa[illegible]rets in the Evening, and Lodged there, and [illegible]three Stockbridgers were there alſo —

Thirdsday 17:

I Sot off very early and about 11: I got to Capt Roof's and there I Stopet, and finiſh'd writings for our Folks, Juſt Night David Came in — and here we Lodged —

Fryday Novr 18:

I went to Bomens Creek, and Got there about 1: put up at Esqr CKimbets and they were very Glad to See me and I was as glad, and Lodge^d^ there, had a meeting here this Evening, and there was a Conſiderable of People, and they attended well, —

Saturday Novr 19:

I left the Family, Docr White went
with me about four miles and So we parted, and I to Esqr Manbee's about 3 o: c: and here I put up, & was received with kindneſs — here I overtook my Son Anto ny Paul,—

Sabb. Nov r 2:

Preachd here to Conſiderable Number Peo ple, and they attended with with all Seriousneſs they were moſt all Dutch; Spoke in morning From Acts 9 Lord What Wilt thou — in the after noon from Luke So is he that Sayeth &c Elijah Wympeh and his Son, and 3 Stockbridge girls were here alſo — I Lodged here again,

Monday Novr 21:

Some in the morning it was
about 8: I Sot off, and got So far to Mr P[illegible]eter Van Wormer, about a mile from Mohauk ^River^ in the the Woods North Side — This Day I Saw the Revd Mr Romine a Dutch Miniſter in Cacanawaka by Mohauk River, I met with him at a public Houſe, and he apear'd quite Friendly at once, he deſired me ^me^, that if I Shoud Come along this way again at any Time, to Call upon him, and have a Diſcourſe with his People, and I told I wou'd —

 Tueſday Novr 22: got up

very early, and it was very Cold morning, and did
not Sit out So early as I intend ed, took Breakfast before I Sot out, about 8: I went on my way, thro the Woods and it was very Riding it was not froſe had enough to bear a Horſe in Muddy holes; I got to Mr Otis's in Gallaway a little after 12 and found them all well, and put up here, and took Dinner with them, Concluded to have a meeting this Evening. about Daylight in I went Mr Dean's to meeting and there was a Con ſiderabl of People, and I Spoke from Joſhua, 24: 19: and the People attended with Serious neſs,— after meeting went back to Mr Otis's and Lodged there —

Wedneſday Novr 23:

Some after Breakfast Sot of to go to a Place Called Smith Field about 6 miles of, Mr Meſsenger went with me and it was thro a Deſert other way,— got there Juſt before 12
went into M.r Smith's Houſe, where the meeting is to be, a bout 2: we began the meeting and there was Conſiderable Number of People Collected together, [illegible] for they had but Shrot Notice and it is a New Settlement, and the People attended with all gravity and Solemnity, I believe Some felt the Power of the word, Soon after Meeting, one Mr Coffin, a Univerſaliſt Preacher deſired to have Some Co[illegible]nverſation with me, and we had Conver ſateon a little while together without much Debate, for we diſagreed altogether,— and the People diſperſt and I Stayd at the Houſe all Night, and Mr Meſanger went home; and Mr S^m^ith and his wife and I had very agreeable Converſation and their Son in Law his Nam^e^ was Alexander, Scotchman by Nation, was very much
biggoted to their Verſton of Psalms we had Some debate a bout them, and upon Some o th[illegible]er Points — Sot up late, and was Extreamly well Treated by the Heads of the Family and all the Young People; Slept very Comfortably,—

^Thids Novr 24^

got up quite early, Stay'd till after Breakfaſt, and then Sot of Mr Hughwee Alexander went with me, and we to Gallaway about 10, Call'd at Mr Meſenger^s^ and Dined with them, and had agreable Converſation — Soon after Dinner went to Mr Otiss & from there to meeting about a mile, where was a Sick woman, we Soon got there Mr Otis went with me and another man, had Some Con verſation with the Sick woman and found her reſignd to the will of god, & was Comfortable
in her mind; and then we began the Worſhip of god, there was but few People and they attended with great Seriousneſs and Some affection — I Spoke from Matt 6: 10: after meeting Mr Cullock invited me to go home with him to Stay all Nigh^t^ and was Treated very kindly & Tenderly, —

Fryday Novr 25:

got up early and Stayd till after Breakfaſt and then went back, Calld at Mr Meſengers and Dinner with him, and afterwards went to Mr Otiss,— and in the evening went to meeting again in Mr Deans Houſe and there was Conſiderable Number of People and there was great Solemnity among the People, I Spoke from James [illegible][guess: 4]: 17: after meeting went back to Mr Otis's
and Lodged there, had a number Friends to viſet me this Evening, Some Scotch People and we had quite agreable interview —

Saturday Novr 26

did not prea^ch^ his Day, juſt at Night went to Warran's a little diſtance and was wellcomd, and treated very kindly, he is a Baptiſt man by Denomination, Sot up Some Time for had Some Company, Mr Mc Larran a Scotchman was with us and very agreable Converſa tion, and good be[illegible]d Time I went to [illegible]Red queetly once more —

Sab. Novr 27:

about half after ten we went to meeting, a few Rods in a Barn, and there was a great Number of People, for a new Settlement, and I Spoke from I. Samuel. 15: 14 in the after noon from Joh 11: 28: and there was great and Sober attention
through the Aſembly, and I belie^ve^ Some felt the preſence of god — after meeting went home with mr Warran and took Dinner with them, — and in the even–g went to Mr William Kalley a Scotchman, and had a meet ing there and there was a goo^d^ number of People, and I preac^hd^ to them from Joh. 11: 26: and I believe we had Some aſseſtan^[illegible][guess: c]^ both in Preaching and in hearing — Lodgd at the Same Houſe — and was kindly en‐ tertaind, —

Monday Novr 28

was at Mr Kalleys till after Break faſt, then went to Mr Otiss and was there till about 2 in the after, and then Mr Otis his & Mr Meſsenger and his and wen^t^ to a weding, and there was a number of People, but grea^t^
many, and I married the Cup ple, thereir Names were Mr Jonathan Bunyan Cotes and Polley Doulin,— and the People behaved exceeding well, — Juſtwe good Cake and Cheeſe to eat & Totty to Drink,— juſt before Sun Sit we that Came together went back again, I Calld in at Mr Meſsengers, and was there till the Young Wedendners Came home, and then[illegible] I went to mr Otiss and Lodged, once more, and his Brother Lodged there alſo, —

Tueſday Novr 29:

Took my leave of mr Otis and his Family about 9: O'C: and I directed my Courſe towards Scenactady, Mr Meſsenger went with me, and we parted before we got to the Place, and I went on to the Town, got there Some Time before Night; Calld at mr Shooter's, and Sat a while and
then went to See Mr Poſt my old Friend, and found them all well and was there a while, and his Son Came in, and he invited ^ to go home with him, and there I Lodged, and kindly Treated, & [illegible]Slept very Comfortable,—

Wedneſday Novr 30:

got up early took Breakfaſt with Mrs Poſt, Mr Poſt was gone out,— after eating I went to See Several Friends payd my viſited the Revd Mr Romine, the Dutch Miniſter of the Place, and he appeard very Friendly, but I Stayd not Long about 10 O: C: I went over the Ferry again to go to the 5000 Acres; Mr Meſsenger went with me again, we travild together about 7. miles, and there we parted in Friendſhip — I went on, Calld at one Mr Sharewoods to warm my feet, and I had Sot but few minutes, before the wo‐ man, aſked me whether I wou^d^
Stay till She Can [illegible]make Some Tea [illegible]I told her I woud, and She C got it ready Quick, and I eat very Hearty, and juſt as I had done the man of the Houſe Came in and appeard very agreeable and as I was going away, he deſired me to Come See him a gain before I left the Place, & I told him I woud, then went on to Mr Holmss Soon got there and found them all well, and was kindly receivd by the Family, and I put up there,—

Thirdsday Decemr 1: 1785:

Was at Mr Holms's till near Noon, and I went to Mr Woods a little diſtance and Dined there, and [illegible]juſt before Sun Sit, I went to one Mr Rogers, and Lodged there, I found ^him^ and his wife very underſtanding in the Scriptures and I believe they were Experiencd Chriſtians they are Ireiſh Folks, we had
very agreable Converſation & Sot up Some what late, I Saw the man was not well pleaſd with Docr Wattss P[illegible]salms and we had a long talk upon them, we did not agree about them, but we did ^not^ Contend about them, after Converſation, we Sung a Psalm and Read a C^h^apter, and Prayd together and then went to^ Peaceable and I had a Comfortable Sleep —

 Fryday Decer 2:

Got ^ early and took Breakfaſt with them after eating we Sung and Read, and then I had Some Exerciſe in the Family with my Christian Cards and it was very Solemn and agreable; — about 10 I took my good leave of the Family, and returnd to Mr Holmss, — and in the after noon about 1: OC: I wen^t^ to Mr Clarkes and there was a goodly number of People and I preac^hd^ to them from, Acts 2: 37: and
there was great Solemnity and Some affection I believe they felt Some thing of the Power of the word after meeting a Number of the People Stayd, and in the Evening I had Exerciſe a long while with Family, with my Chriſtian Cards and it was very agreable and Some Time in the Evening we went to Bed quietly, —

Saturday Decr 3:

about 10 went to Mr Holmss and Sot a while and I went to Mr Sharewoods a bout half mile of, and him wvery kind to me, and Converſable & he is ^an^ underſtand Man took Dinner with him, and was there till Tea was got, and took with them, and Juſt night returnd to Mr Holmss again, and Lodged there, —

Sabb: Decr 4:

Mr Holms wen^t^ to meeting with an ox Slead, and his whole Family went and
I went with them, the meeting was again in Mr Clarks H[gap: worn_edge] and there was a Vaſt Number of People tho' it was Stormy Day, I Spoke from Isaah 5: 3 and was uncommon attention and Flow of Tears, from old and Young, and I am perſwaded the Power of the was felt by many Souls, I preachd only once — after meeting, I took Dinner with Mr Cleark, and after eat ing we Sot and Some Religious Converſation — about Sun Sit we went to good old Mr Nothrops and the we had a ^Comfortable^ meeting, and it was very Comfortable meet ing, and was great many Peo I Spoke from Matt 5: 13. Mr Nothrop gave me the Text and after the meeting was over a Number Stayd, and we had agreable Religious Converſation I Loddgd at the Same Houſe
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