I have been Conſtantly upon a
go Since I got home from
Boſton, I have miſt
two opportunities Since a gentleman from
Call'd on me one Morning, I forgot to aſk his name
he Stayd but 3 or 4 minutes, I Sent a verbal
meſsage by him, to let you know we were well
and I heard this week, you was very
low laſt
week, — Tueſday after I left
Boſton — I preachd at
Natick in the fore noon to a large Aditory, for
a Short-Notice, the Indians there, are almoſt
extinct, — as Soon as meeting was over I went
on my way, and
Deſir'd to Stop
to Preach in many Places by the way and I
might have Stayd by the way Preaching to
this Day, but I Complyd with none, — and a
Thirdsday about noon
I got Home I reachd
Home, and thro' the goodneſs of god I found
my Family in Good State of Health, and
the Same goodneſs we are well to this Hour, and
it is a Time of Health in our Place, —
my viſi
[gap: tear][guess: t] ir
^[illegible]^s Continue as thick as ever, I expect
[illegible] a grea
^t^ Company of Indians this week from Several
— I waited on
Sir William ^Jhonſon^ the week
before laſt, at
Fiſhes Island, and he appears
very Friendly
to me,
— I have Some Thoughts
of Taking a Tour to viſit
^the^ Indians in the
wilderneſs this fall, if my Health will permit
the Lord Support
^you^ under your great afflictions and
theſe Troubles for your Eternal good, — and the
Lord remember your great kindneſs to me and mine
and reward you a Thouſand fold in Eternal
rewards — I want much to hear from
your Dear Son and
Phillis, — I hope in god, we Shall meet
in a better World than
this, where all Sin and Sor-
row Shall forever Ceaſe — I return you once more
moſt Hearty and Sincere thanks for all the Favours
you have Shown and Confir'd upon me and mine,
Pleaſe to remember me to Dear
Mr Wheatley and your
Siſter Mitchel, to your other Siſter, to
Amey^, and
to the Little Miſs, and Servants, —
My Wife and
^child^ Join
me in Grateful reſpect to you — I am most kind