Sylvanus Ripley, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 September 24
Date24 September, 1768
Call Number768524.2
abstractRipley writes to accept Wheelock’s invitation to write to him to improve his education. Ripley writes in support of the design to Christianize the Indians.
handwritingHandwriting is small, but formal and clear. The trailer is in an unknown hand.
paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.
noteworthyMarks -- a plus sign and a P -- have been added to the document in a different, probably modern hand. These marks have not been transcribed. The word "Wilkin's" appears on two verso; this is unexplained.
signatureThe signature is abbreviated.
your kind invitation to me viz to improve Evr'y
leisure hour in writing to the Dr) now
dedicate the following Epistle, which I trust
will share largely your correction –– perhaps it
would not be disagreeable, should I chuse some
subject to treat on; when to write themeleſs, wou[gap: blotted_out][guess: d]
be too much like building a castle in the air:
I think
on the important design in veiw –– & first
I believe their is a vast many obstacles in the way
insurmountable, & the cause in various respects wears
a gloomy aspect; yet the probability of its succeſs is greater;
than that I myself shall Ever be able to aſsist in the for
of it, who) I beleive( will be Rather like a brittle pin,
which tends more to weaken the fabrick; than promote
its stability; yet I would wish for the best that the great
design of Christianizing the Pagans might be accomplish'd[illegible]
Satans strong holds subverted: & the Benefactors most
sanguine expectations answer'd: & may, kind Sir, your
indefatigable labours be crown'd with succeſs, & when the
grand Mandate Moriatur is utter'd in heaven, then may your
Exit be with a composed & Resign'd
dant entrance administred to your" & &
scribe myself your dutiful Pupil Sils Ripy