Mary Secutor, letter to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 July 28
Date28 July, 1768
Call Number768428.2
abstractMary asks for permission to leave the school.
handwritingHandwriting is somewhat loose, yet formal and clear. Letter case with regard to the letter S is difficult to decipher.
paperSingle medium-sized sheet is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear.
Persistent Identifier
I am not incenſable
of my Obligation to ye Doctor for his Patarnel Cair over
me ever sence I have been ye School. my faults have
been overLook.d with tendenneſs when thay have deſervd
Severity— I am quite discouragd with my self.
ye longer I Stay in ye School ye worse I am[illegible]
think I Shall ever do any good to ye Cauſe: & it will
Cost a great deal to keepe me hear, w.h will be Spending
Money to no porpose. I have been more trouble to ye Docter
then all my mates. dont think I deſarve ye honour
of being in your School! if agreable to ye Docter I Should
be glad to leave the School next week & be no longer
a member of it
of my Obligation to ye Doctor for his Patarnel Cair over
me ever sence I have been ye School. my faults have
been overLook.d with tendenneſs when thay have deſervd
Severity— I am quite discouragd with my self.
ye longer I Stay in ye School ye worse I am
think I Shall ever do any good to ye Cauſe: & it will
Cost a great deal to keepe me hear, w.h will be Spending
Money to no porpose. I have been more trouble to ye Docter
then all my mates. dont think I deſarve ye honour
of being in your School! if agreable to ye Docter I Should
be glad to leave the School next week & be no longer
a member of it
Hon.d Sir I
Subcribe mySelf Your
Humble Sert
Mary Secuter
To ye Revd mr
Eleazer Wheelock DD