Samson Occom, letter, to Mary Occom, 1767

Author Occom, Samson


Call Number767900.12

abstractOccom writes that he is setting out for the country and might visit Ireland. He has also sent a box of books and a letter listing other items sent.

handwritingHandwriting is clear and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in poor condition, with heavy tearing and wear that results in a significant loss of text.


noteworthyA note that reads "Celebrated Indian Preacher" has been added to the bottom of one recto in an unknown hand. On two recto, an editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note: "No 8 Mr O– to his wife Date London Selected for Dr Sprague Albany 1857." These notes have not been included in the transcription.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

Persistent Identifier
My Dear
we are this mo[gap: tear][guess: ment] out for ^the^ Country, and Shall go [gap: tear] perhaps to Ireland before we re[gap: tear][guess: turn to] London again, and will be 7 or [gap: tear] before we return, I have Sent you [gap: tear][guess: se] veral things Laſt year, which I h[gap: tear][guess: ope] you have receivd, and I have [gap: tear] Some things more, which will be [gap: tear] in a few Days, I Sent a Box of Books a few Days ago, and you ^will^ find a letter in it, which gives you an Account, what will be Sent to you The Lord be with you all Bleſs ye with Heavenly Bleſsings —
My LBest Love to you I am ever your Dear Huſband Samſon Occom
Blank page.
To Mrs Mary Occom at Mohegan in N: London or Norwich,  Connecticut by Mr Wh[gap: tear]
Blank page.