Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Stephen Williams, 1767 October 16

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date16 October, 1767

Call Number767566.3

abstractWheelock writes to congratulate Williams on his recent marriage and to update him on the progress of the school and various missions.

handwritingHandwriting is slanting and informal, yet largely clear and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear.

inkBlack-brown ink is faded.

Persistent Identifier
My Rev.d & very dear Broth.r
Your Kind ſalutations by M.r Bliſs, are very Acceptable, for which I have a minute allow‐‐ed me to thank you — And to give you Joy on the confirmation of your nuptials with one ſo perfectly agreeable both to your ſelf and all your Friends — may Heaven fill up your Laſt Days with uſefulneſs & comfort — I also congratulated y.e Dear partner of all your Joys & comforts, on her new Situation ſo near the Altar of God, an Honour done her, & a Conſi‐‐deration great enough to lighten every Burthen, and more than compenſate all thoſe Labours of Love & Expreſsi‐‐ons of Kindneſs, which according to ye ordinary Courſe of Nature you may require, and which ſhe no doubt expects & has been laying out for as her way to Glorify God in her latter Days.
As to my affairs they are too many & great to be diſclosed in one ſheet — things in general appear with a very agreeable aſpect — my ſon Rodulphus has lately returnd from Onoida where I Sent him to Settle the Schools — he brought 3. likely boys with him ^from ^ Kanawaaohare. one of them is [illegible]Heir apparent to the Cheif ſachemſhip of the onoidas — He brings me a comfortable acco.t indeed from that Quarter — M.r Kirtland is in highſpirits - and conducts with much Zeal & Prudence. is maſter of that Tongue — & my Son ſays, acts the Indian Orator to perfection — The Aſsembly numerous and very ſolemn - much increaſed of Late - now upwards of 80 families - and 12. or 15, more expected to ſettle there this fall for the Sake of M.r Kirtlands miniſtry - I have re‐‐moved David Fowler from the ſchool there ^[below]to^
there, and ſent him to Montauck on Long Island, to take care of his Aged & Suffering Parents, and teach the School there — and the Day before yeſter‐‐day I Sent off M.r Phinebas Dodge to take this School which David left & Joseph Johnſon a Mohegan to old onoida to a new ſchool which my ſon opened there — they have left of Drunk‐‐eneſs in M.r Kirtlands Town, except in a very few Inſtances ever ſince Laſt November —
Gen.l Johnſon's Expectation of Episcopalians has prevented any Miſsions or Schools in his vicinity the Laſt year — Late Prints give acco.t of Sir Johns return but no acco.t of the Expected Miſsionaries with him.
I have had no Letters from Europe for ſome Time; am impatient to hear —
Where to fix ye ſchool is the object of Attention — and upon the Carpet at home — Whether here or at Albany — or on the Ohio &c —
Glad ſhould I be of a viſit from you with your dear ſpouse my new Siſter — I cant come to you. I am every Hour full of Buſineſs. pray for me my dear ſir. and accept
Kindeſt ſalutations to you both from Yours moſt affectionately Eleazar Wheelock
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