Phineas Dodge, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 October 16
Date16 October, 1767
Call Number767566.1
abstractDodge writes about his activities in, and progress through, the wilderness; he asks for a watch.
handwritingHandwriting is largely clear and legible.
paperSingle sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with moderate creasing, staining and wear.
noteworthyAmong many variant spellings, Phineas spells his own name "Phinehas."
layoutThe second page of the letter is on two recto, not one verso
Persistent Identifier
Throw the Goodneſs of God I have Arived
hear, Am oblige to moove Slow By reaſon of my heavy Load hope to Dine at Rev. mr Robinſes
to Day. [illegible]Bleſſed be God I am not in ye
Diſscouiraged Oh that I may alwayes be Inabled to put my truſt in, &
Comit my Wayes to ye Lord. be thankfull for all marc[illegible]ys, [illegible]Make it my Daly Study What I shall render to ye Lord for All his
Benifits — Johnſon Sends his Duty — &
Sayes he Deſigns to Do his utmoſt to promote
knoledg among ye Indians — The Boys Likewiſe Send thair Duty All Behave Very Well. Bleſſed be God for it. Honoured Doct If you Pleas to Send me a Watch by mr John
Kirtland I believe it Will be of Great Sarvice in the
Wildernis to Shew me how Precious time Slips away & perhaps Excite me to a better Improvement of it
Blank page.
My humble Duty to Madam
^sir Whelock
& your family:^
& Due reſpect to all ^Johnſon
alſo Sends ye Same^ — Am in ye
muſt Beg you Corection, With Leave to Conclude my Self
your moſt unworthy Sarvant at Com^m^and With all Due reſpect
Phinehas Dodge