Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to William Johnson, 1767 August 19
Date19 August, 1767
Call Number767469.2
abstractWheelock writes on behalf of the Narragansett Indians, who are losing their lands, and requests to know whether the reports of missionaries arriving from Europe are true.
handwritingFormal handwriting is not Wheelock's. It is clear and legible.
paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear. There is preservation work along the heavy vertical crease.
noteworthy"HAVEMEYER COLLECTION" is typewritten across the top of one recto. As is marked on two recto, this document is a copy. A note in pencil has been added to the top left of two recto; this note has not been included in the transcription. There is some scratch writing in an unknown hand on two verso beneath the address.
while I was on a journey; by which means it fail'd of an earlier convey‐
-ance. And with respect to the context of it, I would only beg leave, at the
desire of some concern'd, to certify you, that the Rev.d M.r Fish is, so far as I
know, univerſally eſteem'd, a gentleman of Integrity and good Ability.
And accordingly the Repreſentation he has made of the Case of the
poor suffering Indians at Narraganſet, is to be relied upon, as being
faithfully & impartially done
Behalf of that poor people, that your Excellency would pleaſe take their
for them (which under God they expect chiefly, or only by your Inter‐
‐poſition) that something effectual may be done to prevent that
total ruin which otherwise, according to all human probabilities,
is very speedily to be expected— They have bid the faireſt to
be built up, and become a people, of any party of Indians
I know of in New England— and now just as they have got
well engaged in cultivating their Lands, and begin to know
the worth of them, by taſting the sweets of a civilized Life,
their best farms are slipping from under them, one after
another (as they expreſs it) with much expence of Labour
& money alſo, which they have beſtow'd to subdue them.
And they have reaſon to expect in a very little Time, they
shall have none left, unleſs something effectual be speedily
done for their Help. The pitteous complaints of this poor people
are truly such, as I make no doubt, ſir, would greatly move
your Excellency's Compaſsions towards them, could you hear
Reſolution, prevent all occaſion to enlarge on this Head—
winter & spring, from your Quarter, as well as diverſe Hints in
the publick News, that a Number of Miſsys & schoolmaſters were daily
expected from Europe to supply the Vacancies in your Vicinity:
on which I wrote your Excellency deſiring to be certified of ye
truth of the report, and to know your pleaſure relating thereto:
But I have received no written anſwer— and as I have always eſteem'd
your Countenance & Patronage to be of such Importance, in this
Affair, that I would by no means take one step without your Appro‐
-bation; I have neglected to send either Miſsionary or School maſter,
this Year, to thoſe places near you, 'till you should pleaſe to signify
your pleaſure in that matter: and I have now sent my son to
wait upon you with this, deſiring you would pleaſe to adviſe
me fully, whether you deſire the board of Correſpondants in this
Colony to provide supply of preaching for the parties of
Indians of the six Nations who are willing to hear, and school‐
-maſters for their Children; and whether your Excellency will
encourage thoſe we shall send, in their reſpective services,
so long, & so far, as their conduct & Behaviour shall be agreeable to
to their [illegible][guess: "]reſpective Characters & profeſsion
-tion under my care, is now, by the bleſsing of H
encreaſed, & become reſpectable at home & abroad; and is honour'd
with the patronage of Gentlem
in England, who have accepted the Trust of, and become
Guarantees to the publick, for the fund collected in Europe, for
the use & support of it; (of which Trust the Right hon.ble the Earl
of Dartmouth is appointed preſident) whose Characters, &
influence are such, that I would by no means, have a step
taken which may not have their Approbation. And I should
be very sorry, if, by any means, party names, and circum‐
-stantial differances in matters of Religion. should so operate,
as to retard or prevent the progreſs, & succeſs of the general
Design in View—
pleaſe, ſir, to let me know your Mind, and adviſe me, as
fully as shall be needful to determine my conduct
in this matter. and pleaſe, sir, to be aſsured that you
shall always be served with humility, and the greateſt
chearfulneſs, in any thing that comes within the
Power of
A Copy
To S..r W..m Johnson Bart
Augt 19th 1767
[illegible][guess: PL]