Robert Cottle, letter, to Nathaniel Whitaker, 1766 December 9
Date9 December, 1766
Call Number766659
abstractCottle informs Whitaker of potential donors. There is also the text of a notice that Occom will preach the next Sabbath in Frog Lane.
handwritingCottle's hand is formal, stylized and largely clear and legible. The text of the notice is in Whitaker's hand, which is also mostly clear and legible.
paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in poor condition, with heavy staining, creasing and wear.
inkThe letter is written in brown ink that has faded significantly. The notice is in strong brown-black ink.
signatureThe signature is abbreviated.
layoutThe first page of the letter is on one recto, but the second page is on two verso, not one verso. Whitaker has written the notice in different orientations.
EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain