Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Samuel Johnson, 1766 December 4

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date4 December, 1766

Call Number766654.2

abstractWheelock discusses keeping religious differences among denominations secret from Indian scholars. He also refutes accusations that have been made against him.

handwritingHandwriting is informal and frequently difficult to decipher. There are several deletions and additions.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear. Disintegration caused by the ink renders the paper somewhat fragile.

inkDark black ink appears to be iron gall, which is burning through the paper.

noteworthyIn light of the numerous deletions and additions, this document appears to be a draft.

signatureThe signature is abbreviated.

Persistent Identifier
Rev.d & Hond Sir.
Yours of 10th ^ of Octr^ Ult. came to Hand ^ye week before laſt^ Laſt week with 3. pamphlitts & a Generous collection made (as you inform me) by a Small Number of your Ch-h, of £1..13..5. for the Use of my Indian Charity School the Lord reward their Liberality and enable me to apply it aright.
I am, ſir, not unaffected with your Condeſention and Friendſhip, & that truly catholic & chriſtian Spirit you [illegible][guess: breath forth] ^expreſs [illegible]^ towards me & the Cauſe I have been endeavouring to promote — — — I think intirely with you as to the neceſsity of con[illegible]ſealing from the Pagans, all differing Sentiments in matters of Religion Among ourſelves; and that the contrary would likely be a moſt fatal Stumbling Block [illegible] in the way of those poor blind Creatures. and accordingly never any of my School, have yet heard me Speak a word of any ^[left]any^ different^ces^ Sentiments afmong [illegible][guess: any denominations of] chriſtians, excepting, Papiſts. — — When I have Spoken to any of the 6. Nation (as I have Sometimes had occaſi [illegible][guess: to do)] of the Labours of D.r Berkeley & M.r OGlevie, I have atlways spoken of them (and that ^too^ without any Diſsimulation) with the greateſt Approbation & Eſteem — — when they have mentioned to me Some Differences as to forms & modes, I have told them we were all agreed they [illegible]are not eſsential — — that those Gentlemen were my Bretheren, faithful miniſters of Chriſt, and taught them the Same way of Life ^truly^ as we [illegible]are teaching them. [illegible][guess: And] [illegible] ^[illegible][guess: thus]^ far from true is the Aſperſion you mention. As to my making gain to myſelf by their Labour it
it is wholly Groundleſs # I have often taken one & another out of the School to Labour for me ^when their Health required it^ & have ge-nerally had ^for Several years had one and Another w.o deſignd for Trades when they^ one who has been a number of the School im-ployed as a Labourer. And have every year more or leſs ^should have accompliſhed the Learning neceſsary for them in the School to Labour for^ taken one & another, as their Health required ^me — All I could provide Suitable Places for them^ & Benefit required, out of the School for a Time, and put them to good Farmers to be inſructed in Huſbandry, and where they might be So ſeparated from their Companions as to be obliged to talk Engliſh (which I find they are lo^a^th to do ſo long as they have Interpreters always at hand). and when they are able to Earn their victuals ^with me or with others ^ the School has never been charged for them, and when they have done more than that, The School has been honeſtly credited for the Same. as any may be convinced who will only take the pains to look into my accots. And as to all my perſonal Labours and continual care in this Affair from the firſt I have never ^yet^ chargd one penny,
I have peruſed your Catechiſm and it gives me pleaſure to find that in the Eſsentials we are ^so nearly [illegible][guess: agreed]^ agreed But [illegible][guess: modeſty] if there were nothing else, might forbid my attempting the Taſk [illegible][guess: you asſign me] [illegible] ^and^ your deſire Sufficically warrents my proposeing whether there ^there may not be [illegible] those^ who earneſtly pray for Gods Help, & Strive to repent, & return to their Duty, who are not intituled to the promiſe of [illegible] Gods Holy Benefit. or whether the doing of this is not common to many only from a conſicouſneſs of Guilt, and a fear of deſerved puniſhment, [illegible] while their Hearts are [illegible][guess: yet] ^not withſtanding^ in a State of [illegible][guess: Enmity] w[illegible]th G. or to put my [illegible]meaning in othr words, whether anything [illegible] ^[illegible]^ their beleiving in Chriſt, and receiving the Benefit only as a free Gift, (which neceſsly inferrs their Repent[illegible][guess: ng] & [illegible]atoning to y.r Duty &c) be ^not ^ y.e only condn on their part. This I think to be ye Truth, and So y.e Benefit granted cant in y.e nature of things be cheiper, more of Grace, or upon Power, & more [illegible][guess: condeſending] Terms than those which y.e Gospel proposes. and this I think by comparing several of your Anſwers [illegible] to the
to the 18.th & 2 [illegible] [guess: 5] th ^ Qns^ to be your opinion also. I would then humbly propose whether your [illegible] [guess: re] Anſwer to your 20th Queſtion would not be more intelligible and leſs liable to be miſimproved to incourage convinced Sinrs to reſt in Duty, and Short of Faith and confidence in Chriſt alone, for Salvation, if it Should be expreſsed in y.[illegible][guess: t] manner viz. "Chriſt having purchaſed ^[illegible]^ for us, by his Death, has aſsured us that if we beleive in him, and aſk (or Seek) for it with our whole Hearts, sincerely repenting of all our sins, and Returning to our Duty, he will give us his Holy Spirit to renew, & enable & [illegible][guess: enable] us to will & to do what he requires of us, and to withſtand all Temptations." you are ^Sir, not ^ ^in-^Senſible as well as I of y.e ^univerſal &^ strong propenſity [illegible][guess: there] is univerſally in convinced sinrs to [illegible] y.r fears and [illegible][guess: Quiet y.mſelves with Duty that] performance of Duty lull themſelves [illegible]into a state of Security by a Reformation of Life, & external perform.[illegible][guess: e] of Duty, while they are far from a new Heart, & a New Spirit.
I am indeed much pleaſd with your Grammar & prhaps the more so, becauſe it ^is^ So ^ſimilar to^ well agrees with the [illegible][guess: Compandium] used in my School, collected from the britiſh & [illegible][guess: othr] [illegible]
I was confind by Illneſs when I rec.d yours & have yet had no opportunity to com̅uincate your proposal to any of my Bretheren. I have taken ^Notice^ a Copy of ye Emen­­dations you have made, and purpose when our Board of Com̅iſsissrs shall have occaſion to be together again to propose it to them. pleaſe Sir, in the mean Time to favour me with your Tho'ts of such an Alteration of your anſwer to S.d 20th Queſtion, as I have proposed. and if such an agreemt as you Deſire may be had, I will do my [illegible][guess: End.r] to promote the Reprinting of the whole for the Benefit of children & prticularly in our Indian Schools. And that God may yet ^mercifully^ lengthen out your Life to promote the Kingdom of the Redeemer in y.e world is ^with much Duty & Eſteem^ the sincere Deſire, and earneſt Prayer of him who is with much Duty & Eſteem, much Hon.d sir,
your obedient & very humble Serv.t E Wheelock
#. I have generally had one and another who were Deſignd for Trades, when they Should have acquird the Learning that Neceſsary for them in the school to labour for me, 'till I could provide suitable Places for Them. and I have Every year taken one & another as their health & Benefit required
[bottom]Letter to Rev.d S. Johnſon DD. Dec.r 4. 1766.