Samson Occom and Nathaniel Whitaker, agreement, 1766 October 15

Date15 October, 1766

Call Number766565.2

abstractA copy of the agreement in which Whitaker and Occom promise that money collected in Devon County shall be delivered into the hands of the trustees in London.

handwritingThe document is written in two different hands; both are informal, yet clear and legible.

paperSingle sheet is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.

inkThere appear to be two different inks used on the document, a black ink and a black-brown ink.

noteworthyAs noted, this document is a copy.

signatureThe signature is abbreviated; it is unknown whether it is also a copy or in Towgood's own hand.

Persistent Identifier
Meſ Whitaker & Occum hereby give their Aſsurance — That Whatever Money they shall collect in this County for M.r Wheelock's School, shall be invested in the Hands of the Earl of Dartmouth, S.r Cha: Hothem, John Thornton Esq.r Char: Hardy Esq.r Sam: Roffey Esq.r Dan: West Esq.r Sam: Savage, & Rob: Keen &c To be by Him^M.r Wheelock^ & them employd, for the Bene:fit of ^his^ (M.r Wheelock's) School, and for Carrying into Execution his laudible Design of in:structing Indian youths, & of Settling Miſsionaries & School-Masters among them. NB. By the above Phraſe, To be by mr Wheelock & them imployd for the Benefit of his School &c is meant that the above Gentlemen be at full Li:berty to Settle the manner & Form of the Trust reposed in them —.
A True Copy of the Paper signed by Meſ Whita:ker & Occum Test. Mic: Towgood
Coppy of the Agreem.t of truſt