Thomas Ludlow, letter, to Nathaniel Whitaker, 1766 October 3
Date3 October, 1766
Call Number766553.3
abstractLudlow writes regarding shipments to Boston for Whitaker and Occom, and relates business regarding the fundraising tour.
handwritingFormal handwriting is small, but clear and legible.
paperSmall single sheet is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear that results in a minor loss of text.
inkBlack-brown ink is faded.
noteworthyOn one verso, the writer's intention regarding the ⅌ symbol is uncertain, and so it has been left unmodified in the modernized transcription.
EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain
Persistent Identifier
Dear Sir
Yo.r favor from — dated the 29th
came duly and ſtill find you in a
hurry I wish you ma'n't make more hast than good ſpeed. May the Lord direct & guide
you, giving great ſucceſs in yo.r important undertaking, bleſsing you & dear M.r Occom
both in Soul and Body. Your piece of Cloth came to hand yesterday which with M.r Occoms ſhall
take care of 'till it is ſhip'd for Boston, I don't think it prudent if it was poſsible to put all
your things on board the Devonshire for fear of an accident and as it is probable your or M.r
Occom may have ſomething else by & by which you may want to ſend, it may go with
the Cloth, therefore ſhall keep it back a little while unleſs you order to the Contrary. We rejoice
to hear M.r Occom is better to whom we all beg kindly to be remember'd. Tho you hadn't a
copy of yo.r Letter to M.r Towgood, perhaps you could have recollected the ſubstance of it. Last
Sabbath day I receiv'd a Letter from Mr Jos: Keech of Ilminster ſignifying he had in conse‐
‐quence of a Letter from you communi[gap: tear][guess: ca]ted your Affair & had collected of his Congregation
£4.11.2 which he wanted to know how to convey to you, I wrote him for answer that as it
was ſomewhat uncertain were to find you I thought it wou'd be better for him to remit it
to me, he ſends his Compliments & best wishes to you both adding that if you come into that part of the Country
he ſhall be glad to be favor'd with your Complany. Ludlow and my Daughter join
me in best
Respects who am
hurry I wish you ma'n't make more hast than good ſpeed. May the Lord direct & guide
you, giving great ſucceſs in yo.r important undertaking, bleſsing you & dear M.r Occom
both in Soul and Body. Your piece of Cloth came to hand yesterday which with M.r Occoms ſhall
take care of 'till it is ſhip'd for Boston, I don't think it prudent if it was poſsible to put all
your things on board the Devonshire for fear of an accident and as it is probable you
Occom may have ſomething else by & by which you may want to ſend, it may go with
the Cloth, therefore ſhall keep it back a little while unleſs you order to the Contrary. We rejoice
to hear M.r Occom is better to whom we all beg kindly to be remember'd. Tho you hadn't a
copy of yo.r Letter to M.r Towgood, perhaps you could have recollected the ſubstance of it. Last
Sabbath day I receiv'd a Letter from Mr Jos: Keech of Ilminster ſignifying he had in conse‐
‐quence of a Letter from you communi[gap: tear][guess: ca]ted your Affair & had collected of his Congregation
£4.11.2 which he wanted to know how to convey to you, I wrote him for answer that as it
was ſomewhat uncertain were to find you I thought it wou'd be better for him to remit it
to me, he ſends his Compliments & best wishes to you both adding that if you come into that part of the Country
he ſhall be glad to be favor'd with your Comp
Respects who am
Dear good Sir.
Yo.r ſincere Friend & hble Servt
Tho.s Ludlow
Yo.r ſincere Friend & hble Servt
Tho.s Ludlow
Octo.r 1766
To the Rev.d
M.r Nath: Whitaker
M.r Nath: Whitaker