Moses Peck, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1766 September

Author Peck, Moses


Call Number766540

abstractPeck encloses a bill, and copies a letter from Whitefield to Mason regarding the controversy involving Occom and the New England Company.

handwritingInformal handwriting is somewhat scratchy, yet mostly legible. There are several uncrossed t’s that have been corrected by the transcriber.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear.


noteworthyA tag reading "GIFT OF MRS. THOMAS C. ESTY" is affixed to the top of one verso.

signatureThere is no signature from Peck; Whitefield’s initials are copied at the end of the excerpt.

layoutThe first page of the letter is on one recto, but the second page is on two verso, not one verso.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

Persistent Identifier
Revd Sir
I have put on Board Cpt freeman a bundel
of, Six Large Sides of Sole leather, [illegible][guess: c] 93 wa.t £4.19-2 —
And as. Could not Git any Good Neates Leather
now — I Shall Git Sum and Send the next opertunity
Except you for-bid it— The Shuger and other
things Mrs Smith Will Send — Mr Whitaker hes
Sent Me a Long Leter, with a Coppy of Mr Olivers,
which I Supose You have — I Shall Send a Coppy
to Mr Littel of Newbury &.c— That part of Mr
s Leter to Mr Mason, Which Relates to your
Affares is as follow.sLondon July 23-1766
My Dr Jonathan.
Not one Line Since the repeal of the
Stamp act — old friendſhip will not permit you to be long
Silent — bodily illneſs and a Multiplicety of busyneſs
prevents my frequent Correspondance — but I am doing
what Little I can for those to home I Cannot write—
Bleſsed be God the Indian affair Suc[illegible]ceeds and
will Succeed even beyond Expectation — Strange that
it Should be oppoſed onely at least chiefly from your
Side the water — a leter is Said to be written by a
certain Board of Corrispondence inſinuating that Con=
=tributions were procured in New-England & elsewhere
by Repreſenting Mr Occum as a Mohock (not a Mohegan)
and all a Sudden converted from a State of Heathenism
Chriſsanity — as this is a palpable untruth and proved to
be So on this Side the water, it hath Greatly Leſsend the
Character of the perſons Suppos'd to be Concern'd—
Suredly, it becomes them to Clear themſelves
in this matter, or one that prejudice or envy or
both have Dreadfully influenced them to take
this ungearded, ungenerous, unchriſtian Step—
but thoughts are vain against the Lord
All Shall Subserve His Standing word
Satan thwarts and Men object
And Yet the thing they thwart effect—
Hallelujah —
You may shew this to Mr Pemberton or whom you
think proper— I wish Mr Blair Good Succeſs in
the name of the Lord— Love to All— Ceaſe not
to pray for, my Very Dr Friends
Ever Yours &c &c in Jesus
[left]A Coppy
Blank page.

Copy of a Letter from
The Rev.d George Whitefield
in M.r Peck's with Acc.t of sole
Leather Sept.r 1766
the Rev.d
Mr Eleazr Wheelock
in Lebanon
to the Care of Revd Nathl
by Mr Breed.