Moses Peck, letter to Eleazar Wheelock, 1766 September 19

Author Peck, Moses

Date19 September, 1766

ms number766519

abstractPeck writes of good reports from England regarding Wheelock, Whitaker and Occom, and discusses other business relating to matters at home and abroad.

handwritingInformal handwriting is mostly clear and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good-to-poor condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear. A large portion of two recto/verso has been torn away, which results in a minor loss of text.


noteworthyAn unknown hand has written the Latin phrase "Bonus a um" (the word "good" and its declined endings) on two verso.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

Persistent Identifier
Rev.d & Very Dear Sir.
I Got home Wensday 4 ‐ oClock found my famely Weel Bleſed be God — Your Leters by the way of hallifax are Sent forward — hope you have Good tidings in ye Enclosed Leters by Mr Henry Bromfield, He Says Mr Wheelock hes eſtabliſed a Very Good Caracter in England, allso Meſsrs Whitaker and Occum. And those things that ware Sent Over Deſiring to Diſ^ad^vantage & discredit, Loose their influnce ^and Dye^ (and I believe the Creadit of those that Sent them proportionable) and that M.r Whitaker had Colected £2000 —
Mr De Berdt informes me, Mr Occum is Very Weel and hes Receved Several hansum Contributions one of £100 and Another of £50. has been paid us. thus he— Mr Chamberlin informs that he is ordered to pay Mr Wheelock £100 — I have applied their for the things You Wrote for by Mr Gary — your Leters that Came by him will have a pase this week — no Books yet from Mr Whitaker — I am informed that Mr Kitchins Legacy was so Left that Miſsrs Pemberton & Ellett have Laid their hands upon it — Mr Whitaker says Mr Whi[gap: tear][guess: te]field hes Rote a Strange Leter to Mr Maſon, (but it hante yet Com to hand) — I have informed Miſsrs Whitakerfield of What Mr Gary Says Reſpecting Mr Well's Farm —
The Commiſsrs hear begin to buſsel, Miſsrs Ellett & Cuſhing are Going to Stockbridg, are to advise with Mr Hopkins in their way — others are going nearer home, and by and by they will send home a Long Narrative of what Great Js hes Don —
Mr Patten preched ^here^ for Meſsrs Foxcraft & Young Chick‐ly Last Lords Day, to Good exceptance —
You mentioned a Book that my Son might want byut I forgot the name, please to inform, and every thing else that you [illegible][guess: yo]Want for yourſelf or Famely
and use your humbl Servent as you please Myine & Mrs Pecks eſpeachal Regardes to your Self and Madan, Reſpects to Sir Wheelock, Love to all And excuſe all my Crock
Pray Lets Know how Miſs Abegil Gites home
To the Revd Mr Wheelock.
Blank page.
To The Rev.d Mr Eleazer Wheelock  in  Lebanon
M.r Moses Peck's Lettr Sep.t 29th 1766. Bonus a um