Eleazar Wheelock, recommendation, 1765 November 17

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date17 November, 1765

Call Number765617

abstractWheelock describes Occom's history and recommends him to the "kindess, charity and respect of all Christian people" while Occom travels abroad.

handwritingHandwriting is small, crowded and frequently difficult to decipher. There are several deletions and additions.

paperSingle sheet in good condition.

inkFaded brown

noteworthySeveral deletions and additions suggest that this is a draft. The contents are similar to those of 765666.

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain, Occom’s Ordination

Persistent Identifier
These May Certify all concernd that the Bearer. the Rev.d M.r Sampson Occom of Mohegan, came to Live with me Soon after he emerged out of Groſs Pagani[blotted_out: [guess: ſ]]m and was a member of my family and under my Inſtruction for Several Years before he went to teach a School on Long Iſland, in Which School he continued for Several years. [illegible] at the Same Time officiated as a publick Teacher of the ^Indian^ Tribe at Montauck in Which Exerciſe his cheif Buſineſs was to tranſlate the holy Scripture and Explain the Great Doctrines of it to them. till he received Ordination by the Hands of the Prybytery of Suffolk County on sd Island Since Which he has been imployed in Several Miſsions to various Tribes of Indians, in all which ^Time^ I have had the Pleaſure to keep^t^ up my Acquaintance with him. and in the Whole courſe of his Life from ^[left]Sence his^ the firſt ^embracing Chriſtianity he has So far as I know or have ever heard behaved himſelf becoming^ I have never Seen, nor heard of, any thing in his Life and Converſations inconſiſtent with or unbecoming his Chriſtian and Miniſterial Character. He appears to me ^So far as I know to all who are acquainted with him to be^ a very honeſt man really deſirous to do good and be useful in the World, He has all his Days ^Since he left my house^ laboured under great Diſadvantage, and his Abilities ^[left]have been^ much Starved illegible ^for^ want of ^available^ Support for himſelf and Family, notwithſtanding ^which^ he appears to me ^to be^ well accompliſhed to teach [illegible]and [illegible] [illegible][guess: turnd ] to teach and edify his Savage Brethren, and has had repeatedly Opportunity to give proof of his good underſtanding of Mankind ^human Nature^ and great Skill ^and Prudence^ into inlighten ing correcting and reclaiming Such as have run into Errors, or have been led away by Seducing Spirits. And by the beſt Judges he is Said to be an excellent Speaker in his own Tongue Language his Influence is great among the Indians and if it Shall pleaſe God to Spare his Life, there is reaſon to hope he may be emently useful as a Miſsionary ^to the Indians^. And as he is deſignd to accom­pany the Revd. M.r Whitaker to Europe to Solicit the Charities of Gods people for the Support of the Indian School in my Hands & the Miſsionaries We have Sent and School Maſters we have Sent forth I do hereby heartily Recommend him ^Sd ^ M.r Occom to the Kindneſs Charity and Reſpect of all Chriſtian people Wherever the Providence of God Shall caſt him, and give [illegible]Him Occaſion for The Expreſsions of ^their^ Kindneſs to him, an^d^ they ^opportunity^ to ^an Opportunity to Expreſs and him occaſion to receive the Same^ Shew the Same. and eſpecially ^do I^ recommending him to the Care and ^Care and^ Protection ^and Kindneſs of the Father of Mercies^ in Whatever Circumſtances he may be.
Dated Nov.r 17. Ad 1765. Certified by Eleazar Wheelock Paſter of the 2.d Ch—h in Lebanon in the Caloney of Connecticut. In N. England — —
M.r Occoms Recomendn Nov.r 17. 1765.