Joseph Woolley, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 July 6

AuthorWoolley, Joseph

Date6 July, 1765

Call Number765406.2

abstractJoseph Woolley writes to Wheelock with news from his mission to Onaquaga. He mentions the smallpox epidemic, the Shawnees' and Delawares' confirmation of the Covenant Chain, his cousin Jacob Woolley, and David Fowler’s abuse of his Indian students.

handwritingHandwriting is largely clear and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good-to-fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear.


noteworthyWoolley makes unusual use of quotations to indicate asides placed in the left margin.

Persistent Identifier
Rev.d S.r
We have awaited for the M.eſsurs Smith & Chamberlain, four Days, and I dont ^think^ it is best for me to wait any longer. then next Monday, I think Providence calls me to go away from here ſoon.
The epidemical ^Small pox^ Diſtemper is here, ^&^ proves very mortal among the Indians — The Squash Cutter died with it about ten Days ago; another died last evening & was buried this afternoon here.
This poor Man was left destitute by all his Friends & Relations, had nobody to tend him, "I felt So con‐ cillegibleearned for ^him^ I like to gone there myself."
I illegibleam ſorry & greaved to ſee ^in the Indians^ ſo much Brutallyity, that they caired no ^not^ more for each other than the Beaſts do "(tho I believe if a Horſe knew there was ſome^thing^ of a Mat‐ ter with his Mate, he would come and leap over him) but there appeared no ſuch Affection among them;" however, ſome ^of^ them made ^out^ to go and aſsiſt in bury‐ ing him. — — —
The Shawanees & Dellawars came here the Day before yesterday the in order to confirm the Covenant Chain, which Captain Kill-Buck ^Chief of the Dellawares^ has been upon ever ſince last Spring — to whom, I had the Honour
[left] a Head Warrier of the Delawares who has done ſo much miſchief & exercſed ſo much Inhumanity to the Engliſh
[left] This ^man^ with the Squash Cutter were ^there as^ Hoſtages from that Tribe
of Interpreting thoſe Letters & the Parchment in which the Covenant was written; & to his greatest Satiſfaction.
This Man Kill-Buck would feaign have me go to Allegany with him to his own Home, & to Spend my Life amongſt them There — But I have Diſcourige‐ ‐ments from thoſe that ^have^ been there."
As we was paſing thrō Sheffield, one ^a^ Man call'd out to me, and ask'd me whether I was not the ſame Man that lay ſick there laſt Fall." and enqured ^asked^ into my Name — But I told him not who I was & what I was, that I might have the better Chance to know what he had to ſay about him — well, ^hereupon^ he biegan to tell what he did after he got well with the Pluriſie — That he taught young Men & Chilren to Sing read and write & cypher; That he had his Learn‐ ‐ing from Mr Wheelock, and went to the Jerſey ^College^, and in his Laſt Year went back again to Mr Wheelocks. and after‐ ward ran away from him & went into the Service. ^i.e of the War^
Moreover, he told me what that young ^Man^ ſaid — The Reaſon why he ran away, that he was affraid Mr Wheelock would make him Preach; Therefore now he determins ne‐ ver to ſee you.— But I could get no Intelligence which Way he went, whe^ther^ he is alive or no. he told it to me ^in^ ſuch a light I could not help but thinking it was Couſin Jacob Wooley."
I have not heard about ^of your^ the Dutch Horſe I am affraid he is loſt, and if itſo [illegible]it ſois [illegible]a great Loſs.
I have been out of Health ever ſince I arrived here, a Sharp Pain in my Breaſt and ſo thrō on the other Side, continues bad.
"I have heard of Fowler to Day that he is yet alive and well, begins to beat his Schollers very much, ſ makes their Hands to Swell very much which the Indians dont like very well; They ſay, he ought to have ſuppreſsed it longer, & not be‐ gin ſo ſoon — " I have no more Special to ſay, you know I was never a good News Monger. —
Pray ^Pleſe^ S.r to accept my DHumble Duty, ^to you^ & Mrs Wheelock, and tell her I hope her unwearied Pains for me wont be qute Loſt, but ^that I^ shall improve the beſt of my Ability to my People — ^among my poor Brethren^ & alſo ^Duty^ to kind Ma‐ ster Lathrop — I remain
your Dutiful,  & very Humble Servt Joseph Wooley
from Joſeph Woolley July 1765
To The Rev.d M.r Eleazer Wheelock  Connecticut.