Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Correspondents, 1765 May 10

Author Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge

Date10 May, 1765

Call Number765310.1

abstractThe Board votes to send C.J. Smith to Europe to collect funds, to ask General Gage for help, to increase Occom’s pension to relieve his poverty, and to employ him as a missionary to the Six Nations if he doesn’t go to Europe.

handwritingUnknown hand, possibly that of Nathaniel Whitaker, is formal and clear.

paperSingle small sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.


EventsBuilding of Occom’s house, Fundraising Tour of Great Britain, Occom returns to Mohegan

Persistent Identifier
At a meeting of the Board of Correſpondents in the Colony
of Connecticut on the 10.th Day of may 1765 at the Houſe of
John Ledyard Eſq.r in Hartford
Voted, That the Clerk, in the name of this board, make
application to the Rev.d Charles Jeffry Smith to go to Europe
to Solicit Charities for the Support of miſſionaries & the
School under the Care of the Rev.d mr Wheelock of Lebanon.
Voted, That the Secretary, in the name of this board, adderſs
General Gage for his countenance & Such favours as he Shall
be pleaſed to grant to the miſſionaries & Schoolmaſters that are
going among the Six nations next Summer.
Voted, That the Preſident & Secretary with the Revd mr
Pomroy make out Commiſſions for the miſſionaries, who &
recommendations for the Schoolmaſters who are gone & going
to the Six Nations this Seaſon.
The Revd mr Sampſon Occom put in a memorial to this
Board, repreſenting his preſent preſſing Circumſtances ariſing
from the Smallneſs of his former allowance; the greatneſs of his
family; the extraordinary & neceſſary expenses illegible
illegible in moving his family from Long Iſland to Mohegan, in which
paſſage he loſt by diſtreſs of weather a conſiderable part of what
he had; altho Some chrisſtian friends at Rhode Iſland were generous to
him in this diſtreſs; by his building a houſe to live in for him & his
family to live in, & by extraordinary Company; by all which he is con­
ſiderably involved in debt whereby he is reduced to great Straights, &
impeded in his miniſterial buſineſs & uſefulneſs. This Board tak­
ing theſe things into conſideration determine, in caſe S.d mr Occom shall
not go to England with mr Whitefield or Some man appointed by us
for that purpoſe, that he be imployed as a miſſionary among the
Six nations the next Summer, & that he have a reaſonable allow­
ance from this Board for that Service, & that we will uſe our endea­
vours that his debts be diſcharged as Soon as charities can be obtained.
[right]May 10th 1765