David Fowler, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 May 2
Date2 May, 1765
Call Number765302.2
abstractFowler writes to Wheelock about his intention to marry Amy Johnson, and states that he has bought her a ring. He also writes of his worries concerning her health.
handwritingHandwriting is formal and clear.
paperLarge sheet is folded in half to make four pages. Paper is in good-to-fair condition, with moderate creasing, staining and wear. There is significant tearing near location of seal, but it results in no loss of text. Heavy creases are silked.
noteworthy The trailer is in an unknown hand. A note under the trailer reading "about a wife" is likely 19th-century and has not been transcribed.
layoutThe first page of the letter is on one recto, however the second page is on two recto, not one verso.
ſend you a few Words of our Transaction.—I have determin
ed to have Amy for my Companion: I ſhall marry her as ſoon
as I return from Onyda, if I find all things well betwixt us—
We have ſettled all those things I told you of. ſome ſhe confeſd and
ſome not: I ſuppose ſome were falſ.—I hope, Sir you will
take the beſt Care you can of her. She wants a Gown very much,
Handkerchief, alſo I wiſh you would let her have ſome fine Lin
nen to make her &c. I don't know what elſe ſhe wants; it is like
ly you will when you come up.— I know if you love her
as much as you do me, all what ſhe deſires will be given: it is ſtrange
(if Mr Wheelock, don't love my Rib as well as my whole Body.—
Sir, you won't be diſpleaſd with me for that, I think it will do her
good; now ſhe ſees my Sincerity towards her. therefore ſhe will put
more Weight upon what I ſay to her; it will alſo ſerve to keep her back from
those things. ſhe has been apprehened too often; though not once ſince ſhe
came here. She tells me that ſhe is quite contented here and hopes
to tarry all Summer.— Do let her tarry the bigeſt Part of this Summer,
if you don't deſign to ſend her to Boston. Sir you know, Woolly don't
[left]want one ſo dexterous as I do, at leaſt he can do better with poor one than I can: for
I want one that is Handy in every thing; I expect to do great deal in
reforming my poor Brethren both in ſpiritual and temporal things;
alſo I ſhall be always crowded with Gueſts: I believe, you ſeem to ſee
how it will be. from these Reaſons and many others I can produce had
I Time, you may ſee that I require one that can turn her Hand to
any thing that belongs to Houſwifry.
I underſtood that ſhe han't had one well Day ſince ſhe came here; I
ſuppose ſhe cetch'd Cold when I brought her up: She has conti
nual Pain in her Side & Head. I am afraid ſhe is in a conſumptive Way;
ſhe ſhould go to ſome ſkilful Phyſician.— Sir, you dont know how much
it diſheartens me, when I conſider her Weakness it ſtrikes ſuch
Heavineſs in my Heart ſo that I am unwilling to leave her; for
fear, you wont try to get her healed. O pray for her in ſe
cret and Private, that God would give Her Health and Strenght
alſo all the Graces ſhe ſtands in need of and continue her a long
and rich Bleſsing in the World, that he would make her a
Pattern of Piety & Virtue to all her poor Kindred, who will
I thought I found one that was able to go through hard
Work: but I ſee now I am in the ſame Difficulty as
before; but I hope for the Better not for the worſ
ter, ſo I was obligd to write another, that is the Reaſon why I put
it in the laſt Place. — Poor Girl I cant help loving her, ſhe
is indeed a pretty Girl. And therefore from this Time I ſhall
keep clear from all Girls whatſoever.
cob to put all my things into Jacob Woolly Cheſt and let not one of theme be
and continue you a long and rich Bleſsing in the World, may God
bleſs all your untakings; and give you Skill to conduct and Go
vern all those that are commited to your Care: is the ſincere Pray
er & deſire of him, who deſires the continuance your Prayers.
though unworthy Pupil.
David Fowler
let this Letter be expoſ'd.
The Rev.d Mr Eleazar Wheelock