Joseph Woolley, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 February 9

Author Woolley, Joseph

Date9 February, 1765

Call Number765159.2

abstractWoolley writes that the two boys who were to come to the school are delayed because of winter snow and the risk of smallpox. He also remarks on the progress of his mission, his admiration for the Tuscaroras, and the wish of the Oneidas at Chenango to have Samuel Ashpo return to them.

handwritingHandwriting is largely clear and legible.

paperWide sheet, folded vertically to make four pages, is in good condition, with light yellowing and wear. A large portion of the seal remains.


noteworthyThis letter is a follow-up to 765159.1, written on the same day by Woolley. It is not wholly certain that the two letters were written by the same hand, although it is likely.

Persistent Identifier
Revd Sir
After Peter told hme the two Tuſkarora Boys were going with him & had written the firſt Letter I was told that he had now bidden them to stay untill he returns, and if he likes the Place will come and fetch them. What he intends to do with the two I cannot tell for they live as he goes on his Way to N. Enlend. But I believe this is ythe Reaſon why he left them, b[illegible][guess: g]ecauſe I had ſaid it was hard for them to go ſeeing they nevery had the Small­­Pox and I was not willing they Should carry it to your Houſe. More over they were nakid and the Seaſon is very bad — they have not Blankits enough at home to keep them warm — and what is this — they have to go Matter of hundred Miles thro' the Woods — the Snow three Foot deep.
I ſaid this after the Sachem had concluded they ſhould go — and the Eagerneſs of their going. I pitied the poor Children — and knew I should be in the Blame if they catched the Pox and carried it to your Houſe.
The Tuſkaroras are People of Civilty, I like them exceeding well, ſome of them had a Mind I ſhould live with them but I could not, ſeeing I was ſent to learn the Mohawks Lan­guage and they have many Kinneſs towards me
S.r I [illegible] cannot ſatiſy you in writing, I had rather talk with you Face to Face. Many Things I want to ſay I cannot commit to Paper Peter is in great hurry
I went to Geningo which is about 15 Miles, [illegible][guess: to see]about the 28 of November to ſee my Relations, and tarried a We[illegible]ek; they enquired ^of me^ what had bec[illegible][guess: o]ame of Samu^e^l Aſhpoe, that uſed to come among them, "we want to ſee him very much and hear the Word of God preached unto us; they wonted to know when he would come again. I told them I did not know, peradventure he may come next Spring. [illegible]I have not a Quater diſchared, his Being in Haſete, I have not the Excerciſe of my Faculty; but if you can underſtand my Meaning it is well &c. I am
Sir, Your very hu[illegible]mble Serv.t Josephy Woolly.
Blank page.
from Josp Woolley feb, 9: 1765
To — The Revd M.r Eleazer Wheelock in Lebanon