Joseph Woolley, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 February 9

Author Woolley, Joseph

Date9 February, 1765

Call Number765159.1

abstractWoolley gives an account of his progress at Onaquaga, and writes that Good Peter is ready to bring four boys to the school now that peace among the Nations is settled.

handwritingFormal handwriting is small, yet clear and legible.

paperSingle sheet is in good condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.


noteworthyWoolley writes a follow-up letter on the same day (manuscript 765159.2), alluding to a change in plans. The identity of the Sachem to whom Woolley refers is uncertain, and so he has been left untagged. The identity of the Master to whom Woolley refers is uncertain, and so he has been left untagged.

Persistent Identifier
Rev.d & Hon.d S.r
Good Peter has now made ready to go to N. Eng‐‐land with four Boys, two Mohawks Boys & two Tuſkarora Boys, and he is afraid you are moſt out of Patience in waiting this long. He has made all poſsible Haſte for their March, soon after we heard, that Peace is ſettled among the Nations; & hardly had a Time to smoak a Pipe, as he calls it.
Small-Pox has prevents my coming home this Time — I hear it is in Albany and about thoſe Towns where I know must neſceſsarily ſPaſs. Two of thoſe Boys have never had it, and they are mind to go ſeeing, they can lie out better than I. can Furthermore, they have a cair for me, Inaſmuch, as I am not yet well ſeaſon'd to it.
I have lived with the Sachem almost three Months and have but yet a little Knowlede of their Language: but I have moved my Quarters to another Family by his Concent, for ſeveral Diſadvantages, which, I cannot now Number.
I told the Sachem ſoon after I arrived here, that I had a mind to teach their Children to read and write in Enliſh, as long as I tarryed with them.— He made this Reply, — that they knew ^how^ to read and write in their own Language already, which is the ſame, but not the Same Tongue; and there is no Neceſsity of ſuch Pains to be taken with us: Therefore he is not willing they should be taught any o‐‐ther Tongue beſides their own.
I am teaching three Young ^Men^ of the Dellaware Tribe, the one of which is half a Mohawk, theſe are deſirous to underſtand the Engliſh Bible, and they have made a good Proficiency.
Sir, I have been well ever ſince I came, I have had no ^ſuch^ ill Turns, as when I lived in Lebanon.— I have ran in Debt, att Cherry-Vally, one Blankit one Pair of Engliſh Shoes and a little Soap, and three Dollers in this Place, as I believe, I would have periſhed if I had not done thus,
and I knew you love me more thatn that. Sir I have no more to ſay worthy of your Attention, but that Pleaſe Sir, to give my Duty to Mrs Wheelock, to my kind Master, and Love to the Reſt of the Family &c.—
I remain — your moſt obedient  & humble Ser.vt Joseph Wooley.
P.S. Pleaſe Sr to over‐‐look the Errors into which the exit of my Pen has run, conſider it is my natural Infirmity.  J.W
^[right]from Joſ Woolley^ ^[right][illegible]Febry 912th. 1765^