Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Solomon Williams, 1764 December 31
Date31 December, 1764
Call Number764681
abstractWheelock writes to suggest gathering the Board of Correspondents in order to discuss sending Brainerd to England with Occom.
handwritingInformal handwriting is small and occasionally difficult to decipher.
paperSmall single sheet is in poor condition, with moderate creasing and heavy staining and wear.
noteworthyThis document is possibly a draft.
EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain
Persistent Identifier
Dec.r 31. 1764.
Hon.d Sir.
I wrote you Some Days ago, proposing whether it would not be
expedient to call a meeting of our Board of Com̅iſsrs to conſider whether they we will
not agree to invite the Board of Corriſpondents in
N. York &
Jerſeys to Joyn
with us in Sending M.r
John Brainerd with M.r Occom to Europe
^next Spring^ to ob‐tain Contributions for
the Support of this School, &
Miſsionaries. and also to Settle the Affair of
M.r Titus Smiths Miſsion next Spring, and ^his^ Ordina‐tion preparitory thereto and also to come to ſome Determination reſpecting the Sending Several
School Maſters. &c
But ^I^ have heard nothing from you of the Affair.
and it appears to me of neceſsity if any thing be done
^[left]by us^ in the Affairs of Sending Mr
&c, that it Should be done ſoon, otherwill we Shall not
[gap: tear] them (and him ^eſpecially)^ Time enough to prepare for
[gap: tear] Sir to let me know your mind by a Line
[gap: tear] and if you think favourably of the Proposal I ſhould
[gap: tear] be glad you would appoint the meeting as ſoon as
[gap: tear] may be convenient.— which with Sincere Reſpects
[gap: tear] the needful, in haſt from, Sir
N.B. Since my laſt of this import I have Sent Several Times, and once by Dr Loomis of Stafford who told me he was going to M.r Williams House, for an anſwer in y.e Affair but by Some Providence I know not what am prevented receiving
one hitherto. which I note leſt I ſhould be blamed for neglect.
To M.r
Will[gap: tear]ms
Dec.r 31. 1764.