Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Henry Sherburne, 1764 August 29

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date29 August, 1764

Call Number764479

abstractWheelock encloses a copy of a commission from the Honorable Society in Scotland, and informs Sherburne of Occom's prospective mission.

handwritingHandwriting is largely clear and legible.

paperLarge single sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.


noteworthyThis document is possibly a draft.

Persistent Identifier
My dear and Hond Friend.
I am not a little grieved that my Acquantance and even Epistulery Corriſpondance, with a Gentleman of Your Character, and importance Should be So Stagnated, as it has been of late. I aſsure you Sir, it is not on my part for want of Affection to you, or Sence of the Obligations which the many Teſtimonies of your former Kindneſses have laid me under to you, but my continual want of Leiſure, and a proper medium of Conveyance to you. — Which I hope your own Thoughts have Suggested in Excuſe for me.
I wiſh you could know the whole of my Affairs relative to my School, but they are too long to write. I here incloſe a Copy of a Com̅iſsion I obtained from the Honle Society in Scotland — also other copies as you will See.
And I have purſuant to the vote & Determination of the Com̅iſsrs fitted out M.r Occom & David Fowler, who Sat out on their Long Journey this week, but without money; for their Supply of Which, we have Sent them to M.r Whilefield, who is now at New York, in hopes that by his Influence their Miſsion May be Supported. I have also The Conſidera‐‐tions moving us to Send them now you will See in the inclo‐ſed Copies. — And I have ordered M.r Occom, with the Advice of Sir William Johnſon to procure 15. or 20. Youth from Tribes as remote as may be for this School — The openings in Provi‐dence Seem to make it Clear that now is the Time if ever to exert our‐ſelves, nor did there ever one within my Knowledge look ſo favourable as this. in complyance with which we have proceed‐‐ed as you See, truſting that the Cauſe is Gods and that he will Still Support it. — I deſigned to have renewed my Application to Your Gen.l Aſsembly for their further Aſsiſtance, and only my want of Leiſure for it has prevented. I know you will do and adviſe in the Afffair as you ſhall think prudent. pleaſe to let me hear from you as Soon as You Shall may be. and unleſs you have a more direct Opportunity it will be beſt to direct your Letters to the Care of M.r Peck [illegible][guess: of] ^watch maker in ^ Boſton
God is my only hope, and my only Refuge pray for me my dear & hon.d Friend. and beleleive that I am
yours moſt heartily Eleazar Wheelock
P.S. hearty Regards to your good Lady. & Your Family —
The Honele Henry Sherburne Esq.r
Letter to the Honle Henry Sherburne Esqr Sep.r 1764