Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Andrew Oliver, 1761 July 10

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date10 July, 1761

Call Number761410

abstractWheelock writes that he has had a letter from Samson Occom stating that funds have been raised by various Baptist groups to clear Occom's debts.

handwritingHandwriting is slanting and somewhat informal, yet largely clear and legible.

paperSingle large sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear. There appear to be remnants of previous reinforcement work on one verso.


noteworthyThe Occom letter to which Wheelock refers is manuscript 761374. It is uncertain to which organization Wheelock refers when he mentions the "Honourable Commissioners" in his closing. It is either the Boston Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, which provided the £20 to support Samson Occom and David Fowler on their mission; or the Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America, of which Oliver was an officer. This document appears to be a copy or draft.

Persistent Identifier

Hon.d Sir.
I am much affected with the bad ſtate of
Health which M.r Thompson is fallen into, and the
failing of his Miſsion by that means. He is doubt­
=leſs deſerving, to the full, as good a Character, as ever
you have had of him.
I yesterday received a Letter from M.r Occom,
Dated new York June 24: 1761. in which he informs me,
that a Collection was made for him, the Sabath preceeding
of £60:15:7. at M.r Boſtwick's Meeting House. And
the Day following, another at the Baptiſt Meeting Houſe,
of £13. that, he was treated with much kindneſs, and
Reſpect, eſpecially by Miniſters of all denominations,
and that his Recommendations to Gen.l Amherſt,
Sir William Johnſon, and other Gentlemen to the
furthermoſt of the Engliſh Settlements were ſign'd
by the Honle Willm Smith Esq.r, Rev.d David Boſtwick,
M.r P.V.B. Levingſton, M.r Vanhorn, & Will.m Levingſton
Esqr that he had delivered to M.r Wm Hedges of Eaſt
(who was his principle & almost only Creditr)
for the Support of his Family, £53:7:10. The Collections
which I had in my Hands for him paid all his Debts (except
what were made to fit him out for his Journey) to leſs
than £15. including the £20 which the Hon.le Com̅iſsrs grant­
­ed conditionally and also what M.r Hedges had in his hands. So that I ſuppose there is no doubt but
that with that £20. he is now clear of Debt, and ſufficient
for his Family's use this ſummer beſides.
David Fowler was with M.r Occom, both well, and in
good ſpirits, but I fear the Ruffle which they are of late
in, among the Oneidas, will very much Obſtruct the Buſi­
­neſs which David is gone upon.—
Pleaſe to accept Duty to Yourſelf and the reſt of the
Hon.le Commiſsioners from Sir.
Your Honrs
Most humble and Obed.t Serv.t
Eleazar Wheelock
P.S. D.r Betts of Norwalk writes me yt
M.r Occom, Antecedent to y.e Collection
above mentioned preached to a very
numerous Aſsembly in New York
Lett.r to A Oliver Esq.r
July. 10. 1761.
M.r Occom's Debts paid