Solomon Williams, letter, to Andrew Oliver, 1750 April 16

Author Williams, Solomon

Date16 April, 1750

ms number750266

abstractWilliams writes to Oliver that he has advised Occom, who has been successfully teaching the Indians at Montauk for the last six months, to remain with them and await orders from the Commissioners. He includes an extract of a letter from Azariah Horton asking for an extension of Occom's services.

handwritingFormal handwriting is very neat and clear; it is not Williams's. The trailer, however, is in Williams's hand.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear. Repair work has been done to particularly heavy creases. The watermark is visible on two recto.

inkBlack-brown ink has corroded the paper near the top of one recto.

noteworthyAs is noted on one recto and two verso, this document is a copy.

EventsOccom’s Mission to the Montauketts

Persistent Identifier
Hon.d S.r
This waits on you to inform [gap: hole][guess: you] the hon.le Com̅iſ.rs that Sampson Occum the Indian under your care was with me on Saturday last from Long Island, where he has been keeping school among the Indians at Montauk for 6 months past. He tells me he has had about 40 Children who have steadily attended his school & made good profici=‐ency, and the Indians have given him his board and about £10 York mony, & some English People have con=tributed 40[illegible][guess: ſ] more. The Indians are very desirous of his continuance in the School 6 months longer and offer him £13 York mony; I am informd from M.r Horton the Gentleman who has the care of those Indians that Sampson has been serviceable to them on religious accounts & very much helpd them against some wild enthusiastical Notions they had been led into by some foolish Indian Exhorters, & given them more just thoughts of the nature of Religion. I am told by Sampson that M.r Pemberton & Burr are desirous to have him in the Jersies. His eyes have been at times something better but are not so well as that He ca[gap: tear][guess: n] pursue his Studies. I have advised him to go back to the Indians at Montauk, but not to engage for any certain time till the pleasure of the Comiſ.rs be known — with due respects I am
ſr y.r very humle Servt Solomon Williams
To Andrew Oliver Esq.r Copy
Extract of M.r Az: Hortons Letter dated Montauk Sep.r 6. 1750. to the Rev.d Mr Sol.o Williams which he sent forward for the Government of the Comiſ.rs
"Understanding that the Comiſrs had refe[illegible]red Sampson"Occum to your care & advice, and his half years agree="ment with my People being almost expird I now use "the freedom to adviſe you by a Line with respect to his "continuance among them –– I most humbly & "importunately beg your countenance & leave in the "Affair.
Upon this the Comiſ.rs on 14 Nov.r following voted That Sampson Occum be permitted to keep the School at Mon=tauk for 6 months longer. And on 5 May 1751. Consented to his going to the Jersies
and from thence to Susquehanah, M.r Williams having first mentioned the thing, if not approving, yet expreſsing no dislike to the Proposal, since which I do not remember ever to have rec.d a Line from M.r Williams about it, & verily believe I never did as I am always careful to file all Letters which concern the Comiſ.rs
I am ſr Yo.r most obed.t Serv.t A Oliver Boſton 24 Aug.t 1751. ^[bottom]Hon.le M.r Secr Willard.^
Blank page.
Copy of My Lr to Mr Oliver, Mr Hortons Lr to Me.