Yankee Hill
Yangey Hill
42.54° N, 74.12° W
"Amsterdam Free Library." Mohawk Valley Library System, 2000. Web; http://www.mvls.info/lhg/amsterdam/. Munsell, J. Life Sketches of Government Officers and Members of the Legislature of the State of New York.” 1859; Quayle, O.A. New York in the Revolution as Colony and State. New York, 1901. Print; “Touring along the Eerie Canalway Trail.” Parks and Trails New York, 2003. Web. https://www.ptny.org/pdfs/canalway_trail/inn_to_inn/albany-schenectady-montgomery.pdf; “Town of Florida, New York.” Montgomery County, New York, 2012. Web. https://www.co.montgomery.ny.us/florida/default.aspx; Geo coordinates at https://www.google.com/#q=geographic+coordinates+of+florida+ny.
Yankee Hill was a hamlet in what is now the town of Florida, in Montgomery County, New York, in the center of the state. Yankee Hill refers to an actual hill, located south of the Mohawk River and west of Schoharie Creek. In 1781, British troops and their Iroquois allies raided Yankee Hill during the Revolutionary War. In the late 1780s, Occom preached in Yankee Hill and the surrounding areas, crossing over the Mohawk River and back again to reach different audiences. At the time, Yankee Hill was home to many farms. Today, the name Yankee Hill refers to a section of the Erie Canal’s Schoharie Aqueduct, which crosses over the creek near modern-day Florida, NY.