43.0756° N, 70.7606° W
Fundraisng Tour of Great Britain
Calloway, Colin G. The Indian History of an American Institution: Native Americans and Dartmouth. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth, 2010. Web. Brooks, Joanna. The Collected Writings of Samson Occom, Mohegan: Literature and Leadership in Eighteenth-Century Native America. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006. Web.http://www.seacoastnh.com/history/colonial/treaty.html http://www.1713treatyofportsmouth.com. https://www.strawberybanke.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=263%3A1713-treaty&catid=2%3Apublic-relations&Itemid=96. http://www.portsmouthnh.com/harbourtrail/harbourtrail.cfm. http://www.portsmouthnh.com/harbourtrail/history.cfm. http://www.nh.gov/nhinfo/history.html. http://seacoastnh.com/history/rev/revere.html. Geo coordinates from https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Portsmouth%2C+NH+Geographic+Coordinates&safe=off.
Portsmouth is a city located in southeastern New Hampshire. Europeans began settling along the Piscataqua River in 1623. By 1640, the first four plantations, or towns, in what is now the state of New Hampshire — Dover, Portsmouth, Exeter, and Hampton — were settled by the British. In the wake of this influx, native settlements, specifically that of the Abanakis who historically fished and hunted in Portsmouth, were largely reduced by disease and war. Originally called Strawbery Banke, the settlement was renamed in 1653 in honor of Captain John Mason (not to be confused with the John Mason of the Mason Land Case) who hailed from Portsmouth, England. Located along the Atlantic Ocean and the Piscataqua River, Portsmouth quickly became a regional center for trade and served as New Hampshire’s colonial capital from 1679 until the middle of the American Revolution. Following Queen Anne’s War, American colonists and the Wabanaki Confederacy of Native Americans signed an agreement in Portsmouth called The Portsmouth Indian Treaty of 1713 establishing peace between colonists and surrounding Native Americans. In 1763, Wheelock went to Portsmouth to solicit money for the funding of his school, and in 1765, Occom and Whitaker accompanied him to Portsmouth to fundraise for their trip to England.